
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

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24 Chs

Prologue: Fall From Grace

Amidst an endless horizon, a shattered existence weighed heavy on my heart. Everything I once held dear—wealth, status, loved ones—had slipped through my grasp like grains of sand, leaving me with a profound sense of emptiness.

The desolate wasteland surrounding me mirrored the void within. I gazed into the abyss of my reflection, confronted by the harsh truth I had evaded for far too long. The weight of failure bore down upon me, and the spectre of death loomed closer with each passing moment.

Once, I had stood tall as a beacon of strength, guiding others with kindness and generosity. But now, my light had dimmed, replaced by fear and scorn from those I had once cherished. Society had cast me aside, leaving me stranded in a world of loneliness and despair.

Longing to savor life's simple pleasures, I yearned for the touch of sunlight on my skin, the laughter of children, and the embrace of love. But those dreams were but distant memories, forever out of reach.

As I grappled with my thoughts, the clamor of chaos and destruction approached, a relentless force led by the very gods I had once called friends. Betrayed and overpowered by their divine might, I stood defenseless.

In the face of impending doom, I found myself stripped of purpose, bereft of reasons to carry on. With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes, awaiting the inevitable, hoping that in death's embrace, I might finally find solace.

The long-awaited day of reckoning had finally dawned, bringing with it a cruel twist of fate. Within the once-glorious haven of Stellaria, a realm born of my own creation and woven from the very essence of existence, my own kin had risen against me. Betrayal, an unexpected blade thrust into my heart by my own older brother, left me shattered and disoriented.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, her absence weighed heaviest on my soul. Holding her lifeless body in my arms, the woman who had illuminated my world was now a mere memory, drained of vitality. The vibrant features that once radiated with life had succumbed to the relentless grasp of death.

As I clung to those treasured memories, the ones we had woven together, I couldn't help but lament the fleeting nature of our once-promised forever. The illusion of eternity shattered, leaving me adrift in a vast, cold world. The mere thought of navigating life without her felt impossible.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks, obscuring my vision, as the pain in my chest threatened to consume me. The weight of this loss bore down upon me, a crushing force beyond compare. My spirit, once fierce, now quivered in despair.

In the depths of this agony, I acknowledged that I would never love another as I had loved Asteria. A piece of my heart had departed with her, leaving me forever yearning for a love now lost. Her untimely demise felt like a cruel betrayal, a jest played by fate that tormented my very soul.

Despite the turmoil within, duty called. I knew I had to summon my strength and press forward. While grief engulfed me, I couldn't afford to be consumed entirely. A new chapter awaited, one that demanded I rise from the ashes of sorrow and find my purpose once more.

The weight of godhood had burdened my shoulders for eons, and the once sweet nectar of others' worship had turned bitter with the taste of loneliness.

The ache of my emptiness consumed me, leaving behind only the pain of isolation. My existence was an endless cycle of creation and destruction, of giving and taking away. What was the purpose of being a god if it only brought fear and despair?

My older brother sought my perfection, an unattainable standard that led only to betrayal and heartache.

As I stand before my kind, who have betrayed me, I wonder if it was all worth it. Was creating a multi-universal world that I could not enjoy with others worth the cost of my own misery?

As I contemplate my fate, conflicting voices arise within me. One urges me to pursue revenge for my brother's betrayal, fueled by the fire of my anger. But another voice offers a chance for redemption, a chance to self-reflect and see the error of my ways.

Yet, my time for contemplation is short. Cornered and at my wits' end, I face the true cost of godhood.

The burden of my power has left me with nothing but regret, and in this moment, I will finally understand the true cost of my existence.

Whether I choose revenge or redemption, my fate is sealed. The tragedy of my life will be a warning to those who seek godhood, a reminder that power comes at a terrible cost.

[Five Seconds…]

I knew what they would do to me.

[Four Seconds…]

Hopefully, I will be sealed inside the gates that hold the universes together.

[Three Seconds…]

I'll see them again.

[Two Seconds…]

It's almost here.



Whatever it takes, the moment I step back onto this land again, the only thing that awaits in this world is destruction. Mark my words, Gabriel.

As the mountain crashed onto the Mighty Deities' body, the Gods celebrated their victory over the long pursuit of his execution, and those who were present knew that he was truly gone from Stellaria, the world that was connected to all universes...

The world around me shattered into a million pieces, and my body was sealed inside a mountain filled with chains of time, a material that manipulates both the flow of time and the force of gravity.

At that moment, I knew my time as a god had come to an end.

I felt my body detach, piece by piece until all that remained was my consciousness. I was a mindless being, drifting into a spiritual state I had never experienced before.

The voice of balance and naturalism, the very essence of my being, spoke to me once more. "Your time is not over yet," it said, and I knew that I had a purpose to fulfil.

As I floated above my empty vessel, trapped within the mountain's seal, I vowed to return to it, to reclaim the embodiment of my strength. But first, I was being pulled elsewhere, propelled by the sheer force of my own will.

I found myself hurtling through a dark, endless void, my senses reeling from the disorienting experience.

I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there, but I knew that I had to keep moving, to press on towards some unknown destination.

Despite my confusion and disorientation, I soon found myself settling into a strange kind of rhythm, pacing through this unknown world with a steady determination. As I journeyed deeper into the darkness, I began to feel my energy wane, my mind growing tired and restless.

Desperate to find some measure of peace, I sought out ways to relax, to let my mind wander free from the constraints of my body.

But even as I tried to let go, I found myself unable to fully disconnect from the world around me, my mind locked in place.

As time passed, I began to sense that my journey was coming to an end. The powers and abilities I had attained were slipping away, and with them, my memories of my past life.

Even my own intelligence seemed to be fading as if I were falling into a deep and dreamless sleep.

And yet, even as the darkness threatened to swallow me whole, I sensed a glimmer of light on the horizon, a sign that my journey was far from over.

With a deep sense of resignation, I prepared to face whatever lay ahead, ready to embrace my new life and leave my old self behind.

Hello fellow readers this is a remake from the title of: Reincarnation of the fallen god

Which the title has now liberated to North Of Lies (NOL)

The reason for these changes was due to most of the story not being clear enough, As I myself had to re-read most of the chapters I was going to release and they just didn't make any sense or had no correlation to the actual plot. So I've realised many things such as the introduction to our main character wasn't good enough and also having the lack of brainstorming for the operations of the main plot, and much more I wish to not talk about~

But now I've picked up my game and will write this whole story until the end.

zowjicreators' thoughts