
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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141 Chs

Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles

Preparations for the biggest war to go down in history have been gradually building and building. Their spirits have been lifted as they had their savior support them through the toughest times. The whole world was waiting for an heir to be born after seeing so many women inside the palace where their savior resided. Tiamat was struggling to keep the other nation's leaders at bay from meeting Yhwach.

Ophis: Can you feel that?

Ophis asked her legs swinging back and forth while she sat on top of the railing.

Raynare: Feel what? Billions of humans desperate for support and guidance?

Raynare asked.

Ophis turned to look at her as her creepy empty smile gave Raynare the chills. 

Ophis: The love they all are giving off. All of them trust a man they never met before as he simply showed them some of his powers.

Raynare: They were all in a dark place that needed someone to be there for them to bring them out of the dark. He's given me a chance that I could never imagine having if it wasn't for him. Life with no pain, sorrow, or war isn't something you can just easily wake up to the next morning and have it be announced on the news. This is Lord Yhwach's biggest dream that he desires. You came to him for a reason. It was either to kill him, join him, or want something from him.

Raynare explained to her.

Ophis raised her hand into the air to try to grab something that wasn't even there. 

Ophis: Indeed, I do want something from him.

Michael entered the palace throne room as he appeared behind Ophis and Raynare. Raynare felt this powerful holy power standing right behind her that caused her to quickly turn around to see Michael himself standing right in front of her. 

Raynare: L- Lord M-Michael? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out helping the humans?

She asked as she was still nervous being around him.

Michael simply gave her a genuine smile. 

Michael: I have my angels helping them out, I just have something to discuss with Yhwach. Do you know where he is?

He asked.

Raynare: No, sorry. We've been quite busy lately, so we didn't get the chance to see where he went off to.

Raynare replied.

Ophis kept her focus out on the world before giving a response to the Archangel. 

Ophis: He's in the basement.

Ophis casually responded.

Michael thanked her before heading over towards the basement. Upon entering it, he saw Yhwach preparing his gear as everyone else was preparing. Without even giving it a chance, Yhwach spun around as he swung his katana straight towards Michael's neck, but it was stopped as he put up a barrier to stop the attack. 

Michael: I see that you are always on your guard no matter where you are.

Michael said.

Yhwach lowered his weapon and sheathed his katana.

Yhwach: If you enter without announcing yourself, expect a swift response. Now, why have you come?

Yhwach inquired, his tone as sharp as his blade.

Michael: Lord Yhwach, I have to ask, what brought you this absurd crazy idea of wanting to stop the bloodshed, lying, and hatred? My father wanted to have his creation this peace that you are pursuing right now before he died during the war. After his death, everything wasn't the same anymore as humans began pillaging, murdering, and raping those in the name of God. I was ashamed to even make contact with humans after seeing what they did in the name of God. I was too weak as the death of my father destroyed me.

Yhwach hated everything he just said as this sick world was filled with liars, monsters, and even psychotic bastards that do everything in the name of God. 

Yhwach: You ask what set me on this path? I'll tell you. It's witnessing the loss of everyone you hold dear, powerless to prevent their demise while the world callously moves forward, oblivious to the suffering. These endless conflicts and wars, fueled by those who profit from the suffering of others, must cease.

Yhwach began explaining.

Michael: There are many ways to avoid fights and wars. Killing won't lead to peace as it would only bring more fights in the future.

Michael said.

Yhwach: Your father's mistake was in allowing his creation to stagnate, resulting in the current chaos. How can faith be fostered without direct guidance and intervention?

Yhwach asked.

Michael: Most of the blame should go towards my brothers Samael and Lucifer. Those two have done more evil than good.

Yhwach: By placing blame solely on them, you overlook the role your father played. His reluctance to intervene, to assert his authority, allowed such discord to fester. This world crumbles because those unwilling to confront their true selves inevitably falter.

Yhwach concluded as he finished crafting yet another iron knife.

Michael couldn't get a read on him whatsoever. Every word he speaks brings more questions than answers. 

Michael: That's where we begin to differ you and I, Yhwach.

Yhwach smiled wryly in response.

Yhwach: It's unwise to pass judgment based on our individual interpretations of knowledge. Each person's worldview is shaped uniquely by their experiences and beliefs.

Michael: A good majority of the Devils hate you for what you have done, and mostly every God that lives to this day despises you. Them seeing a person like you declare to the world that you are a God made them pretty upset. I don't know how you do it, but you somehow understand other people's feelings as you take those feelings and give them what they truly want.

Michael praised him.

Yhwach acknowledged the praise with a faint smile.

Yhwach: People seldom reveal their true sentiments. My existence has been immersed in blood, corpses, and unyielding agony, providing me with clarity. This path I tread is not for personal gain—it's for the world and all those who rally behind this vision of a new era.

Michael was confused a bit. 

Michael: What are you saying?

Yhwach: I have endured eons of suffering and torment. My current path is a continuation of that legacy, albeit with different intentions. A dear friend illuminated an alternative, a path where solitude need not be the sole companion. Understand, Michael, I do not seek dominion for my own satisfaction. I offer a lifeline to a world bereft of pain, suffering, and the void that has consumed me.

Michael was surprised by these words. Listening to him, it sounds as if this is his final goodbye present to everyone. Looking at him, Michael could see the emptiness in his eyes as if he had searched his whole life for something but wasn't able to find anything.

Yhwach: Once the evil has been purged from this world, and the world can live in harmony without worry, then that is when my journey comes to an end as my sins can be mended. In the end, we don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our death.

Michael: Won't you be doing the same thing like how you explained to me earlier what my father did? Giving up on everyone as you move on?

Michael asked.

Yhwach: Your perception is flawed. Though I may depart from this world, the beacon I have ignited will be entrusted to those who have steadfastly stood by my side. They grasp the harsh realities of our existence. Many anticipate my reign with an iron fist, yet my aim was never dominion over a kingdom or a world. It is about offering humanity a second chance to rectify its course from the clutches of manipulators, deceivers, and those devoid of empathy.

Michael: You truly want to purge the sins of this world.

Michael said with a sad look on his face as this was something he wished he could do.

Yhwach looked at Michael as the next words Yhwach said to him sent a chill up his spine. 

Yhwach: Men, women, devils, angels, and all manner of beasts who extinguish life for mere convenience deserve a fate more severe than any devil could mete out. I shall execute them without hesitation, laying them to rest beneath the earth they defiled, all while wearing a grin of satisfaction.

The basement door opened up again as Cao Cao, Yasaka, and Kunou entered the room. 

Yasaka: Do please forgive us for our intrusion, my Lord, but we have something urgent to speak with the two of you when you are all done. I have invited everyone to hear me out as this is going to be troubling news for everyone.

Yasaka said.

Michael and Yhwach glanced at each other before leaving the basement as they all headed towards the throne room. Everyone gathered around while Yhwach sat on the throne looking over everything. Tiamat started things off by explaining the progress of the world with their training and developments. 

Tiamat: Firstly, I would like to start things off with the progression of the world. Most of the world has joined up with Yhwach's forces to battle against the Devils, but most nations haven't joined his cause due to their allegiance with the Norse Gods, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, and Egyptian Gods. Their belief in Lord Yhwach being the savior of this world has made them spite him greatly.

Yasaka took over as more bad news was to come in. 

Yasaka: Rumors of Rizevim Livan Lucifer have been spreading across the whole Underworld of him trying to take command of the Underworld.

Everyone looked at each other with worry while Yhwach and Ophis remained unfazed by the developments.

Yhwach: So, the vermin reveals himself at last. Bearing the name Lucifer, I'm going to assume that he will put up more of a fight than that little child's brother did.

Yhwach's words dripped with disdain, his resolve unwavering in the face of the looming threat.

Yasaka: If we're talking about, Rizevim, then you should expect a fight like never before if you are going to go against him. If the rumors are to be true, then I would expect this war between humanity and the Devils to become the biggest and bloodiest battle ever.

Yasaka explained.

Ophis: Rizevim is no ordinary Devil like your usual bunch. He is an idealist, pathological, and fanatic when it comes to the Underworld.

Ophis said.

Everyone looked at her as she was sitting on the armrest of the throne. 

Ophis: Rizevim doesn't want to just kill off humanity, he wants to revive the Apocalyptic Beast known as 666 or Trihexa.

The air in the room was sucked dry no one dared to breathe after hearing that.

Ophis turned to look at Yhwach as her empty smile returned. 

Ophis: What do you plan to do against that, great savior?

Ophis asked.

Yhwach rose from his throne, his presence commanding attention.

