
Not meant to exist

Okere_Joy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Why is everything about my life so though? sighing out of frustration she decided to make her self useful by watering the flowers that were at the garden.

Abigail!! she heard her mother calling out her name. pinching the line between her brows she shaking her head know that her mom is about to talk about the palace again.

yes mom.. she answered, she could see a sweet smile in her mothers face and she knows that this was not going to end up good for her.

Why are u smiling like that "she ask her mother". I have got good news for you she said in an exiting manner.

You have been chosen among the maidens that are going to work in the palace "her mother said" and how is that a good news mom?, u know how much I don't even like to think about the palace and now u are telling me that I will be working there!! she was feeling different type of emotions.

this is considered a bad news to me . Mrs brown look at her daughter with shock, are u serious right now? she ask Abigail.

this is a big opportunity for us, this is an opportunity that other families will want to grab and her u are sulking about it . she said while eyeing her daughter.

get your sh!t together u will ne leaving tomorrow so let go in and pack your thing besides u will not need too much because everything will be provided to you there so let go she said with a smile having no other choice she follows her mom in to get her things together.

The next day her excited mother woke her up early to bath and get ready before the carriage comes. In the main time she was left with her mom who was talking nonstop about how she was going to miss her blah blah blah blah and all.

For the first time in a long time she saw her mom genuinely happy. After the dermis of her father, her mother forgot how to laugh genuinely so seeing that she was laughing after a long time brought a warmth to her heart.

if going to the palace will make that smile on mom face last forever then I am willing to do it she mumble to herself. Did u say something? her mother asks her.

No she said.with that said the carriage arrives at the front of her house,looking at her house one last time she walked out with her mom when she was about to enter she hug her mom tightly then entered the carriage.

She has never lived apart from her mom before so the sudden decision was hard to digest. Funny enough she seems to be the only person who doesn't like the idea of going to the palace. She could see the look of excitement in their faces she could see that they were dressed up in their best clothes. It was as if they were going for a party instead of work.

After a long and bumpy ride they finally got to the palace and the first thing she did was to empty her stomach. after throwing up she could see could see some of the girls looking at her with disgust, rolling her eye she went back in line and they all waited for the person that was going to show them the way to the palace .

After waiting for a while a middle age woman came out for nowhere in particular it was as if she came out of the tin air which she did .

Walking towards the group of ladies was madam Rose she is the head maid of of the palace. after a small walk she was right in front of the twenty or so girls,they all look excited and overly dressed for the work except for one girl who was dressed in a flower pattern gown and a kneel length boots.

"Introduce yourself she said in a stern voice " and they all did as she demanded. It got to Abigail turn and she said in a small soft voice "my name Is Abigail brown and I am 19 years of age. Madam Rose being pleased with the way Abigail introduced herself smiled briefly to her before going back to her usual cold face.