

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


"Tell me how I do it then?" She asked Aaron sounding serious to what she was trying to convince her mind that she was ready and determined to do.

"Connect your body with your heart and guide your desires to where you want them to be." Aaron said to her as he was also getting up on his feet holding on tightly to his abdomen because when he fell, he hurt the side of his abdomen and he knew there was some serious damage that needed to be cared of.

"Guide my desires to where I want them?" She asked back with a frown on her face. "What does that even mean?" She said looking at him.

"Natara, do it like how you shadowed your father away and like how you broke the curse we were under just minutes ago." She looked at him as he walked to her wincing in pain and holding on tightly on his left abdomen.

"You alright Aaron?"

"Yeah, it's some soreness from the fall on my abdomen but it's nothing to worry about. Instead back to your concentration." She nodded.

"You were saying that I do it like I did the last two events but trust me on this one Aaron, I don't know how those things happened. Sometimes I think it's not even me at all, it feels like it's someone else inside of me."

Aaron walked to her and wrapped his arm on her shoulder and walked to stand behind her, she followed his movements with her eyes but when he went to stand behind her, she just stood there not knowing what was happening.

His hand started to move from her shoulders, to the lower part of her back, to her waist till he rested it on the upper part of her ass. She held her breath when it stopped there.

He slowly leaned closer to her ear and whispered. "Close your eyes, natara." She obligated and closed her eyes, while Aaron raised his other hand on the other side of her small waist and pulled her back close to his front.

He leaned in her left neck and sucked on her skin moving all the way back to her ear but the feeling of his breath, his lips on Natara's skin was already causing her to breath out in hitched breaths.

"Guiding our desires to where we want them is by closing our eyes and calming ourselves in order to speak with our inner selves. The intention of all this is for you to be one with your inner self, do you feel that, Natara."

"Yes, Aaron." She said that breathing out hardly. He took her upper earlobe in his teeth and bite on it hardly causing her to yelp but in both pleasure mixed with pain.

"Now what is it telling?" Asked Aaron but Natara shook her head because in the moment, it was getting hard for her to think of anything else or worse form a normal sentence.

"What is your inner self telling you, Natara?" She hissed feeling like a person who was being tortured emotionally.

"Nothing." The moment the words left Natara's lips, Aaron lowered his one hand and hardly spanked her from behind that caused her to moan out this time in pleasure.

"What is it saying now?" He asked again this time more rushy and harder than the first times. In all scenarios playing in Natara's mind, bothersome wasn't among them. Instead deeply in her heart, she knew she was enjoying it.

"You." She answered.

"Me, what?"

"It's telling me, it wants you."

Aaron smirked to himself without Natara noticing anything, he suddenly moved closer to her skin and breathed his breath on her skin arousing her wild desires. He leaned in her ear again. "And right now I do not want it either." The words felt like an arrow in Natara's dignity.

She pulled away quickly and walked away from Aaron's hold trying to stabilize the feeling of embarrassment, hurt and shame.

Aaron kept looking at her while smiling at the same time like he just accomplished what he wanted.

She closed her eyes and breathed in and out trying to stabilize her anger mixed with sadness.

"What are you feeling natara?" Aaron asked her and she turned to glare at him the kind of glare that would send someone six feet underground if looks had the power to do that.

In her mind, she was wondering why would he play with her feelings like that, she is just new to the feeling of surrendering herself to a man and Aaron had the nerve to lead her on with the intention of shutting her down when she were where it was worse to be denied.

Why would he pretend to be helping her when his intentions were clearly of something else.

"What do I feel? why don't you tell me what you fucking want from me in the first place?" Aaron quirked his eyebrow at her.

"What is getting you so agitated?" He asked quietly in a small voice but the glare wouldn't fall from Natara's eyes.

"Why do you care? Aaron please do shut up at least because right now the mere sight of you is enough to fucking annoy the shit out of me. So do me a a favor and quiet down because I want nothing more than to be out of this fucking room." She spitted the words angrily and annoyedly and turned to look away from Aaron. "So fucking suffocating in here." She whispered to herself but it still reached Aaron's ears.

She tried sabotaging her feelings that she could feel exaggerating all over the place, she breathed in and out but nothing was calming her down, it's like her insides were on a fire and she needed nothing more than a fire extinguisher to calm herself down.

She closed her eyes and told herself to calm down that it was nothing, if she was denied by a man. But nothing was working on her at the moment.

