
Night Prince

Jack was an orphan, a cripple and someone who's best characteristic was being plain. After coming home from work Jack laid on his bed and fell asleep. But, when he opened his eyes... HE HAD BABY HANDS!? . . . . . Follow the story of Ja-... I mean Adam as he gets accustomed to his new life in a different world as a non-human and embarks in a journey to do the things he never did in his previous life, which he regrets. It shouldn't be that hard right? After all he is mom's boy, and his mother is freaking strong. No one is messing with him any time soon ... Unless they have a death wish that is. . . . . . A/N The cover of this novel has only been edited by me, the original art is not mine. If the owner reaches out and wants me to take it down I'll do so.

Azarothh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

The birth of a monster.

Jack wasn't a genius, but it didn't take long to understand his position.

At first, he thought he was dreaming, but after a few hours of 'not waking up', he ended up accepting this new, bizarre reality. 

For some reason, unknown to him, he turned into a baby.

Transmigration, reincarnation, call it whatever you want. The fact was, Jack was no longer on earth.

This was clear to him the moment he saw who he believed was his new mother, magically summoning a water ball that dispersed in all directions before getting him clean, after he had peed himself like any other baby would.

If not for the lack of control he had over his new body, he would've screamed his lungs out.

After a week of lying in place, cursing every deity he could think of internally to relieve stress, he finally gave up and accepted his fate.

Jack didn't know what had happened to him, but assuming he had a pretty unhealthy lifestyle dying from a heart attack or something wouldn't be surprising.

After being kicked out from his relative's house he pretty much did whatever he wanted with his life and had no one to tell him not to.

He started smoking when he was 17. By the time he was 18, he started drinking.

Jack would get drunk every night by himself as he watched a movie, his only pastime activity apart from reading books every now and then.

He never attempted to cook anything so buying instant noodles and chips of different kinds was his daily diet.

Now thinking about it...

Was he indirectly trying to kill himself or something?

' Not like it matters.'

That was in the past. Now, he had more important things to figure out.

Like, for example, who exactly were his parents?

Just by looking around the room with his limited baby's range of motion, he could tell they were pretty rich.

The room he was in, although a little outdated, was very luxurious. 

The black on the walls was accompanied by various golden-framed paintings. Some depicted his parents, while others displayed landscapes and breathtaking scenery. 

Fine furniture adorned the place, highlighting the elegance and nobility instilled in the room. 

'Am I a noble or something?'

The answer to this question hit him in the face when one day a maid showed up in the room after his mother's call.

What they conversed about was a mystery for Jack since, to his dismay, whatever language they spoke was not one he knew. 

Not like that was a problem. 

Baby brains were like sponges, so he should catch up quickly and learn this alien language in a jiffy. 

'Wait! What if my brain doesn't have that function installed?'

As a fake baby, Jack was not too sure. He was never a quick learner, so if the sponge feature all babies had was missing, instead of impressing he would only disappoint his parents. 

'I lived as a cripple already once, please god, have mercy and make me a sponge~'

Not everything was bad news though, being a baby brought with it many good things as well. Especially the feeding sessio.. *Cough*.

Anyways, all in all, there was nothing he could do. He would wait until he was a little older and learn as much as possible in the meantime.

Living with strangers wasn't very fun for him but these thoughts were washed away when he noticed how loved he was by his new parents.

A feeling he had long since forgotten. Maybe, just maybe this time he could live a happy life. With loving parents that would stay with him until the very end.

With this thought, Jack fell asleep, but unlike other times, a satisfied smile could be seen on his baby face.


It's been two years since Jack reincarnated in this new, unknown world...

" Adam, baby, why don't you come play with mama instead of playing around with that book?"

Well, Jack is no longer Jack, but Adam now. A name bestowed upon him by non-other than the lady who was calling him now, his mother.

"I'm not playing around mother. I'm reading."

"Uhm! Are you in your rebellious phase! Ever since I taught you how to read you never play with me anymore!"

Eve, the woman that was pouting like a spoiled child was the name of Adam's mother. A woman possessing a beauty that under normal circumstances would initiate a war. A war to claim her hand in marriage. That's how pretty she was.

