
Mysteriously gone...again

Disappointed, but Isabel gave Alex a bright smile. God knows how her heart was being ripped apart.

"It's fine, thank you." She wished, though, that it would either be Ed or George that'll attend her next time.

"Do you have any other requests?" Alex asks her while holding the door handle, about to go out. Isabel shook her head and gave her an almost sincere smile.

She let out a sigh when her attendant was gone. She looked at the hospital's wall clock and it's almost noon.

She tried closing her eyes and wanted to go back to Hash.

"No!" Hash ground his teeth, his veins are visible on his neck. She's mysteriously gone...again! Was she a product of his own imagination, did he miss the twenty-first century that much?

He hurried outside and secretly looked for her but failed, hoping that he can still see traces of her image in one of the tents, but he went back inside failed to find her, his eyes narrowed when he noticed her jeans and shirt hanged in his bathtub and her backpack. He took one stride to reach out for her bag and opened it. Her backpack smells like her, with mild herbs and flowers.

He looked at her school library access card in his hands, Isabel Tse. He wanted to laugh at her image in her Id picture, eyes wide like a doe struck by a headlight. There's also an iPhone and iPad, which made sense, she's a student after all but, Woah! Good, she's of legal age. Hash can't help but grin.

He unlocked her phone and brows for her files. He found her pictures and videos, which made his teeth clench with how reckless she was. She looks beautiful, carefree, dancing, and wasted. He pulled out her other files and eventually her email.

"Isabel Tse, are you out of your mind?"

But pull out one of her emails, regardless. It was the correspondence that had an official seal of a medical center. Was she in the medical field? But when he read through the details. It's a medical summary of her current health status.

"Terminal case?!" His voice raised slightly.

Was that why she was getting wasted? He stopped browsing her things and think deeper. Could it be the reason for her supernatural ability, crossing over the worlds unconsciously? He bet she was looking for her things right now.

He pried on her phone some more and find her downloaded music. He smiled at her music collection. BTS? Damn! He wasn't able to hold his laugh. Until he found her electronic library. He almost drooled with so much information that he can use. The only problem he got was she only has half the battery left.

How can he copy everything on paper in such a short time? Information was such a precious commodity in the twenty-first century. He checked at the tablet if it also contained information, and it did.

"Wherever you are, thank you! And damn you!" He murmured. It's like giving him his favorite flavor of ice cream when it's melted and almost gone.

"Hwui!" He called out his assistant and ordered stacks of paper and ink. Wait, maybe he could improvise on solar charging.

But until he could make one, he would have to start writing.

"Ask someone who can write fast!" He sounded angry, but in fact, he was excited.

Only that he prayed Isabel would come back with a power bank or a solar charger. He checked with the information and there was a complete book on how to build solar power.

"Fuck! Why not build one? I had manpower," then he laughed maniacally.

"Hwui! Write what I said as fast as you can!" His assistant was so bewildered with a small metal thing in his majesty's hand. It's written all over his face the question that says 'What sorcery is this?' But was too afraid of his master's wrath.

"Silicon dioxide" Novalian writing system was in the earliest hieroglyphs, they do not have a language for that. It petrified Hwui's face, mouth aghast.

"Ah!" He was going crazy.

"Leave!" massaged the folds of his brows and pointed to the tent's entrance, ordering his assistant out of his sight. So he copied the summary of the entire book regarding electricity generation because it would consume too much time if he copies the entire book. It took him half a day to check what he needed. Good thing the device doesn't run out of battery fast. But he had to be quick.

Hash hurriedly pulled the troop out and went home to Novalia. Instead of riding through his horse, he was carried through a carriage, of course, designed by him. He was inside copied books on weaponry. From simple to the most complicated.

Stacks of paper were all lying and flying around with road bumps and humps. He almost messed it up when copying a formula for gunpowder. It's such a simple formula with only three ingredients that can be found in rotted plants. The humps and bumps could not put his mood down.

Who would have thought this was possible? He thought he's going to be doomed in this place, but alas! Coincident or not, he got to shower her with lavish gifts when she returns; he believed he would be back sometime. Hash rested his eyes, it's already hurting from not sleeping, he kept on writing. He stared at his carriage's window.

He already imagined a stretch of the concrete road soon. While he was envisioning the future of this road, the image of Isabel's slim body has appeared in his mind's eye. With just an image of her in his mind, he looked down below his pelvis. He got a hard-on.

"fu**!" He cursed how can he barely control himself by just an image of her?

She had to come back, or he will find a way. She had to solve the problem she created in this world.

How could she be dying? If she had crossed the supernatural barrier, there must be something that could save her. But of course, he was not aware that he was deeply thinking about her, not that he thought he was in love.

Intrigued, maybe attracted, couldn't deny it, but there were still a lot of women he needs to explore in this world. Who knows, there could be someone that can surpass her.

He tried erasing her image, but it persisted and lasted for a few hours. Until he fell asleep and dreamt of her. Lying in a hospital bed, she was in pain. He was calling her name in his sleep.