
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Filem
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56 Chs

Solomon Grundy part 1

"Well… Today has been rather interesting." Vanitas commented as he and Selina were hovering near the later's patio via card platform.

"That's quite the understatement." She commented with some mirth to her voice.

They just come back from the wetlands and on the way over, the two had already guessed that Batman will be coming over here to ask Selina some questions to today's events. It wasn't that hard to guess on the hero's intention from Naruto barely catching the Bat's particular narrowed gaze. Not only that, but also the batmobile gunning towards their loft building in an estimated fashion.

So in that time, the two had quickly discussed on what the ravenette should tell the Dark Knight when he came by to question her. Just some changes here and there, like Naruto stumbled into her loft and Selina said outloud that Bruce was possibly next. He convinced her to help out, among other things, that could possibly help sell the story.

It's a long shot, but it's the best that they can do at the moment.

"So are you still sure you can handle things here?"

"Yes I'm sure Naruto." She replied as she jumped off of the card platform and landed on her patio. "Once I'm done with Bats, I'll come up to let you know on how things went."

He nodded as he rose the platform another level to reach his patio before stepping off. Once the Uzumaki got inside, he checked his surroundings if anything was amiss, only to find nothing at all. Just a usual precaution really.

'Better check up on Pam.' The publisher thought as he walked towards the bedroom while dispersing his hero attire. When getting there, he heard the faint sounds of the shower from the connecting bedroom turning off, signaling that the botanist had just taken a shower.

*Sigh* "I needed that." Naruto heard his lover say from the slightly ajar door.

"You doing alright in there?"

"Oh… Naruto." She said as she sounded a little surprised on his arrival. "When did you get back?"

"Just now." He said as he walked over to the bed and started to take off his shoes. "Though I did come back earlier from patrols before Selina and I went back out to take care of Pyg and Toad."

"Really? And how did that go?"

"It was okay for the most part." He smiled as he started to undress himself, leaving him in just his boxers and undershirt. "We helped Batman save the day and all that stuff. Though I did have a little worry scare when finding out that Bruce was a target to those eco-terrorists."

"That must have not been fun."

"No kidding." Naruto simply said as he gathered the clothes and went over to put them away in the closet. "Pyg and Toad did get away from the scene when they blew up the oilrig-"


He winced when he realized on what he just said. An oilrig exploding would obviously upset an environmentalist in a lot of ways. With Selina, sure it did upset her but she knew prior that the animals were previously driven out so it wasn't much of a deal with her. But with Pam, well that would be something else…

Naruto's thought process was put to a halt when he heard the door to the bathroom slam open with his redheaded girlfriend with a pissed off look on her face.

"How could they do such a thing?!" The botanist yelled out as they brought her hands to the towel wrapped around her hair and grasped it in frustration. "They say their eco-terrorists that care for the environment, but they end up causing more problems in such a place!"

"Well you should ask them if you see them the next time they show their faces."

This got his girlfriend to growl out a little and started to pace around the room. As this went on, Naruto got a good look at her and had to swallow a lump in his throat due to her appearance. Sure she just got out of the shower and all, but with her current attire made it hard for him to focus anywhere else. With her just wearing the towel around her dampened hair and the pink bathrobe around her form that it covered quite a bit.

But it was how the bathrobe was presented really from it reaching towards her mid-thighs and it was mostly parted higher up to show some of her cleavage. Everything else just left him with his imagination on what she looked like in the past times he's seen her naked. From her ever present long, smooth legs being shown to him imagining the other limbs of her body.

He was so focused on her that he briefly didn't realize that she sat down on the bed before lying down on it. This parted the robe a bit more to show more of her cleavage as she spreaded out her arms. Even having her legs go seemingly limp off of the bed made her appearance seem great to see for the silver haired publisher.

"If they claim on being eco-terrorists, they should've realized that blowing the oilrig would've damaged the wetlands more." Pamela said as she just stared towards the ceiling.

"We don't know what was going on through their minds when they planted those bombs." Naruto said as he walked towards the bed and sat down next to his redheaded girlfriend. "They are nutjobs that wanted to get rid of people in their way. So the destruction of the oilrig had to be a contingency for them to possibly get rid of us if things didn't go their way."

"But doing that would've caused more problems in the long run."

"I know that Pam and Selina knows that as well." He said as he placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it, earning a reaction of her leaning towards it. "She was rather vocal about it on the ride back, asides from other things, but I'm very sure a lot of environmentalists will talk about this in the coming days. Probably wanting the city to get the oilrig remains out of the wetlands so things can possibly heal better."

*Sigh* "I hope so."

"So… moving onto other things. I take it the interview didn't go all that well." Naruto said as he wanted to change topics.

"Yeah… It didn't go well at all."

