
Nirvana Continent

"I will be always by your side. Whenever you will look back you will see me waiting for you, supporting you. " "My relationship with you was because of my motives. The motive is over and so is the relationship. " "We were never destined to be together, please leave. " "As I said, I will be their for you even before, now and will be forever. I will deal with whoever dares to make us apart! ". Ajax-a cursed teenager who can access all five elements and can make oneself immortal is eyed by evil eyes and these evil eyes make sure no one comes in their way to power of elements. Ajax is joined by his friends and his love-Amelia who help him in his journey. Wanna see Ajax's fate? How will he survive by the evil eyes? Can he walk on the path of being immortal successfully or evil will conquer his soul?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

Ajax and Xander trained day and night for the competition. Xander was already on level three but Ajax was finding it difficult to cope with Xander. He was trying to get through the fights without his spirit partner-Zane. He thought when he will catch the spirit monster he will get help from it. He was still not ready to talk to Zane nor he wanted to tell Xander about his spirit partner. But he liked his brother very much and he respected and admired him just like he admired his father. Xander was caring and strict when it was time to practice. His partner wolf is now always with Xander outside his mind region. Xander felt bad as Ajax did not have one so he hesitated first to keep his wolf out. But now Ajax is too friendly with his wolf named 'Eddie', which meant - clever and bright. He was possessive towards Xander. He won't allow anyone to harm Xander sometimes not even allowing people to be near him. But Ajax can even beat Xander and Eddie would be just sitting there wagging his tail, which Xander thought was the most unfair thing that happens to him.

For now, Ajax was practicing his spiritual powers. He was stuck at level 4 and he was trying his best. The memory of when he first gained his powers and what happened is still vivid in his mind.

"What is happening with you, Ajax are you alright? Your face is pale and your lips are dry. Are you feeling sick? Asked Xander while serving the customers their frappe and chocolate waffles.

" I am okay just a little tired", said Ajax while cleaning the counter.

"He is not okay, you can feel it too? Asked Xander while looking at Eddie his wolf barked a little following his ears flattened on his face, indicating he is worried.

" Ajax leave all the work and go to the bedroom and I won't hear a word from you, go NOW, "said Xander sternly.

Ajax knew it is best if he agrees because he has learned that arguing with Xander leads to no good. Also, his body was feeling lethargic and dizzy too. He went upstairs and lay down on the bed. Whether he slept or fainted he did not know. After a good thirty minutes, Xander came followed by Eddie to check on Ajax as he was very worried for him.

"Ajax how are you feeling now? Better? Asked Xander while keeping the earned money for today in the closet as he closed the bakery for a while to check on Ajax. But he received no answer from Ajax.

" Ajax?? Are you okay?

He saw Ajax's eyes were closed but he looked in pain and was frowning now and then as if he was in pain. Xander touched his forehead and hissed. Ajax was burning up.

Xander quickly went downstairs and bought a cold bowl of water, a towel, and some medicines. The whole night passed with Xander changing towels from Ajax's forehead but still, Ajax was not conscious. Eddie went downstairs, again and again, to fill the bowl of water as Eddie did with the help of telekinesis. Both Xander and Eddie spent a sleepless and restless night.

The next morning a groan was heard which woke Xander from his kitty nap that he took ten minutes before. Ajax was slowly opening his eyes. Xander quickly pulled the curtains to stop the light from entering.

"Ajax are you feeling better? Asked Xander full of concern.

" No my-my he-head hu-hurts. I feel ve-very tired and ho-hot like I am burn-burningand my body is on fire ", Ajax barely whispered.

"Don't worry, relax everything will get better. You lay down and eat this. It is a special herb. It heals the body in general. " Said Xander and gave a green herb. Ajax ate it and again lay on the bed and was dozing in and out. Eddie came near Ajax and licked his hand lightly indicating not to worry and stay strong.

"What is happening to Ajax? I am not able to get it. It is not common flu nor he was out of the bakery as he is not aware of the roads. So he only went to the forest and then to the bakery. So he can't get infected with a disease by another person. So what is it? He was well till yesterday. We celebrated his birthday and people came but all looked healthy. Then what is it.... HIS BIRTHDAY.... right Ajax became eighteen years old yesterday. It is the effect of his spiritual powers gaining momentum to unleash. I need to take Ajax to the forest. If he unleashes his powers here it might be dangerous for himself and others as well. "

"Ajax gets up we need to go to the forest. Now " Said Xander hurriedly.

Ajax was not able to understand what Xander was saying. The voice did not reach his ears. He was not able to follow his brother's command. Xander knew if delayed further it might become dangerous for Ajax. He lifted Ajax in his arms in bridal style and went to his car. Eddie followed behind. Xander drove towards the forest in a place where there were no trees and no animals. It was safe for Ajax and the animals.

Many times people had accidents when they unleashed their powers. Either they end up being injured or they kill or destroy anybody near them be it a building, forest, or people. Xander wanted Ajax to be safe. So he brought him into that forest.

