
Night Prince

Jack was an orphan, a cripple and someone who's best characteristic was being plain. After coming home from work Jack laid on his bed and fell asleep. But, when he opened his eyes... HE HAD BABY HANDS!? . . . . . Follow the story of Ja-... I mean Adam as he gets accustomed to his new life in a different world as a non-human and embarks in a journey to do the things he never did in his previous life, which he regrets. It shouldn't be that hard right? After all he is mom's boy, and his mother is freaking strong. No one is messing with him any time soon ... Unless they have a death wish that is. . . . . . A/N The cover of this novel has only been edited by me, the original art is not mine. If the owner reaches out and wants me to take it down I'll do so.

Azarothh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Baby hands?

Jack was a boring guy.

An antisocial man who spent the entirety of his life evading any 'nuisance' that would affect his inner peace.

If you were to use one word to describe him, 'plain' would first come to mind.

He wasn't particularly unattractive, but the way he carried himself around made him 'unappealing' to the opposite sex. 

On a different note, his personality, reclusive and antisocial in nature, prevented him from ever having someone he could call a friend.

Due to this personality, Jack spent most of his life as an outcast.

Some kids bullied him back in middle school, but they quickly lost interest after not seeing a satisfactory reaction from him.

I mean, who would find joy in playing around with a cripple who gives zero fucks about your existence?

Right, he was also a cripple. 

35 years of age, single, and penniless.

His only redeeming possession was a decently sized house.

A property left behind by his parents when they died in a car accident 25 years ago.

An accident that traumatized Jack for life.

Working in a shady company, was the only source of income that ever reached his adult pockets once he graduated from a trashy third-rate university, which he managed to get accepted to after spending the few savings he had accumulated from part-time jobs and his parents' money.

At first, some relatives took him in, but there was very little they could provide and even less they could care to offer.

Affection? A family?

They weren't close enough to Jack in the first place. 

It could even be said that they were forced to take care of him, since no one else from their relatives could, or at least wanted to. 

Sending Jack to an orphanage would make them look bad. They were not wealthy, but not so poor that they couldn't afford to raise another child apart from their own. Especially when this child was 'family' in the eyes of society. 

Jack did not buy their bullshit. 

Their tactless facade was obvious even for a prepubertal kid like him. 

He was a nuisance for them, it was clear as day. 

'But, where did it all go wrong?', you may wonder.

Well, Adam was in love with movies. 

From a very tender age, he would watch all kinds of films with his father, who was a vivid fan of most genres.

His mother was highly against it, but the father and son duo would frequently find their way to enjoy their hobby together. 

Only once the movie went through a screening process and approval from his mother would he have the delight of watching it. 

Thinking back on it, Jack can't tell how many times his father had to sleep on the couch after ignoring this screening process behind his wife's back. 

On a particular day, Jack's 10th birthday, in fact, his mother found herself in a dilemma. 

For his birthday, the boy did not want a party or a car toy as a gift, but to have a family outing to the cinema. 

A movie he and his father expected, which his mother had yet to approve, was being aired all around the country, and their city was no exception. 

Laws regarding cinema age requirements were very lax in their area, to the point where most parents would carry their children to the movies were they not able to leave them with someone else to watch them. 

After incessant begging, the poor mother conceived defeat, under the condition that if the movie turned out to be inappropriate they would leave the cinema and go to a nice restaurant instead. 

They took the win and happily accepted her conditions, after all, they knew that apart from the theme being dark, nothing explicit was shown. They were familiar with the director already, so their assumptions should've been on point. 

Far from scary, his movies dealt with fantasy elements and creatures of the night, but it was appointed as 'horror' for the weak of heart nonetheless. 

It was drizzling, an obstacle but not a red flag for their plans. 

Yet, on their way to the cinema, the light drizzle transformed into a mighty rain, enough to momentarily blind Jack's father's view as he was driving. 

Then it happened. 

A reckless truck driver coming from an adjacent road ignored the defective red traffic light which was already hard to see due to the rain and hit the frontal part of the car Jack was in.

His parents died before reaching the hospital, while Jack managed to survive but did not go unscathed.

His right leg was broken in several places, and although it was possible to save the leg he would lose a significant amount of motion.

This incident left Jack an orphan, and a cripple who needed support from a walking stick in order to move around.

That takes us to the present. 