Yhwach: As I've reiterated before, the malevolence festering in this world has ignited my righteous fury. I initiated this conflict to eradicate such depravity and to liberate those ensnared in its grasp. Stripping them of their possessions alone is insufficient; they deserve a punishment more profound than mere oblivion. Their corruption has tainted the very essence of existence, indiscriminately inflicting pain and suffering to satiate their insatiable desires for power, pleasure, and wealth.

Kalawarner: What do you wish to do, my Lord?

Kalawarner asked.

Tiamat: Just say the word, my Lord.

Tiamat said.

Yhwach gazed out at the city, observing the ubiquitous propaganda bearing his likeness plastered across every surface.

Yhwach: Our alliance isn't forged from a desire to dominate the Devils. Rather, it stems from a collective yearning for the utopia I envision. This world has relinquished everything to align with my cause, seeking refuge in the ideal world we strive to create. Regret is a luxury we cannot afford, for the harsh grip of reality relentlessly propels us forward, while the malevolence of this world continues to sow chaos and suffering in its wake.

Everyone kept their mouths shut as they all waited for their Emperor to finish his words were more sacred than ever as the world was in his hands.

Yhwach: This is it... The final straw before this world can have true peace. Consider this my offering to all who have endured anguish, shedding tears, voicing anguish, and succumbing to despair. Though the path may seem obscured now, trust that clarity will dawn in due time. So, amidst the chaos, find solace in laughter, let smiles pierce through tears, and hold fast to the belief that every twist of fate serves a purpose.

Raynare picked up the way he spoke. It sounded to her as if he wasn't going to be apart of this new world. 

Raynare: Lord Yhwach... Why do you sound sad?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach: Have you not learned? Emotion breeds vulnerability. To entertain sadness would be to expose cracks in my resolve, allowing intrusive thoughts entry into forbidden territories. That feline prattles on about birthing a superior race to reign over this world, but that life never truly belonged to me.

Kalawarner spoke her mind after hearing that. 

Kalawarner: Don't you dare say something like that... You have as much right to live in this new world just like the rest of us. Don't dwell on the past because this world you speak of in the future belongs to you as it belongs to everyone else you wish to give to

Yhwach turned to look at everyone before giving them all a smirk. 

Yhwach: We'll continue this conversation at a later date, but for now, let us march through the gates of Hell.

Michael, Azazel, Penemue, Baraqiel, Ophis, and the Seraphs all looked on with interest as every one of Yhwach's followers followed his command without question. They all went to their posts to line up the forces before proceeding into the Underworld. Yhwach prepared for the attack as well by equipping his new Iron armor, katana, sword, a bag of iron knives, and the iron weapons he was making in the basement.

Michael, Azazel, and Yasaka were given the title of General as they were going to command the forces in this war while their main leader would be out on the battlefield where he truly belonged rather than on some throne.

Ophis just stuck with Yhwach like glue while everyone else did their things. 

Ophis You forgot about our deal after you made this new world.

She said unemotionally.

Yhwach: Why would I break our deal? You have a kill switch that could instantly kill me inside. You help me make this world, I will give you your home.

Ophis: I'm just making sure you remember.

Yhwach: I'm going to be the new Soul King when this all finishes. This world needs to know that their God is watching over them even in death. Unlike any of you, or indeed any mortal soul, I have endured through eons uncounted. Such longevity molds one into an entity beyond comprehension. My existence stands as a testament to this truth, having defied death's grasp on numerous occasions.

Ophis: Why don't you just change that? Living a life where you can watch over the world for a very long time will keep the peace.

Ophis suggested.

Yhwach: I recently learned that nothing lasts forever. Everything must come to an end sooner or later. But you, you are infinity itself. That rule doesn't apply to you because living a life of infinity will only bring misery and sadness for eternity. Why do you think humans were given only sixty to eighty years of life? Their greed, power, and manipulation would bring absolute harm to this world if they were to live thousands upon thousands of years like you all.

Yhwach said as he headed outside.

Ophis just stared at him without saying a word to him as she stood beside him outside before swirling her fingers in a circle to open a massive portal into the Underworld.

Everyone looked at the portal before seeing their Emperor step inside. Seeing this caused everyone to march in unison inside the portal as the biggest upcoming war for absolute peace began to take its course.

Scene Break

The portal that Ophis created caused everyone to look over in that direction. They all knew that something big was going down if a portal of that size appeared before them. Kuroka and Koneko turned their attention back toward Akeno as they were quite surprised to see her here of all places. 

Kuroka: What brings you here? Shouldn't you be with your Master?

Kuroka asked.

Koneko's eyes widened as she stepped up to speak with her. 

Koneko: Did you abandon Rias's side to join up with, Yhwach?

Akeno: I'm surprised to see you here with your sister, but I did leave Rias as she was too blind to see the world around her. My father and Yasaka explained it to me as they painted a picture of Yhwach's world that he wanted to build. What they spoke of sounded like a load of junk, but as they kept going further into detail about everything he had done, I began to see a light that felt warm.

Akeno began explaining everything.

Kuroka: Are you on his side now?

Kuroka asked.

Akeno: To be honest, I haven't decided on that. The way he speaks of life is like it's some story out of a book. The Fallen Angels support him with everything they have as humanity has given their lives to him. I find it so odd how we haven't heard of such a man until the moment he came up on our radar. The way he speaks and acts feels very commanding and promising. It's like he is...

Kuroka: Jesus...

Kuroka finished the sentence for her.

Akeno: Yea... As if God himself has been reborn.

Kuroka let out a small sigh. 

Kuroka: The way he acts and speaks has everything to do with his past as that has shaped him into the man he is now. He has taught us a lot of things that we will never forget until the end of the day. Come join us, you won't have to suffer anymore when you serve, Lord Yhwach. The life we all wanted is inches away as he will open the doors to paradise for everyone.

Kuroka said before the sound of rubble being moved could be heard.

Georg removed all of the rubble off of him as he was extremely pissed about this whole situation before the sound of thunder boomed as a figure slammed his whole body against Georg. His whole body exploded from the massive impact as the figure who appeared before them made Kuroka sweat buckets.

Kuroka: Nya, you have to be joking?!

Lighting sparked around the figure every second as he began cracking his whole body. The wind blew heavily with his presence as the Heavens themselves cried out in fear. 

Indra: Would you look at this... Three little strays that have strayed off from their Masters.

The man said.

Kuroka got in front of her sister to protect her. 

Kuroka: What are you doing here, Indra?

Kuroka asked.

Indra: I was on my way to annihilate everything that Yhwach holds dearly. Taking my revenge for what that bastard did to me, but seeing you all there will be a good warm-up.

Indra said.

Things weren't going so well as two more menacing figures appeared in the area. The air in that area became very dense. Akeno, Kuroka, and Koneko all stood in a triangular position while they all glanced at their opponents around them to see that this was out of their league. 

Kuroka: Listen to me carefully, we have to escape from here as fast as possible. Fighting against three Gods isn't going to end well for us. Especially if Zeus and Thor just arrived on the scene.

Kuroka warned them.

Akeno: What do you have in mind?

Akeno asked.

Kuroka: Well, we can create a smokescreen if I and Shirone can cause some debris to rise while you form a magic circle.

Akeno: Where do you think we should escape to?

Akeno asked.

Kuroka: The only place where it's safe, is the palace.

She responded.

Indra, Zeus, and Thor all glanced at each other and didn't say anything before they all flew straight toward them with lighting surging through their whole fists. Kuroka and Koneko quickly smashed the ground beneath them causing debris to shoot up into the sky as Akeno quickly formed a magic circle that zapped them away from the place. The three Gods smashed their fist against each other which obliterated the whole forest around them.

The ground shattered into a million pieces as the tides of the ocean water went backward from this three-way deadlock. Thor jumped back as he delivered an electrifying uppercut to Zeus that sent him into the air. Indra slammed the palm of his hand right on Thor's cheek sending him crashing into a bunch of rocks.

The sound barrier couldn't catch up to them from how fast they were moving.

Zeus shot his hand up into the air which summoned a bolt of lightning. Thor and Indra looked up to see that Zeus threw his rod of lightning towards them, but they managed to dodge it as the attack destroyed the area even more. The attack was strong enough that it dug into the Earth's ground far enough that magma was now spewing out.

Indra jumped into the air towards Zeus with his leg above his head before slamming his foot straight down onto him. The sheer blunt force from Indra's attack shot Zeus straight back toward the ground like a rocket.

Indra: Time for you to be put in your place as well, Thor!

