
Necromancer's Evolutionary Traits

Adrias Cromwell. The story starts with a veteran soldier who lost his will to live, he spends his time playing video games, and he is obsessed with a specific video game that turns out to be anything but an ordinary game... Other Name: The strongest necromancer with evolution traits Author: TBD GHOST / JANGJAK Original Publisher: INTIME, NAVER Translator: ChatGPT + manual editing

Mususshi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
83 Chs

Hybrid Duo

As night fell, we prepared ourselves to take action.

We hadn't moved during the day because other groups were diligently accumulating points, so it was better to take advantage of that and move. Our plan was to hunt down those who had collected a lot of points.

To that end, we analyzed the map in advance and marked several points. We had identified sleeping spots that students would likely choose, considering their psychology and the terrain of the mountains.

"I'm ready."

Just as Dienne finished her preparations, we immediately left our secret hideout.

"You seem completely different when you're out. How do you recognize the way back?"

Dianne looked at the path we came from with an expression of disbelief.

I hadn't specifically marked anything, but due to my extensive exposure and experience, it was easy for me to spot the disguises I had set up.

And the marked points in this vicinity were the only ones I had created, so finding them was quick.

I just shrugged my shoulders without explaining further.

"It's just intuition."


Ignoring Dienne's mocking expression, I walked ahead.

As if it mattered whether it was true or not.

The closest hunting point on the map turned out to be farther than expected.

Moreover, with the moon obscured by clouds and the silence of the night and hidden visibility, it was difficult to discern anything just a step ahead.

Nevertheless, I activated my mana, focusing specifically on my eyes to enhance my vision.

Dienne followed cautiously, floating in the air, clearly understanding my intention.


"Yes, miss."

"Just out of curiosity..."

"Yes, please tell me."

"Why did you decide to carry a sword?"

While following me silently, Dienne seemed to be pondering something. It was probably more related to knights than magic.

"As you know, my magical power and skill are not exceptional. When I fought the dark mage last time, I ran out of mana, and it was quite dangerous. At that moment, I realized that I shouldn't rely solely on magic but should have something to protect myself."

"Hmm, I see."

"Are you interested in swords?"

"No, not at all."

Strong denial often implies strong affirmation, but that was just Dienne's nature.

I didn't know why he was trying to hide it, but I took this opportunity to discreetly ask him.

"Speaking of swords, Carlos Alven comes to mind. How is he doing?"

"Carlos? I don't know. He used to wander around singing romantic songs every day, but ever since he became a knight, he's been traveling all over the country. It's been a while since I last saw him."

"I see. Do you have any plans to meet him?"

"What? Why do you care?"

"I wanted to ask him how he's been. He was a good person to me, so I miss him."

In reality, Carlos Alven in my memory was an approachable noble's eldest son, with a carefree and outgoing personality. He had an extraordinary sense of timing, always intervening wherever there was trouble, and he was a sincere and passionate person who wished for everyone's happiness.

"That's nice. It's good to hear. I plan to visit the academy's year-end event."

"Oh, really? That's great."

The academy's year-end event.

I finally found out the date when the terror attack would occur.

Actually, there wasn't much time left until the information I originally knew caught up with the present, so I had guessed that the attack would happen soon.

"But it's good that we found out for sure."

I just needed to be cautious during the year-end event.

Moreover, since I knew the location as well, I might be able to prevent it if I did well.

Thinking about the terrorist attack, I checked the map and gestured to Dienne.

We were almost at the location I had marked.

We needed to pay close attention now.

Dienne understood my intentions and remained silent.

Flap, flap. Thump, thump.

My expectations were correct.

A group of three individuals had set up a barricade and started a bonfire, pretending to be casually camping.

Although they outnumbered us, it seemed like an easy target for an ambush with the element of surprise and better visibility.

Dienne, who followed behind, noticed them and immediately prepared to use magic.


I whispered to Dienne in a very low voice.