"Wanna talk about it? It could help you know, just like when we first dated."

She smiled a little in remembrance before speaking to him. "Things were fine at first, with how most of the board was possibly wanting to hire me back on and all, but things started to go downhill when it dealt with the serum and my criminal background."

"We already discussed that Pam, you don't have to bring back up the serum if you have to." Her boyfriend said as he slid off of the bed and sat on the floor to have the two of them roughly at the same eye level. "The serum alone could be potentially great, but it possibly is harmful to humans if not used carefully."

"I know and I don't want anyone else to possibly go through what I had to deal with. Sure they could become champions of the Green, but what if someone truly crazy got ahold of the serum and used it to cause more problems for the environment."

"That's one possibility Pam, but getting sidetracked here."

"Right… Well I lied to the board on remembering the serum formula and it had 'so and so' results. When it came to my criminal background, things snowballed from there."

"But you were cleared of the charges Pam."

"I know that Naruto, but I couldn't tell them the reasons and the events that went on at that time." She said as she got up from the bed, making Naruto to look up at her from the floor. "I knew that if I told them what happened that it would've made things worse and the board might not really hire me, but take me as a labrat."

"You don't know that."

"Well I don't know and it was a stray thought that came up when I left the room when the board were discussing things. But I only gave them that I couldn't really answer that it would've brought up bad memories if I did tell them."


"So after they told me that I'm not going to be rehired, I went to the nearest liquor store and bought some beer to drown my sorrows once I came back."

At this point, Naruto got up from the floor to see his love hugging herself with her head lowered. He sat back down on the bed and touched her hand that was currently visible. The publisher wanted to comfort her and say something, but Pam beat him to the punch.

"I've worked there for so long Naruto. Practically set me for life and I could've retired at a good age." She somberly said as she slowly grasped his hand in a tightly fashion. "Now I have no idea what else to do."

"Yet you've forgotten that you already have your new job from the Green by being it's champion." This got her to look at him in the slight remembrance. "Not only that, but Bruce offered you a job to work at the botanical gardens. So that's something."

"I know that, but-" "Just give it some thought about it Pam." Interrupted her lover as he brought her closer to his frame. Even caressing her back to soothe her a little. "I know Bruce gave you the offer when you got out, but still think things over more if you have to. It's not the end of the world since you couldn't get your old job back. Just a door closing in front of you while another one opened up."

She didn't respond right away as her mind was going through her thoughts from earlier in the day to the present time. Her mind was going through several things at a time, but it seemed that her lover's actions were helping them clear them with how calming his voice was along with rubbing her back with her bathrobe on. Pam was going to speak up when a new feeling graced her form.

'What is he…?' Pam thought as she felt one of Naruto's hands slip through her robe and caressed her side, making her hitch her breath in the process. She didn't know how to properly respond while he was rubbing her ever so softly that once his hand reached her breast, her heart rate quickened as he kneaded her fleshy globe.

Pam soon gasped as the love of her life placed kisses on her neck and traveled downward to the placement where her shoulder and her neck connected. He then started to focus a lot of his attention there before suckling and biting down in that area to leave a few faint marks there. By the time he was done with that action, it would eventually become a slightly darkened hickey on her fair skin.

"What are- MMMPH?!"

Naruto wouldn't let Pam finish that as he boldly claimed her lips. At first, she was taken aback by his boldness earlier, but after a moment the botanist slowly kissed back. His free right hand rose from its position and circled around her slim waist, keeping her close with his body. At that moment, their kiss deepened.

'Oh Gaea, I've missed this!' The changed botanist yelled out in her mind. 'I should've ended the punishment sooner!'

Pam soon circled her arms around her lover's neck before taking a fistful of Naruto's hair. She felt Naruto slowly pushed her tongue back, trying to enter her mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance, saliva mixed together, and she felt her body heating up. After ten second of tongue-fighting, the Green's champion let her lover to push her tongue back. She felt her lover's tongue invading her mouth and swept every inch of her wet cavern; sending tingling pleasant feelings on her nerves. The pleasant pulses traveled and accumulated into her core, wetting her nether region very fast. Unfortunately, it stopped just as she felt her arousal built up. She opened her eyes and saw a string of saliva connected their slightly parted lips.

The separation irked the botanist, but her body relaxed immediately as she felt Naruto's palm patting her cheek softly. With his other hand, it was still on her breast which came to a stop on its earlier actions. Her other lips suddenly demanded her to have Naruto's tool inside of it.

"W-What… What was that f-for?" Pam rasped out as she tried to control her breathing while the rest of her body quivered.

"You were feeling rather depressed Pam." He said with bits of worry in his voice, but when she gazed into his eyes she saw the tone slightly betrayed by the lust being shone. "So I don't care if I'm still in my punishment or not. I'm going to make you feel really good after our time apart. Something that I think has been long overdue."

