At nine years old, Faina's life takes a harrowing turn when her father sells her to a mysterious woman known as the Witch of the Forest. Escaping from her clutches, Faina becomes the pawn in her father's twisted schemes, repeatedly sold to different families only to run away and return, each time hoping for a fleeting moment of kindness. Years of torment culminate in a nightmarish realization when Faina, suffering from a rare and debilitating disease, experiences a seizure and wakes up back in her nine-year-old body. With memories of her painful past intact, she navigates her second chance with caution, teetering between fear and hope. Adopted once more by Lady Myra, the Witch of the Forest, a noblewoman shrouded in rumors, Faina hesitates to trust the genuine affection shown to her. As she grapples with her distrust and the haunting memories of her previous life, Faina tries to reach deep and seek happiness. Haunted by her past yet driven by a newfound resolve, Faina embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of her existence, seeking redemption and a place where she truly belongs. In a world where echoes of her former life linger, she must decide whether to forge a new path or remain a prisoner of her past, even as she desires to heal a silent ailment plaguing her. (I was advised to change the name and book cover, but I love the name so nothing else was changed. I was going to name it My Light of Dawn)