Indra said as he quickly appeared behind him. Thor managed to catch his fists as lighting began sparking from the amount of force they were using as it was a stalemate. The two Gods were gripping each other's hands to see who would fall first, but no one was letting up.

Indra: Why did you come here, Thor?

Indra asked.

Thor: To kill, The Man named Yhwach. I would assume that I will be able to do it as all of Asgard heard of your defeat the last time you fought against him.

Thor said while chuckling.

Zeus stood back up as veins were popping out of his cheeks, forehead, and torso as his suit was destroyed. 

Zeus: You will pay for that with your life, Indra!

Zeus said as he got in a squatting position with his fist to the side of him. His whole body was covered in a yellow glow with lightning sparking from head to toe while his eyes turned yellow as his pupils were no longer visible.

With the control of lightning, Zeus teleported right in front of them as he slammed his fist against the ground in front of them which engulfed the whole area in a yellow light before an explosion appeared underneath their feet that sent everything in that area into oblivion. Thor and Indra were destroyed by this attack, but they were not out as they held on with everything they had.

Zeus was surprised to see that both of them survived one of his strongest attacks.

Thor looked on with hatred in his eyes as blood trickled down his eyes, cheeks, and chin. He raised his hand as lighting struck his hand enough times before a hammer appeared in his hand. 

Indra: Ohhhhhh? We're getting serious now, aren't we?

Indra asked while smirking as his clothes were flapping excessively from the amount of wind that was around them.

Zeus raised his hand against his face to block any debris.

Thor raised his hammer into the sky as thunder and lightning fueled up his hammer. Thor's eyes began to glow a very bright blue as he was calm and collected throughout the whole thing. 

Thor: For every minute, the future is becoming the past. I am The God of Thunder, and the son of, Odin. You all will feel my fury!

Thor said.

Electricity was gliding all around him as if it were some type of force field. Indra began to get serious by activating his legendary weapon which made his lightning even more superior than it already was.

Without much patience, Thor slammed his electrified hammer against the ground sent pillars of lightning all around them as the Earth was getting even more shattered with how much power they were letting out. The pillars were like a cage as there was no escape from the area.

This made Zeus shoot his electricity toward the sky with his two hands to counter Thor's power. Indra smiled sadistically as his body morphed into a singular bolt of lighting that transported him right behind Thor. He thrust his fist forward which was fully charged up towards the back of his head.

Thor didn't have any of that as he spun around fast enough that make Indra's fist collide with Thor's hammer which sent a vibration throughout the whole Earth's surface.

Zeus summoned a bolt of lightning in his hand before charging straight towards them to pierce them with the bolt of lightning.

A smile formed on Thor's mouth as the pillars of electricity finally went off sending off a quick gust of wind that sliced right through the ocean water. The sound of thunder roared throughout the whole nation as the explosion blasted off and crumbled everything into smaller particles. The other two Deities were heavily injured but they worked through the pain.

The three Gods were all panting heavily. No one was getting anywhere as they were all bleeding, bruised, and out of breath.

With all things considered, the three of them waited for someone to make a move. None of them dared to make a move. The presence of an individual made them all look towards the area where they were feeling this power. Everyone clenched their fists to see another God appear before them. 

???: Look at what you all did... You were foolish enough to come here for revenge, Indra. Meeting the son of Odin, and the leader of the Greek Gods isn't something you can just do alone.

Indra: I don't have time to hear your stupid lectures, Shiva...

Indra said.

Shiva looked down at Indra with his eyes as the Heavens themselves were looking through them. Indra felt uneasy about this. Having Shiva appear out of the blue like this isn't something no one can easily brush off. 

Shiva: I should shut that mouth of yours.

Shiva quickly materialized right in front of Indra before slamming his fist right against his solar plexus which sent out a shock wave from Indra's back.

Indra fell to the floor unconscious which made everyone feel uneasy.

Shiva opened up his hand towards Zeus before a massive green magic wave was let loose out of Shiva's hand that engulfed Zeus. The green wave split the ocean in two as it mostly vaporized most of the ocean water before it finally died down to see that Zeus was transformed into atoms.

Thor backed up a bit, but Shiva slowly turned his head towards him as his eyes were filled with absolute divinity that felt like an endless void the longer you looked into them. Without giving it a thought, Thor zapped himself out of there.

The beautiful forest filled with life and greenery was now turned into a wasteland with no signs of life for miles. The air felt toxic from how much magic was sent out as it would harm a mortal if exposed to it long enough.

Shiva walked over to the Indra as he looked down at him. He looked at him with disappointment before speaking. 

Shiva: Yhwach Quincy, I do hope you will be a better man than this poor excuse of a man. We may have our differences, but we do have one single common thing. I'll be looking forward to our encounter shortly...

Scene Break

Freed was tied up against a chair and his shirt was torn to bits from the excessive amounts of cuts on his torso. A good amount of time passed since his capture. He was beaten, sliced, twisted, and burned. Freed's eyes were droopy from sleep deprivation, but he couldn't go to sleep either way as the pain was keeping him from closing his eyes.

The strength he had was gone. Rias stands in the corner of the room while watching her cousin and Diehauser breaks him piece by piece. 

Diehauser: He is persistent, I'll give him that. 

Diehauser said as he walked around him slowly while glancing down at him.

There was a pool of blood beneath him. Freed let out a wheeze as he tried to laugh which made everyone look at him with curiosity. 

Freed: Haha... Haha. You, damn bastards, are fucked now.

Freed said while moving his head side to side to get the blood flowing.

Rias was about to grab a hold of him before Diehauser put his hand up to stop her. 

Diehauser: What do you mean?

He asked.

Freed: Have you not been watching the news? You think capturing me... Will help you stop... The Boss? Wait... I mean, the Emperor.

Diehauser: Yhwach doesn't care about you. If he did, he would have come to save you. Look around you, he is nothing but a man filled with empty dreams and promises.

Diehauser explained.

Freed: Fucking morons! That's what you all are. Joining him at first was nothing special as I wanted to do my own thing until I saw him truly in action. He made promises that came through, not like some fat fucking sows like your mothers who sit on their asses while getting rammed every single day like sows they are. Is that what you Devils do every day? Fuck like rabbits?

Freed regained some of his strength back as his adrenaline was kicking in.

Diehauser didn't want to joke around with him as he raised his foot before slamming it against the shoulder sending his shoulder blade out of his body.

Freed cried out in pain as his head was slouched down towards his crotch. 

Diehauser: You think I'm in the mood for jokes? You haven't met me. This is Hell, Freed... Where souls go to be punished for all of eternity.

Freed's cries of pain shifted to maniacal laughter. 

Freed: So I was right... That's all you female Devils do... Because your race is going extinct, am I right? 

Freed asked as tears of blood began going down his eyes.

Rias didn't want to sit back anymore. She took hold of his chin in a very tight grip as she wanted him to look into her eyes when he spoke. 

Rias: Where is your leader? Huh?

Freed: Come a little closer...

He said.

Rias didn't fall for it as she gave him a slap across the face. 

Rias: Why are you so loyal to him? That's what I don't understand. How can someone listen to the deceitful words that he speaks? What did he give you to join under his wing?

Rias asked.

Freed: He didn't give anything.

Rias: You're lying. You won't just simply join someone without a reason.

Freed: Look, bitch... He didn't give me anything.

Rias's eyes twitched. 

Rias: You don't want to live, do you? You join his ranks, but when you get captured he doesn't bother coming to save you. Why is that? Do you want to know why? It's because he lied about everything he said to you to get you to join him. Just like how my best friend left and betrayed me because of that bastard. My life is nothing but Hell because of him.

Rias began to vent.

Freed: Y-You want to know? I'll tell you... Paradise.

Rias: Paradise?

Rias questioned.

Freed: That life that everyone wants will be the one thing you will never get because you arrogant pricks only care about one thing... Yourselves.

The doors to the interrogation room slammed wide open. A young-looking man came crashing into the room with an envelope in his hand. 

Man: We have a problem! Massive problem! Cataclysmic problem!

Diehauser looked at the messenger to see what this problem was all about.

Man: I was given this note to give out to every High-Class Devil or Ultimate-Class Devil. I must go as time is of the essence. 

He said before dashing off.

Diehauser opened up the envelope to pull out the letter. A minute passed by as he read the letter. As he was nearing its end, his eyes focused on a few specific words as he clenched the letter with all of his force. 

Diehauser: What the Hell?! In the name of the great Lucifer himself is going on?! What is that bastard thinking?!

Diehauser asked himself.

Sairaorg: What's the matter?

Sairaorg asked.