After the usual, monotonous, and boring day at work, Jack limped his way inside his house. Once in his bedroom and still wearing his salaryman suit, he threw himself on top of his bed, tossing the cane on his right hand to the floor in the process.

Staring at the ceiling with inexpressive eyes, a big sigh escaped his mouth, as he covered his forehead with the back of his hand. 

" What am I doing?"

Jack knew his ways weren't right. He was a young kid when he lost his parents and became a disabled person, but he had a life ahead of him.

Instead of making connections, finding a hobby, or falling in love with a girl, he decided to become an antisocial outcast who would only communicate when necessary.

His shy personality was not an excuse to isolate himself the way he did.

He was 35 now. A 35-year-old man with nothing but a house and a trashy job.


He had none.


They gave up on him before he could call them that.


That was a foreign term for Jack.


He had done nothing to improve his life in these last 25 years.

'I'm so tired of this shitty life. Maybe those assholes were right. Maybe, it would have been better if I had died with them that day...'

Sighing one last time, Jack's eyelids became heavier. The physical and mental fatigue took over his body as he fell asleep.


In a very luxurious room painted in black a panting woman laid on an equally luxurious bed with her legs wide open as her knees were flexing. On the other side of the bed, a woman wearing a maid's uniform was assisting her.

"Master one last push! It's almost out!"

Hearing her maid's cheering, the woman on the bed made a last push accompanied by a heart-piercing scream.


After that last push, a similar but more innocent scream sounded in the room.


The panting woman sighed and smiled after hearing that cry. To her, not even the most beautiful melody composed by the gods would match the beauty of that cry.

"It's a boy Master!! And he looks just like Master and Lord Sebastian!!" The maid had a warm smile as she looked at the baby in her arms. He was the cutest thing she had ever seen in her entire existence.

"Jane, give him to me." The woman on the bed said with a sweet yet domineering voice. Her tiredness was long gone. Even the sweat and other liquids that resulted from the event were nowhere to be seen.

At some point, she sat on the bed with the bedsheets covering her legs elegantly. Every gesture she made, every breath she took, her whole demeanor screamed nobility.

With a nod and a small pout which didn't go unnoticed, the maid gently placed the baby in her master's arms. The latter almost forgot to breathe when looking at the newborn she was now holding.

For the second time in her life, she felt something in her heart twist. A feeling she wasn't very familiar with until not too long ago.


It hadn't been a minute since she gave birth but she already knew that if any being dared to even misspeak about this baby they would die the most painful and cruelest death possible by her own two hands.


Breaking through the door like a policeman who had been chasing after a murderer on the run, a man rushed inside the room.

" Eve! Is the baby fine? Is it a boy? A Girl? Are you alright? Oh no, you look pale!!"


Eve stared blankly at her husband while Jane coughed from the other side of the room, trying to suppress a laugh. 

"Yes, the baby is fine."

She extended her arm, trying to reach for her husband's face, who was kneeling next to the bedside. 

"It is a boy."

A gentle, cold yet warm sensation invaded Sebastian's cheek as his wife caressed him. 



"I'm always pale!"

Sebastian could only scratch his head with a stupid smile after his wive's 'affectionate' slap. 

Then, he took a glance at the baby in Eve's arms.

Similar to Eve, Sebastian felt his heart twisting with love and care. Unable to contain his feelings he started tearing down while caressing his wife's face who at some point smiled warmly at him.

"We finally did it love. We finally have our child."

For the next few minutes. They stayed like that. She sat on the bed, he kneeled next to her, and they both looked at their baby with eyes full of love.


<Jack's POV>

'Mmh? What time is it? I fell asleep without setting an alarm so I might be running late.

W-what? Why can't I move?

It also feels way too comfy... Since when did my bed feel this comfy?

Wait, that's not important right now, the fact that I can't move remains.


Was my ceiling always black?

Also, where's that smell coming from?

It smells heavenly...



Why is a giant woman holding me ?!

What's with this stupidly handsome man leaning on her?!

And more importantly...


Sooooo... this is my second try at making a novel. NSM became hard for me to continue though I might work on it in the future.

I said it in NSM and I'll say it here as well. This is my hobby. I won't do it regularly but when I have time ( which isn't plenty) and constructive critisism is more than welcome since english is my second language and writting is a pretty new thing for me. So yeah...

I hope you are having a wonderfull day.

Azarothhcreators' thoughts