
The conflicted feelings of the two hearts

"Ava, who was that?" Mia quietly came from behind and asked Ava.

"Oh, that's Mr. Jones's son," Ava replied with a smile.

"Wow, you know your patient's son as well, he looks really handsome and the way you two smiled at each other I think there is a chemistry between you two, what do you think?" Mia teased with a playful smile.

"Mia, what nonsense you are spouting, I hardly know him, When I went to check on Mr. Jones earlier, he introduced his son to me and that's how I know him," Ava explained.

"Well, I know. You don't have to explain." Mia said with a knowing smile.

Ava felt helpless, she shook her head and dragged Mia out of there.

At the evening

Ava went home directly after work. Oliver called around five o'clock.

"Mr. Knight, how are you doing?" Ava answered the phone and said respectfully with a smile.

"Good! How are you today?" Oliver was lying on the sofa, rubbing his temples with his thumb and forefinger, feeling a bit tired.

For the last two days, he had been working really hard so he could finish his work early and go back home as soon as possible.

"Everything is OK here, but I met your cousin today at the hospital," Ava said.

Hearing that Oliver's eyes suddenly became alert. He asked deeply, "What did he say?"

"Nothing really, he just thanked me for saving his father's life, that's all," Ava replied truthfully. 'Although she wanted to tell him that Liam invited her to dinner but since she had already refused him there was no point to bring it up,' Ava thought.

"Ava! Stay away from him." Oliver's words came coldly with a hint of warning, which reminded Ava when he warned her in the corridor of the hospital.

Ava shivered and obediently said, "Ok."

"Did you miss me?" Oliver change the subject and asked softly.

"No, I didn't," Ava replied biting her lower lip. She will never admit that she did miss him a little.

"Aren't you a heartless woman?" Oliver's eyes become dim and his face was covered with a layer of haze.

"When are you coming back?" Feeling embarrassed Ava asked suddenly.

"I am not coming back," Oliver said jokingly.

"Oh! That's good then, the world would be a better place from now on and I can finally live in peace." Ava also said playfully.

"Heh! Don't even think about it, even if I don't come back, I will bring you here to me." Oliver's full lips brimmed with a smile as he thought to himself,' Ava you are mine and you will never be able to escape from me in this life!'

"Mrs. Lee has prepared dinner, I'm hungry so I'll go and eat now." Ava didn't want to continue to talk with Oliver.

Her mood was a bit complicated. She could see that her feeling for him was getting deeper and she couldn't help it. Her brain could think rationally and keep her distance but how could she control her heart. From the beginning she was afraid of falling in love with him because she knew Oliver would never love her back, he will only play with her for few days and then throw her away like an unwanted toy yet she couldn't stop her heart from not think about him.

"Ok! Get a good rest after dinner, Good Night." Oliver said reluctantly but hang up before Ava could say anything else.

Oliver himself was a bit confused these days about his feelings for Ava. He didn't love her, no, not possible, he only wanted to avenge the girl he loved by torturing Ava for the rest of her life. However, he couldn't stop thinking about her from time to time. Especially at night, he missed her soft touch and her sweet fragrance, he just wanted to hug her to sleep. Oliver thought he was losing his mind, at times like this he really felt helpless, the only thing he could do was to remember his purpose for approaching Ava and to remind himself that he couldn't fall in love with her.

Listening to the busy tone from the other side of the phone, Ava was stunned for a moment then with a heavy heart she went to the dining room to have dinner.

Mrs. Lee cooked a table full of dinner for Ava, She looked at the food and with a hungry stomach sat down to eat. Mrs. Lee was standing still at the side, Ava smiled and said to her, "Mrs. Lee, Why don't you sit here and have dinner with me tonight?"

"Ah, how is it possible Miss Green? I am just a housekeeper how can I eat with you?" Mrs. Lee said formally.

"Mrs. Lee, it's an order, please sit down and eat with me. I don't like to eat alone." Ava mumbled.

Leaving with no choice Mrs. Lee sat down uncomfortably.

"Mrs. Lee, you don't need to be so nervous around me it's just you and me here and I want you to treat me like a friend. In fact, from now on I want you to eat with me whenever Oliver is not home, ok?." Ava said smiling like an angel.

Hearing Ava, Mrs. lee's eyes turned red, she said in a choked voice "Thank you, Miss Green, you are really a very good person just like Mr. Knight."

They were eating in silence, suddenly Ava asked, "Mrs. Lee, do you have any children?"

"I did"

"Ah?" Ava stopped eating and looked at her confused.

"When My daughter was 17, she was diagnosed with leukemia. We had no savings because my husband was a gambler whatever little money I earned he would take them away and lose it on gambling. I started to work hard to earn more money for her treatment and I did save some money secretly but my husband found out and almost beat me to death, he also sold me to the casino to pay off his debt. Mr. Knight saved me and accompanied me to the hospital, he said he will pay for my daughter's treatment, however by the time we got to the hospital my daughter had already passed away without treatment." Mrs. Lee said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee, I didn't know." Ava's face was full of guilt, if she knew she wouldn't have brought that up.

Mrs. Lee wiped her tears, smiled, and said, "Miss Green, please don't feel sorry for me. I was really lucky to meet Mr. Knight that night, if it wasn't for him I would be dead by now. He's a very good man and I am very happy to be able to serve you two now."

Hearing Mrs. Lee Ava's mind flew back to the incidents when Oliver saved her. First time when Jacob drugged her, then the time when she met a rough at the bar, then again when Jacob tried to trick her, every time like a guardian angel Oliver was there and saved her. Not only that, but he also saved her father, her family. Oliver has done so much for her and she owed him too much. She suddenly felt ashamed of herself thinking the way she had been treating him, yet Oliver never took it out on her. She felt very conflicted by her heart.

After dinner, Ava went back to the bedroom as she didn't like to wander around the villa. She stood on the balcony, the wind was blowing lightly, the starry sky of the summer night looked very beautiful. Ava looked up, her mind seemed to be drifting away to different places.

Suddenly her phone started to ring. Ava thought it might be Oliver so she hurried to the room to pick it up but then saw a string of unknown number, she hesitated for a while before she picked it up.

"Ava, it's me." A men's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing the voice Ava froze into place holding the phone tightly in her hand.