Ajax was still unconscious and was not aware of where he was. The heat in his body was increasing. He was sweating a lot too. He was tossing and turning but his body felt no better. Xander was still using the cold towel to put Ajax at ease. It helped but only a little. Ajax needs to bear with it and wait till the whole power gathers and unleashes. Everyone's powers unleash like a bomb and explode on its own. One need to just endure it until that happens.

Xander had a terrible headache for 3 days till the power leashed. Once the power gets unleashes the body restores to its full health.

Ajax and Xander needed to move in the early morning,so not many animals might come over there but still, Eddie was full on guard. Till afternoon Ajax was unconscious and Xander's anxiety level was increasing minute by minute. Eddie was moving to and fro looking and Ajax for a second and then again at the surroundings to sense any presence of an animal or person.

Ajax started to stir vigorously right and left with his eyes still closed as if he was in pain. His body felt very hot. Xander was not understanding what to do and how to ease Ajax. Xander's eyes moistened a bit as his little brother was in pain and he was helpless. After a little time, Ajax opened his eyes. His face looked pale, eyes bloodshot, and lips dry as if dehydrated.

"It hu-hurts so m-much, please help, " Said Ajax while tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Shhh everything will be alright, bubba calm down. Take deep breaths " Assured Xander while swallowing the lump in his throat and stopping himself from shedding tears.

Ajax followed his brother's instructions and took deep breaths. A scream filled the surrounding. Ajax was having trouble breathing and his body felt like it was on fire. Suddenly Ajax stood up and fisted his hands and screamed louder. His body started on fire. His fists had a fire and Ajax opened his eyes. His eyes changed from dark black to scarlet color. His dark black long hair grew a little longer forming a mullet and end streaks turned in bright red. After a minute his body cooled down and he became normal. He was all fit and fine and was feeling a power surge in his full body. Xander heaved a deep breath and sat down on the ground looking up at the sky and smiling that everything is back to normal.

"I have the power of FIRE ", said Ajax excitedly.

" Yeah, you have the spiritual power of fire.... WHAT!! YOU HAVE THE SPIRITUAL POWER OF FIRE!! retorted Xander while getting up hurriedly stumbling upon rocks and running towards Ajax.

"Yes is it bad? " Asked Ajax confused and unaware of the rare power he held inside him.

"It is not bad.... It is brilliant you fool. It was only in legends but I am lucky to meet such a person", exclaimed Xander jumping a little.

" Is it that rare and great thing to have the power of fire as my spiritual power? "Asked Ajax quizzically.

" Yes it is rare and now the legends are true so you are very powerful Ajax. Normally spirit power increases only 2% once we increase our level. But your case is different. Your heart is so pure that is the reason your fire evolved as your spiritual power. Now your spiritual power will evolve by 20% on each level increased. Your fire color is now orange. On increasing level your fire color will change", said Xander excitement in his voice and evident in his eyes.

"But how can I fight with this power? Do you know about it? Asked Ajax still not acknowledging how rare and powerful he is.

" Yes, you can create a few weapons out of thin air. The types and strength of weapons will increase once you reach higher levels", said Xander calming his nerves down due to over-excitement.

"Wow! Asked Ajax astonished by the piece of information he got.

" Yes, now you practice here I need to open the bakery. Come sharp at five or else I will come and then it will be you and my pan, understood" said Xander precisely.

"Okay don't worry I am pretty concerned about my head. I don't want a bump on my head due to your pan", said Ajax chuckling at the stoic face Xander made because he knew how cute and kind Xander is despite showing a stern face.

"Okay then be careful and better be in front of the cafe at five " Said Xander while telling Eddie to stay there with Ajax on guard.

Ajaz tried to concentrate after saying bye to Xander. He felt happy that he finally caught his powers and now he just need to increase his levels. He was very thankful to Xander for taking care of him. He can't imagine what would happen to him if he was all alone. He started to practice with his spiritual powers. He starts with the basics of making fireballs and aiming them. The fireballs were successfully made by him but were small in size and would vanish quickly. Upon aim, the fireballs did very little damage.

"This might be difficult. But it's okay. The more difficult the better I will become", Ajax encouraged himself.

Ajax practiced for one hour. He was improving. The fireballs stayed longer than a minute now and the damage caused also increased. Eddie sat there and took a light nap upon pressurized from Ajax as he knew Eddie did not get a wink of sleep from yesterday. Ajax was more worried about hai brother. Xander should go and sleep for someAjax time but Ajax very well knew that Xander would open the bakery and start his work there. He needs to hurry up and go help his brother in the work. So instead of practicing more, he left with Eddie at three 'o clock his mind roaming around about his powers and is it possible for him to convert his fire into weapons like a sword, blade, spear, or any other. Can he?....

Thinking he reached the bakery and pushed Xander to bed and did all the errands properly.

"Ajax what are you doing standing there, come inside" shouted Xander as he saw Ajax standing outside the bakery with groceries in his hands but his mind was somewhere else.

"What were you thinking? Any problem" asked Xander while taking the bag from his hand.

"Just that how I am so lucky to have the best brother in the world," said Ajax grinning from ear to ear.

" Don't flatter me , now come in help me"said Xander while ruffling his brothers hair and both boys got ready to prepare their dinner...