
New Life/Twilight

just a fanfic about twilight with a system. turn off your brain and read until something better pops up. disclaimer I don’t own twilight.

Isekailife · Filem
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2 Chs

“Fuck I died”

(A/n: holy shit, I was excited to write my own fanfic only to realize that I suck at write and how difficult it can be to write dialogue with the mc involved)

(P.s: I never read the books or watched the movies… so yeah going based on fanfic and Wikipedia my friends)

"Fuck I died"!!

Your probably wondering, how I got here? It all start yesterday, I finally graduated med school and I was out celebrating with my friends drinking. When a cute blond girl comes up to me and asks if I'll like to go somewhere private! I agreed thinking 'guess I won't become a wizard'!

Anyways we were talking and I was setting the mood, when I shit you not a fucking flower pot hit me in the head killing me!! Like couldn't I get a heart attack after losing my apprentice wizard status?!!


Anyways here I am talking to god apparently, bet his reading my mind.

A chuckle escapes from god " I'm sorry it just you got to admit it a little funny. Anyway I'm sorry that I accidentally killed you but in my defense even if I didn't kill you, you would have died".

"What do you mean I would have died, I was this close into getting laid"?! I shouted out loud. Like how could I die by getting laid?!

"Ahh how do I explain this…. The woman that you were about to have intercourse, would later stab you in the balls after she took your kidneys. Causing you to die a slow painful death".

I was shocked but then I remembered all the criminal minds episodes I watch and couldn't believe she was a walking red flag. She kept giving me drinks even though I told her I was a light weight, she slowly started to separate me from my friends, she came to a bar in the middle of the night without any friends. No woman would go to a bar alone in the middle of the night!! Well shit all hail the flower pot I guess.


"So what now, do I go to heaven or hell, or disappear"? I asked. Honestly I'm scared right now like what if I just disappear and no longer exist anymore.

"Well normally, were you get sent, it depends on what you believe, what happens after death. Now I said normally, but since I accidentally killed you. I'll help you out as an apology. You see people get reincarnated all the time but they don't get to keep their memories, after all being reborn is a gift in itself. But to be fair I'll let you keep your memories and be human again. I'll even throw three wishes how does that sound"!

In my excitement I shout out "Hell yes, you got yourself a deal my friend. So how is this going to work will I go to a anime, movies, novel world"?

God repleys " yes, now to choose a world will be by random after the world is chosen then I'll give you, your wishes. Now spin the wheel and see where you go"

A massive wheel of fortune appears and I see names of worlds I recognize like Harry Potter, fairy tail, one piece, marvel, dc, war hammer, and many I don't recognize. I push the button and the wheel starts spinning, world after world. After a few seconds the wheel starts to slow down and it looks like it will stop on boku no pico. Never heard of it but just as is was about to stop there the wheel speeds up a bit and lands on twilight. Feels like I just got saved but I don't know why?

God 'damn this guys luck is terrible, luckily he didn't notice my divine intervention'

"So twilight huh not bad, no overpowered individuals who want to take over the world or alien invasions, also don't worry about people reading your mind I'll take care of it, now let's get to your wishes" said God

Damn gods really nice, mad respect " alright uhh for my first wish I would like a system that isn't Scentient cause from all the novels and fanfic I've read a lot of them are assholes".

"You want a system that fine but you will have to spin for it and if you get a scentient one I'll make it loyal to you and can't force you to do thing you don't want to how does that sound"?

"That's perfect start the spin please" I said as the wheel spins once again… after a few seconds it slows down on The Quest system.

"Not bad kid let me example the basics about the Quest system. The quest system is divided into three categories the first is the regular mission that can be easily completed and will give max mastery in any subject being math, science, cooking, driving. You can think of it as easy mode in a video game. It purpose is to help you make money in case you wish to live a normal life or aren't capable in completing harder quests. The second category is called challenger mode, this category contains rewards like skills, superpowers, and potions. You want powers, skills, or potions take a challenge quest were you will fight monsters or other creatures for various powers. Think of it like a dungeon from solo leveling, clear the the dungeon and collect the rewards. When in challenger mode time freeze so theirs no time dilation. Now the final category is the hardest of all called Trial mode. You have a higher chance in dying unless you already have a skill to save you from death. The rewards for completing Trial mode can range from reality warping to changing a fundamental rule of the world you live in. All quest are optional. Any questions"?