-Lemon Starts-

Once that was said, Naruto went back and assaulted her mouth as the hand on her breast went back to work. In this brief moment, Naruto was able to wrap his tongue around hers and was able to suck it to get a nice reaction out of her. Even more so when the publisher started to play with her nipple from pinching and pulling at it to make the redhead moan to the pleasure.

'Yes! More~!' Ivy said through the shared link she had with her 'sister'. The darker persona was feeling the same pleasure from her lighter half and it felt amazing. 'Ravage 'us'!'

It was during this time that the hand holding onto her face traveled upwards and pulled off the towel wrapped around her hair to let it fall upon her shoulders. Naruto's hand then went back to the back of her head and started to rake his fingers through the red waterfall to get a pleasant feeling from the botanist. All of his actions towards his lover made the redhead rub her thighs together to seemingly spread her juices around.

The hand that was playing with her breast soon traveled downwards to send chills down her spine. His fingers soon graced upon her navel and traced it ever so slightly before they made their way towards her sex. When Naruto finally touched her garden, he felt of the wetness down there and inwardly smirked on the reaction he was getting from his girlfriend.

*Chuckles* "My. My." He said once he broke the kiss with small traces of their saliva on their lips. "You've gotten quite damp in your garden, haven't you."

She could only gasp out a few times for breath before answering. "How… How did you get so good?"

"You can thank Selina for our time being together so far." Her lover said as he inserted a finger inside of her, making her jump a little in the process. "We've experimented a lot and hopefully it paid off."

"I-It… It did." She rasped out as she felt his didget going in and out of her. It felt so much better than her fingers when she was all alone back in Arkham. Then again playing with yourself can go only so far without the real thing. "M-More Naruto."

"Hmm… What was that?" He asked with a coy smile. "I didn't quite hear you."

"I-I need more." She said as her dual voice started to surface. "I need more of you in me. Please!"

"Don't worry Pamela. I'll be sure to follow with your requests."

And with that, he inserted another finger inside of her to have the middle and ring fingers inside while the two of them made out in a heated fashion. It was getting the Green champion really worked up, that she was starting to shake a little of possibly having a mini-orgasm coming her way. It was coming so close once Naruto started to shake his hand up and down on her sex that it possibly threw her off of the edge.

"MMMPH!" Pam screamed out inside of his mouth as she came. There wasn't that much of a spray than from what the publisher expected, but it seemed enough as her body was shaking due to her cumming. When they parted from their kiss, Naruto could see Pam's eyes were pretty hazy with moans coming out of her mouth.

"S-So…So good~"

"Then I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said with a smirk on his face seeing her reaction.

"So did I." A female voice called out from the bedroom doorway, causing Naruto to look over to see Selina. "And I gotta say... seeing Red cum like that made things a bit hot under the collar."

Naruto looked towards his dark haired lover and saw her current state of dress being in a loose, casual attire consisting of a black t-shirt and pants. Though something about the attire seemed odd to him. It then hit him as Selina made her way towards them to make the Uzumaki see the slight sway of her breasts and the slight unbuttoning of her pants. Even when coming closer, Naruto saw the slight glint coming off of the ravenette's fingers to see they were a bit moist.

"I'm guessing that you've been watching the whole time."

"Pretty much honey." She said as she stopped right in front of him. "Came by to let you know how the chat with Bats went."


"Went like how we expected it to be. So that'll be something off of our hairs for a while." The thief then grabbed Naruto's moistened hand and brought it up with her dry hand. "And when I decided to come up here to give you the notice like I promised, I didn't expect to see the Pam's punishment towards you ending at the moment. Not only that, but you possibly putting her in a deep sexual high."

Once that was said, she brought her lover's hand up to her mouth and licked Pam's juices off of his palm. It was very sensual and exciting to see, making the former shinobi get a little hard from down below. Possibly got harder when he saw Selina bring her damp fingers to her mouth to get a taste of herself in a possible comparison between the two women.

"Mmm~ Yummy~"

'Damn.' He thought before he felt his other arm being moved a little. Causing him to look towards his redhead lover to see her coming down from her sexual high.

"Wha-Selina!" The Green champion cried out as she didn't expect seeing her dark haired friend being there.

"Hiya Red." The thief spoke with a growing cheshire-like smile. "Did you enjoy yourself so far?" This caused the botanist to blush to possibly match the color of her hair as she looked away from the smiling ravenette. "I'll take that as a yes." She said before dropping down on her knees and coming close to the blushing redhead. "Though I gotta say, you are very sweet and juicy. So I'd like to get some more."

"Wha-What do you mean?" Questioned the redhead before she gasped out in shock before moaning as Selina's head dived between her legs and started to lap up the juices from the recent orgasm.

