
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

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24 Chs

Getting ready for the future ahead

After a restful night's sleep, my mother and I embarked on our journey to the Grand Imperial Academy of Nhasier. As we made our way there, a gnawing worry about the steep application fee crept into my mind. The compensation we had received for the damages to our home constituted our entire savings.

Despite our financial concerns, we managed to scrape together enough to afford a horse ride to the academy. Prior to our arrival, we took great care in dressing ourselves in our finest attire, hoping to at least appear presentable. My mother insisted that we try to blend in with the noble class.

As we approached the grand entrance, a sense of awe washed over me. The gates gleamed with pure gold, and the colossal structures behind them could easily be mistaken for majestic castles. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by students adorned in their distinctive uniforms, emblematic of the academy itself. Three young men caught my eye, dressed in black blazers with crimson ties, crisp white shirts, and sleek black trousers. They completed their ensemble with a flowing black cloak, fastened together with intricate strings.

"Excuse me! Could you direct us to the academy's office?" my mother inquired, her gaze fixed on the students emerging from the gates.

The trio exchanged glances before the one with brown hair, glasses, and piercing green eyes stepped forward, deciding to approach us. Though only slightly taller than me, his mere presence exuded an unmistakable power. It was evident that he was older, perhaps three years my senior. Decorative medals and chains adorned his uniform, but what intrigued me most was the small metal plate just above the patch on his pocket, bearing the inscription 'Dux Ranker.' I couldn't fathom its significance.

"If you proceed straight toward the central building ahead, you'll come across a structure labeled 'Academy Office.' Upon entering, you should find someone at the front desk who can assist you," he replied, flashing a warm smile and pointing in the direction we needed to go.

"Thank you very much," I said, extending my hand in a gesture of gratitude, hoping he would reciprocate. Instead, he bowed respectfully and departed with his companions.

As I watched them gradually fade into the distance, a nagging curiosity arose within me. Why hadn't he shaken my hand? Had I unknowingly committed an offence?

"Jin! Let's head to the office now," my mother called out, already striding ahead toward the academy office.

"Coming!" I exclaimed, hurrying to catch up with her, my mind still preoccupied with unanswered questions.


"Samson, what's wrong? Why didn't you shake the kid's hand?" Derrick inquired, his voice laced with concern.

"That kid is a monster, Derrick. He's just like when the top student of the first years joined," Samson replied, his tone filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"By any chance, do you think he's related to him?" Josh interjected, his eyes searching for answers.

"It's impossible. He doesn't have the same blonde hair. But to think that another prodigy has joined this academy... It means there will be fierce competition for titles and rankings. If the rumours are true, this generation will usher in a new golden age of magic," Samson explained, a smile playing on his lips.

Derrick's curiosity got the better of him as he probed further, "What exactly did you see in the kid?"

Samson paused, his gaze turning distant. "Even with these eyes of mine, gifted by my family, his spirit alone was more terrifying than anything else. I saw a King trapped within the body of a youngster. His aura was radiant, commanding respect and awe."

Josh couldn't resist a playful jab, "So, do you reckon he's stronger than you?"

Samson chuckled, his confidence still intact. "At the moment, he doesn't stand a chance against me. But in the near future, he might surpass my strength."

Samson's voice trailed off as a shadow crossed his mind. "But even then, will they be able to compete with the likes of the dark knight himself, Rex..."


Despite my initial awe, I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the sight of the uniform. The thought of standing out among the other nobles made me worry, as I knew I lacked the natural ease and grace that my friend Ezekiel possessed. He was always the one who seemed to effortlessly know what to say and do.

As we made our way towards the office of the Royal Academy, I found myself in awe of the grandeur that surrounded me. Towering spires and sweeping archways loomed above, crafted from gleaming stone that shimmered in the sunlight. Intricate carvings and delicate filigree adorned every surface, their beauty almost overwhelming in its intricate detail. The weight of history and tradition pressed in on me from every direction, the weight of centuries of learning and scholarship bearing down upon me.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. I knew that stepping into the academy was necessary to complete the application process. As we entered the building, the atmosphere enveloped me. Dim lighting created an air of mystery, while the furniture and decor exuded a sense of grandeur. At the front desk, a man dressed in formal black attire sat down, waiting for us to approach.

"Good afternoon, madam. How may I assist you today?" the man inquired.

"Yes, I would like to enroll my son in this academy," my mother replied.

"Ah, you're in luck. Enrollment applications are concluding today. Very well, here is the form." The man reached under his desk and produced a booklet adorned with the school's logo, labeled 'enrollment application.'

