
You Only Live Twice

"Run boy, run"

I sprint from my house and away from the murderous barbarians killing and pillaging Rome.

Quickly running away, I found myself in the middle of pure chaos and pandemonium.

People being killed left and right all trying for the safety of the citadel and the safety of the legions holding it.

As I try to get my bearings, I find myself feeling extremely disconnected from the world as if i'm seeing it on TV instead of being in the center of a genocidal massacre of the ancient world.

And as i see a hulking barbarian rushing towards me sword raised and slashing down upon me, the last thing I hear is

~ Ding~ [Conqueror System is Activated]


And it all goes dark....again.

Hey guys

It's the King so this is my first (maybe last) piece of work so advice would be appreciated. I'm actually a very slow typist? but i will try to continuously update, but quite frankly this might be it, but let me know if you like it and how the story should progress. Thanks!

Gilgamesh_the_Kingcreators' thoughts