
Not A Perfect World

At nine years old, Faina's life takes a harrowing turn when her father sells her to a mysterious woman known as the Witch of the Forest. Escaping from her clutches, Faina becomes the pawn in her father's twisted schemes, repeatedly sold to different families only to run away and return, each time hoping for a fleeting moment of kindness. Years of torment culminate in a nightmarish realization when Faina, suffering from a rare and debilitating disease, experiences a seizure and wakes up back in her nine-year-old body. With memories of her painful past intact, she navigates her second chance with caution, teetering between fear and hope. Adopted once more by Lady Myra, the Witch of the Forest, a noblewoman shrouded in rumors, Faina hesitates to trust the genuine affection shown to her. As she grapples with her distrust and the haunting memories of her previous life, Faina tries to reach deep and seek happiness. Haunted by her past yet driven by a newfound resolve, Faina embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of her existence, seeking redemption and a place where she truly belongs. In a world where echoes of her former life linger, she must decide whether to forge a new path or remain a prisoner of her past, even as she desires to heal a silent ailment plaguing her.

Sunny_sama · Fantasi
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11 Chs

A New Chapter Begins

The boy with light pink hair moved, so I followed him, assuming he was Landen. The girl walked past me with her head down.

"I told you to wake up," Landen said.

"She was supposed to arrive later in the afternoon," Alia replied, and Landen held his head in frustration.

"It is late afternoon," he shouted.

"Really? I have an assignment to finish, but I left it because I thought I had time. What do I do?" she said and ran off.

"That was Alia," he said, turning to look at me. He's talking to me; what do I say? "She's clumsy when she's half awake, but when she's awake, she's reliable," he explained, and I nodded. "You're Faina, right? Master's daughter," he asked, and I nodded. "Answer with words."

"Y… Yes, I'm Faina," I said quickly.

"Teon said you were tiny; I can see it now," Landen said, laughing. I'm not tiny; I just grow really slowly.

"You know Teon?" I asked instead.

"You still remember him? That's unexpected; we are all master's students," he said, and I nodded. "I'm surprised you still remember him. He said you might forget him. Well, he also said you were scared of wolves," he said, glancing at Ty. I am scared of wolves. I still can't see eye to eye with Maxine, but Tyler's an exception. He's my baby, friend, and most importantly, my pillow.

Landen showed me a room on the first floor and left. The room was as big as the one I stayed in at the main house, and it was already furnished for two.

"I guess this is ours," I said to Tyler, and he let out a small howl in response. My things were already arranged; it was surprising. Did they run up here with it? Or was I sleeping for a long time?

I walked in and looked around the room; it was similar to my other room. I walked outside to the balcony and looked out; there was nothing but trees as far as my eyes could see. Looking outside made me remember when I jumped down from the balcony in my room; why did I do that? It was so scary and fun.

"My lady," I heard Blair call, and I turned.

"Blair, you're here," I said, walking inside.

"Of course I'm here; I cannot leave you to the inexperienced people from the capital," she said. Do I sense competition?

"I'm glad I get to see a familiar face," I said, and she smiled.

"Let's get you ready for dinner," she said.

"Dinner?" I asked.

"It will take a while to decide on a dress," she said, and I nodded knowingly. "But you look cute in trousers," she said.

"I agree," I said. I did not mean the 'cute' part, but the trouser part; it was comfortable, but I'm used to wearing dresses.

Just as Blair promised, it took hours to decide on a dress. I actually slept while she was deciding; it took a really long time to pick a simple dress.

I walked into the dining room and halted when I didn't see Mother. Where is she? Will I be alone with strangers?

"Ah, did Master come with her daughter?" Alia asked. Okay, this is beyond sleepwalking. I was right beside you; how didn't you notice? She got off her seat and walked to meet me; she was wearing glasses. "It's nice to meet you; I'm Alia," she said.

"She already knows," Landen said.

"Did I embarrass myself in front of Master's daughter?" she asked. "I am not usually like that," she pleaded.

"It's fine," I said.

"She's cute," Alia said. Please, don't call me that. "And tiny." Or that. "She's just how Teon described," she said. She also knows Teon. "Do you still remember Teon?"

"She does," Landen answered for me.

"Unexpected," Alia said, turning to take her seat.

"She also has a pet wolf," he said, and that got the two's attention.

"A pet wolf?" Elwin asked.

"Ask her," Landen said.

"Really?" Alia asked.

"Y… Yes," I said.

"The only thing Teon got right was her height," Elwin observed. Why can't you all stop talking about my height? It's not my fault that I'm not a giant.

I took my seat quietly and kept my head down; it was hard because of the piercing gaze from the three people in the room with me.

"Stop staring at her like that," Mother said, walking in. I am so glad she's finally here.