"If you look to your right, there should be a table where you can fill out the form. And please ensure that you have the necessary funds to cover the upfront cost," he informed us, pointing towards a table stocked with pens for filling out the form.

"It's surprising how fairly we are treated, considering our status," my mother commented as she began writing.


🔮 Official Academy Application Form 🔮

Applicant Details:

Name: Jin Panthero Kamuy

DOB (Date Of Birth): 04 / 04 / 444

Mage Appraisal:

Has your son/daughter tested for mage appraisal?

[ ] Yes [X] No

If not, please fill in the box below to explain why.

Reason: Couldn't find an instructor that was competent for the job.

Mage Grading Recommendation:

If you were to give your son/daughter an estimate of mage grading, what rank would you recommend their skill level would be at?

[ ] Low advanced mage

[ ] Inter advanced mage

[ ] Inter 2 mage

[ ] Inter 3 mage

[X] Beginner advanced mage

[ ] Beginner mage

Education Preferences:

Please tick the following boxes regarding the type of education you would like for your son/daughter. (If both, tick both boxes.)

[X] Theory / Knowledge-Based Education

[X] Practical-Based Education

Tuition Fees:

As per the application, please be reminded that tuition fees vary per student based on the TRIAL itself. If your application is accepted, we wish your child luck and all the best.

Signing Consent:

Parent Approval: Kiana Kamuy Child Approval: Jin Panthero Kamuy

Admittie Approval: Carl Siron Date: 23 / 01 / 456

Note: This form must be submitted by the specified deadline. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application. Thank you for considering our esteemed academy for your child's magical education.


"Thank you for applying to our academy. It is our pleasure to inform you that upon acceptance, we will send a letter of notice via messenger to your residence. It is advised that your child prepares themselves, as there are a few trials before they can be fully accepted into the academy. If your child successfully completes the trials, their name will be added to the board of successful applicants. If your child's name is on the board, you will receive further instructions to follow."

As the receptionist provided a wealth of information prior to the application, my mother paid the upfront submission cost. I felt a tinge of nervousness, as the process seemed ordinary and didn't inquire about our family's nobility. However, that also provided a small sense of relief

In just a week, I would have the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of magic, an essential aspect of this city's thriving culture.

As we exited the building, my thoughts were consumed by the knowledge I needed to acquire before the trials. I had grown out of my youthful wanderings and fighting against adversaries, enabling me to focus solely on studying and honing my magical abilities.

While passing by other students, I couldn't help but notice their piercing gazes, particularly from the girls who gave me peculiar looks. Their scrutiny made me nervous, but I hoped they would avert their eyes soon.

With barely three steps taken, I unexpectedly found myself face-to-face with a familiar figure.

Her lustrous, violet hair flowed down her back in loose waves, resembling the petals of an exotic flower. It framed her heart-shaped face, accentuating her delicate features. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of purple, were adorned with long, dark lashes that complemented them perfectly.

A delicate butterfly clip adorned the side of her head, its wings crafted from iridescent material that shimmered in shades of gold and blue.

She stood just outside the academy gates, her gaze fixated on the sky, a hint of yearning on her face.

For a brief moment, I stood there, captivated, unable to tear my gaze away from her stunning beauty. However, as I attempted to catch up with my mother, her companion appeared, and they walked away together, disappearing down the street. Their departure left me feeling somewhat hollow, as if something ephemeral had slipped through my fingers.

I shook my head, attempting to clear my mind, and continued my journey home with my mother. As I walked, thoughts of that girl consumed me. Had I seen her before? And why did her presence feel so hauntingly familiar?

Is something troubling you, Jin?" my mother asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"It's nerve-racking to think that even if I get accepted through this application, I'll still have to face the trials afterward. I hope I can succeed and make it," I confided, diverting my thoughts away from that 'girl'.

"Don't be so nervous, Jin! Just remember that whenever you doubt yourself, I believe in you," my mother reassured me, her warm smile easing some of the weight on my shoulders.

"Thanks, Mum," I replied, turning my head to smile at her as we left the academy and headed back home.

As we approached the front door, Inzaghi, in his Fox form, awaited us, as though he knew we were returning.

"YIP YIP YIP," Inzaghi's altered voice made me realize he was truly embracing his fox-like nature. It was impressive how deeply he had embraced this new transformation.

Knowing he was hungry, I fed Inzaghi his usual diet of raw fish and fruit, which I had purchased earlier.