'...Okay…That's really hot.' Naruto thought with widened eyes at the site before him. Though to not be left out of the action, he grabbed ahold of Pam's head and slammed his lips towards her. The two soon went back into their make out session while Selina was licking and eating out the redhead. While the thief was eating out her friend, she slipped her hand back into her pants and inserted her fingers back inside of herself to pleasure herself more.

'Oh~ So good!' Pam thought as she was being assaulted from both her top and bottom lips.

Eventually things had to come to a close as Selina stopped her actions and backed away from the botanist's legs. She soon pulled off her t-shirt to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath to show her ample breasts with the rock hard nipples in full display. Once that was done, she went onto the side and brought her hand into Naruto's boxers to fish out his fully masted penis.

"I've been waiting for this for a while now." Selina spoke out in a sensual tone before licking the tool from the base to the tip in a slow fashion. This jolted the man from his action to stop him from his current make out session with his first girlfriend. "Why don't you join me Red? It's delectable."

Pam was a bit hesitant on the suggestion since she pretty much knew what her dark haired friend was implying. She was going to say something about it, but Naruto grasped her hand making her turn her head towards him. The botanist saw a reassuring look in his eyes that voiced out of her knowing that she didn't have to do it unless she wanted to. Of course the dark part of her mind slowly took over and seemed to taint the light a little to comply with her friend's offer.

"Move over please."

"Sure Red." Selina said as she scooted over a little to make room for her friend. "Take it nice and easy if you have to."

Pamela didn't say anything as she grasped Naruto's throbbing length, feeling the heat and pulses coming off of it. This made the changed woman feel dry in the throat yet moist from her loins. She then leaned closer to the head before giving it a nice peck from her lips. From there she took small licks out of it to get a decent taste out of it before she started to kiss and lick other parts of his length. Feeling left undone, Selina joined in by giving the cock varying kisses and licks along the side while Pam had the other.

This made the publisher moan out in pleasure on what the two were doing, making him place his hands on the red and raven haired women's heads. He then raked his fingers through their scalps while being sure not to guide them along on their current task. Unbeknownst to him, the two women appreciated it as they took their time to tease the man they both love.

Occasionally, the two would meet up by the cockhead and give each other a shared kiss with tongue before either one of them would take a bit of Naruto's length into their respective mouths. This would get a good reaction as his moans and whimpers would shift every so often. Even more so when the two women silently told each other through their eyes of one taking Naruto's length while the other took his balls. The new sensation made the Uzumaki's waist buckle a little on the current feeling of two sensitive areas being wetly assaulted.

'Oh Kami!' Naruto thought as his eyes were glazing over as he tried to fight off the urge to cum too soon. 'This is amazing!'

'Mmm~ Tastes so good~" Pam thought as Ivy hummed in agreement. The darker half was glad she urged her 'sister' to give Naruto his first blowjob from the redhead.

'So glad that 'we' had his Icha Icha books to occupy us back in and out of Arkham.' Ivy stated as it gave 'them' vivid dreams and ideas on how to pleasure 'their' beloved.

With a resounding pop, Selina had let go of Naruto's sack from her mouth before she nudged Pam to switch. The redhead compiled before she lowered her head and took one of his balls into her mouth before the ravenette took his pole. This went on for several minutes of the two women switching every so often before Naruto started to heavily pant with what is about to happen.

"G-Girls… I'm going to-"

His warning came too late as he came inside of Pam's mouth, who currently had his cock inside of her mouth. It was rather sudden on the streams of semen entering her mouth, making her widen her eyes in the process. It lasted for several moments before Pam pulled out to leave the saliva covered prick with some spit dripping off.

"Oh let me have some of that." Was all Selina said as she brought the botanist into a steering kiss. The two were so engrossed into their kissing, with them exchanging Naruto's load in their mouths, they didn't see the glint in their lover's eyes. So while the two are distracted, he came behind the two women and threw them onto the bed.

"What the hell?!" Pam cried out as she landed first with Selina following.

"Oh this is going to be good~"

"What do you mean by that Selina?" The redhead asked before looking at her boyfriend to see the deeper look in his eyes. "And what is going on?"

"To answer your question Red," the thief said as she crawled over to end up hovering over her friend, "Naruto is going to completely ravage us."

"Wha-What?" Pam asked in momentary forgetfulness from what she wanted earlier.

'HOORAY!' Ivy cried out in joy in the shared mind as she was very anticipated for what's to come.

"You forget that I've been sleeping with him the longest. That I've gotten to know when he gets into a ravaging mood or a romantic one." The ravenette said as she grabbed the bathrobe and slipped it off of the changed botanist. "So expect us to have one hell of a romp."