"Sorry, we couldn't stop staring," Elwin said.

"Keep it up, and you won't be able to see anything for the rest of your life," Mother threatened. Did she get scarier? Maybe it's my imagination.

Dinner was served, and we ate silently, thankfully. I needed the silence; the questions were already too much for me.

"Follow me, all of you," Mother ordered as she stood up. We all obeyed and followed her to a sitting room. "Sit," she ordered, and we complied.

"I won't be staying here for long; things are getting worse," she said. What is she talking about? Am I a part of this conversation? "Livi will be taking the entrance exams tomorrow," she continued. Tomorrow? I'm not ready; I thought I had time.

"Really? As expected of Master's daughter," Elwin said.

"Don't pressure her," Mother warned. "You'll all return to the academy tonight; you know why," she said.

"Yes," they chorused.

"Don't speak to Livi or act like you know her; leave her in her department. I don't want her involved for now," she said. Will I be left alone? I don't want to be alone.

"And Teon? You know he's…" Landen was saying, but Mother cut in.

"He'll be fine; I sent him a letter," she said, and Landen nodded. "Livi, don't worry; I already made arrangements. Don't feel pressured about the exams; everything Elise taught you was based on the academy's syllabus. You'd be surprised how easy it is," she said to me, and I nodded like I understood, but I didn't. I was scared and nervous; I don't want to be alone.

"Are you going to leave Faina in the academy alone?" Alia asked.

"No, I said you should act like you don't know her; that doesn't mean I'd leave her. The academy might be safe, but the people in it are not trustworthy. Leave Livi's safety to me; all that matters for now is that she gets in," Mother said. Now you are pressuring me. "I'll be here until she leaves, but you all are going tonight," she said.

I want to ask what is going on, but I shouldn't. I was getting comfortable with my problem-free life, but that is withering away too. I knew it was all too perfect.

I walked back to my room and fell on the bed. We just got here, and we're leaving already. In this case, Mother's leaving, and I'll be left alone. I felt Tyler lie beside me, so I climbed on him; as long as I don't lose Tyler too.

I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs; I was feeling very nervous.

"Livi," I heard Mother's voice, and I turned. "Are you ready? Won't you eat something?" she asked. I don't think I can stomach anything, but I should listen to her.

I followed her to the dining room and took my seat quietly. I just played with the food and acted like I was eating.

"Livi, you should eat something," Mother said, and I nodded. I took a few bites, and that was it. "When you go to the academy, don't answer any questions about your relationship with the Alden family," she instructed. I wanted to ask why, but I couldn't. "I know you're curious, but bear with me, Livi. I will explain everything later, but for now, I need you to focus on yourself," she said, and I nodded.

"I understand," I said.

"The exam will be graded immediately after; a letter will be sent here tomorrow to inform you of your admission status. If you enter, you'd be expected to show on the resumption date, which would be two weeks after. But you can go early, so I'd send you early since I'd be absent," she said.

"W… What if I fail?" I asked, looking down.

"Then I'd have to send you to stay with distant relatives," she said. She won't stay even if I fail? What if her distant relatives are those people?

"I understand," I said and stood up.

"Good luck, Livi," she said, and I looked up.

"Thank you, Mother," I replied.

I walked out and was greeted by Blair's smiling face. She was holding a bag that I assumed was mine.

"Good luck, my lady," she said, giving me the bag.

"Thank you, Blair," I replied.

"Your writing materials, your revision notes, and snacks," she stated.

"Thank you, Blair," I said again, and she smiled.

I walked to the carriage nervously, I got in, but it didn't move. The door opened, and Mother was standing there.

"Remember, Livi, you are an Alden. I'll give you a tip: don't explain yourself to anyone, okay?"

"Yes," I said, and she smiled and shut the door. Alden. What type of family is it?

The carriage ride to the academy was quiet and tense. I clutched Tyler close, feeling his warmth and comfort. Blair sat across from me, occasionally glancing over with a reassuring smile. Her presence eased some of my nerves, but I couldn't shake the anxiety building inside me.

As we approached the grand gates of the academy, my heart raced. This was it—the beginning of a new chapter, filled with uncertainty and challenges. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

The carriage came to a stop, and Blair helped me out. The academy grounds were bustling with students, each focused on their own journey. I looked around, taking in the imposing buildings and manicured gardens. It was both intimidating and awe-inspiring.

"Good luck, my lady," Blair said, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Thank you, Blair," I replied, clutching the bag of essentials she had packed for me.

With Tyler by my side, I walked toward the main entrance. A mix of excitement and fear churned in my stomach. This was the beginning of my path as Livi Alden, and I could only hope that I was prepared for what awaited me within those walls.