
Necromancer's Evolutionary Traits

Adrias Cromwell. The story starts with a veteran soldier who lost his will to live, he spends his time playing video games, and he is obsessed with a specific video game that turns out to be anything but an ordinary game... Other Name: The strongest necromancer with evolution traits Author: TBD GHOST / JANGJAK Original Publisher: INTIME, NAVER Translator: ChatGPT + manual editing

Mususshi · Fantasi
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83 Chs

Apple Tree Mansion and Amy Cromwell

With debts to pay and Amy working part-time, it seemed like anyone could guess the financial state of our family.

The time when we were struggling financially was when I was still young, and Cromwell Estate was seized around that time.

Well, since my head started getting thick, I only knew the fact that there was an estate, but my memories of Cromwell Estate were faint.

Instead, I spent more time at the mansion near the capital.

However, the mansion near the capital was eventually put up for auction just before I entered Rodren Academy.

Thanks to that, I heard that Amy now lives in a small house located a bit away from the metropolitan area.

The reason why I'm thinking about all this now is...

"Welcome, sir!"

I said bluntly to the real estate agent who greeted me with a nasal voice.

"Is the 'Apple Tree Mansion' in Welton Estate vacant?"

"Yes? Yes. Please wait a moment."

After examining some documents, he started skimming through them with his hands, trying to find the property I mentioned.

Unconsciously, my gaze followed his hand.

Since the mansion was auctioned off, I had no idea what happened to it.

Perhaps a new owner had already appeared, and someone was living there.

"Well, if William gives me the down payment and takes out a loan, the Apple Tree Mansion should be enough."

With the money that would have gone into the signet ring, I could even think about the mansion.

I could easily get a loan with the patents I had.

"Ah! Here it is."

He finally found it and showed me a document.

The document contained a photo of the longed-for mansion.

"It seems to be a property that is currently pending auction. It is currently under the jurisdiction of the royal palace."

"How much is the price?"

"Well, upon checking, it seems that the property is not for sale. I'm sorry, but you should visit the territorial management department of the palace."

Ah, it's going to be blocked like this.

I wasn't sure if the palace departments would be working on a Sunday.

Still, I felt regretful about returning to the academy like this, so I left the real estate agent and moved in my footsteps.

It was the middle of winter.

The city, which had turned white from the snow that had been falling since the previous evening, made my heart feel warm regardless of the cold weather.

"When I played the game, I didn't know."

Seeing it in person, it was really beautiful.

Usually, I would have taken a carriage and gone straight to my destination, but today I walked quietly.

While walking like that, I suddenly noticed a store where Amy worked.


The first real family.

The day we first met left me disappointed.

I found the ring, but I wanted to become a more respectable older brother.

I didn't have time to relax and think about Amy, who might still be working even on a Sunday.

I stopped a passing carriage and headed straight to the administrative district near the palace.

The Marquis Soslen, a noble of the Rodren generation, sat with a disgruntled expression, crossing his legs.

"Well, why am I on duty on a Sunday? Among the many junior officials, why me?"

Although he felt uncomfortable, he absentmindedly tapped his foot in anticipation of the approaching time to leave work.

However, someone knocked on the office door, defying his expectations.

"Um, Marquis Soslen."

"Why? What is it?"

"Viscount Cromwell has a business matter and came to visit."


Marquis Soslen was surprised and quickly straightened himself before speaking.

"Ah, please come in."

But Cromwell? What family was Cromwell from?

He furrowed his brow slightly because of the unfamiliar name of the family.

In the meantime, Viscount Cromwell, who interrupted the peaceful time, entered the room.

"What? How impudent?"

Cromwell, unaware of the Marquis Soslen's thoughts, stared at the marquis with wide eyes.

"Ah, please have a seat."

Following the marquis's guidance, Viscount Cromwell immediately started his business.

"Marquis Soslen?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

"There is a mansion I want to purchase, but it belongs to the royal family, so it seems impossible to buy. Is there any way to acquire this mansion?"

"Where is the mansion located?"

"It's the Apple Tree Mansion in Welton Estate."

"Please wait a moment."

Marquis Soslen took out his tablet and searched for the mansion mentioned by Viscount Cromwell.

Scanning through it, he soon found the locked mansion.

"Locked? Why?"

He was momentarily taken aback by the situation he had never experienced before, but he quickly acted according to the manual.

"Your Grace, I'm sorry, but this mansion seems difficult to acquire."

"Why is that?"

"It's an unsellable item."

If he said this, wouldn't the viscount give up?

Marquis Soslen's words diminished as soon as he confirmed the item.

He thought he had seen it wrong, but he felt a chill run down his spine.

