
No One Will Know: Between Friends

Jack and Dan had three rules: - Stop EVERYTHING when one of them fell in love or had a significant other - No kissing on the lips They were best friends, childhood friends. So what would happen when one of them fell in love or had a significant other? Would everything come to an end? Everything seemed simple at first, but when love gets involved... ******************** "What are you talking about?" "You will never want me again." "No, that's not true..." "You won't touch me anymore. You won't make love to me..." And Jackson appeared shocked. "Of course, that was the deal, Dan. When one of us found..." "I know. I'm aware, thank you," he shouted again. "So why are you making such a fuss?" "Because... it's not fair. You found someone to sleep with, but not me." "Then find someone." "I'm gay, Jack. You think gay guys are easy to come by." "No but..." "I need you. Let's make a different arrangement." "No, no, Dan. That's not possible." Dan was moving dangerously close to his friend, sitting on his lap, his hands around his neck. "Oh, but it is possible," Dan replied, nibbling on his friend's ear.

Tadahy · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 8

"You will sleep with me. We will continue our little arrangement until I find a boyfriend myself," declared Dan with determination.

Jackson pushed him away abruptly. "You...Are you mad ?" he exclaimed.

Dan didn't let go, tightening his grip on Jackson's neck and wrapping his legs around his hips. "I have a girlfriend," Jackson whispered, trying to free himself.

"And?" Dan asked, staring intensely at Jackson.

"And I owe her loyalty," Jackson replied frankly.

"That is not my point of view," Dan declared.

"That is not my problem," Jackson objected.

"It is our problem, both of us," Dan retorted. "You enjoy sex with me, don't you?"

Jackson hesitated. "That is not the question," he said.

"In fact, that is the whole question. You like having sex with me, and I enjoy you fucking me. So let's continue like this," Dan insisted.

"But..." Jackson stammered.

"Jack, you are complicating things unnecessarily," Dan groaned as he rubbed against Jackson's hardening penis. "You feel it, you have an erection. You like my body, and I enjoy your cock," he said, licking Jackson's ear, knowing his sensitive spots.

"Very well, what do you propose?"

"That we have sex. We continue to have sex until I find someone else."

"Very well. But no one must know."

"Of course, no one will know."

"Now, get up. My girlfriend is waiting for me." Daniel stood up, followed by Jackson, who looked at him with a combination of anger, surprise, and...amusement ?

"Are you really going to leave like that?" Dan asked, looking at Jackson's zipper suggestively. "Do you want me to take care of YOU?"

"I have my girlfriend for that." Those words stung Dan, but he pretended not to be affected.

"And what if she asks what happened?" he asked, moving closer to Jackson. "She'll think you're a sadistic who gets aroused by arguing with hisy best friend." He sensually caressed Jackson's chest with his fingertips.

"It will eventually calm down," Jackson replied, moving away from Dan.

"That's not guaranteed."

"It is."

"If you say so." Dan raised his hands in the air, sitting on the edge of the bed where Jackson was initially seated.

Jack was about to leave, his hand on the door handle. "Not even a little blow job?" Dan said, putting his fingers in his mouth.

"Fuck...Screw it!" Jackson turned around, undid his belt, and pulled his penis out of his pants.

"Hurry up and suck me!" he ordered.

"I'm not your whore," Dan replied, running his hand through his hair.

"Don't play this game with me, Dan," Jack said, a mix of anger and repressed desire in his voice.

"What game am I playing then?" Dan simply asked, also pulling his penis out of his pants.

Jackson took a few steps until he was standing right in front of Dan, and took his head from behind, tilting it backwards to push his penis into his mouth.

"Suck me," he commanded, but Dan just looked at him. "Please," Jack whispered, and his friend gave a slight smile before starting to move his head.

While masturbating, he took Jack deep into his throat. Jack's moans of pleasure mingled with Dan's choking noises.

"I'm going to come... hmm... fuck..." moaned Jack, and Dan quickened his sucking motion. Jackson held his head and helped him perform deep motions until he ejaculated in his mouth. "That was perfect," he repeated. "So good." Dan swallowed all of Jack's cum in one gulp before climaxing himself.

"Do you want me to clean you up?" he asked.

"Yes, please do." Dan cleaned up the remaining cum on Jackson's penis by licking it. Once done, Jack adjusted his pants, buttoned his belt, and left.

Before closing the door, he heard Dan say, "Come back if you want us to continue." And the door closed.

All of this. The entire situation. It was not what Dan had hoped for. He was behaving desperately.

He realized that what he truly sought was no longer mere physical satisfaction, but love and affection from Jackson. He also realized that the two were incompatible. Dan became aware of the bitter situation he was in. He felt torn and hurt, with no one to confide in or a shoulder to cry on.

Tears were shed that night, as he began to lose the man he loved and, inevitably, his best friend.

Meanwhile, Joy had fallen asleep on the ground floor couch, her radiant beauty undiminished even in slumber. With a slight smile on her lips, she had captured Jackson's heart. He approached her gently, placing one hand on her back and the other under her knees, lifting her delicately to cradle her against his chest. Joy briefly opened her eyes before closing them again, sinking back into a charming tranquility. Jackson couldn't help but gaze at her with tenderness.

He then carried her to Johnny's old room, a photo of Dan lying on the floor catching his eye. After laying Joy on the bed, he kissed her softly on the forehead, placed the photo on the dresser, and then joined Joy on the bed, embracing her affectionately. He felt fulfilled, savoring this moment of perfect happiness.

In another part of the house, Dan sat on his bed, hoping that Jackson would come to see him. However, by two in the morning, his friend had not yet arrived, leaving him alone with his thoughts and tears. He fell asleep that way, his broken heart overflowing with sadness.