
Nothing without You(On Hold)

Blurb: How does it feel, when you can’t be who you are in front of others? How does it feel when you ask yourself who you are but you have no answer to give yourself? What do you think, when you can’t think of anything else but the but the anger and betrayal you’ve been through? What you speak, when you don’t have anything to say? What do you do, when you don’t know where to go? All these questions raised inside the mind of Diana but she wasn't the kind to suppress the questions her mind raises and so she went to seek her answers. To find her past. To find herself. An orphan becoming adopted, him becoming a billionaire. Woman at his feet. People there right at his whim to serve him. All of this would have been more than enough according to everyone else but then it wasn't about everyone else it was about him. He neither wanted money nor any other woman. He just wanted her. What toll will their life take when these two worlds clash together? Will they make it through or will they break apart? Find out.

Unedited · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Diana's POV:

I guess it is life. Just like a maze where you start from a point and keep going hoping you'd be able to make but that too is only a possibility no surety that you will make it through. It's a very deadly maze where once you have started there's no turning back, it's just moving forward. There are people around you but no one can hears your screams of hurt, pain and agony when you're lost.

It all comes back..... back in flashes, you know. But what's the use? Sadly nothing. They are just fragments of a picture. You find a piece and it leaves you with questions, you find another and it makes you question yourself about who yourself.

Each day a new challenge thrown at my face with a new fragment from my past which leaves me more confused than yesterday. I don't even remember who I am. But what I knew for sure was I was not going to step down. I will step up because I have to.... I have to for my past and my present.

I don't even know which maze I have already step  foot in neither how dangerous is going game to be nor at the end of the day what will be the result of the game I have unknowingly stepped foot in.

But guess what? I never cared.

Truly and honestly...

I  never  did and I never will. Because if I do it'll cost me something very dear to me. My patience then I'll end up somewhere I don't want to and there'll be absolutely no one to save me.

Asher's POV:

I don't know what game my destiny is playing with me but I know one thing for sure that each challenge life will throw me in the face, I will fight... fight for my family who took me in when there was no one to support me and........and for someone who ment the world to me but left me all alone. I will fight till the day I am broken to that extent that I just want it all to be over and go peacefully to that someone.

But that's never going to happen because I have a debt to pay to my family till the day I owe them I will be strong and I will fight to pay them back, make them happy because I love them, I will make them smile even if it meant giving my everything away. My everything........ I already lost it whatever is left of my everything I will give it away without a second thought if it'll make them smile.

I have been through the worst. Yes, worst. What could be worse than losing the one who is your everything? But how long will I sit back and cry on my fate? How long will I cry and beg everything to change? How long will I cry and want to take back every single wound I gave her since the day I met her? How long will I blame my destiny for everything that ever happened to me? How long will I ask myself that what wrong did I do that God took her away from me? I waited for my everything to come back but it never did.

She wanted to find me but in the process she lost herself and the fact that I found myself in her so if she was lost how could I be found? But how can I blame someone, who never knew she would break her promises. PROMISES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN. The words that she said before closing those eyes. Those eyes in which I found my peace. Those eyes which made me want to be everything that a person should be to make the light in them even brighter.

But it was the past and it had to be forgotten and I had a debt to pay but I will be forever searching for her. No matter how bad it hurts knowing that she might be lost forever. I have to move on. I had to have hope.


That someday I'll find her. Though others might have considered her disappearance her end. But not me. I'll search until I run out of my last breath. And the day I found her I'll erase the existence of the person who took her away from me.