She slowly went on her one knee and touched her both hands on the ground like a person who is getting ready for a marathon competition, except for her she wasn't.

It took a few minutes before the ground of the room started to shake wildly and strongly.

She looked up and her lenses were blowing fire in them, the robe she was wearing started to glitter with fire on it.

All happened so quickly that one moment she was on her one knee and the other she was moving upwards going through the roof with no care and leaving behind the shattering room.

She flied all the way to the sky where she looked down at the view of the forest that surrounded the place.

She looked down and she remembered of Aaron, she held her hands down wards to where she came from and closed her fingers slowly, one by another before it turned into a fist and she fisted them in air to where the dungeon was.

She looked on the other side where she heard a small weak voice calling out for help.

She penetrated her eyes through the trees where she saw a woman tied being held in the air while a lot of crowd where looking up at her.

She closed her eyes and swirled in the air before she straightened her hands in the air to them and tied each of the person that was there on a tree.

The voice of people calling out for help become too much in her ears that she didn't know of who to turn to and not, because at the moment the part that she didn't know of herself or believed for herself was the one taking control of her.

She straightened her palms facing the ground while the back of them faced her and forces that looked like white sparkles fall out of them, as they were getting close she brought her hand below her chest before pulling it away circling it in the air to guide the white sparkles all over the place.

The power she was using took her in the air and she span herself in the air, spraying the sparkles all over the place and when she heard no cry of help she moved back down in a wave of fire.

She landed back to where Aaron was laying at the edge of rocks below a waterfall.

She run to him and touched her both hands to his chest, she leaned to it to feel his heart that was still beating.

She pulled back and slapped him on his cheek but not using a lot of force till he drew a long breath in and coughed out as he opened his eyes.

He looked at her and then pulled himself up to look at the place that had small leaves scattered all around in space with a cloud that looked dark and stood above them.

His eyes came back to her and pulled her to him by her neck attaching their foreheads against one another.

Natara looked at him and raised her hand to his cheek. "Are you okay?" He nodded without pulling away from her.

She caressed his cheeks with her soft hands. "What just happened?" Aaron chuckled and this time he pulled away because his abdomen was hurting so bad as he laughed.

"What?" Natara asked and Aaron looked at her. "Is every time you are going to be the real you always going to ask what just happened?" She shook ahead. "I mean what happened to you?" They both looked down on Aaron's abdomen.

Natara slowly moved her hands at the top of his abdomen, she wanted to raise his robe and sneak a peek at it but she felt shy.

She put force to where she was holding and when he yelped in pain, she frowned. "What happened?"

He looked away from her and sighed. "It was when you broke the curse that held me prisoner in the air and I fall down." She frowned biting her lower lip as she could feel the feeling of guilty wash all over her features. "I'm sorry." She said in a small voice.

"Sorry for what?"

"For this." She said putting a little force on his bruise but not to much force to hurt him at the same time. "Natara, you saved me from whatever curse that had me in the air, if anything I should be saying thank you and not to mention you also brought us out of the dungeon we were in." She looked at him right in the eyes without pulling her hands away from his abdomen because the feeling of guilty was eating her alive no matter what.

The moment seemed to stop when they held each other's eye contact but before their faces moved closer to one another, the movement of people getting closer running to where they were left them hanging.

She pulled away and turned on her back to look in the woods of what that could be but she saw nothing.

She looked back at Aaron but he also had a confused look on his face like hers. They looked at each other one last time and within their glance they understood what the other was thinking.

She helped him up before taking hold of his hand in her hand and walking in the forest together.

They walked to where the movements were coming from and they stopped on their way when they realized what was in front of them.

Many men were tied on trees and they seemed to be head held in one place and a lot of others were standing together in one place.

Aaron started moving pulling Natara with him because she seemed to have frozen on her track not wanting to make any more movement.

The people turned and saw them.

"Mr. Sanchez." They called to Aaron as he and Natara were getting closer to them.

"What is going on here?" They looked at him with a saddened look on all their faces.

"It's been long days Mr. Sanchez that we have been locked in the prison hall." One of the people that were standing there said causing Aaron to turn back to look at Natara and share with her a knowing look.

"A few minutes ago we were freed by some lightness that filled the place and as we walked out the sky was glittering with fire. We were so confused to what was happening and when we came to check on the gates for any inconvenience, we reached here and this is what we found."

They made a way for Aaron and Natara to see what they were talking about and when they did, they held their breaths in, once they realized what the people there were talking about.
