
No Longer Writing

Callon had almost given up on ever having family or friends again, stuck in the daily motion of work. Until he woke up one morning to having awakened his soul companions. From this moment on, he had someone again. He had a reason to push forward. Callon vows to not only become strong to protect his new family and those he cares for, but to also never give up on being free. Even if it means he has to fight tooth and nail for it.

SeekingSolace · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 - Soul Companions


Callon woke up with the feeling as if he could not breathe. His chest felt heavy, as if someone had been lying on it constantly without moving. Then suddenly he felt a movement, a wiggling on his chest. He held his breath, and squeezed his eyes closed, preparing himself to open his eyes and look. Slowly he opened his eyes and was frozen with shock and surprise. On his chest were two little humans with wings, like little beautiful fairies. There was a boy and a girl, cuddled together laying on his chest trying to keep warm. Without realizing, Callon had already pulled the blanket over them both while he was investigating them. He knew who they are, he felt it, and that's what made him so shocked. They are his soul companions. What made him so shocked is that he is already 16, usually if someone were to awaken their soul and get their companion it would be at the age of 13. What made him even more shocked is that there are two, there is usually only one in the first stage of ranking.

No one knows why soul spirits suddenly started to appear when someone turned the age of 13, all that could be figured out is people who have a stronger soul when they are born end up having their soul companion awakened. Callon always felt as though he had a stronger soul than others, but he did not think it was very much since his soul companion had never awakened.

As he was being raised by his parents, he had heard the tales of soul companions and they are powers. Soul companions usually awaken in people at the age of 13, but they can also be awakened earlier as well if trained using soul crystals from a younger age. A soul companion will emerge when they have received enough power from your soul and are able to take form. When they are born, they are in what is called the 'infant' phase, then they progress to the 'youth' phase, and finally end at Prime. In order to raise them they need to be fed with your own soul power which they get naturally, they can me given soul crystals, and they can also grow in battle. For the companion of the soul companions, they can also train their soul power and become stronger to better support their soul companion, or even attack on their own by sharing the power from their soul companion. Through mediation, battles, or even drinking certain elixirs it can help with powering and expanding your soul. The only issue is that if you try and become strong too fast without setting a strong foundation, your soul can collapse and not only will your soul companion die, but you won't be able to use any of your soul force anymore.

As Callon is remembering all the information of soul companions that he can remember, he suddenly feels a slight movement and groan coming from his chest. He looks down and is met with a pair of bright purple and black eyes. He does not know what to say, so he holds his breath hoping that one of them speaks first.


Callon stares at the girl with purple eyes who had just spoke, shocked by what he has been called. He has never been called a master once in his life, and he's sure he doesn't like it.

"You can call me Callon, we are not master and servant, but friends from this day on. What are your names?" As he was saying this, he once again stared at them both, taking in the way they look and acted after he had finished speaking.

He noticed that these two were almost complete opposites of one another. The girl had an exceptionally beautiful and flowy purple dress on that was a few shades lighter than her eyes. She had blonde straight hair that was close to around her hips, with an adorable baby face that makes one want to care for her. On her back were beautiful clear wings that almost seemed to curl at the end. With white flat shoes to finish off her elegant and innocent look.

Once he was done assessing the girl, he turned to the boy directly next to her. He had black hair that was pulled into a small ponytail in the back of his head, with a handsome face that gave off an indifferent feeling. Although indifferent, Callon could see the slight blush on his face from being stared at. The boy wore a black cape with its hood down, and black knee-high boots with leather armor covering his chest. Underneath the armor he had a long-sleeved black shirt and black pants that went directly into his boots. Although all of him was outfitted in all black, his wings were also as clear and pure as the girls.

As Callon looked a little closer, he noticed that both have elf ears just like him. He now understood what it meant when he heard that a soul companion can take on a certain trait of their soul contractor.

"M-My name is Reil, and my brothers name is Neil. We are so happy to finally be able to awaken Callon, because we're twins, we needed more of your soul power, which took us just a little longer. We've always been here with you though, so you no longer have to be alone." Reil spoke, but you could tell that she was nervous and blurted out everything that came to mind. Callon could feel his heart warming up realizing that although both of his parents have died, he is now able to call these two twins his family. Just as Callon was thinking of them as family, Neil suddenly spoke.

"Yes, we are family. You, me, and my sister, we will always be together, never to be torn apart."