
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasi
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40 Chs

Chapter 15: The Elemental Spectrum

As the trainee seekers gathered for their second class of the day, anticipation crackled in the air like static electricity. Ishima-sensei, their revered instructor, stood at the front of the class, his presence commanding respect.

Trainee seekers had two classes per day. After the first class about the seekers, this was the second class of the day for Reyoma and his classmates.

Ishima-sensei, his dark amber-tipped hair shimmering under the soft glow of the training room lights. "Now, we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of elemental affinities."

The trainees exchanged curious glances, intrigued by Ishima-sensei's unusual hair coloration.

"Now, before we begin, I'd like to draw your attention to something," Ishima-sensei said, running a hand through his black hair, the amber tips catching the light. "You may have noticed the unique coloration of my hair. This is not merely a fashion statement—it is a symbol of my identity as a seeker."

'Huh? Is that so?' Reyoma thought while pondering. It was very common in the clan to have hair with painted tips, but if any minor would question their elder about why that was the case, they mostly shrugged it off without answering.

A murmur of interest rippled through the group as Ishima-sensei continued, his voice steady and confident. "Every element harbors its own distinct color, which manifests in both the hair and pupils of those who have passed their first trial with definite affinity. For example, fire affinity is characterized by a reddish-orange hue, while water affinity appears as a serene blue."

He paced the room, his movements deliberate and purposeful. "As seekers, it is essential that you understand the significance of your elemental affinity. Your hair will remain painted with the color of your element, serving as a constant reminder of your innate power. However, it is only when you utilize your abilities that your pupils will reveal the true depth of your affinity."

'Does that mean he is using his ability now since his pupils are of an unusual color?' Reyoma asked himself. He was very eager to learn everything, not letting a single word slip by, since he understood this was his first day of receiving the invitation, and soon he was going to enter the heart. He wanted to prepare himself fully before doing so. Even if not, he was disciplined enough to not do what his fellow trainee seekers were doing. Turning to them, he saw most of them were feeling sleepy since it was the middle of the day. Kenji was literally drooling while sleeping because he sat behind Tamura, who had a big stature, using him as cover from Ishima-sensei. He was sleeping. 'He will definitely regret this,' Reyoma thought.

The attentive trainees listened intently, hanging on Ishima-sensei's every word as he delved into the intricacies of elemental affinities.

"Now, let us explore the elemental spectrum together. In total, there are 17 elements. They might seem like a lot to keep in mind, but they are things that we can find in daily life, so it won't be hard. Try to memorize them," Ishima-sensei declared, displaying each element alongside its corresponding color, which he wrote on the board behind him. He used a paper board and a brush to write it down.

[Fire Affinity: Reddish-Orange

Water Affinity: Blue

Lightning Affinity: Yellow

Metal Affinity: Silver

Earth Affinity: Brown

Wind Affinity: Cyan

Poison Affinity: Purple

Light Affinity: White

Darkness Affinity: Black

Ice Affinity: Ice Blue

Plant Affinity: Green

Sound Affinity: Dark Amber

Space Affinity: Dark Blue

Time Affinity: Forest Green

Spirit Affinity: Translucent

Blood Affinity: Crimson Red

Sharpness Affinity: Gray]

The attentive trainee seekers diligently took notes, capturing every detail that Ishima-sensei imparted.

"Now that you understand the fundamental colors and their corresponding elements, let us explore the advantages and disadvantages that they hold over one another," Ishima-sensei began, his voice steady and authoritative.

he worte another set of paragraph on the paper board as ishima sensei gestured to trainee seekers write it down. As Reyoma wrote everything down, he was deep in contemplation 'I've started receiving invitations today. Thankfully, my headaches aren't too bad at the moment. But what's really weighing on my mind is that I only have twenty days to accept the invitation. I can't even begin my first trial without attending the tournament. Today's Tuesday, and Mother mentioned taking me to the clan meeting. Assuming it's still on Saturday, that's a relief. Then, the tournament starts off on Monday for ten days, wrapping up on Wednesday. After that, it's the rewarding ceremony, which spans two days. That leaves me with just two days to finish learning everything and prepare for my trial. Let's hope it all goes smoothly.'

