

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"What did you just say?" Natara stormed in the house with hurried steps towards Mrs. Sanchez.

She can't have heard that correctly she presumed, she meant in her head. How can that devil get a hold of her sister hostage.

They all turned to look at Natara as she stormed in looking like she was about to catch a killer.

They didn't even know how much she had heard but it didn't matter because they all knew the part she shouldn't have heard was what was said at last, there is no way she didn't hear it they all knew that.

"Can you repeat what you just said, are you saying my mother's husband has my sister as a hostage?" Mrs. Sanchez turned to look at Maria Susanna begging for a way out with her eyes but was there any?

"The hell you looking at my mother for?" She asked when she realized the woman was looking at her mother, so she turned to her too. "Mother please, if it is something about my family tell me."

Maria Susanna was cornered but she is known it from the moment she received a word from Mrs. Sanchez that when it got out it wasn't going to be an exciting sight to see.

"First calm down Natara and we will talk."

"Answer my fucking question. Was the Queens you were talking about, my family?" Natara asked bringing a sigh out of Maria and Mrs. Sanchez but a sudden man cleared his throat and said.

"It was your family." She closed her eyes wanting to grasp that thought in her mind for a moment but not being able to, she opened them again and looked at Aaron. "Who was taken?" She just didn't want to think of anyone in her family being in that kind of situation.

But she knew no matter who it was, it wasn't going to be simple to digest either.

"It was one of your younger sisters." She looked at Aaron and narrowed her eyes at him as if he was the one who took her.

"Natara, calm down. We are trying to come up with a solution." She turned to glare at her mother.

Before she spitted out her anger out to her. "You are trying to come up with a solution. God damn that mother, you've known for three fucking months already and never once did you care enough to tell me." She turned at Aaron too. "Three months and you looked right in my eyes and lied to me for that long." She said to him and sighed.

"Just know nothing will be fine for both of you if something did happen to my sister." She said and turned around to walk away from them but Maria Susanna wasn't letting it go just like that. She run behind her and reached for Natara's hand.

"Wait, listen to me please before you go?" She turned to her mother with a deep glare present in her eyes.

"Trust me when I say that I care for the Queens much more than you would think, I appreciate and respect them for what they did for me. For taking you in and raising you like their own and for that I will forever be indebted to them, so trust me when I say that I care and I would never watch danger go their way and let go just like that." She sighed annoyedly pulling herself from her hold.

"Are you saying that what Aaron just said was not true because if it is then to me it sounded like you did sit back and watched danger knock on their door while doing nothing?" Maria looked at her pleadingly with her eyes for Natara to understand her.

However, Natara was just fuming with anger inside of her which was blinding her for any reasoning. She didn't know yet of whom her anger was directed to.

"What Aaron just said is true b…"

"That's what I wanted to know." She interrupted her mother and turned to leave but Maria wasn't giving up just like that yet without putting on a convincing fight.

She run to her and stopped her again.

"Listen, you storming out of here there is no way that it is going to be of help to any of us. Your father has your sister and he has her with eleven other girls, they are his hostage for six months. He is not going to do anything to them now. We now have three months to get those girls away from that monster or even better stop that for once and for all."

Natara took that in her mind but she just knew one thing and that's what she said to her mother as she turned to look at her in the eyes.

"I don't trust you anymore." She said and walked out of the room with the anger she had before multiplying itself the more she thought of what had taken place.

She couldn't believe her mother had the nerve to look at her and say she wouldn't endanger her family when she's allowed it for the past three fucking months.

She walked into the city and turned to the weapon equipment room.

"Good morning, Tina." She smiled at the woman on the guard post of the room.

She bowed down respectively.

"A beautiful morning to you too, Ms. Darker." She wanted to scoff at that but held it back and kept the smile on her face.

"May I?" The guard post nodded as she moved to the side and allowed Natara to walk in.

Stepping in the room she felt an intruder in her head, she quickly cleared her thoughts before shouting for the intruder with the anger in her head.

Maria being the one trying to get in her daughter's head and listen to what she was thinking pulled back clutching on the side of her head painful not believing Natara did that to her.

Her practices were to be done in an upcoming month but by now she was damn good on almost everything. Except they all knew she wasn't as half good as the opponent she was supposed to fight.

Barbra and Aaron could roughly guess what happened to Maria as they watched the woman clutch and yelp out in pain as she held on to her head.

Barbra was trying to soothe her friend on the floor when her body felt something

that straightened her up and pulled her legs off of the floor and hanged her in the air as she closed her eyes reading the words being written in her closed eyes.

She read and after she was done a huge force came in her body and freed her from the watcher's spirits.

She stood on her feet and breathed out in fear as she looked to a now composed but pale Maria on the floor.

"Something dangerous and so, so, so, scary it's about to happen." As she finished saying that a war was already breaking out which they didn't know yet.

Natara was in her warrior attire which they made for her.

It was a short white dress that reached her mid thighs but had shorts inside of it.

It had straps on her shoulders but the dress went with white gloves that reached her elbow but were cut on the fingers.

She had her warrior white shoes on that reached below her knees with a sword tugged on her back.