Diehauser didn't respond to him as he dropped the letter on the ground before leaving the Gremory household. Rias scooped up the letter off the ground as she began to read it. The words she was reading were making her worried. The last words in the letter made everything around her irrelevant as if time stopped itself for her as her eyes were glued on a few specific words in the letter.

Rias: I think the entirety of the Underworld needs to read this...

Sairaorg: What's goin' on, Rias?

Sairaorg asked.

Sairaorg walked over to Rias to see what she was reading. He scanned the letter until he got to the point where Rias was looking at it. 

Sairaorg: T-This is impossible!

Sairaorg yelled out loud before multiple High-Class Devils arrived at the Gremory household. Rias ran out of the interrogation room to go see what this whole commotion was all about.

Before anyone could get the chance to converse with one another, a large magic power surged throughout the Underworld. They felt a catastrophic amount of magic power appear that brought worry and fear to everyone.

Freed looked up at Sairaorg. Sairaorg caught wind of this as he stared at him to see that he was void of any emotions. His mind was already broken from the amount of torture Diehauser applied to him. Skinning him to the point where the bone was visible. Applying massive amounts of force on his pressure points. There was more that he didn't want to think about, but seeing him like this made him have pity.

Sairaorg: Is this what you want? You can be free from all of this if you just give up everything that Yhwach is hiding.

Freed: Listen to yourself... Trying to bargain with the enemy. There is only one door left for me to go through.

Sairaorg: What would that be?

Freed: The only door that is visible to those who have supported and followed Lord Yhwach through thick and thin. The world where no more shitty Devils like you have to exist and manipulate everyone in it. That's the world we are aiming for.

Sairaorg hardened up his fist before raising it to the side of his face. 

Sairaorg: I see... Today is the day you perish by my hands. Your suffering will end.

Freed: Let me just tell you one thing, Sairaorg Bael... When you get a chance, take a look around to see if your race was the one that was on the right from the start. Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but those so-called friends that trust you. Wise men learn many things from their enemies...

Sairaorg stared at him for a few seconds before throwing his fist at Freed's chest which immediately broke all of his ribs. The sheer impact of his fist colliding with his chest caused his heart to explode as his final breath escaped his lungs.

The words that Freed left behind roamed throughout Sairaorg's head before he left the room to go meet up with everyone to see what this big commotion was all about. Upon entering the room, he at least saw over thirty High-Class ranking officials. He walked over to Rias's side. 

Rias: Did the prisoner say anything?

She asked.

He looked down towards the floor as he stayed silent for a bit. Rias looked over at him to see that he was in his head. 

Rias: Did you hear me?

Sairaorg: Sorry... He didn't say anything. I put him out of his misery.

He said.

Rias didn't say anything about it as her attention shifted back towards the High-Class Devils.

Sairaorg: Do we know what that large spike of magic power was?

Sairaorg asked.

Rias stayed silent for a few seconds. 

Rias: It's Yhwach... He just launched a full-scale invasion into the Underworld with Billions of humans backing him up.

Her cousin's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets after hearing something ludicrous such as that.

Rias: That's why all these High-Class Devils are here now. They are assembling our forces to retaliate against Yhwach's army. Hades is going to be joining in on this as well. Though he would be fighting for his side to take over the Underworld. We managed to get Tannin and Odin to join us.

Rias filled him in.

Sairaorg didn't like the sound of this. 

Sairaorg: This is getting too out of hand... This war that we are going to be a part of will be far worse than the war between the angels, Fallen angels, and devils. The moment the first ounces of blood have been spilled, the world as we know it will never be the same. This is humanity we're fighting against. This is God's creation fighting back, but with a singular man who has taken the principles of God into his own hands. Rias... You're not just fighting any person. You're fighting against a God who has the backing of Billions.

Rias: He isn't a God. He is just the same as the rest of them.

Sairaorg: If you think that, then how did he manage to get the support of Billions to join his cause? You can think that he is some type of fraud, but killing Sirzechs and Ajuka was enough to prove the facts of his strength. Trying to brush off the fact that we are all going to be fighting against a God is not some type of simple thing, but we all tend to brush people off like him. Power like that scales around High to Ultimate-Class Devil strengths, maybe even Super-Class. I just hope you are thinking rationally...

Sairaorg left her side.

Rias's fists were clenched to the point where blood was almost not circulating. Hearing how he killed her brother was making her see red. People saying how he is like a God was another thing that was almost making her lose her sanity. Seeing him in the world that she also lives in makes everything worse for her.

She turned to leave the living room. 

Rias: Let's just see how you hold yourself when it comes to the very weapon you entrusted the bastard you didn't save.

She opened the door to see Xenovia standing in the middle of the room holding the Holy Sword that Freed had on him.

Xenovia turned to look at Rias before giving her a small smile. 

Xenovia: Everything is ready, Rias.

Rias: Wonderful... Be sure to bring me back the heads of all his loved ones.

Scene Break

Yhwach's forces slowly advanced toward the cities of the Underworld with his soldiers all tracking him. The boots of the humans when they all stepped on the ground sounded as if a heavy drum was getting hammered every time they took a step forward. The Angels, Fallen Angels, and Youkais all flew above them in their formation. They were beginning to approach one of the cities in the Underworld as they kept their walking pace.

Before they were able to recommence, Yhwach ceased in his tracks causing everyone else to stop to see why he stopped. Yhwach used his sensory skills to distinguish anything around him, but nothing alerted his senses.

This brought a mischievous grin to Quincy King as he crossed his arms while he just stood there with his grin. Though he couldn't sense anyone around him, he still knew someone was masking their presence from him. 

Yhwach: Show yourself, demon. There is no escaping me wherever you go.

Yhwach announced.

A figure materialized a couple of feet apart from him. Yhwach was able to distinguish the figure as it wore a multicolored robe while carrying a staff in its hand. 

Yhwach: (In thought ) Baraggan Louisenbairn? No, this figure lacks any trace of Hollow Reiatsu

???: I'm surprised you were able to detect me even when I was hiding my presence away from you. You have entered a place where you don't belong as this whole place hates you, Yhwach.

Yhwach maintained his composed demeanor, speaking with his customary calmness.

Yhwach: Eradicating Hell has always been my objective. Your presence here suggests either a desire to defend this realm or a bid to seize control of it.

Yhwach asserted with conviction.

???: Hahaha. I must say, the rumors about you don't exactly paint the picture I imagined. People call you a God, but I wonder if those words are true, not lies, Yhwach. Are you a figure of light for the people behind you, or are you a man who has greater objectives that only you have prepared? Everyone wants power, that is the cycle of thought in every generation, Yhwach. So... What is it that you want to control?

Yhwach's smirk vanished as he stared at the man ahead of him. 

Yhwach: Your assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. You ask if I am a figure of light. No, I am merely the shadow that bears the weight of all the world's sins, forging a realm where such darkness cannot thrive. My objectives are simple: to purge this world of the likes of you. So, why don't you summon your hidden forces to confront us openly?

The figure stood still before hearing another person speak.

Azazel: Hades, I always knew you had some type of alternative motive. But you confronting us like this was a pretty bad decision.

Azazel said.

Hades: I've planned this from the very beginning. The Devils haven't even assembled their forces yet, so I will be sure to kill you because you are the only obstacle in my way before I can truly take control of the Underworld. Do you hear me, Yhwach?! I'll bury you all where you stand! ATTACK!

Hades flung his hand forward which caused massive amounts of undead soldiers to charge at them.

It looked as if a mob was speeding towards them as Hades just stood in the very same spot.

Grim Reapers began to charge as well towards them.

The combination of undead soldiers and Grim Reapers looked impossible to take on as they had thousands of them.

Yhwach's expression soured with disdain and irritation.

Yhwach: Such cowardice. Unable to face me directly, you send hordes to do your bidding? Very well. Allow me to demonstrate why relying on proxies will be the undoing of your forces.

Yhwach stormed right through the enemy's line without any concern. The humans all roared out before they charged at the undead soldiers and Grim Reapers which quickly became a mess. All of them were jumbled up as body after body was hitting the floor.

Nothing stopped Yhwach as he kept charging forward. He stopped in the middle of the undead army as he began grabbing them one by one and snapping their heads, or kicking them away from him.

He jumped over a few of them before planting his feet on top of one where it dug its body into the ground. Yhwach quickly looked up before unsheathing his katana and launching himself like a rocket while cleaving and slicing everything in his way. His sword penetrated through their bodies like butter as heads rolled with every precise strike when he swung his weapon.