That's fucking awesome as long as I complete any quest I won't have to worry about money. If I want powers challenge mode but wait " what do you mean about reality warping and changing a fundamental rule of the world isn't reality warping a superpower"? I asked confused

"Ahh I see how your confused" replied god as he began to explain "you see you can get any skill or power in challenger mode as long as its not grossly overpowered for example saitamas power or sung Jin woo shadow monarch powers over death it's a limitation i place for a reason and that because your going into a world where immortality exists and long lives can be extremely boring. Maybe one day when your bored of the world you can do a trial to enter a new one with your loved ones. Now as for the fundamental rule part basically if you for example want your vampire girlfriend to have kids or go into direct sunlight without glowing like a disco ball. A Trial will be given and the reward would be the ability to get vampires pregnant or lose their weakness. And no you can't use your other wishes".

I want to shout but I calm down it's best to not waste a wish when I can get it later. He said trial missions have a high chance of death so using my wishes on powers and skills that can save my life will help with the trials. sigh "I understand let continue. For my second wish I would like the powers of the seven deadly".

" I'll allow it but you can only choose three powers form the seven deadly sin choose wisely"said god but I already have my three powers in mind.

"I choose ban power set, gowthers powers and finally Merlin's powers" I reply.

After thinking for a while bans snatch ability and immortality along with his speed and strength will help with the trial giving me a great chance of success because let's be honest bans immortality is way better than a vampires. Now gowthers powers to change memories and cause illusion is very useful incase someone see something they shouldn't. And I chosed Merlin's because she op as fuck and magic is bullshit op. I would of choosen escanor cause sunshine is op but hard to hide and vampires being weak to fire has a high chance of friendly fire happening.

"Alright now final wish, what's it gonna be"? Asked God.

" For my final wish I would like a training dimension where time is slower than the real world. I thought hard about it and realized it would be really hard to train and control powers I will get in the future if I have to worry about people finding out about it. Ya know what I mean"?

"I will give you the power to enter a separate dimension that you control, its livable so you can even live there in the future if you wish to. You don't have to worry about gods and other stuff as I'm the only god in existence. Now the dimension can be used to create different environments or increase gravity and you don't have to worry about damaging the land it'll fix itself. Now bans immortality will always be active you will heal instantly and don't worry you will age until your 25. Ill give you the basics on how to use the powers. But it up to you to train in them".

"Before I start to reincarnate you any idea on how you will look like"? Asked God

I start to think for a minute," can I create my appearance"?

"Sure I have no problem with that, here you go".

Gives me a tablets with choice on everything except background info and name have been chosen and can't be changed.

Character creation

Name: Benjamin Swan/ locked

Height: 6'6"

Hair color: black/locked

Eye color: brown/locked


Dick size: 13inch width: 3(for the lewd people)

Appearance: Lucifer Morningstar (couldn't think of anyone better)

Background info:

Older twin brother of Isabella "Bella" swan.

Lives with Renee in phoenix. Moves to forks with Bella.

"Alright god I'm ready" said benjamin

"Good luck kid" and with that god waved his hand and Benjamin disappeared.

(Author note: Ohh forgot to say that the quest system has a inventory that automatically collects his loot or basically anything he want except living things. And the powers or skills he gets are random kinda like a gacha but every five easy quests, he can make a challenger mission reward a specific power and every ten challenger mission he can specify what power he want for his trial mission reward. I hope that explains everything.)

(P.s. his system will fully activate when the story start's basically when they move to forks until then he will get category 1 mission until plot starts which is when Charlie picks them up, that why he doesn't become saitama so early. His immortality is passive so he will always have it and age until 25. He has access to his training dimension and other powers.) i mean I already feel his too op for twilight when you add bans powers plus his speed and strength and then add gowthers abilites and then add Merlin infinity. He won't solve the plot problem single handily, character growth and all but he will curb stomp you if you mess with his women)

Will see how this goes