Contrary to her playful behaviour, that she would only display when around her close ones, Eve was a very refined person whose aura screamed nobility and purity. Her long, smooth, black hair was like the night itself, the depiction of a veil of darkness that would entrap you, were you to look at her. Blood-crimson eyes that could make anyone submit. Pale- porcelain skin that seemed deprived of blood. The body of a succubus, a figure that seemed sculpted by God himself on a day he felt like creating perfection.

That is Eve.

"Mom, I will play with you later. This book is very interesting so cut me some slack, ok?"

'Are two-year-old supposed to speak like that?' Jane, the head maid who was present at Adam's birth, couldn't help but be amazed by her master's child. And she had all the reasons to feel that way since normal children at that age weren't supposed to act like this, regardless of what their race might be.

" Well alright, I will forgive you this one time. If you give mama a kiss that is."

'Sigh. This woman can't be more loving can she. Not like I mind it.'

Adam, who was sitting on a chair that was not meant for someone of his stature, jumped down after placing the book he was reading on the desk that was in front of him. Landing in a way that would put gymnasts to shame, he moved towards the bed that was a few steps away from him, extended his tiny arms and got picked up by his mother who embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. An action that he reciprocated.

"Hyaaaa~! My baby is so cute!!" Eve hugged Adam "lovingly" as she swinged him around.

(A/N: Don't do this at home)

'I knew it was a bad idea...'

And, just like that, Adam's study session came to a fruitless end.


The next day, with his mother being absent due to some work, Adam sat on his desk and read quietly. Apart from him, Jane was also in the room, sneaking glances at him as she stood next to the bedroom's door.

'He really does have master's and Lord Sebastian's genes.' Was the thought that came to her mind as she looked at him.

Adam was indeed his parent's child. His dark hair was just like her mother's but shorter, while his amethyst-violet eyes were a feature from his father. His face was his father's as well. Though he was still too young, the resemblance was absolute.

Considering these inheritances and how mature he behaved for his age, Jane feared the monster he would become when it came to the ladies.

' A player in the making...'

Adam was oblivious to his maid's delusions. He was too focused on the book that was in front of him to pay attention to anything else.

"Mana: the source of life", was what the cover said.

In this book, the author spoke about mana and its uses in a practical setting. He explored the origin of this type of energy and came to make a lot of findings regarding its capabilities. Even in today's society, thousands of years after the publishing of this book, people use this knowledge to get a better understanding of "Magic", the manifestation of mana.

When he first found out about this world being a magical one, his first reaction was to feel afraid. I mean, unless you are some sort of novel protagonist, your first impression in front of a magical phenomenon wouldn't be excitement. But as Adam saw magic being used on his daily basis, he started to get accustomed to it, to the point that now he felt curious about the extents of magic and how to use it.

As he was getting immersed on the ancient book and his understanding of mana became deeper, something inside of him began to change. Concentrating on this change that he immediately noticed, Adam could feel what he believed was his mana moving around.

He's always been conscious of his mana since the day he was born. Having lived a life in a world where this energy didn't exist might've helped a lot. And now, that same energy that up until now had been dormant started acting up.

"J-jane, I'm feeling weird."

Seeing her young master's expression of pain caused Jane's heart to halt for a second. But, in the next second, she was already holding Adam on her arms while casting a healing spell. At least, that is what she was about to do when she noticed something that brought immense astonishment to her very soul. Adam's unawaken mana, was going haywire around his navel region which could only mean one think. His core was forming.

'How in the seven hells is this possible?!"

Right at that point Eve appeared out of thin air. Her worried face gone by the point she reached her maid who was holding her son.


She wasn't worried but confused.

" P-place him on the ground now!"

Understanding what her master was thinking she quickly placed Adam on the ground in a supine position.

The kid was breathing heavily as the pain he was feeling was getting worst and worst. It felt as if his insides were being twisted and teared in all directions from his navel.

"Baby don't be scared. This is happening earlier than it should, but it is totally normal." Eve said with a smile on her face as she caressed her son's face.

'Woman I'm dying here!!! What do you mean normal?!?!'