He quickly began to increase his speed as the motion of his sword didn't even look as if he swung it at all. Body after body, they all began to fall to the ground as he cut through everything and everyone.

Grim Reapers began to help out as they tried to strike him down with their scythes. Yhwach was able to sense their attacks as he jumped away from them.

Yhwach: You've come to dance as well?

Yhwach leaped off of the ground and sheathed his katana while in the air before pointing his fingertip at them.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

Yhwach ejected a massive beam of fire as the attack submerged the army of the dead in a fire that burned them until there was only a pile of ash.

Tiamat took this chance to help out her Master as she transformed into her dragon form before she flew up into the air. She headed straight toward Yhwach as he landed on top of her head she blasted out a breath attack toward the thousands of undead soldiers while she soared through the skies.

The combination of Yhwach's and Tiamat's flames was excessive as anything that touched their flames melted instantly. Grim Reapers began to appear on top of Tiamat's body. The Reapers began to shoot out dark magic toward Yhwach, but he evaded their attacks for some time before one of them managed to hit him on his armor which left a big scorch mark.

Without much care, he dashed straight toward the Reapers who tried to cleave his head straight off. Tiamat kept burning everything to the ground while a fight was taking place on top of her.

The swarm of Reapers and the unstable fighting grounds were hard as it is. Losing focus for a second, Yhwach was given a direct blow to the face.

He got knocked off Tiamat as he flew straight towards the ground like a meteor. A big cloud of dust appeared as he collided with the ground. He wasn't entertained by this as he slowly stood back up before dusting off his armor. After dusting himself off, he reached for his sword and unattached it from his back before running right back into the hornet's nest and slamming his sword hilt against one of the dead soldiers sending out a massive gust of wind as it destroyed a good portion of their flank.

A massive gap was created as the Angels, Fallen Angels, Youkai, and humans managed to push back the undead a few feet. Hades was standing on top of a tall rock as he gazed at the battlefield, but his attention was mostly on Yhwach.

Yhwach was about to deliver another blow, but a large magic symbol appeared underneath him before eviscerating the undead soldiers that got in contact with it. He looked to see who created this until he spotted Ophis who was lying on her belly, floating above him. He looked away from her as her large breasts dangled above him. 

Ophis: Don't stress yourself too much, savior.

She said with an empty smile.

He disregarded her comment. 

Yhwach: This is going to take some time that we don't have. The main reception hasn't even started yet.

Yhwach said as he attached his sword to his back.

Ophis: What do you have in mind now?

She asked.

Yhwach: Those Fakers know how to handle themselves. I'll give them that.

Ophis and Yhwach looked over to their side to see everyone was managing to hold their ground against the never-ending hordes of undead. 

Yhwach: If this keeps up, our forces will be weak and exhausted. I'm going to end this fruitless charade.

Yhwach said.

Yhwach: Sankt Bogen

Yhwach, with Ophis's power infused into his Sankt Bogen, unleashed a devastating attack. The once-blue energy of the Sankt Bogen now crackled with a mixture of black and blue, indicating the immense power behind it. He aimed the bow at Hades, who raised his hand defensively, anticipating the attack.

As Yhwach released the bowstring, the Sankt Bogen shattered into countless Heilig Pfeil, each one carrying the destructive force of Ophis's power. They streaked through the air like meteors, raining down upon the undead army and Grim Reapers with unstoppable force.

Hades attempted to block the onslaught with his own magic, but the sheer intensity of the barrage overwhelmed him. The Heilig Pfeil pierced through his defenses, exploding upon impact and tearing through the ranks of the undead.

Seeing the devastating effect of the attack, Yhwach wasted no time in unleashing another Sankt Bogen. This time, he aimed it skyward, sending the energy cascading down like artillery fire. The battlefield erupted in chaos as explosions rocked the ground, decimating anything in their path.

Hades recognized this as the Infinite Dragon God and Yhwach worked together to annihilate the battlefront. He called upon one of the few most loyal Reapers who served him as he materialized right next to him. 

Pluto: You called for me, my Lord?

Hades: I want you to listen to me very well, Pluto. Yhwach has to die no matter the cost. Michael, Azazel, and Yasaka who are commanding the armies of angels, Fallen angels, Youkai, and humans will break through if we don't put a stop to Yhwach's plans. I don't care how you do it, just make sure the next time I see him he will be in the Realm of the Dead.

Hades commanded.

Pluto vanished as he quickly appeared in front of Yhwach and noticed a scythe sticking out of his hand. Pluto took hold of the scythe before cleaving the Yhwach's Iron Helmet completely off which shattered the Iron armor.

Yhwach threw an Iron knife right at him and it flew straight through his head, but the body vanished as he appeared behind Yhwach catching him off guard for a split second. Pluto aimed for his neck, but Madara detached his sword and coated it with the schrift W the wind to block the attack by shooting out a gust of wind that pushed him away. 

Yhwach: Impressive, truly impressive. you caught me by surprise there for a second.

Pluto: I'll have to compliment you as well, you are the first to survive my attack.

Pluto said.

Yhwach: Why stop there? Let's continue this fight.

Yhwach threw his sword right at him and he managed to deflect the flying blade, but Yhwach raised his fingers in front of his face as the blade spewed out a gust of wind and fire all around it.

Pluto quickly spun his scythe in a circular motion like a fan that pushed back the flames.

Yhwach ran towards him before he stopped dead in his tracks retreating as he felt something wrong. He looked down and he used his senses to see that there were magical auras all over the ground. Yhwach looked around him to see what he could do, but then he managed to spot something that made him pull out an Iron knife with a tag attached to it that had a small message on it. He threw it once again towards Pluto, but the Iron Knife just whizzed right passed him.

Pluto: What are you trying to do? You know the first one didn't work, but you still decided to throw it again.

Yhwach didn't say anything as got into a defensive position.

Pluto chucked his scythe right at them before Yhwach pulled on the chain of his sword to recall it back to him. The blade arrived just in time as the scythe deflected off the sword before Pluto sucker-punched the hilt of the sword sending Yhwach soaring through the air.

The sheer blow of that attack was devastating. Yhwach knew there was no way to slow down, so he quickly activated the defenses of The Schrift I the Iron as an Iron armor wrapped around him to lessen the impact damage. His body slammed against a big rock that shattered into millions of pieces.

Blood began to trickle down his forehead. scrape marks and bruises covered his face as he slowly stood up. 

Yhwach: Hehe... Hehehe... Hahahahahahaha. You damn bastard. You know pretty well how to dance.

He said in an excited tone before Pluto appeared before him and he delivered another blow into his gut that sent blood spewing out of his mouth.

a big dent appeared in the center of Yhwach's Iron armor. Pluto's scythe appeared in his hand before trying to slam his weapon down right onto him, but he wasn't able to do it in time before Yhwach responded with an attack of his own

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

Yhwach shot out a big beam of fire that hit Pluto it took him into the air before it exploded.

The fire covered the skies as Pluto felt a powerful scorching sensation that burnt his skin.

Pluto began to exhaust good amounts of aura that made Yhwach look serious before he raised his scythe and was quickly engulfed in a black aura. He threw the scythe toward the ground and pierced Hell's soil as black vines started to sprout in all directions. The vines boosted the undead's vitality while the living were drained of life entirely.

Pluto: I find it very ominous. I gave it some thought, and for some reason, you haven't killed me yet? Why is that? You were able to kill Sirzechs and Ajuka with your supreme power, but you can't deal with the likes of me? Why don't you use that transformation, so you could provide a decent challenge?

Yhwach: Do you honestly think I would waste using my power like that on an ant? If so, then your head isn't well-developed like all of these undead soldiers. Your thought process may not be like that coward up there, but you know how to hold yourself well.

Pluto: If you aren't going to use that power, then what are you going to do? No matter what you try, I'll always outsmart you.

Yhwach smiled

Yhwach: This is what I was waiting for.

Yhwach jumped into the air before he unattached his blade and threw it at Cao Cao as Cao Cao threw his spear toward Yhwach. Both of them exchanged their weapons as the spear landed in Yhwach's hands which made Pluto shocked by this whole result as the True Longinus was now in the hands of a man who could slaughter the entirety of the Underworld without any sweat.

Pluto wasn't able to do anything, but something quickly clicked inside of him. He recalled the two knives that Yhwach threw at him as one of them was just a knife while the other one had some tag on it with words scribbled onto it. 

Pluto: You clever bastard... That knife was never attended for me, was it? It was a letter you sent out in the middle of our fight.

