
Necromancer's Evolutionary Traits

Adrias Cromwell. The story starts with a veteran soldier who lost his will to live, he spends his time playing video games, and he is obsessed with a specific video game that turns out to be anything but an ordinary game... Other Name: The strongest necromancer with evolution traits Author: TBD GHOST / JANGJAK Original Publisher: INTIME, NAVER Translator: ChatGPT + manual editing

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83 Chs

Point Hunting and the Prelude to Ambush

Darren and Michael were fortunate enough to meet near the starting point and were collecting points together. Although they had to divide the points between the two of them, they believed it was much better than wandering around alone in the mountains without anyone to rely on.

Communicating frequently, they safely passed the first day and were now actively collecting points from the second day morning.

"I thought having this map would be enough, but I have no idea where we are."

"Yeah, where are we right now?"

Despite waking up early in the morning and walking for a long time, they couldn't determine their location. They remained alert to their surroundings while constantly looking at the map.



"Huh? What?"

Suddenly, Darren, who was looking at the map while walking, heard the sound of a branch breaking and was instantly bound by a rope, hanging in the air.


Michael, who had been walking ahead, quickly turned around but was also immediately struck by a flying electric spell and rendered helpless.

The magic hit Darren, who was suspended in mid-air, and both of them lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

As they collapsed, Adrius Cromwell and Dienne, who had been hiding nearby, appeared.

They casually tore off a wristband from each of them and absorbed the points.

"I really don't understand."

"What do you mean?"


Dianne, who had absorbed the points and released the bound student, stared intently at Adrius.

"All these capturing skills. Where did you learn them?"

"These capturing skills? It's just a hobby."

"You had such a hobby?"

At that moment, Adrius noticed something and put a finger to his lips, signaling for silence.

After examining their surroundings, he touched various things and spoke.

"Somebody passed through here before we did. It wasn't too long ago."

"So what?"

"Let's chase after them."


Without hesitation, Adrius mimicked a hurry-up gesture and started walking ahead.

Although Darren tried to keep up with his pace, he soon grew tired.

They had already captured more than six students today alone.

And it hadn't been long since they entered the mountains, so it clearly showed how chaotic and rushed their march had been.

"Let's catch them this time and take a break."


Despite being tired, Dienne ultimately managed to keep up with him.

To be honest, when I first saw her, I tried to ignore her as if I didn't know her.

Since it seemed like I discovered her from my side, if I let her go like this, she would naturally pass by without noticing me.

"Dianne Alben. Can I make use of her?"

If I endure for two nights and three days and collect enough small points, I can achieve a decent score.

But if I team up with Dienne, can't we aim for a top ranking?

I'll be responsible for tracking and finding traces for point hunting and overall survival, while she will fight in my place.

Of course, I could do it alone, but there would be a lot of variables like stamina.

"It should be fine, right?"

Dianne, who had grown up well, seemed clueless. Perhaps she would end up using up her mana and getting eliminated due to dehydration or survival issues.

So as long as I didn't reveal myself as a dark mage, it wouldn't matter anymore.

With that in mind, I revealed my true intentions and invited her to our hideout.

After finishing our meal and trying to discuss the team, I didn't expect Dienne to fall asleep.

"This is a bit awkward."

Still, while watching her sleeping, memories of our childhood came back to me.

Although it was only a memory stored in my body, not something I personally experienced, I felt a longing emotion.

When she woke up later, she still remained wary of me, but I eventually turned her into a body that couldn't escape my convenience and comfort.

And so, I proposed a deal to her.

To team up and collect points.

At first, she resisted, but soon enough, she naturally became my loyal hunting dog.

"With this amount of points, we should easily rank high."

I traced the points marked on the map with Dienne, hunting down the students caught in between.

Finding traces was easy.

In a snowy mountain, traces were spread far and wide.

I had enough knowledge and skills for tracking, so there were no issues.

I was responsible for tracking and Dienne finished things off.

At first, Dianne doubted my tracking, but after witnessing how I easily found targets, she gradually gained trust.

And when she read the traces and arrived at the predicted location to set up traps, her trust in me reached its peak.

However, every time she showed such a side, she made an inexplicable expression. But I didn't bother hiding my abilities.

It didn't matter what she thought anyway.

"As long as she doesn't find out I'm a dark mage, it's meaningless now."

As we continued chasing the next trace, we finally reached the endpoint.

I stopped and carefully surveyed the surroundings, discovering something behind a tree in front of me.

Using Mana Detect would have been more certain, but using that skill would also make the enemy aware of our presence, so there was no point in ambushing.

I immediately signaled Dienne.


"Yes. Behind that tree."

Dianne looked at the tree I pointed to and gathered mana.

Truly a genius.

Observing her mana control, I was amazed. Her precise mana manipulation reduced the power of her spells. The impact of her magic, which was only accurate when it hit the target, was enough to make them faint.

