
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

Maleficent POV

I could hear Snow telling me to get up but from the lack of sleep I didn't want to open my eyes. Then someone decided to shack me violently, "Mal, come on wake up, its day light already." "Just a few more minutes okay." "Ooohh no you are not, it was your idea for doing this and I am not going to do this by myself." I groaned and slowly got up from the laying position I was in. When I got up and say a few magic words so the cloths I wanted today appeared on me without taking off anything and ready for the day. "That is so cool Mal, teach me how to do that some time." " Sure Elaine, its really an easy trick and saves you a lot of time in the morning." We got down stairs and my mom has already set breakfast on the table: fresh eggs, bacon, turkey sausage, warm baked bread cut in perfect slices and lavender tea; I think my favorite time of day is eating breakfast, I loved when my mom cooked. It brightened my day. Elaine and I sat down and thanked my mother for the meal and began to enjoy the food on our plates. It has been about an hour and a half, we spent t the dinner table eating and talking; enjoying the company, time was going by fast soon it would be lunch and I don't know what we are going to make yet. "Hey mom, Elaine and I are going to make lunch today because Blaze and his friend are coming in a few hours." "That's fine with me, just make sure to clean up your mess after and save me some lunch." "Okay mom, I will." With that I took Elaine towards the kitchen to help my mom clear the table so we can get to work. Once we were done, "sssooo, have you thought what to make Elaine?"

Elaine POV

I started to think, okay so I guess we could do a tea party thing and maybe make a few ham sandwiches with cucumbers and a little bit of mayo. We both decided that would be our options for the sandwiches and Mal chose to make the apple blossom cinnamon tea; for the tiny desserts we are making mini sweet egg tarts, these are my favorite the do taste like egg but with a hint of sweetness, its a great combination. After we made our choices we got to work, honestly I was the only one using my kitchen spells while Mal used her hands; I was making the mini tarts and setting the table for the tea and Mal was making the sandwiches and put the tea on. We had finished with a little time to spear but we heard a knock at the door. Somehow I was already getting nervous not because of Mal's boyfriend here but the person he was bringing. I straighten myself out and fixed my hair before Mal opened the door. "Hey babe, you came a little early." "Well Maleficent, it was Nicks idea to come early, I guess he couldn't wait for the tea party." They both laughed it off, Mal's boyfriend seems like a nice guy; we introduced ourselves and shook hands. I noticed his friend behind him, it seemed like he was trying to hide, I found that funny and contained my giggle. I was about to say hi when Mal interrupted, "so lets all head to the table, everything is already set and I don't want the tea getting cold." We enter the dining hall and took our seats at the table, Mal and her boyfriend already started their chat, Nick and I were the only ones not talking at all; a little awkward if you ask me. I turned to look at the guy but this guy turned away when I looked towards him, I caught this guy staring at me, he seemed familiar by that look. During the time at the table it was spend just eating, drinking tea and listening to Blaze and Mal's conversation. This went on for half an hour till we moved to the living room, we were all facing each other; I can tell Maleficent was trying to get me and Nick to talk to each other. Liebchen came into the room and came to me, she started rubbing against my legs and purring to get my attention. I looked down at her and patted my lap signaling she can sit on my lap to pet her, she jumped up and curled into a ball in my lap; she looked up at the other people in the room. "Hey Elaine, why is the stalker boy here." "What stalker boy Liebchen?" "The one in front of you, its the same one that stalks you at school." I looked closely at Nick. Liebchen was right, I didn't recognized him this close up, he's really cute; even attractive for my taste. "So Nick, what are your favorite hobbies?" "Well, I like to work on my magic skills, hanging out with my friend, and working out from time to time." "That's nice, I play with my familiar, Liebchen, and hang out with my friends." "So what school do you go Elaine?" I took a pause to process what he said, was he really serious? He knows he goes to the same school I do, why is he acting dumb for this. "I go to the school up the road here." "That's cool me too. We should hang out some time." I didn't know what to say so I just agreed to it. "Do you have any siblings?"

Nicks POV

Great she asked me if I have any siblings, I guess I have to say I'm an only child, I don't want her to meet my sister, if I told her I did. When Elaine and I started out talking it was a little awkward but now its a comfortable feeling, we spent the rest of the time sharing and laughing together. When Blaze and I left we agreed to see each other at school and I had a great time. I'm glad this is working out like I hoped it would. It was already dark when I got home cause I ended up going to Blaze's house to hang for awhile, I went to my room and locked the door, I didn't want to be disturbed at all; I got down to studying for about two hours and got tired, I laid down on the sheets of my bed; when I closed my eyes the thought of Elaine consumed my mind once again.

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