Yhwach swung the spear right down the center as Pluto's body exhausted out a bright light after a gruesome slice from the True Longinus. His body was engulfed in white light before his body evaporated from existence. Yhwach landed on the ground before his attention was shifted back onto the undead as he began jumping around like an acrobat while cutting down endless hordes of undead.

Everything was going wrong for Hades as he saw him coming straight towards him.

Scene Break - Fifteen minutes earlier

Cao Cao witnessed Yhwach head straight into the middle of it all with no worry whatsoever. He was breaking them all apart all by himself as the army of the undead and the living began to collide with one another.

He decided to take action and charge right on in like Yhwach. Like a helicopter blade, he split many of them into little pieces as he ran further into the enemy's dominion. Every undead soldier that was coming towards him was instantly turned to smoke. Cao Cao discerned something out in the distance that there was a big row of undead archers that began to rain down a fury of arrows.

He quickly began to leap back before jumping into the air and doing a backflip as he launched his spear straight toward the ground sending out a bright light that vaporized anyone who came into contact with it.

The undead he just killed quickly replaced its numbers with ease. He landed back on the ground where he plucked his spear out of the ground before unleashing a big magic wave from the tip of the blade that cut everything in half.

Without noticing, multiple soldiers approached him from the rear, and was ready to end his life. As they got nearer to him, he caught wind of them as he tried to attack them. In the distance, a couple of light spears came flying in towards his direction and punctured the soldier's head as two figures landed behind him. 

Raynare: Are you doing alright?

Raynare asked.

Cao Cao: What are you guys doing? Shouldn't you be with Penemue and Baraqiel? 

He asked them.

Kalawarner: We were, but you looked like you needed help.

Kalawarner said.

Cao Cao: Thanks for helping out. I need both of you to hold off as many of these undead lunatics. I'm going straight for Hades.

Raynare: Just leave that to, Lord Yhwach.

Raynare advised.

Cao Cao shook his head before making his way up to Hades who was just standing there like a coward Cao Cao was about to end his life with a single attack before a Grim Reaper appeared with his scythe that made Cao Cao block the attack with his True Longinus. 

Cao Cao: Who the Hell are you?

Cao Cao asked.

???: Cao Cao, you are one tough bastard who knows how to fight. I can't let you get too out of line because that would just be bad for me and everyone else.

He quickly jumped back as he figured out who he was just dealing with before a look of worry hit him. 

Cao Cao: Thanatos... Out of all the people I have to fight, it had to be you. Why aren't you going after the one who has you all concerned? Lord Yhwach should be the one who you should worry about the most.

Thanatos: Yhwach isn't even a threat in my eyes. Besides, Pluto is already dealing with him as we speak. Whatever hope you have in that savior of yours, just forget about it. You are my main threat because of the weapon you wield, the True Longinus, the weapon that even Hades fears. I can't keep you alive because of that reason.

Thanatos said as he swung his scythe and sent out a black string of magic.

The attack he sent out sliced through a good portion of Yhwach's forces transforming them into the undead.

Cao Cao didn't want any more attacks like that to go by, so he pointed his spear towards him before a light projection shot out the tip of the blade that made Thanatos use a dark projection to counter against this beam of light. Thanatos' attack didn't cancel each other out as the holy light was too pure and divine that vanquished the dark in an instant.

Thanatos swiftly dodged the attack as it wiped out a good portion of Hades' troops. He flew towards him to cut him in half, but Cao Cao managed to escape in time before his scythe hit the ground which created a crater in the ground. Debris and dust flew everywhere as it was hard to see, but Thanatos went in for another attack as the scythe slashed down Cao Cao's back.

Out of nowhere, a knife flew by that Thanatos caught. 

Thanatos: What's this?

He looked at the tag to see a small message on it. 

Thanatos: Hand over your power? What is this?

He asked.

Cao Cao didn't understand the message he received. The realization hit him as he wasn't asking for his power, but something else entirely. He understood what the tag meant as he looked over at Yhwach's location before he formed a smile that felt triumphant. 

Cao Cao: I understand... It makes perfect sense.

Cao Cao stood up before his aura surrounded him before he activated his subspecies Balance Breaker generating seven orbs around him.

Thanatos: The Seven Treasures?!

Thanatos said.

Cao Cao used the Wheel Treasure as he used the orb to destroy the scythe that Thanatos used. The weapon shattered into millions of pieces before he retreated to Hades' location to tell him about the problem he encountered. 

Thanatos: Lord Hades, we have a dilemma. 

He said.

Hades: What's going on now?

Thanatos: Yhwach's ally has activated the Seven Treasures, I can't do anything at the moment. We need to fall back before we lose. Yhwach Quincy now has the True Longinus, Dragon King, and the Infinite Dragon God with him. We don't stand a chance with our current attack power. I suggest we get Zeus and Poseidon here to fend off the assault. The Devils are about to arrive here to fight off Yhwach, so we can come back and attack them when they are weak.

Thanatos suggested.

Hades watched the battle go on as Tiamat flew threw the skies and burned everything while Yhwach was getting pummeled by Pluto. 

Hades: We need to control the Underworld no matter what. The Devils don't know what they're doing as the Fallen Angels don't have ruined the Underworld. If they don't know how to control this place, then I will take command of it.

Hades said.

Cao Cao glanced over at Yhwach as he witnessed him jumping into the air before he threw his sword right towards him. Cao Cao saw the signal and he took this opportunity by launching his spear right towards Yhwach as they both switched weapons. He caught the sword as he could feel the weight of it. It was heavy, but it was manageable. He infused magic into the blade before he sent out a gust of wind along with some magic bullets that ripped the undead apart as bullet holes filled them up.

Never-ending hordes were constantly charging them. Bodies were piling up above their heads.

Tiamat flew by as her gust of wind knocked the dead off their feet and this gave Cao Cao an opportunity.

Everyone on the battlefield felt a cold and disturbing presence near them they all turned to look to see what it was. Even the undead felt uneasy about this.

Michael, Azazel, and Yasaka all looked to their right to see four men on horses. Michael's eyes widened before telling everyone to fall back. Azazel couldn't say anything as these four figures he saw brought back horrible memories for him. He agreed with Michael and told everyone to fall back.

Cao Cao didn't like hearing that as they were winning, but he too looked over as he saw those four figures that brought a cold chill down his spine.

Everyone followed instructions except Yhwach. He continued his onslaught as he was alone doing everything with Ophis by his side.

Cao Cao wanted to go tell him about why they were retreating, but he wasn't able to as Tiamat swooped in and grabbed him. 

Cao Cao: What are you doing?! We need to get Lord Yhwach out of there!

She didn't respond as she kept flying.

Michael began to explain to the group around them to those who didn't understand the situation. 

Michael: I know we had the upper hand in this battle, but you all have to understand what I'm about to tell you. Those four men that just arrived on the scene weren't your average Devil or Fallen Angel. They pillage, starve, infest, slaughter, and usually everything else that you can think of.

Yasaka: What are you talking about?

Yasaka asked.

Michael: You see, this worries me even more. If you all see those four men, then not only the Earth is in danger, but Lord Yhwach will perish as well...

Michael said as he clenched his fists.

Azazel's eyes shot up instantly. 

Azazel: Michael, I know what you're thinking about right now. How can someone we have not heard of, or seen any signs of his presence in over thousands of years be still alive? He is dead!

Gabriel: Who are you talking about, Michael?

Gabriel asked.

Michael: You three haven't truly got to know him, but I assume that you all know my little brother?

Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael all tensed up as they choked on their air.

Yasaka began to express her worry. 

Yasaka: It can't be... Michael. That can't be...

Michael: Yasaka, let me explain something to you. My brother, Lucifer, the one who hates everything that our father created with a passion. Everything our father did, he hated him for it because he was filled with pride. Now, can you imagine hearing that Lord Yhwach will be this world's new God? Giving humanity a life they all deserve rather than living in suffering and pain? Lucifer might come to believe that God might have reincarnated into Yhwach.

Yasaka: Then why are we running away? We need to keep pushing into their lands and stop them.

Yasaka said.

Michael was about to explain to her about Lucifer's powers, but everyone stopped in their tracks to see Yhwach standing on top of a rock that was pretty high up.

Penemue: What is he doing?

Penemue asked.

Penemue: Why isn't he falling back?! Does he not know of the danger we are in?!

Penemue asked.

Tiamat felt the massive surge of power swirl around Yhwach as something big was about to happen. 

Uriel: Something doesn't feel right.

Uriel said.

A couple of seconds passed by as nothing happened. 

Raphael: What's going on?

Raphael asked.

Azazel: The air has been drained from this whole place. Something doesn't feel right.