"Right you are Selina." Naruto spoke out as he grabbed ahold of the hem of her pants and phased them off in a ripping motion before tossing them to the side, revealing a silky thong with part of it riding up her ass. After that was done, the Uzumaki then pulled off his shirt and boxer shorts to leave him completely in the nude.

Once that was said, Naruto brought his hands onto Selina's tight butt to spread her cheeks before diving down to eat her slit. Said woman moaned in delight before leaned down and grabbed Pam's face to bring her back into another makeout session with her ass in the air. Pam responded in kind by bringing one of her hands up to grab ahold of her friend to help her out on support while the other hand fondled one of the breasts. As for the thief, she brought her hand back to grab ahold of Naruto's cock and jacked it off a few times before leading it to the botanist's slit.

Feeling the hot, wet entrance of the first woman he gave his heart to, Naruto momentarily let go of the ravenette's ass so he can grab ahold of Pam's legs. Even though he appreciates Selina's little help, he wanted to properly plunge himself into the redhead's pussy instead of accidentally putting it inside of her asshole. He made that mistake once with Selina on a previous romp and it hurt his second girlfriend on the event. Sure they continued with the new experience after he took her black cherry, but he wanted to be careful for now on instead of going in blind when taking the plunge.

"Are you ready Pam?" He spoke out, making the two women breaking their kiss to get the redhead's full attention. "It's been a while for you and I don't want to hurt you by accident."

Pam could only smile at this when hearing her beloved still being his loving and caring self when it deals with love making.

"Just go slow at first Naruto." She said getting him to nod in response. "Make me savor the feeling once you're all the way in."

Complying with her request, he slowly inserted himself into his first girlfriend. Both of them could only moan and groan in response as he dived deeper inside of her, with her tight velvety walls after five months of being separated. Another inch, then another, and another, then another until his whole size was nearly in and Pam was completely silent.

She had to control her breathing as she adjusted to his size after so long. It felt so good and after a few more moments, she spoke out. "Slowly… please."

It was then that Naruto started to slowly back out and push back inside of her depths when Pam's breath started to hitch again. Selina was smiling when seeing Pam's face going through the motions. So she lowered her body before capturing the redhead's lips once again as they fought for dominance inside of each others mouths. It wasn't long before she soon felt Naruto insert two of his fingers into her wanting pussy with a thumb going inside of her asshole to start pleasuring her.

The moans and groans started to fill the room as Naruto was started to pick up the pace and ramming himself hard into Pam's depths. She was like what he remembered of being a velvety vice around his member that he needed more of her. Soon the clapping of skin could be heard as he kept slamming himself inside of the redhead.

"YES! FUCK ME HARD AND DEEPER NARUTO!" Pam yelled out once she broke the kiss with Selina. She needed to be heard and she demanded him to plow right through her, to effectively stretch her out. "PLANT YOUR SEED INSIDE OF ME!"

"W-Well it's happening P-Pam." Naruto rasped out as he started to feel his balls tighten, showing that he was going to cum soon. "Be ready."

After a few more minutes of slamming into her, he loudly groaned as he started to empty his seed into Pam's wanting depths. Said woman could feel the heat entering her center, making her cum a little on her having her beloved fully being inside of her after so long. After he was done depositing his seed inside of her, he slowly pulled out his member and let his hand go from Selina's pussy and puckered asshole.

"I believe it's my turn now." The dark haired thief spoke out before she soon felt Pam flipping themselves over to have her on the bottom. She was going to speak out until Selina saw the redhead turning herself around with a diabolical smile on her face.

"Oh it is Selina," the Green champion said in her blended voice with her eyes starting to glow in it's rich green color, "but I still want some pleasure out of this." Pam then lowered herself on top of Selina's face, making the thief have a facefull of the botanist's loins. "Now Naruto, it's time to fuck this thief's brains out."

*Chuckles* "As you wish Pam."

So without warning, Naruto plunged himself with his half hardened member into Selina's wet cavern making the ravenette groan loudly. This in turn sent a nice little vibration through Pam's core, making her moan a little before she started to gyrate her hips on top of Selina's face. The thief could only lick, slurp, suck and eat the botanist's cunt out as she tried to take Naruto's seed that was slowly dripping out of the redhead.

"Yes Selina… Do what you do best and steal our beloved's seed from my garden." Pam said as she grasped her breasts and twisted her nipples. "I don't mind at all. After all*Moan* we are sharing him so we might as well share his seed."

'Damn… I gotta say that seeing Pam being all dominating is pretty hot.' Naruto thought as he kept slamming his tool inside of his lovely thief's depths. 'Wonder how that will be like in future romps.'

'Mmm…. Kitty likes.' Selina thought as she was tasting the mixed juices of Naruto's and Pam's essences. 'God I'm going to really enjoy being in this interesting relationship with him.'