Her hair was sprawled on her shoulder making her look like an Angel warrior and as she had voices and screams out side, she run out of the room as so many other people started to gather in for weapons.

She walked out and looked at Tina.

"What the hell happened?" Tina was not settled as she replied.

"We are being attacked and my first suspect is by the Darker."

"Thatmotherfuckingbitch." She cursed under her breath but as she thought about it, it was better for that jerk to come here himself instead of her going to him like she had in mind.

As she was going to go to him anyway it was better for him to deliver himself on a silver plate.

"Please Ms. Darker, may I propose a favor, on your way down may you ring the bell thrice to announce of war." She turned to Tina and nodded. "I got you." She said and walked to go get the bell like she was asked.

The bell was located in the main house that was located near her mother's but as she walked to it she wouldn't help the impatient feeling she felt of hurrying to the place and then get to find her so called father.

She now believed in herself and as she walked in her warrior attire with a sword packed behind her back, she felt like a woman of wonder ready to take on the world.

She walked into the house and into the resting lounge she remembered that's where she knew a bell was and as she got in, she saw it hanging at the side wall set in a glass box.

She walked to it and stood on her toes as she opened it and rang it thrice as she was told.

As the bell rang thrice everyone was alerted including Maria, Aaron and Barbra from where they were.

Barbra sighed and said to them.

"He is already here." She didn't have to say the name for them to know who it was.

Maria just raised her hand for some one to pull her on her feet and Aaron does take it and pull her up.

"Time to end this for once and for all." She said and they started walking out of her house, her in the front Aaron on her right side and Barbra on her left.

They stepped out like warriors ready for a death or win battle. Reaching mid way they met with Natara as she came from ringing the bell.

They turned to share a meaning look which meant to say that the time, was not for them to face their indifferences that they had in between them because at the moment they had a bigger issue at hand that needed their collaboration.

They had the same enemy that needed to be taken care of first and they usually say that the enemy of your enemy is your friend and now they were friended over an enemy.

And as they looked at each other and nodded, they all understood it.

Natara fall in pace with them stepping beside Aaron.

Mr. Darker was also approaching their authorities as they were also coming.

Meeting in the midway, Natara twirled herself in the air and flied to the sky but as she did, so did Mr. Darker.

For the first time in a long time, they meet and looking at her father in that dark attire with a burning vibe radiating from him, Natara wanted to get intimidated by him but knowing she was not fighting for herself anymore or for all the girls being abducted or for her sister and family.

She understood by one glance from the man that stood in front her that, she was fighting for a better future. She just knew the world would be a better place with him not in it.

She span in the air and moved her hand in a circle motion before pushing the forces right at the man's heart.

Mr. Darker easily dodged whatever the girl sent to kill him. They played like that for sometime now as he first wanted to learn what she was capable of but seeing she still fought child's play, an evil smirk rose on the man's face as he realized the fight was going to get much easier than he expected.

With just one twirl of him in the air, he span and raised forces from the depth of his body and pushed them at Natara with both of his hands in one ago.

Natara didn't see it coming because it was as quick as a lightning.

It trapped her to where she was and as she budged wanting to break free it was for nothing because she now was in the old man's possession.

Mr. Darker gave a final chuckle before saying. "As weak as the mother." He moved to where she was before taking her in his arms and taking her back to his nest.

He took her to the room where it all started and hang her like his hanged all the other girls.

As evilly as he looked, he still felt like he was walking on the cloud as he looked at his daughter finally being where he's always wanted her to be.

As the fight on the ground was intense, Maria had no time to check on the upper fight but as she did and she saw her daughter being taken hostage with her husband. She tried to fly and follow them but the sky was of no reach, it was in Mr. Darker's grasp.

She fall on her knees and let out a deep loud cry because she knew it was over.

The fight started turning around because people on Maria's side saw her cry out and just like that, they could roughly guess what just happened causing them to be distracted and starting to be conquered by the Darker's.

Natara was hanged and her wrist were cut bleeding blood in the cups that her father had down on both of her wrists.

The blood stopped dropping and he took them and presented them with a proud smile as he cursed them the spell of eternity.

He left them before a sacred place and they instantly lightened the altar and all the other bloods his collected flowing all the way in front of him.

He looked at it and felt like crying.

It was happening.

They finally accepted his sacrifice and it was of purity enough to lighten everything like that.

He could feel tears in his eyes, he could not believe that it was finally happening.

After all those years, it was finally there in his hold.

He walked back to where Natara hanged and stood in front of her and spelled another spell that he read from a book of spells.

He took the book back and rested it where it's always kept before walking back to Natara and say. "Thank you, my pride." He raised his right hand and pointed it at Natara's heart and started drawing life out of her body.

The old man had a smile on his face the whole time as he could feel power and enormity feel him up.

Natara closed his eyes and lowered her head as she felt life being drown out of her and she knew that that was it.

She wasn't brave and strong enough to escape her fate.

Her father's sacrificial was what was going to conquer after all.

In her heart she only said. "I'm sorry." To whom she were apologizing to, she also didn't know then.