In response, Dienne gave me a questioning look.

I didn't want to do it either, but it seemed like there were other uninvited guests besides us.

"There seems to be another group on the opposite side. They appear to be aiming for the same prey as us."

"Really? Then let's wait and attack when the time is right."

Mumbling to themselves.

Although we didn't say anything, Dienne understood my thoughts and carefully hid beside me, anticipating the imminent battle.

In the end, it would be advantageous for us, as we could target the remaining opponent after the battle between the two groups was over.

"I see them."

Finally, the shadows across the bonfire, who were targeting the group, began to move.

However, their movements were peculiar.

'They're not using long-range magic attacks?'

They seemed to be moving in a way specialized for close combat, blending into the darkness and moving.

Just like the movements of special forces...

'Are they not mages?'

And I wasn't the only one who had that thought. Dienne murmured.

"Why are they approaching like that?"

At that moment, a small shadow hiding in the darkness suddenly emerged and swiftly slit the throat of one of the individuals who was patrolling.


Surprised, Dienne gasped, and I heightened my vigilance, surveying the surroundings.

Something was wrong. It wasn't a student.

However, before I could make any judgments, Dienne stood up.

And immediately used magic.


A goblin-like man who had slit the throat of a student noticed Dienne's magic and turned his gaze.

His reaction speed gave me the impression that he was not just an ordinary opponent but quite formidable.

Splinter Ice―!

Dienne created massive ice shards and launched them.

Then, the opponent, with an eerie smile, raised the student, who was pouring blood from his throat, as a shield in front of him.

"You, despicable!"

In a fit of anger, Dienne's scream echoed, and the flying magic abruptly canceled and shattered into pieces.

In that gap, the bulky man who had been hiding with the goblin-like man appeared.

Episode 38: Hybrid Duo

As night fell, we prepared ourselves to move in earnest.

During the day, we didn't move much because other guys were busy collecting points. So, it was better to wait for them to gather the points and then move while targeting those points.

In other words, our plan was to hunt down the guys who had collected a lot of honey during the day.

To accomplish that, we analyzed the map in advance and marked several points. We had chosen places to rest that took into account the students' psychology and the terrain of the mountain, considering that they would need to sleep at night.

"I'm ready."

Just as Dienne finished her preparations, we immediately left the secret hideout.

"It's hard to recognize you even when you come out. How do you know your way back?"

Dienne looked puzzled as if she couldn't understand how I could recognize the beat I came out of.

I didn't make any special markings, but I had encountered and experienced so many disguised beats that even a poorly disguised beat was obvious at a glance. And since there was only one beat in this area marked on the map, it was easy to find.

I shrugged my shoulders because I couldn't explain it.

"It's just a hunch."


Ignoring Dienne's teasing expression, I walked ahead.

Whatever, it was true.

Even the nearest hunting point marked on the map required more walking than I had expected. The moon hanging in the sky was covered by clouds, and the dim light and concealed sight in the darkness made it difficult to distinguish anything in front of me.

But thanks to the mana of my eyes focused on vision enhancement, I could see clearly.

Dienne followed cautiously behind me, floating in the air as if she was playing along with me coming out of nowhere.


"Yes, Miss."

"I'm just curious... Why did you decide to carry a sword?"

While following me silently, Dienne seemed lost in thought. Maybe if I looked into her mind, I would find more about knights than magic.

"As you know, my magical abilities and skills are not outstanding. When I fought the dark magician last time, my mana ran out, and it was quite a crisis. At that time, I realized that relying solely on magic was not enough, and I needed something to protect myself."

"Oh, really?"

"Do you have any interest in swords?"

"No, not at all."

They say strong denial is a sign of strong affirmation, but it was exactly like Dienne.

I didn't know why she was trying to hide it, but I took the opportunity to ask indirectly.

"Speaking of swords, it reminds me of Carlos Hyung. How is he doing?"

