

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Komik
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32 Chs


She closed her eyes and thought about the life she was given a chance to have in this life.

She thought how she was with the Queens and who she was on social media. She was known as the beauty by nature and she was loved every second she was blessed with to live her life like she did.

She understood she had her mother to thank that for and she felt sorry she was going to the world of the dead without telling it to her.

Her mother had given her a lot in this life that she was never going to appreciate her for. She gave her a chance to a real world, she gave her a chance to meet Aaron and pushed them together, she sacrificed her life for her.

As she closed her eyes, she reminisced about life she also got to experience with Aaron because of her mother too, she remembered all the talkings, all the practices he did with her, the singing and dancing she did for him introducing him to her world.

The cuddling, the kisses, the nights full of passion and intimacy they experienced. She sighed dreamingly knowing it wouldn't have been perfect with anybody else except Aaron, it was all Aaron from the beginning.

A tear fell down from her eyes as she thought of a life they could have had if she didn't have a written fate like she had.

They could have grown old together, she would have been happy to make him a dad.

Thinking back on the life she lead, she cried thinking that if she was given another chance to experience her life under different circumstances from what she had now she would become a good sibling, she would be an inspiring girl not a social media queen.

She would lead a motivating life but she would still require each person she had in this ending life to be in that one too expect for a one particular person.

As she thought about that again, she felt sorry again she was dying like this without meeting her family one last time.

She wasn't given a chance to mess with her younger sisters….

Younger sister

"It was one of your younger sister." She heard Aaron's voice in her mind and it alarmed one of her brain cells.

"Trust me when I say that I care for the Queens for more than you would think, I appreciate and respect them for what they did for me. For taking you in and raising you like their own and for that I will forever be indebted to them so trust me when I say that I care and I would never watch danger go their way and let it go just like that."

Her mother's voice came right in her mind too.

"Your destiny was to die six months after you were born and you escaped that but your fate says that if you don't die by your father's sacrificial then he will be killed by your sword." She again heard her mother's voice in her mind and as she kept running her mind back to what she's learnt, Aaron's voice spoke to her again.

"Connect your body with your heart and guide your desires to where you want them to be."

To where I want my desires…

I am the lighter of all the lightness.

I am the lighter of all the lightness.

I am the lighter of all the lightness.

As she repeated those words, she started to be filled with the energy and the will to do the will of her fate.

Why was she the one to die by sacrificial, why can't her father die by her sword.

she closed her eyes and guided her mind to her homeland and she only heard sounds of cries and pictures of bloods. Seeing that made her cry again feeling sad for what was happening because of her.

Natara calmed her mind and connected with her heart, she was the chosen one because of her parents not the other way around.

She was the outcome of a blessing not a curse.

She closed her eyes and muted words of praying to her God.

'You choose me the most high,

You were pleased with me the most high,

You filled me with your lightness to fill it in the world not darkness the Most high,

Let your will be done now the Most high.'

she opened her eyes and looked right in her father's same blue eyes. A frown creeped on his face in confusion wondering what was happening.

He thought she was dying.

She looked in his eyes and imitated his evil smirk on her angelic face.

she broke free of the curse and aroused her lightness in all the room, the moment she did that everything seemed to stop, now it was the time for a father to face the wrath of his daughter.

Everything and everyone stopped their movements of anything as the daughter and father collided. Filling the room with her lightness she blinded her father's eyes and as he took time to register what was happening, she jumped on him and pulled her sword from her back and stabbed it through her father's heart.

He blinked not believing what just happened as blood started to spill out of his mouth, a pool of blood running out of his heart while collapsing on the ground.

He died looking at his daughter with disbelief. Natara also looked at him as life got drown out of his body.

Knowing he was dead, she twirled herself and flew into the air knowing she still got people that needed her saving.

Reaching the sky, she span herself around in space causing a big commotion there before sending her lightness all over the world to go save and and free everyone out there that needed saving's.

It reached the Queens household and touched her mother's heavy heart and everyone else in it.

It stopped and saved people on war in the green tropical, it saved the Sanchez's household.

It saved and freed girls that were held hostages in the home that never knew lightness and took them home.

It flew to all the people all over the world and saved and freed what needed to be saved.

She stood in the sky with her one knee bend and the other straightened with her arms spread on her side looking down at her doing.

She lived through her fate and conquered the evil.

Her father's death was by her sword and above all, she was a savior to many.