

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


The moment Natara saw Maria Susanna laying on the ground looking dead, she felt a serious pang of pain hit in her heart.

The feeling of an arrow piercing through her soul, mind, eyes, ears, lungs and above all her heart making all her body parts bleed was unbearable.

She didn't know when her feet started walking to the woman laying down on the ground.

She run up to her and kneeled beside her before she busted out of tears.

She clutched the woman in her arms closer to her chest and allowed the tears to fall from her eyes down to the woman laying in her arms.

Aaron was standing there in disbelief too, Maria Susanna was not only a leader to him as she was to everyone else there, No__not to him because she was like a mother.

A mother he knew at a very young age of seven. She was the only parent figure that he's ever known of, so seeing her laying in Natara's arms lifeless was both strange and sore sight to his eyes.

Tears kept on falling from Natara's eyes but what she didn't realize was that as the tears were falling down, they fell on Maria Susanna's body and got transmitted in her body.

Everyone present was too occupied with sadness that no one saw what was happening.

Natara's tears got into Maria Susanna's body and acted as a transmission of blood to a patient in need of them.

They rushed to her heart and slowly started awakening her back to life, as Natara kept crying tears falling on Maria she kept waking up each cell of her body without knowing.

It didn't take long when finally Maria opened her eyes and turned to look at a crying girl that had her held tightly to her chest. In her weakness state she raised her hand and touched the girl's arms that held her.

Feeling a touch on her hand, Natara opened her eyes and looked down at the woman's opened eyes.

She looked at her in disbelief wondering how it just happened.

"Are you really awake?" She whispered smoothly but still some people heard what she said and looked down to the woman that was in her arms and found her wide awake in Natara's arms.

"Family, The Queen is awake." Someone yelled causing everyone else to cheer and shout in enjoyment. Aaron stepped forward and came to kneel beside Natara while everyone else started dancing and jumping in enjoyment.

"How did this happen?" Aaron asked looking at Natara who just shrugged in response. "I don't know, I only had her in my arms when she suddenly touched my arm. I guess it's just a miracle." Aaron looked at Maria who had her eyes opened but still looked like a lost soul.

"We should get her in a warm room."

Aaron said and he got on his feet and called for volunteers to carry Mrs. Darker back in the city.

They all walked back in the city and left some people behind to clean up the mess.


It's been hours but Maria Susanna hasn't waken up again and Natara was having a hard time and being so hard on herself.

This world she was introduced to became harsher and more harsher every time she allowed herself to get closer to it and now she had her mom in a bed.

"Natara?" She shaken up hearing the voice of a man calling her out of her comfort zone.

She was sitting on the rooftop of the wooden house she is been living in staring right at the area covered in green tropical.

"What do you want Aaron? How did you find me in the first place." Aaron. walked up to her and sat beside her.

"I do not appreciate for you going down that road you are heading into in your head." Natara turned her head a little and looked at him before shaking her head looking back in front of her.

"Yeah, in my head." She said sounding unbothered and uninterested about it. "How is she?" She asked Aaron and she got no response from him she instantly knew right away the answer.

The silence passed between them for sometime before Natara broke down and let out a sob of agony.

Aaron was surprised by the change of her emotions but as her husband he still put his strong arms around her small frame body and comforted her to stop crying.

"It's all my fault Aaron, for my mother to be laying somewhere without a hope of life, without hope of ever waking up again, it's all my fault, I mean can't I be anymore grateful for what people did for me." She let out a broken sob that broke Aaron's heart but still managed to keep on an intense look on his face not giving away any sort of emotions apart from the comfort he was offering to the girl.

Natara cried her eyes out but what she didn't understand was that the tears she cried before that had fallen on her mother, were the ones building up a storm in her mother's body and they were the ones that slowly and surely woken her up but to the unknown girl she was falling apart thinking she killed her mother.

The moment they transferred Maria Susanna to a warm room, she hasn't shown any other sign of waking up again and the caretakers started considering that maybe that was it.

That was the last time she opened her eyes.

She stopped crying and turned to stare at Aaron with determined eyes because she suddenly had an idea of where to go from there.

"Aaron?" She called and paused for sometime still contemplating inwardly on how she was going to say to him what she suddenly had in her mind. "I think it's time you should let me go back to my life because this life of yours it's so messed up or worse maybe I am the one messed up which leaves me to mess you guys over," she said it loud and as she did, she could feel the truth of them hitting her at once. She looked away from him feeling overwhelmed with what was happening around her.

"Can you believe that I just killed my mother Aaron?" She said looking at him but she closed her eyes and turned her head away feeling the shame and guilty fill her up, then after tears poured out of her eyes again wondering of the wrong she could have done that she was punished to live her life like that.


In a closed four walls, a woman laying down peaceful on a bed with a white blanket on top of her was a dreaming of a world in where everything was coming down on her.