"Your Grace is this...?"

"It's the Everlast Potion. It's not a bribe, but a gift for you, who must be exhausted from working even on Sundays."

Everlast Potion?

The dream potion that couldn't be bought even with money because of the lack of stock!

And as Marquis Soslen looked at the potion, a light bulb went off in his head.

Viscount Adrias Cromwell?

The inventor of the Everlast Potion!

Marquis Soslen, knowing that he shouldn't accept such things, unintentionally accepted the potion.

And as soon as Viscount Adrias handed it to him, he leaned forward and asked.

"What about this mansion? Why is it impossible?"


Finally realizing what he had done, Marquis Soslen sighed and bit his lip.

How could he refuse again right now?

The yellow liquid in the potion silently tempted him.

"Well, if it's something that Duke Beckman is desperately looking for these days. If I can investigate it, it might be..."

Although it wasn't an immediate concern, it could open the path to becoming an influential noble someday.

Knowing that Marquis Soslen was hesitating, Viscount Adrias took out another potion from his pocket.

"I don't have many, but it seems like you've been struggling a lot. Take this to boost your strength."

"Your Grace! I can't accept something like this..."

"Ah! There was one more! Here, take it."

...There were too many potions to refuse.

Marquis Soslen accepted the potions in his hands, trying to decline again, but the yellow liquid contained within silently seduced him.

"Oh, right. You're looking for a mansion with lock systems like this?"

Marquis Soslen, who noticed what he had done, groaned and bit his lip.

It felt like he was doing something illegal, but why would it be illegal? He was buying a mansion with problems at its true value, so it was actually a good thing.

Come to think of it, why were there so many lock systems in the mansion?

Muttering complaints to himself, Marquis Soslen inspected the mansion that Viscount Adrias had purchased once more.

Locked, huh...

I stood in front of the Apple Tree Mansion, gazing at the imposing structure before me. The real estate agent had confirmed that the mansion was currently locked and under the jurisdiction of the royal palace. I couldn't help but wonder why it was locked and what secrets it held within its walls.

My mind raced with possibilities. Could it be that the mansion held valuable treasures? Or perhaps there was a hidden passage or room that no one knew about? The intrigue of the locked mansion only fueled my curiosity further.

I decided to inquire further and headed to the territorial management department of the palace, hoping to get more information about the Apple Tree Mansion and its status. As I made my way through the administrative district, the winter scenery and the bustling city seemed to fade into the background as my thoughts were consumed by the mystery of the mansion.

Finally, I arrived at the territorial management department and approached the reception desk. The clerk behind the counter looked at me with a professional smile.

"Good day, sir. How may I assist you?"

"I'm here to inquire about the Apple Tree Mansion in Welton Estate. I heard it is currently locked and under the jurisdiction of the royal palace. Can you provide me with more information?"

The clerk nodded and began typing on the computer in front of her.

"Let me check the records for you. Please wait a moment."

As I waited, my excitement and anticipation grew. I couldn't help but imagine the possibilities of what awaited me within the mansion's walls. Would it hold the answers to my family's past, or perhaps even provide a clue about the missing signet ring?

After what felt like an eternity, the clerk finally turned her attention back to me.

"I apologize, sir, but the information regarding the Apple Tree Mansion is classified. Only authorized personnel from the palace can access it."

I felt a pang of disappointment. It seemed that the secrets of the mansion would remain locked away, at least for now.

"Is there no way for me to gain access or acquire the mansion?" I asked, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

The clerk hesitated for a moment before replying, "There is a possibility, but it would require special permission from the royal family. Typically, properties under their jurisdiction are not put up for sale unless there are exceptional circumstances."

Exceptional circumstances? What could those be? I pondered the clerk's words, considering if there was any way I could convince the royal family to grant me access to the mansion. But it seemed like a daunting task, especially considering my current status as a student at Rodren Academy.

Disheartened yet determined, I thanked the clerk for her assistance and left the territorial management department. The locked mansion remained a tantalizing mystery, a symbol of untold secrets and unanswered questions.

As I made my way back to the academy, I couldn't help but think about the mansion's connection to my family's past. The Cromwell Estate, the auctioned mansion near the capital, and now the Apple Tree Mansion under the jurisdiction of the royal palace—they all seemed intertwined somehow.

I knew that uncovering the truth would not be easy, but I couldn't ignore the persistent curiosity burning within me. I resolved to continue my search, to dig deeper into my family's history and the secrets surrounding the locked mansion.

Little did I know that this would be the start of a journey that would lead me down unexpected paths and reveal long-hidden truths. The locked mansion held the key to unlocking the mysteries of my family's past, and I was determined to uncover them, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.