The three continued their actions for several minutes, from Naruto slamming into Selina, Pam riding the thief and both the publisher and botanist bringing their faces together to share a deep kiss to do a full connection between the three lovers. Trapped in a position of intense carnal acts as their naked bodies glistened with their sweat. This was practically one of the greatest experiences in their lives and they absolutely loved it.

Naruto had worked his dark haired lover into a frenzy; a steady rhythm being built, increasing in speed, and in intensity. His eyes closed, Naruto's mind drifted from the love beneath him and in front of him. His mind drifted elsewhere, creating an image in his head that caused him to release a deep, baritone roar, one matched by Pamela's soprano once they separated their kiss. She moaned, reaching her peak, her climax. Naruto quickened his pace with his eyes shut. Even Selina felt it coming as her end was fast approaching.

Their world had then exploded. It wasn't better because of what they were doing. It was better because of how they were doing it. Not only were they each other's lovers and beloveds, but Selina and Pam were his mates and they absolutely loved it. Pam had let loose a torrent of the mixed cum inside of her onto Selina's face, causing her to lap it all up while also screaming out her own climax. Naruto screamed incoherently as his cock released wave after wave of cum that filled her the thief's greedy pussy cavity.

-Lemon Ends-

The three felt absolutely exhausted as both Pam and Naruto had to steady themselves from falling over on their positions. The botanist slowly got up to see the thief's panting, drenched face of both Pam's juices and Naruto's semen. The publisher had soon pulled out to end up having some of his cum spill out, getting Selina to shiver when some of his essence traveled downward towards her ass.

From there the two metahumans went towards the edge of the bed, with Naruto dragging Selina up with them. Once they were all situated with their heads on the pillows, the three continued their labored breaths as their love making was quite intense. Soon the two women wrapped an arm over Naruto, crossing their respective arms over another and having their feminine hands interlocking with each other, followed by a leg around each of his to fully entrap their shared lover.

"That was… other worldly," Selina said as she was licking his earlobe. Even was grinding herself against him with what energy she had left in her to try and prolong the sexual high.

"You can say that again." Naruto rasped out as he soon felt Pam nuzzle her head into the crook of his neck along with her grinding herself against his other side.

"It was… heavenly." Pam spoke out as she placed a few kisses on his neck. "I can't wait to have more of this."

"Same here Red."

Naruto then phased his arms out of their hold before he wrapped the two closer into his embrace. Even turned their heads to give both of his lovers a soft kiss on their lips. Once that was done, the three slowly succumbed to their exhaustion. Though their was one last thing on their mind before they entered the realm of dreams….

That they've got a lot of sex to catch up on.


"...Onto other news this morning, the wetlands oilrig exploded last night due to the eco-terrorist actions of Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad." Summer Gleeson spoke out in the news room. "From what was speculated from the kidnapped victims of Max Shreck, Michael Holt and Alfred Pennyworth that it was an attempt for the eco-terrorists to get away from being captured by Batman and Vanitas."

This was what Naruto, Pam and Selina were listening to as they were cooking breakfast for each other. While Naruto was sporting a pretty big smile, Pam and Selina were basking in their ever present glow radiating off of them from not only last nights activities, but also from this morning. After waking up early, due to old habits, they continued their love making in both the bedroom and in the shower. It was quite the fun experience for them.

"...Even the resident Catwoman, Selina Kyle, has been seen with the helmeted hero to help save the three kidnapped individuals. Is this act a way to help make up for her past crimes or to cover her own agendas. Who knows for sure."

"Seems your getting better publicity now ever since the Daggett events." Naruto said as he was making some waffles.

"I guess so." Selina said as she was chopping some vegetables. She was then greeted with a pleasant kiss from Pam..

"At least it'll help you more on possibly getting more donations to the various causes you're working with. So that's a plus in my book." The botanist said to her fellow environmentalist.

"Following last night's events, environmentalists have been demanding to have the wetlands be relinquished from it's current owners. Further discussions about the damaged area will be brought up at a later notice. Though with the current owners will be up to debate on what to do exactly.

Speaking of current owners, Max Shreck of Shreck's department stores has been brought into questioning by the GCPD about the varying allegations presented by the eco-terrorists Pyg and Toad. His lawyers state that they are false and misleading, despite the hard hitting truth presented for obvious reasons. But things aren't looking all that well for the millionaire when new evidence was presented to the GCPD last night by-" *Click*

"Well I think that's enough news for one day." Selina said as she turned off the TV before heading back to the kitchen to help take care of breakfast.

"Wouldn't you want to hear more of it Selina?"

"It's alright Red." The thief responded as she was setting up the plates by the kitchen counter. "I already know what was going to be said and I don't want to hear anymore about it."