She was standing in the middle of a collapsing world, an area filled with smoke, with shattered pieces of everything and dead bodies all around the ground that she passed on.

An isolated held captive voice came calling out for her and she turned to see who it was but she found nothing or any one calling out to her particularly but she knew that she heard of someone calling her so she turned on her heel and walked to where she heard the voice coming from.

Walking around the angle of the building that is burning to the ground.

She stopped on her way when she saw what was in front of her.

The father of her child was holding their daughter by her neck and drawing the living breath out of her lungs, scared of the nightmare she was witnessing she screamed not having any other option of doing something else to save her...

In a lightened quiet room, the woman wake up screaming her lungs out.



"Be good at school young kei's." The girls turned and smiled to their elder sister without saying anything back.

Because it's not only at an old age when we are faced with situations that makes us speechless, on a very young age the girls saw their sister got kidnapped and now she was erased from the faces of the earth like she never was there in the first place and what more scary thing could they overcome again in life?

What more confusing and scary at the same time than having and seeing something in a minute and not having it anymore in another minute.

They walked in class but the little one keilla hasn't made peace with the missing of her sister no matter how long it had been, she still believed there was something she could do.

Her brothers seemed to have gave up after the visit that their father payed the Sanchez and told them how useless and worse it went down and that they had to expect nothing from them but not for keilla.

Before the start of classes she walked to a sophomore class and walked straight to Gabriel and tapped her small hand on his chair.

"Can we talk?" The girl's words drawn attention to the guy most known for messing around with elder girls quite from his own range but now having a thirteen year old girl in front of him requesting for a talk confused the hell out of him too. He knew he never went for girls under his age but given the look in the girl's eyes that gave off a don't defy me attitude, it terrified him a little that he stood up and said to her. "Follow me."

Keilla wasn't waiting to be told twice, she turned around and followed the boy out that took her at the most unused hallway of the school to talk.

He stopped and turned to look at keilla unknowingly. "Listen to me little girl, I really do not appreciate this act of yours of always popping out from no where and requesting that I talk to you." He paused and looked at her to make sure he had her ears. "I do not have any business to do with you, what do you want from me?" Keilla looked at him and bite her lower lip lowering her gaze because inwardly she knew she was so desperate of what she was so in need of but she was also scared of what the answer from this cocky teen boy was going to be.

This was her one last shot of help she could use in the finding of her sister and she wanted nothing more than not to screw up this one chance she was given.

"Say whatever you wanted to talk about little girl, I do not have all day."

Keilla looked up at the boy and said one word out in a whispering tone. "Help."


"I need your help?" She said and Gabriel frowned his face in confusion.

"What do you need my help for?" She looked away not knowing how she was going to say it and convince him too but she had to try, at least not for her but for Natara.

"Gabriel, my sister was kidnapped and we really don't know where to start from while finding her because it looks like she was erased from the faces of the earth and not like she was kidnapped."

Gabriel quirked his eyebrow in confusion because at this time he knew he was faded up with the Queens always coming to him crying to him about their freaking freaky daughter.

What the hell did they want from The Sanchez, he wasn't the one that kidnapped her.

"Stop right there little girl, look I am tired of you Queens always being here and there asking for questions that we don't have the answers for, recently my dad told me that your father went to him asking stupid questions to him. I really need you to stay away from me now I can see it for myself that you all, are crazy for sure."

Gabriel said and stepped aside of keilla to pass by her and walk back to his class but the girl wouldn't let him go.

She stepped in front of him and held him back by her hands on his arms.

"I'm sorry about my father and your family but Gabriel you still remember Natara right?" He rolled his eyes walking away from keilla's hold before answering.

"The freak, blonde haired, blue eyes. Who doesn't?"

"Yes, yes, yes that one Gab," she said and Gabriel frowned again at the nickname but keilla was to focused to care about it. "I don't know if you know this but no one else remembers her anymore apart from us and only you which is why I need your help?"

Gabriel looked at her and sighed tiredly. "I don't know if I could be of any help to you little girl, I mean those are what freaks do. They disappear from the faces of the earth but again didn't you say that you and your family remembers her, then go and find her yourself and leave me and my family out of this?"

"We tried but how do you find someone when there isn't even a picture of her anywhere or any record of her anywhere?" She said and she sounded on the verge of tears.

As she stood there with Gabriel both late for their classes, she broke down and cried. From the feeling of helplessness.

Gabriel scooped the girl in his arms and held her but what they both didn't understand at the moment was that on the other side in the same universe the same thing was happening, where a Sanchez was holding a crying Queens in their arms.

Gabriel felt the sniffles of the young girl in his arms but he really thought he also had nothing to do about it and it confused him too how his family knew about the missing girl when no one else did, 'could something like that really happen?'

Before he never wanted to get involved but as he looked down at a crying keilla in his arms he started considering that maybe...?