Considering I was still unfamiliar with city life, I wondered if it was acceptable to explore the area with animals. To familiarize myself, I decided it would be a good idea to visit the local library and expand my knowledge.

Taking Inzaghi with me, I informed my mother that I was off to the nearest library in the area.

We navigated through the bustling streets of the crown city, inhaling the enticing scents of freshly baked bread, fragrant flowers, and the faint hint of magic that filled the air. Inzaghi trotted alongside me, his eyes alert for any potential dangers, but I assured him that the city itself was extra safe.

Clutching a map tightly in my hand, I guided us through each section of the streets, with each building vying for attention through its unique architectural style.

As we passed by the marketplace, the air was filled with cheerful bartering and joyful laughter. I couldn't resist pausing for a moment to marvel at the vibrant displays of fruits and colourful fabrics adorning the stalls. A jovial merchant, his beard peppered with hints of grey, called out to me with a wide grin.

"Hey, young lad! Would you care to try some of my freshly picked apples? They're crunchy and sweet!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his playful remark. "Perhaps I'll return later to sample the treasures of your market, good sir," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

As I continued my journey to the library, the bustling streets gradually gave way to quiet avenues lined with majestic elms, their leaves whispering secrets in the gentle breeze. The city's architecture transformed from bustling commerce to elegant academia. Ivory columns framed the entrance to the library, standing like sentinels guarding the vast troves of knowledge within.

Pushing open the heavy oak doors, a hushed reverence settled over me. The interior was a symphony of ancient wisdom. Sunlight poured through stained-glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns across the weathered pages of books. A kindly librarian, her silver hair elegantly pinned back, greeted me with a knowing smile.

"Well hello there, young man. How may I assist you today?"

I explained that I needed help studying the theory and understanding of magic, as I was preparing for the upcoming trial to enter the academy. She smiled back at me and guided me to a section of the library where towering shelves, situated in the least crowded part of the library, held volumes of information that could aid me in my studies.

With heartfelt gratitude, I thanked her and nestled into a cozy nook, Inzaghi curled up on my head, seeking his own respite. As I delicately turned the pages, secrets whispered beneath my fingertips, the scent of ancient parchment mingled with the warmth of anticipation.

Stacking up the books I deemed essential for success, I found myself immersed in a state of absolute focus, absorbing every morsel of information they contained.

Among the volumes that stood out, the mana codex and elemental affinities captured my attention most profoundly. Page after page, I devoured their wisdom, hoping it would guide me through the trial test.


The most significant revelation from the codex was that adept mages who master the manipulation of mana itself can create their own realm, a sanctuary fueled by the very essence of mana. It also warned of the necessity to wield mana wisely, as overexertion could result in exhaustion, inflicting physical and mental strain.

Furthermore, the codex revealed diverse means of replenishing mana. Some practitioners draw from their internal reserves, which can be restored through rest, meditation, or the consumption of specific substances and magical elixirs. Others harness external sources such as ley lines, natural energy nexuses, or enchanted artifacts acting as conduits for mana.

As for elemental affinities, even possessing a single affinity can unlock others through exposure to triggering situations or events tied to a specific element.

However, attaining a certain elemental affinity requires a combination of factors. Primarily, an inherent predisposition or resonance with that element is crucial. This natural affinity may be influenced by one's lineage, heritage, or even serendipity.

Nevertheless, mastering and controlling a specific element surpasses mere affinity. It demands dedicated study, practice, and training. Individuals must attune themselves to the elemental energy they resonate with, comprehending its unique characteristics, strengths, and limitations.

Training often entails focusing on one's intent and will, employing gestures, incantations, or mental visualization techniques to harness and mould elemental energy. This process exacts physical and mental tolls, as individuals tap into their inner reservoir of energy, their mana, to fuel their manipulation of the element.


Satisfied with my newfound knowledge, I cradled Inzaghi in my arms and stepped outside the library, only to be greeted by the cloak of darkness that had enveloped the world while I had immersed myself in learning. Regrettably, I had lost track of time, failing to establish a suitable stopping point.

Yet, it mattered not, for as long as I returned home safely, all would be well.

I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Gotta admit, the editing process was a bit of a challenge, but hey, I powered through and made it happen!

Anyway, I just wanted to send some positive vibes your way and wish you all a fantastic day, no matter where you are in the world. Thanks for being such awesome readers!

Take care and keep on reading!

my face writing the chapter: :D

my face when editing the chapter :(

my face after reading the chapter: :D

zowjicreators' thoughts