"Carlos? I don't know. He used to wander around singing romantic songs every day, but since he became a knight, he has been traveling around the country. It's been a while since I last saw him."

"I see. Do you have any plans to meet him?"

"What? Why do you care?"

"I wanted to ask about his well-being. He was a good person to me, so I miss him."

In reality, Carlos Alben was a noble son, but he had a straightforward and unreserved personality. He was always there to help whenever something happened, and he was a simple and passionate person who always wished for everyone's happiness.

"It's good to hear that. I'm planning to visit the Academy's year-end event."

"Is that so? That's great."

The Academy's year-end event.

I finally found out the date when the terror attack would occur.

Actually, with the time difference between now and the information I originally knew, I had already speculated that the attack would happen soon.

"But it's good to know for sure."

I would be cautious during the year-end event. And since I also knew the location, if I did well, I might be able to prevent it.

Lost in thought about the terrorist attack, I checked the map and gestured to Dienne.

Now we were almost at the spot I had marked.

Dienne understood my intention and remained silent.

Rustle. Rustle.

My expectation was correct.

A group of three, who had set up a makeshift campfire and were pretending to be unconscious and half-asleep, suddenly grabbed the necks of the two remaining students who were still dazed.

"If you don't want to see these guys die, come out."

The student who was first attacked was lying on the ground, pouring blood and dying.

And the remaining two became hostages, held by those two.

I calmly tried to gather information.

"There's no one else. Only the two of them. But their movements and actions are not ordinary. Are they mercenaries?"

As I thought they might be mercenaries, their appearance gave me a hint.

"Mantos and Glau."

They were a hybrid duo of mercenaries.

Mantos was a half-ogre and half-human, while Glau was a half-goblin and half-human.

They were guys who occasionally appeared in the game and got involved in all sorts of dirty work because they wouldn't refuse any job.

The problem was who had hired them and why they were killing students in a place like this.

While I was lost in thought, Dienne took the lead.

As she stepped forward, I couldn't help but follow.

"Sure, sure. If you don't want to see your friends die, you better listen."

"What's your identity? Do you think you can harm the students of the Academy and get away with it?"

Even with Dienne's spirited words, Glau just laughed wickedly.

On the other hand, Mantos asked us seriously.

"I have one question. Do you know where Adrias Cromwell is?"

Why are they looking for me?

Dienne and I were both taken aback.

"If you tell me, we'll let the others go quietly."

"Do you know who I am? How dare you speak so casually?"

"I don't care who you are. If you don't move, I'll just kill these guys."


Dienne's complexion also turned pale as she saw the dying student. As a knight, devoted to chivalry and justice, it must have been hard for her to bear.

Well, it doesn't matter. I decided to speak up first.

"What do you want? Should I come forward?"

"Fine, fine. Let's do that!"

As Glau threatened, he swung the knife he had in his hand, cutting the arm of the captive student.


"Keh-hehe. Hey, miss. Don't think about following us, just make sure these guys don't die."

Glau said that and then climbed onto Mantos' shoulder.

"You, come with us. If you don't follow, you don't know what will happen to this guy."

"If the girl follows, I'll break this guy's neck right away."

Dienne looked at me with a worried expression.

It's not a big deal, just go along with them.

"You stay here and take care of them. Provide first aid if needed. The Knight Department assistants will probably come soon."

"What about you?"

"I have to go with them. Don't worry. I'm confident I won't die."

I smiled to reassure her.

Of course, Dienne couldn't be sure if those two were skilled fighters or not, so she was worried if I would come back alive or not.

But even so, she was concerned, holding onto my shoulder, but I gently let go.

"You come with me. If you don't, I don't know what will happen to this guy."

"Fine, fine. Just finish it quickly!"

While the two of them were talking, I concentrated mana in my body, feeling a squirming energy that seemed about to explode from the other side of the empty space.

And soon, the gathered mana transformed into a black portal, revealing the silhouette of something.

"Let's fight and see."