Azazel said with caution.

As Yhwach stood atop the rock, feeling the surge of power within him and sensing the imminent danger approaching, he delved into the depths of his own consciousness to commune with Zaegar, his Inner Darkness.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I know that my access to my zanpakuto's powers is currently restricted. But could you lend me your strength, just for a moment?

Zaegar's response echoed back, filled with amusement and curiosity. 

Zaegar: And why would I do that, Yhwach?

his voice, tinged with dark humor, teased.

Yhwach remained resolute, his mind focused on the task at hand. 

Yhwach: Because you possess control over Space, Zaegar. And in this dire moment, I need every advantage I can get.

he replied.

A chuckle, deep and ominous, emanated from Zaegar's presence within Yhwach's mind. 

Zaegar: Ah, you've discovered a sliver of my power, have you?

Zaegar's amusement grew into full-blown laughter. 

Zaegar: Very well, since you've intrigued me, I shall lend you a small portion of my strength.

With Zaegar's consent, Yhwach felt a surge of primal energy coursing through his veins. The air around him crackled with anticipation as he tapped into the ancient abilities of his Inner Darkness.

Yhwach: Thank you, Zaegar. Together, we shall carve our path through this chaos and emerge victorious.

With Zaegar's power coursing through him, Yhwach felt a surge of energy, a primal force that pulsed within his veins. With renewed determination, he turned his gaze back to the battlefield, ready to unleash the full extent of his newfound power upon his enemies.

As he prepared to unleash Zaegar's power, Yhwach's eyes blazed with an intense light, his resolve unshakable. With Zaegar by his side, he knew that victory was within his grasp, no matter the cost.

Before anyone else could say something else, a massive shadow covered the whole battlefield. Everyone slowly began to look as their mouths went agape after seeing this behemoth of an attack. Everyone's muscles just went limp as they all just stared into the sky. They all gazed at Yhwach as they all began to think that he was no human at all. They were officially convinced after seeing this.

Uriel: What in God's righteous name am I witnessing at right now?

Uriel asked.

Penemue: God has nothing to do with this...

Penemue answered for him.

Hades was appalled even to see someone could pull off such an attack as this. His gaze was stuck in the sky before feeling a chill that he hadn't felt in ages.

Ophis looked over at him as she was confused about this whole situation. Her mind wandered all over the place until a single question escaped her lips. 

Ophis: What are you?

Cao Cao felt his hands shake in both fear and excitement. 

Cao Cao: Yhwach Quincy, you're a real monstrous bastard.

Yhwach: "Through the abyss of eternal night, Where darkness reigns and shadows ignite. Zaegar, ancient Primordial Hollow, Unleash thy power, let chaos follow!"

Zaegar: "From the depths of the void, where all is still, I rise, the harbinger of chaos's will. With hollowed eyes and endless hunger, Vacío Ruptura Celestial, let thunder!"

Together: "By our bond, by our combined might, Shatter the heavens, unleash the blight. Let cosmic fury, our enemies smite, Vacío Ruptura Celestial, ignite!"

They yelled out as the humongous massive asteroid that could wipe out any kind of civilization from the face of the Earth slowly approached the ground below them. The Four Horsemen even vanished from that area after seeing that.

Hades ordered everyone to focus their attacks on the rock with everything they had as he had done the same. They poured every ounce of magic power into that rock that broke off chunks of small pieces. They kept on blasting it with everything as it was becoming smaller by the second. Hades began to pour every bit of power into this rock as the small pieces smashed the undead.

Hades looked over at Yhwach to see him standing without any worry as the next thing that Yhwach said to him, and everyone else gave everyone a cold paralyzing grip over their bodies. 

Yhwach: That is impressive and all, but I do have to ask... What are you going to do about the second one?

His grin carried a victorious edge, unsettling all who heard it.

As soon as he said this, another massive rock came slamming down onto the first one and pushed it towards the ground. The two rocks exploded as soon as they came into contact with the ground it wiped out hordes of undead that left Hades without an army. Michael, Azazel, Yasaka, Tiamat, Raynare, Gabriel, and everyone else quickly scrambled to create a magic barrier around them all to protect themselves from this horrifying attack.

Yhwach stood completely still with his arms crossed as he just observed everything turn to dust.

Cao Cao felt his heart pound rapidly like a piston as the barrier covered them all up.

Tiamat reverted into her human form before standing next to him and Ophis. 

Tiamat: Lord Yhwach, what was that? What unspeakable nightmare have you unleashed onto our enemies? Witnessing something beyond human comprehension or any type of supernatural comprehension, I'm beginning to ask myself what other monstrous and horrifying secrets you are hiding from all of us.

Yhwach kept his attention on the blast zone while answering her. 

Yhwach: Some secrets are best kept in the shadows. I can't reveal every trick I hold, for the fear they instill in our enemies is a weapon in itself. Dragon, understand this: it's crucial to control your enemies by instilling fear in them, not by fearing them yourself. Their fear weakens them, lowers their defenses. I seize that advantage at every turn. Know your enemy, but let them remain ignorant of you.

Tiamat: You make it sound like it's so easy. I can never understand you sometimes, my Lord.

She said.

Yhwach responded thoughtfully.

Yhwach: Ease is a luxury none of us possess. We each carve our own path. Consider yourself, Tiamat. Your power could rival any opponent, yet you choose a different course. Our choices shape our destinies, influencing the world and those within it in ways we may never foresee.

Tiamat: Become strong enough to be someone who even the demons would fear.

She repeated one of the lines he said to them.

Yhwach: Seems like someone has been paying attention. War has a big controlling factor that everyone wants to exploit.

Tiamat quickly began to understand his way of thinking a little. 

Tiamat: Fear... If you control fear, then our enemies will be able to do nothing as they will only be terrified of you which renders them useless. That makes things so much clearer now because everyone who is following you now was afraid of you as I was too. You were controlling us that way, weren't you?

She asked.

Yhwach smiled at her imaginative mind. 

Yhwach: I made it clear to everyone that they were free to depart at any time. I never imposed control; you all fashioned the illusion that fleeing meant certain death, or defiance invited punishment. Understand, that this is the essence of fear, weaving its influence into our very essence. You possess the agency to leave this instant, yet none will, for you have all chosen to stand by me until the end. This is our choice, forging our destinies rather than surrendering them to others.

Tiamat: Forgive me, my Lord. I was too blind to see such a big mistake.

Yhwach: All is forgiven, just remember, Tiamat. This life is nothing more than a perception of another world you all dream of having. Don't let others consume you in doubt. You decide on the person you want to become, not the person you will become.

Yhwach leaped off the rock and he landed back onto the front lines.

Scene Break

The Devils and the Norse armies joined up with one another to fight off the invading forces of the Underworld. Odin called upon two of his sons to fight against Yhwach and his forces. Baldur and Vidar both stood beside their father as they were ready to lead the charge.

Zeoticus, Serafall, and Falbium were going to also lead the forces to battle.

The two armies were ready as most of the important families wanted to join in on this before a raven flew inside the house and landed on Odin's arm. He looked over at the Devils and explained to them about the miserable occurrence that happened not too far from here. 

Odin: Two massive rocks appeared out of the sky and destroyed Hades' forces along with a city and its residence.

Zeoticus smashed his fist straight through the wall out of total anger at hearing how Yhwach took out an entire undead army in seconds and a city. 

Zeoticus: I had enough of this, I honestly had enough! I don't care how we do it, you can burn this place to the ground if you need to. All I want is to see that vicious bastard on the ground with his head detached from his body.

Before anyone could leave the house, a magic circle emerged in the middle of the room as two figures stood in the middle of the Gremory household living room that made everyone freeze up. 

Man: Are we going somewhere, Zeoticus?

The man said with a big grin.

Zeoticus: Rizevim Livan Lucifer...

Zeoticus was about to attack him before Rizevim raised his hand which made everyone jitter to see if he was going to attack them.

Rizevim: Just hang on a second there. I'm not here to pick a fight with any of you, I came here for the same reason why everyone else is here. That man known as Yhwach needs to disappear no matter the cost as I hate him just as much as all of you do. That is why I came here today as I couldn't remain in hiding anymore. Seeing this place turn to shambles while I sit back will only destroy our home. That is why I will be joining you all in this war to combat the most fearsome human man in this world.

Odin: Why should we trust you?

Odin asked.

