
Naruto: the Village is bankrupt, so I will develop the oil.

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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Come on, Gaara! When oil is extracted, Sunagakure will emerge!

Ninja world, Land of Wind.


Thirteen years have passed since the third Ninja World War.

Time seems to not influence the Windy Land.

Sunagakure is still arid and poor, the landscape of the Devil's Desert has never changed.

Thousands of years of yellow sand across the sky, the scorching wind howled.

The maximum temperature exceeds 40 degrees throughout the year.

"Sigh..." The nasal cavity and chest cavity are filled with fire.

Right now, 12-year-old Gaara is working somewhere in the desert.

She used the Desert: Rebel Slave ninjutsu to turn the sand into a sand hand in the sand pit to continuously dig the sand.

Huge sand hands pick up sand and throw it into the air.

She has dug more than thirty meters deep, not to let the sand fall back.

She also maintains the Desert Wave ninjutsu, which causes the sand to form a wall of sand.

As a Jinchuriki, Chakra is abundant, but he is also sweating profusely from exhaustion.

This is not a task assigned by the ninja school, rather, someone is doing child labor.

Above Gaara's head, came a lazy voice.

"Gara, let's go!"

"When the oil is extracted, Sand Ninja Village will be developed."

Gaara looked up.

Above his head, a man lay with his head in his hands, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, suspended in the air.

Scorching heat distorts the air.

The man was not sweating at all.

There was still a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Gaara glared at him resentfully, but he knew he couldn't beat him even with Shukaku.


The richest man in Sand Ninja Village, is the owner of the Faraday Ninja Company.

Substitute teacher of the Ninja school.

There are only two magnetic escape ninjas in the village.

His physical abilities are so strong that he can even take down a crane with a single punch.

And he often makes him work miserably.

Gaara could only throw a handful of sand at him to air his grievances, thousands of grains of sand rose.

The grains of sand in the air touched some kind of defense invisible to the naked eye, made a fine beep, and fell with green smoke.

Thousands of sparks fell.

In the hole, Gaara could only pile sand on top of her head to protect her head from embarrassment.

Kaito looked amused by Gaara's complacency.

"Didn't I tell you, Gaara? The electromagnetic force field can isolate physical and chakra attacks."

"If you want to break through my force field, you must work harder."

Gaara was outraged.

"Master Kaito, shouldn't hard work mean hard work in training?

You always ask me to dig sand and find oil for training," Gaara complained.

Kaito was very happy to see Gaara's lively expression due to anger.

Gaara was isolated by the villagers as a monster due to Shukaku's rampage, and his personality became withdrawn.

Kaito once promised Gaara's mother, Karura, that he would protect him.

Letting Gaara have a healthy body and mind is also one of Kaito's responsibilities.

"Even the ancient masters of wisdom understood that the path to a great mission begins with internal discipline and constant training."

With a sympathetic look, Kaito added, "From a scientific perspective, digging sand not only strengthens the body, but also stimulates concentration and connection with nature." Kaito spoke nonsense without blinking.

"Just dig with determination, if we extract oil, everyone in the Sand Ninja Village will have happy lives, besides, I'll be the richest man in the world!"

Gaara's face turned even grimmer.

Kaito loved to make up weird nonsense words, create inexplicable inventions, and search for things that didn't exist, like oil.

Gaara had no choice but to continue digging.

Kaito blew out a puff of smoke.

The smoke was unable to penetrate the force field and disappeared with a crack.

That's how it is.

He is a time and space traveler.

He inexplicably disappeared and came to the vast desert of the Country of Wind.

He walked aimlessly through the desert.

It wasn't long before the high temperature, thirst, and dehydration left him in a coma.

He is on the verge of death.

It was then that Gaara's mother, Karura, appeared to rescue him and help him settle in the Sand Ninja Village.

"Karura, your kindness can never be equaled, if you have any request, you only have to ask, and I, Kaito, promise that I will fulfill it."

Carura smiled.

"Kaito, then become a powerful ninja and protect my son and the village in my stead."

Shortly after, he died due to complications in childbirth.

Kaito secretly promised to protect Gaara and the Sand Ninja Village.

Through his system and efforts, Kaito finally managed to surpass the shadow level in terms of strength.

But that was not enough.

In order to obtain the tailed beast, the Akatsuki organization would definitely do something against the Jinchuriki Gaara.

In order to defeat the Akatsuki invasion, he still needed to strengthen his power.

The Sand Ninja Village was in a financial crisis and needed an urgent solution.

All this had to be resolved by himself.

The idea of searching for oil was not only to train Gaara, but also to find a way to develop the industrial production of the Sand Ninja Village and make it prosper and become stronger.

When thinking about that...

A strange sound was heard coming from the ground, vibrating rhythmically.

A series of sand dunes rose like waves.

Constantly going up and down.

And the direction of the wave was right where Gaara was.

Gaara felt the movement and knew immediately, he was the desert's most fearsome and secret assassin, the gigantic sandworm!

This towering giant with a body length of hundreds of meters, with a monstrous mouth, and sharp fangs, ruthlessly devoured everything it came across in the sea of sand.

If Jonin found him alone, he would just run away and dare not face him alone.

Gaara stopped moving and searched for Kaito excitedly.

Master Kaito had raised three sandworms.

His face lit up with joy as he saw the direction of the sandworm's attack.

He successfully developed his own electromagnetic ninjutsu combining the wind escape and thunder escape theories on his home planet.

His technique was different from the Magnetic art of the third and fourth Kazekage.

Backed by science and his own efforts, Kaito developed the deepest potential of magnetic release.

He created new ninjutsu such as the Human Iron Release, Magnetic Field, Electromagnetic Barrier, Magnetic Levitation, Railgun, Bioelectricity, and Invisibility, among others.

This strange and mysterious electromagnetic ninjutsu and his infinite ninja tools made him stand out in the main attacks of the Sand Ninja Village and countless past battles.