[Fire Affinity:

Advantage over: Plant Affinity

Disadvantage against: Water Affinity

Water Affinity:

Advantage over: Fire Affinity

Disadvantage against: Lightning Affinity

Lightning Affinity:

Advantage over: Water Affinity

Disadvantage against: Metal Affinity

Metal Affinity:

Advantage over: Lightning Affinity

Disadvantage against: Earth Affinity

Earth Affinity:

Advantage over: Metal Affinity

Disadvantage against: Wind Affinity

Wind Affinity:

Advantage over: Earth Affinity

Disadvantage against: Poison Affinity

Poison Affinity:

Advantage over: Wind Affinity

Disadvantage against: Light Affinity

Light Affinity:

Advantage over: Poison Affinity

Disadvantage against: Darkness Affinity

Darkness Affinity:

Advantage over: Light Affinity

Disadvantage against: Ice Affinity

Ice Affinity:

Advantage over: Darkness Affinity

Disadvantage against: Plant Affinity

Plant Affinity:

Advantage over: Ice Affinity

Disadvantage against: Sound Affinity

Sound Affinity:

Advantage over: Plant Affinity

Disadvantage against: Space Affinity

Space Affinity:

Advantage over: Sound Affinity

Disadvantage against: Time Affinity

Time Affinity:

Advantage over: Space Affinity

Disadvantage against: Spirit Affinity

Spirit Affinity:

Advantage over: Time Affinity

Disadvantage against: Blood Affinity

Blood Affinity:

Advantage over: Spirit Affinity

Disadvantage against: Sharpness Affinity

Sharpness Affinity:

Advantage over: Blood Affinity

Disadvantage against: Fire Affinity]

"I wonder what affinity I have," Reyoma pondered silently.

"Class, as you have learned, the intricacies of elemental affinities form the foundation of our combat strategy," Ishima-sensei began, his voice steady and authoritative. "But remember, while understanding these advantages and disadvantages is crucial, it is not the sole determinant of victory."

"Yes, each element may possess strengths and weaknesses relative to one another," Ishima continued, pacing before the group. "But never underestimate the ingenuity and resourcefulness of your opponent. Even if they wield an element that theoretically gives you the upper hand, victory ultimately depends on your skill, strategy, and adaptability."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "A true seeker understands that battles are won not just through brute force or elemental prowess, but through cunning, perseverance, and the ability to think on one's feet."

"No matter the circumstances, never let your guard down, and never assume victory is assured. Stay vigilant, stay focused, and always strive to be one step ahead."

"It's time to discuss how elemental affinities will shape not only your individual roles but also your cohesion as a team," Ishima began, his tone solemn yet purposeful.

"Within the Akatsuki Samurai, each member is assigned one of four roles: offense, defense, healing, or support. These roles are not arbitrary; they are determined by your elemental affinities and are crucial for the success of our clan's missions and battles."

The trainees exchanged glances, realizing the weight of Ishima-sensei's words. They understood that their fates were intertwined, and their ability to work together would be paramount to their success.

"As seekers, you will be assigned to a cohort comprised of one member from each role," Ishima explained, his voice steady. "You will train together, fight together, and rely on each other's strengths to overcome any challenge that comes your way."

He paused, allowing the significance of his words to sink in before continuing, "But remember, you will not have the luxury of choosing your cohort members. It is essential that you learn to trust and support each other unconditionally as Akatsuki's, regardless of personal differences or elemental alignments."

"This same principle will apply to your practical tournaments. You will face off against other cohorts, each representing a different combination of roles. Your ability to work together and complement each other's strengths and weaknesses will determine your success on the battlefield."

"Although you haven't passed your first trial yet, but this tournament will determine how many chances you have to survive in your first trial. If you have a good grading in this tournament, after you pass the first trial, you might get a higher ranking in our clan Akatsuki."