
Three is Two too Many

Conquest: Imperator. That was the name of the game the whole world was obsessed with. In 2042, VR was created to simulate the full scope of reality. It quickly became the most played game with over 2 Billion online players and 4 billion game purchases. I was NOT one of the online players.

My passion lied with the story line. I always admired the history of ancient civilizations and Imperator was the perfect game for me. It was set in the Mediterranean and in a roman like civilization. So, of course, I jumped at the chance and downloaded a few ( crap ton) mods and loaded up the game. But what I didn't know was that a storm was coming through and just so happened to hit me...


New User...

Loading Mods...

Starting New Game...

Error.. Error.. Error..

And everything went black for the first time.

So i'm Back (for now) this is just for fun and to explore some of my ideas plus i'm kinda making this up as i go. Also if i notice a good amount of people like this i might just start updating regularly.

Gilgamesh_the_Kingcreators' thoughts
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