Not only that, her casting speed and the accuracy of her magic were both 100%, so there was no need for words.

While marveling at her abilities, I watched as her magic was activated, and an electric bolt arrow made of electricity flew towards the tree.

However, the result was unexpected. It made a completely different sound than anticipated.

Thud! Sizzle!

"What the hell?"

Whose voice was that? Could it be?

The person, who effortlessly blocked Dienne's magic with a sword, stepped out from behind the tree.

She was none other than Ivy Claire, holding a sword in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Ivy, the assistant?"

"What? A Dark Mage, huh?"

She took a drag from her cigarette, exhaled smoke, and then dropped the cigarette on the ground while pointing her sword at me.

"How did you know I was hiding here and attacked?"

"Traces. Do you know what that is? I found your traces and tracked you."

"Traces? What are you talking about? How did you know I was hiding here?"

At that moment, Dianne, who had been silently listening, spoke up.

"Actually, it's true. I don't know what methods you're using, but Adrius here has the ability to find and track traces."

What methods am I using?

Does it sound like I'm using sorcery when I speak?

Ivy gave a look of "What is he talking about?" and flicked her sword.

Her expression seemed to say, "You're bothering me, so leave quickly."

"These knight academy assistants are quite troublesome with transporting the eliminated ones."

I nodded politely and called Dianne, leaving the scene.

Dianne asked me, "Do you know that person?"

"Yes. He was one of the assistants in our group during the midterm evaluation."

"Ah! The one who caught the dark mage?"


Although I was the one who caught him, the rumors within the academy were that we caught him together.

I had my own reasons and didn't feel the need to correct it.

"Wow, you're amazing. How was it? Catching the dark mage together?"

"Well, I was a bit distracted at the time."

Now that I think about it, this guy, Dienne, was a knight enthusiast.

I was going to let it pass, but he had to ask about it.

To divert his attention, I brought up another topic.

"Let's return to our hideout for now."


"Yes. We'll return to the hideout, rest, and come out again at night."

Dianne nodded, seemingly understanding my intention.

"It's definitely better to hunt at night. But is it possible?"

"Don't worry."

When it's night, the visibility will be poor.

But I had the mana of a knight.

Brightening the surroundings was no big deal.

"Just follow me."

We'll secure our spot in the top rankings.

The man, who looked like a goblin and had been gazing at the mountains covered in white snow, turned to look at the giant man walking beside him.

"No matter how I think about it, it's suspicious."

"I've already received the money. There's no turning back."

The giant man spoke as if there was no other choice, but deep down, I thought he was right.

However, I couldn't show it prominently due to the members in black robes following behind us.

"After finishing this job, I should never get involved with them again."

"Hehe. Of course! But it's nice to have a lot of money to play around with for a while."

At that moment, one of the individuals in black robes stepped forward and interrupted their conversation.

"After we finish this job, we don't plan to get involved with trash like you."

"Oh, Kidwell, is it? Haha."

The man who looked like a goblin laughed nonchalantly, and the person in the robe stuck out their tongue.

"Don't act like we're close. You filthy mongrel."

"Your words are too harsh. Do you want to die?"

The giant man stopped in his tracks and revealed his killing intent.

As a surge of energy spread, the members in black robes walking behind them also stopped and looked at the man.

Then, as they gathered mana, the man turned his head, revealing his killing intent.

"If you've received the money, then focus on completing the job properly. Such pointless worries should be dealt with before receiving the money."

The man in the black robe's words caused the giant man to remain silent and continue walking forward.

The man who looked like a goblin followed behind him.

"And don't forget. Jester himself commissioned this job to you."

"...I know."

The sun was gradually setting.

And the members in black robes began to disperse into different directions in the mountains.

As they walked forward, the man left, who was called Kidwell, spoke.

"Our only goal is the same. Of course, it's better to kill as many students as possible. But you guys won't do anything useless, right?"

"Oh, Kidwell. If you give us more money, we'll do anything."

"Hmph. Fine. Just do the job that's been assigned to you. It probably won't be difficult."

Then, the giant man grabbed Kidwell.

"I have one thing I'm curious about."

"Now? Hurry up and say it."

"I found out that the target assigned to us isn't that significant. Of course, I heard he recently created a potion or something, but is he really worth us getting involved?"

"I don't know much about that guy either. Jester just gave you guys the assignment. Make sure to kill him and bring back the corpse."

"That won't be difficult. It's our job."

As Kidwell disappeared, the man who looked like a goblin grinned and spat on the ground.

"Ptah! A guy who can't even live or die properly, blabbering on his own!"

"Let's start moving too."

"But how will we find him in these mountains?"

"...We'll catch him as we kill. We'll eventually find him."

"What? Hahaha! That's right! You're absolutely right!"

As their conversation ended, the sun began to set over the Bilbore Mountains.