"About what?"

"That Selina broke into Shrek's office and was able to gather a lot of evidence to get the man convicted for his crimes. Though I am going to be credited for bringing in the evidence with my clone being seen dropping off said evidence."

"Huh…" Was all Pam let out from the bit of information Naruto just said. "Well… That's good to know I suppose."

"Really? Nothing else about that Red?" The ravenette said in a light mock, hurtful tone.

"I do remember during one of the times when you visited me back in Arkham that you've done similar things in the past. Gathering evidence to convict people that were harming the environment. So I figured that you've done it yet again."

Nothing much was said after that as the three had finished up making breakfast and started to dig right in. During most of the meal, they just had small talk on random topics here and there but nothing of note worthy. Though with the recent one was something to garner about.

"I am wondering though is *Munch* *Munch* *Swallow* ...where Rachel is at?"

"Yeah, I'm wondering that as well Pam."

This got Selina to slap herself on the head in forgetfulness, something that didn't go unnoticed by her two friends/lovers.

"Something you mind telling us Selina?"

"Yeah I forgot to tell you last night due to the mess last night. Along with me mostly focused on the evidence being sorted out from Shreck's files."

Naruto nodded in understanding, but this didn't leave the question unanswered. "Still though, what do you know."

"Well... Harley left a message that Rachel was staying over at her place last night. Something about her exhausting herself from playing with Artemis. Even Harl somehow was able to get the girls to do a sleepover."

"That actually sounds sweet." Pam said with a small smile. "Rachel bonding a bit more with Jade and Artemis. Even having her first sleepover."

"Yeah, that should be really good for her I bet."

"Though I do wonder what kind of hijinks Harl was doing for said sleepover." Selina muttered as she tried to imagine what her pale friend was doing, entertainment wise. For some reason, a stray thought of Harley kidnapping the pizza delivery boy and putting the girls through a major sugar rush came to mind. Making the three children stay up all night before each of them crashed and burned sometime afterwards.

'Nah… She is better than that.' The ravenette thought with a shake of her head.

"Harley probably rented out some movies or something from her collection to keep the three entertained while painting each other's toenails or telling spooky stories." The botanist said getting some looks from her two friends/lovers. "Hey it's been along time so my knowledge is a bit rusty."

"Yeah, whatever you say Red." Selina said to herself in a tone that got the changed botanist to send out a narrowed glance her way. "Though I never had one before from me being on the streets the majority of my life."

"But what about your sister, Maggie?"

"Siblings don't count Naruto. If they did then I would've had a lot of them with the shared room me and Maggie slept in until we went into separate foster homes."

He could only hold up his hand in defeat as he didn't want to get into that kind of an argument. It was one of the odd parts about his relationship with her that she would seem such a know-it-all on the smallest of things. Sometimes he be fine of letting her win those moments so she can feel better on the relationship. Though the majority of those small things dealt with a women's perspective and there was no way in hell he was going to open that can of worms.

"So what are your plans for the day you two?" He asked in wanting to change topics.

"I'm thinking I could stop on by Harley's place to pick up Rachel and Isis." Selina said as nothing else came to mind for today's schedule.

"While you're there, I think you could finally meet your cute little fans." Naruto said getting the dark haired woman to look at him funny. "Don't know if you forgot or not, but Jade and Artemis are fans of yours. So I think it'll be fun if you got to meet them."

"Huh… Yeah I think I remember you telling me that, but it must've been in passing."

"No. I definitely told you when you asked how my supposed first date with Harley went."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am Selina." He said with a reassuring tone. "I distinctly remember you saying, after hearing you have child fans out there, that you can't wait to meet the future 'environmentalists'."

"Oh… Right."

"But still though, maybe you can at least meet the Crock girls so there could be a familiar face associated with Harley. I mean what were you possibly planning to do to kill most of your free time exactly?"

"...I guess you're right." Was all she said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Though what are you two going to do for today?"

"I….I don't know." Pam admittedly said with a little slump of her head.

"I have one idea in mind." Naruto spoke out, getting his redhead girlfriend's attention. "We can go out on a little date. Could at least help get you out of the loft and your mind off of what happened most of yesterday."

Pam thought it over for a moment or two and thought it might be nice to go out on a date with her boyfriend after quite some time. Sure the two hanged out several times after she got out of Arkham, along with her old punishment placed on him, but it should be good to go out again before her life was literally flipped upside down. So with a smile, she responded back to her lover.

"Yes… I'd love to."

*Chuckles* "Great and we can go pretty soon if you want." He stated as he collected his dishes and went towards the sink to clean them up. "After all, we have nothing else to do for the time being and I want to be in a good mood before I go back to work tomorrow."

