
Naruto: the Village is bankrupt, so I will develop the oil.

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What is Naruto: the Village is bankrupt, so I will develop the oil.

Baca novel Naruto: the Village is bankrupt, so I will develop the oil. yang ditulis oleh penulis Webnovel_User_7262 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Resistance against an Unlucky Break

Note: Technically this story is three interconnected stories that (I hope) can all work by themselves but work best together. I hope you enjoy. [No body's POV] If this world has decided to push you back can you resist it? There are three groups, three siblings and almost infinite problems in a world that seems to push them back. One person's death seems like the starting point but the true starting point starts seeming more and more lost as the story... no... stories continue. ______________________________________________________________________ Reincarnated with a Teddy Bear Stuck in a cave, weaker than ever before. Jeru will have to learn about the world despite all the literal barriers, figurative barriers and everything in between as he fights through creatures without any will left their body and Jeru's will faltering. Is it possible to bring everyone back from the abyss when even he starts out restrained? ______________________________________________________________________ The Ant King Trapped in an ant's body and not just any ant, the newly weakest ant known to Kim. If he has to survive in the life of an ant and protect the colony, then he'll need to figure out what happened that brought him here and how to remove or mitigate the ant's weaknesses including his seemingly waning lifespan? ______________________________________________________________________ A Shift Across Dimension What a beginning, chased by wolves in a forest. Bleeding, tired and sick, a young child stumbles into a village which strangely enough isn't doing much better. Poor, nearly engulfed in a forest. Not a single person here is safe and they have to struggle each day. When trapped in a place where the poor get blood and the rich get poison, can Lycia survive and escape? ______________________________________________________________________ "Luck isn't really a good or bad thing, it's just something that's out of your control. Usually it means coming out of a bad situation with minimal consequences." Can that strangely all-present quote still apply here? Where the world renounces the characters?

Writer_The_Sans · Fantasi
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Sword Song: A novella

With the passing of the Hal Emperor, the previous balance of power shifts in favor for the Commonwealth, who is constantly gaining supporters from every corner of the Great Sea. With each passing moment, they become unstoppable. Alliances are created and destroyed in a matter of a few strategy movements on the board. But, little did they know that a greater threat looms over them all, a threat ready to engulf everything under it without remorse. High in the mountain a prince is born, that will guide the people westward. Most thought that those times will not come in their life time, they were mistaken. Court intrigues, heroism and betrayal mix with personal gain. Jealousy, greed, lust and murder mixed with personal gain are always present in the king's court. Two kings battle each other over a border dispute. Like in everything there is only one winner. King Hirtan of Girdian has one goal in mind, to make Lady Joanna his queen. Will he succeed, or will he fail like the rest of her admirers? A professor hurries to finish his work. Will he succeed? The king's servants desperately try to change the odds. Olgierd, a mercenary captain, after a bloody battle, decides to hunt a legendary wolf. What will he do after, if he succeeds? A nephew has his own plans for the kingdom. Everyone has a motive and personal gain behind their actions. Wealth, power, lust and greed are mixed into this ever spinning circle. Everything is possible, with little magical help.

DaoistHLULS4 · Fantasi Timur
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6 Chs


Nidera mengalami sedikit masalah dengan usahanya. Ia pergi ke rumah bordil untuk melampiaskan kepenatan yang dialami. Di sana, ia membeli seorang gadis yang masih perawan bernama Laksmi. . Mendekat, Nidera menatap lekat-lekat wajah si gadis muda. Cantik. Ia memuji si muncikari yang begitu jeli dalam mencari barang bagus. Nidera mulai merasakan bahwa darah di dalam tubuhnya bergolak membara. Ia mengerang kecil, seperti harimau yang hendak menerkam mangsanya. “T-tuan, aku mohon. Jangan lakukan itu ... aku mohon ....” Suara Laksmi mengalun lirih. Syarat akan nada mengiba. “Kau pikir untuk apa aku membayarmu mahal-mahal kalau bukan untuk melakukan itu?” Nidera mendengkus dingin. Ini bukan kali pertama ia membeli seorang gadis yang masih dara. Mulanya, mereka memang suka merengek-rengek tidak mau. Namun, toh akhirnya mereka menjalani juga profesinya sampai bertahun-tahun. “Ta-tapi mmhhh—“ Laksmi tidak mampu meneruskan kalimatnya karena Nidera sudah keburu membungkam; melumat bibirnya. Dengan jari-jari kokohnya, Nidera mencengkeram lengan atas Laksmi. Lantas, menghempaskannya ke atas kasur. Jemarinya lincah bergerilya membuat tubuh Laksmi bergetar dan menggelinjang. “Tu-tuan ... kasihani aku ....” Laksmi mengiba di sela-sela suara-suara—yang sebenarnya tak ingin ia lososkan—dari mulut. Tak mengindahkan, Nidera sama sekali tidak menyukai penolakan. Ia tetap mengoyak pakaian Laksmi dan tak memedulikan tangisan pilu si wanita muda. Ia tetap menjelajahi, menodai seinci demi seinci kulit halus, lembut, dan kenyal milik Laksmi; baik dengan mulut ataupun kesepuluh jarinya. Tangisan Laksmi terus mengalun, seperti ratapan di malam sunyi. Lewat beberapa lama, ia masih terus saja menangis. Namun, sejurus kemudian ia mendadak menjerit keras dan panjang. Nidera telah menghancurkan mahkota daranya. Laksmi mendapati rasa sakit menjalar hingga ke ubun-ubun, membuat kepalanya seolah-olah akan meledak. Badan dan batinnya terguncang hebat. Ia mencengkeram seprai sebagai reaksi dari gelombang yang dihunjamkan. Gelombang yang membawa segenap rasa sakit, datang dengan cepat dan juga bertubi-tubi. Semakin lama, gelombang semakin kuat dan bertambah cepat, hingga akhirnya lahar panas memasuki dirinya.

Litium · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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