Rizevim: Why? That's a good question, Odin. While your forces were being slaughtered by Yhwach at the school summit, my forces were rising slowly day by day and night by night. I can lend you my forces who support me. Evil Dragons who support me have fallen into my ranks that you friendly Devils don't have. Now, decide on what you want the most. Do you want Yhwach to die, or do you want to kill me while Yhwach keeps slaughtering everyone in his path until he kills everyone you care about? Choose what you think is worth fighting for.

Rizevim answered.

Serafall: You bastard.

Serafall replied.

Odin let out a sigh as he played with his beard. 

Odin: What other choice do we have? Yhwach isn't an ordinary human being, so having more help wouldn't be too bad.

Odin explained.

Zeoticus: How do we know we can trust you?

Zeoticus asked.

Rizevim gave him a big smile before handing over a cup to him. 

Rizevim: You want my trust? Then have this.

Zeoticus's eyes shot straight up as he held one of the three Holy Relics in his hands. 

Zeoticus: Where did you get this?

Zeoticus asked with sweat going down his cheeks.

Rizevim: You don't need to know that, but do you have my trust now? That man has ruined enough of my plans as it is. His reign as the savior ends. So I'll ask you once again... Do you trust me now?

Rias's father set the cup down as he looked at Rizevim before giving him a small nod. 

Zeoticus: Just remember this, Rizevim. If you screw us in the back, I'll personally find a way to end your life.

Rizevim: I'll behave like a good dog, Zeoticus.

Odin walked up to the figure next to Rizevim as he began to speak with him. 

Odin: Crom Cruach, you are one tough man to find. What are your reasons for coming here? Did he take someone from you? Strip you from your title? Or taken away your superiority over the dragons who fell in ranks with you? Pick your poison.

Odin said.

Crom looked down at the man as his expression was neutral without much emotion. 

Crom: Look here, old man... You should be more worried about your problems than worrying about me. I hear that Ragnarok is a problem you might have here soon.

Baldur walked up beside his father as he got up in Crom's face. 

Baldur: You want to speak about Ragnarok? While we're on the same topic of the end times, let's talk about your race of Evil Dragons who will be next on Yhwach's list after the Devil's.

Baldur said with hate in his voice.

Odin raised his hand to hold back his son. 

Odin: Easy there, my boy. Fighting amongst each other won't get us anywhere.

Vidar: Father's right, Baldur. Fighting amongst each other won't lead us anywhere. That is why I think Thor would know better as he seems to have more hands-on experience in these types of situations.

Vidar said.

Baldur let out a scoff before replying to his brother. 

Baldur: Are you serious, brother? Thor? All he knows is how to swing his hammer around like a lunatic and destroy everything.

Crom: Is this what the mighty Baldur and Vidar do? Give credit to their brother who gets things done than the two of you who have their thumbs right up their alley.

Crom insulted them.


Odin yelled out which made them all back off.

Odin: Are you all idiots? This is exactly how we lose everything because of your stupidity and other things you morons are doing right now. Yhwach wants this within our ranks. Disorder and chaos among us where we fight each other. That is how he is controlling this whole situation from the very beginning. He installs fear into us as his hands wrap around our throats and he squeezes the life out of us until there is nothing left. You all say that you want him dead, but how can we achieve something like that if you all keep fighting against each other?

Odin lectured.

Rizevim: If all of you are finished squabbling with each other, I believe we have a mission to do.

Rizevim said as he left the mansion towards the battle site with his army.

Odin, Zeoticus, Serafall, and Falbium along with most of the families left as well towards the warzone.

Zeoticus caught up with Rizevim. 

Zeoticus: What are you after? You could have easily killed us without a problem, so what are you doing?

Rizevim: I just want Yhwach to perish.

He couldn't believe any of the words that he said. 

Zeoticus: During the summit, you ordered Shalba, Katerea, and Creuserey to attack Yhwach and the current Satans. Out of where you just show up at my home to join up with us to fight against, Yhwach? Your words are filled with hidden intent as they are nothing but lies. That is what you're filled with. Lies. Lies as your ambitions go higher than the words you express.

Rizevim let out a defeated sigh. 

Rizevim: How many times do I have to explain myself to you? Do you think your people should fight against mine while the Underworld is being ripped apart piece by piece by that bastard? Us fighting each other won't accomplish anything. Think... That would just make things easier for him in the long run. I couldn't care less about your family or loved ones, Zeoticus. Just do your damn job as a Devil before I have to do it for you.

Rizevim let loose his wings as he took flight.

An hour passed by as Devils finally arrived on the scene to many bodies on the ground smoke was still clouding their vision a bit.

Rizevim landed on the ground as Baldur and Vidar wandered around to look for any survivors.

As soon as they went to look for survivors, multiple figures showed themselves to them. The Devils and the Norse all saw Azazel, Michael, and Yasaka standing side by side with their high-ranking officers.

Rizevim: This just got much better. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Azazel, Penemue, Baraqiel, and Yasaka. Great leaders of their respective factions, but with all of you standing here in front of us, where is your Emperor?

Rizevim asked.

Ophis: You were always a foolish man from the very beginning. Out of everything you could have done, you decided to join up with the group of Satans you hated the most.

Ophis said as she made her way to the front where everyone freaked out after seeing her here of all places.

Rizevim: This can't be... Did you join up with Yhwach as well to bring peace to this world?

Rizevim asked.

She tilted her head to the side. 

Ophis: I don't care about the world that he wants to create, I only joined up with him because he could help me with my problem whereas everyone else couldn't deliver on their words or promises. I give him what he wants, then he gives me what I want. Your hate for him has nothing to do with me in the slightest.

She stated.

Rizevim was fuming from seeing every human, Angel, Fallen Angel, Youkai, and even dragons join up with him. 

Rizevim: Come on out, Yhwach! Are you a coward?! Do you have to have others do your talking for you? How pathetic.

The ground in front of them went up in smoke as Yhwach landed in front of the opposing forces before looking up at them with his eyes that made everyone uneasy. 

Yhwach: Ah, the grand schemer emerges at last. They say you wield considerable influence in the Underworld, yet of late, who cowers in hiding like a frightened child? My aspirations have always reached beyond the confines of your petty schemes. So, I pose this question to you: who truly embodies cowardice between us?

Yhwach's inquiry hung heavy in the air, a challenge laced with disdain.

Rizevim: You just dug your grave, Yhwach.

Rizevim said as he unleashed his magic power that consumed the whole area around them. Everyone felt anxious after experiencing this overwhelming pressure.

Yhwach laughed his words off. 

Yhwach: I have traversed the plains of existence for a very long time. Cheated death. And severed every connection I ever had with anyone to achieve my dreams. During those times, I came to realize something that even foolish and ambitious men like Me, yourself, and everyone around you couldn't even contemplate.

Rizevim: What would that foolish reason be?

He asked.

Yhwach: A feeling that everyone wants to have to make them keep moving forward. Love. You all don't seem to care for it because the only thing you care about is power.

Rizevim stood still before trying to hold back his laughter. 

Rizevim: Hahaha... Hahaha... Hahahahahahahahahahaha. What type of answer is that? Love? Love is not necessary. It's a useless feeling for people like you and me.

Yhwach: Indeed. We are creatures born of agony, devoid of such frivolous emotions. Your ilk has ravaged this world, leaving only desolation in its wake. I shall incinerate everything, cleansing this realm of your filth, before fashioning a new world free from your taint.

Yhwach declared.

Rizevim: Is that right? What about you then? Huh? What makes you decide on what people get to have and not have?

Rizevim asked.

Yhwach: The distinction between us is stark. Your selfishness blinds you to the suffering of those around you. You seek only to bolster your own strength, heedless of the wreckage you leave in your wake. I, on the other hand, bear the weight of this world's agony, absorbing its pain, its loss, its sin. I am the vessel for its darkness, sparing others from its burden. While you exploit others for personal gain, I sacrifice myself for the greater good.

Rizevim: I hate you, I hate you so much. Your mere existence infested this world with lies and manipulation. You're nothing more than God's little serving boy with a Sacred Gear. You were given powers as those powers because God loves his serving boys and girls.

Yhwach had enough of all this talk. 

Yhwach: Your miserable thinking and arrogance are the reason why everyone rejects you. Your God had nothing to do with me because this is not of his creation!

Yhwach shouted out as Tiamat transformed back into her dragon form before he jumped on top of her head. He activated his Schrift I the Iron to cover her whole body in Iron armor as she slowly stood on her two hind legs before drawing out her newly made Iron Sword.

Crom Cruach also shapeshifted into his dragon form as Tiamat, Tannin, and Crom all took flight through the skies while the ground forces all charged at each other once again. The battle for humanity reopened once again.

The Final Arc of High school Dxd has now begun

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