
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 12

Elaine POV

The day was going by somehow slow and I didn't like it one bit. I am in my last class with Maleficent and she's paying attention to something across the room. I'm staring at the teacher and the lesson but I not listening, I feel tired all of a sudden and I don't know why. It might be the class this teacher is boring me and I hope the teacher doesn't give us homework to do cause I have to go to Maleficent's home after this class, maybe we can work on the homework together. Its less then 5 minutes of the class now and the teacher is finishing the lesson. "Alright class now for your homework you have to read the fourth chapter of the book and do the activity, class dismissed." This is good, not much work to do. "Hey Maleficent do you want to work on this at your house?" "Sure it would be nice to do homework together." We both smiled at each other and gathered our things to go to our lockers. After putting our extra books from the pervious second to last class we both walked outside; we decided to walk to her house. We arrived at her house within a few minutes; Mal opened the door and walked in, I stayed for a second outside till she invited me in. I heard someone from my right and a woman came to greet us wearing a black apron. "Hi Maleficent how was school." The lady looked at me before asking Maleficent, "Maleficent who's your friend here?" "Oh mom this is my friend Elaine we go to the same school and go to half of the same classes together." "Its nice to meet you Elaine, you can call me Rita, please make yourself at home." I shook her hand, "thank you Rita." Rita went back in to the kitchen and Mal was leading me upstairs to her room. Liebchen was right behind me, we entered the room and I liked the atmosphere, it had a dark themed to it. "Come we can do the homework over here on my table." I walked to the chair and set my things down on the table, we were going through the chapter when her mom came through the door. "I made some tiny tuna sandwiches for you, I hope you like fish Elaine." "Yes, thank you." She had set the plate in the middle of the table and I grabbed one; I took a few bites and they were really good. I grabbed one for Liebchen as well, she consumed it quite fast it seems she enjoyed it as much as I did. Once Mal and I finished the sandwiches we continued with the chapter and the activity. When that was finished we packed our things away, after that I was clueless what to do next, mean the only house I have been to was Larissa's house and that's it; it feels a little awkward just sitting there not saying anything. Mal was the first to speak, "hey Elaine, you know how I asked my boyfriend to come tomorrow so you can meet him?" I nodded yes and for her to continue. "Well he said he wants to bring one of his friends over as well, hope that's okay with you." "Yeah, sure; I don't mind at all. I really like your room." "Thanks Elaine, I decorated everything myself." She smiled at me and we proceeded talk about what's going to happen tomorrow. Maleficent's mom came upstairs and knocked on the door telling us that dinner was ready. We went downstairs to eat and we sat on table and began to eat, during dinner I got know Maleficent's mom; she is really nice, we spent half an hour talking with Rita. I helped clean the table and offered to help with dishes but Rita refused and told Mal to take me upstairs to get ready for bed. I got ready for bed and I was handed a blanket and pillow and I made myself comfortable on the floor. Liebchen curled up next to me and I gently petted her and she purred till she fell asleep.

Maleficent POV

I had a great time today, this was my first sleepover I ever had and my mom and Elaine got along well. Glad to have a friend like her; I grew up alone over the years I stopped seeing my cousin, it was lonely but once I met Snow, I wasn't too lonesome. Blaze would be here at 12pm and I hope this plan goes well; I made sure Snow wakes me up around 8 so we can have breakfast and plan what to make for lunch for us and the boys. I am hoping when Elaine and Nick finally meet, he doesn't do anything stupid and make a bad first impression on Elaine; I'm sure he wouldn't like starting on the wrong foot. I laid wide awake, I couldn't sleep well, worrying about tomorrow, I was tossing and turning what feels like half the night. "What is wrong Maleficent?" "Its nothing Snow, I just feel a little hot that's all." "Its about tomorrow is in it?" I swear Snow knows me too well to know what's wrong or bothering me. I admitted, "okay it is about tomorrow, I'm just a little nervous about it, that's all." "Well I don't think you should worry too much about it, everything would turn out for the best, once they meet they will take it from there." It stay quite for a second before she spoke again. "I was talking to Liebchen earlier, it seems Elaine has spotted Nick quite a few times. She has caught him looking at her from afar." I can't believe what I just heard, this is just great; I told him not to do that. I feel a little more anxious now, hopefully none of this is brought up tomorrow, things would get very awkward from there and I wouldn't know what to say. "Just relax Maleficent, if the were meant to be together everything will turn out fine. You have done your part to help, get some sleep cause you have a few hours to sleep before daybreak." I took her advice and took a few deep breaths to calm myself and closed my eyes to feel the darkness consume me and soon after I was deep asleep. Sleep was too short, no sooner than later Snow was waking me up for the day ahead of us.

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