Once that was said, the three finished getting ready for the day before heading off to their destinations. It could be a pretty good day for them if they play their cards right. Sure there could be some snags since there can never be a perfect day.

Unbeknownst to them, there is going to be one large snag that will not affect their day, but various other people.

-Streets of Gotham-

The weather was quite similar like the day before, with the darkened overcast that possibly bordered towards it raining anytime soon. Cars and people were bustling through the streets and sidewalks as they were going to the various destinations for the day. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for the citizens of Gotham, even those that are homeless.

...Okay that is a bit of stretch on the homeless bit.

In one secluded alleyway, a group of homeless men were huddled together so they wouldn't be bothered by any other people of Gotham. Each of them were keeping watch in their own manner if someone was to come on through. If someone did come on through, the homeless would either leave them be or, in most cases, come up to them and ask for any change to help feed themselves for the day. Sometimes the homeless would use the money on primarily food, but on other times most of them would use the money to buy some drugs to ease their pain of everyday life.

Not in this case though as one of the homeless people saw a towering figure walking through the alleyway, Said figure appeared to be a ripped up cloak covering the being's form with rope holding things together. This got the homeless man a questioning look before he spoke out to the large man.

"You doing alright there stranger?"

Hearing this made the other homeless people get out of their senses and turn towards their fellow man before their eyes landed on the large man.

"Holy shit." The second homeless man said in astonishment. "How the hell did you get so damn big?"

There was no verbal response at all as the large man tilted his head to the side. It was hard to tell on the man's facial features due to how dark the covering was, but the homeless man guessed the large man had adopted a questioning look.

"I… don't know." The man said in a rough, raspy voice that seemed to get one or two of the homeless men on edge.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Questioned another homeless man.

"I just… don't know."

"...Okay." One of the men said before he widened his eyes when he gazed at the cloak opening to see… "Where the hell are your clothes?!"


"Where are your clothes?!" The homeless man said as he covered up his eyes a bit. "I don't want to see you naked under there!"

Hearing this go on, the other homeless men freaked out a little as the large man spread out his arms a little to end up widening the cloak opening. This made the others realize that the man was indeed naked and they didn't want to see any of the man's business down there.

"Sorry?..." The man said in a tone that seemed that he was questioning them yet it made it hard to do so when the other men tried to block out the man's nakedness.

"Just hold on there. I think we have some spare clothes for you to have." One of the homeless man said as he went to a part of the alleyway to dig out a spare change of clothes. "They might be tight, but they could possibly work for you."


Wasn't long before the homeless man came back with the clothing on hand. Once giving it to the largely cloaked man, he ushered the man to go to the other part of the alleyway to get changed. Especially since the homeless men didn't want to see the man's lower half.

"Why'd you give the guy my clothes Harry?"

"Well I didn't want to leave the guy naked on the streets with a freaking bedsheet Frank."

"Then why not use your own?"

"Since my clothes wouldn't fit the guy while yours should."

"But those took forever to scrounge up!" Frank yelled out towards his fellow homeless man. "A lot of that I had to either carefully sew, dumpster dive, or buy from my own change collection!"

"Well too bad and you have nothing else to do in the meantime."

"Why you little…"

"You said… that you… needed money?" The large man said with the new set of clothing on him. He still wore the cloak on top of him, minus the rope, but the men saw he used the rope as a makeshift belt. Underneath said cloak, they now saw him in a bit of ripped up attire due to how hard it took to get inside of the clothing.

"Yeah. Along with the rest of us here."

"I could… get money… for you… for clothes." The man said getting bewildered looks among the homeless.

"...If you could that would be great."

"But where would he get the money Frank?" Harry asked as he unknowingly got the larger man's attention. "It's not like he had any on him."

"He could go to the bank and get the money from there Harry."

From what the homeless man just said made the larger man hear some of the words echo inside of own mind. They seemed to trigger something inside of his very being. Something to drive his instincts even further.

Yes… Money… The one voice called out inside of the larger man's mind. Go to the bank… Should be able to draw out the Green champion by doing so…

"I'll go to bank for you." The cloaked man said getting piqued looks from the two men in front of him.

"Huh… Alright."

"But where… is bank?"

"Eh…" Harry muttered as he was scratching his head a little. "I think the nearest one is actually in the middle of town."


As the larger man was walking away, Frank spoke out towards him.

"What's your name?"


"Well… What's your name?"

This left the man racking his mind as best as he could. Though nothing seemed to come up before the one nursery rhyme he remembered came to forefront of his mind. It was the best that he could think of before he spoke out to the homeless man.



"That's my name." The man spoke out as he walked out of the alleyway. "Solomon Grundy."

Once the now identified Solomon Grundy was out of earshot, one of the nearby homeless men muttered out something small and simple before getting into a nap.

"...Weird name."