Hopefully, Adam's words weren't displayed out loud or his mother would truly question whether his son was actually 2 years old or a middle-aged man.

"Breathe in and concentrate on this place in your belly. Close your eyes and tell me what you see."

Doing as his mother said, Adam breathed in and closed his eyes, focusing on the hellish pain on his navel. Then, he could see an entangling of worm like red threads that were coming together at a single point, creating a ball of sorts.

" I-i can see a sphere of red threads coming together, mom. The more they join the more it h-hurts... Aaaaaah!!!"

Unable to continue with his explanation Adam screamed his lungs out. If it was any other child, they would've fainted from the pain.

Eve did not look panicked at all. She was a bit worried, after all her son was feeling enormous pain but, she just couldn't not feel happy after Adam explained what he saw.

' He really is my son after all'

With a proud smile, Eve gave some instructions to Adam.

"Baby, listen to mama. Try to visualize those threads again, but this time imagine yourself holding these threads and pulling them together."

'You want me to do what?'

Adam was scared of his mother's train of thought, if it wasn't him, how was a normal 2-year-old supposed to understand that?

Shoving those thoughts aside he followed his mother's instructions once again and did as she said. This time, apart from visualizing the threads coming together, he willed them to fasten the process by imagining himself pulling every single one of them together towards the centre, where the ball of thread was forming.

During all this process Jane had the face of someone who was in total disbelief. She knew how talented Adam was, since it hadn't been that long since he was born, and he could already read complex books on mana theory. But having an intellectual talent that was by far superior to the rest of children at his age was still within the boundaries of common sense. Now, forming a mana core, which was a natural process all sentient beings go through, at the age of 2?

That was just bullshit.

Eve was a renowned personality in the world. A being that was beyond common sense as well. A creature that stood at the top of the food chain as the ultimate predator. Yet, her talent paled in comparison to her child's. She, as the monster she was, formed her core when she was barely 5. An accomplishment without precedents in the history of the world ...until now.

A normal person would form their cores at the age of 13. At which time they would attend an academy to train and improve in their proficiency using said core to bring out its true powers.

Jane herself was considered a prodigy among prodigies since she as well awakened at a young age like her master, when she was 10. Although less impressive, this was a huge achievement that signified how talented Jane was in comparison to others.

'Yet, another monster appeared...'

Jane thought as a proud smile formed on her face. She felt enormous happiness and thought she was very lucky to serve such beings.

" Adam, you are almost there baby." Eve said as she cleaned Adam's forehead which was soaked in sweat.

Then, as the last red strand was pulled into the ball like structure, the pain he was feeling vanished, and he felt relieved knowing that this hellish ordeal had ended.

Or at least that's what he thought since the next second an explosion of accumulated energy fired out of Adam's body, which destroyed most of the room's furniture and walls in the process.

As the cloak of debris from the mana outburst dissipated, the room, or rather, what was left of it came into view.

"Pfff... HAHAHAHAH~"

Eve, laughed hysterically as she held her stomach. She could not express how happy she was that her baby would not have to worry about being a weakling in a society where only the strong ruled.

After a few seconds passed and she calmed down, she picked Adam up, who was sleeping like a baby and embraced him lovingly.

"Jane, get to cleaning. I will go somewhere with Adam. Tell my husband when he arrives." Eve commanded, no trace of tenderness or affection present in her voice.

" As you wish, Master."

As Eve vanished from the spot she was standing at, Jane flicked her fingers and most of the room, as if turning back in time, fixed itself to the point that there was not a single scratch on the walls. Unfortunately, the bed and other furniture didn't survive the outflow of mana and were destroyed, since no special magic was protecting them.


With a single word, five women dressed in maid clothes similar to Jane's, appeared on the room and bowed to Jane in a respectful manner.

"The Queen has left for a while. Increase the security outside and order a bed with the best materials available in the market. Make sure to inscribe superior-grade protection magic on it to make sure it is durable. Also, take this list, make sure you buy all the books listed there. Now you may go."

"Yes." x5

As they came, they vanished on the spot.

" I look forward to your future, young master." Jane said with a radiant smile that would put even the princess of a great Kingdome to shame.