

All the path of the pain was looking at both Jin and Jiraiya with their Rinnegan. There were only 4 of them left and the most troublesome one was the deva path.

"It does not seem like that I need to open the ultra instincts sign here," thought Kirito looking towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was able to kill almost three of the Pain in the original work so here with him around, taking care of Nagato will not be that hard. But there is also Konon who might join the fight later so he has to be cautious of her.

In front of Jin were the Deva Path, Animal Path, Preta Path and Human Path. Jiraiya is mainly a Ninjutsu type so he will be taking care of the Preta Path. He is also fast enough to deal with the Deva path as well.

"Master Jiraiya, the one with chakra absorption power leave him to me. And there is also one who can fly, I will take care of him," said Jin.

Jiraiya also understands why Jin asks to fight with the Preta Path but he doesn't know why the Deva path. The deva path is the body of the Yahiko and he wanted to take care of him but he did not say anything to Jin.

The animal path summon multiple summonses suddenly and Jiraiya was also not behind. He also summons the chief toad to counter the summons.

Human path and an animal path directly went towards Jin but at this time Jiraiya stopped them and started fighting with them.

Jin also directly went for the Preta Path and the Deva Path. Preta Path had no way to stop Jin, not to mention he was already a little damaged at this point because of Jin's destructo disc.

Deva Path had to cover him and he instantly launch his Shinra Tensei. It was powerful but Jin was able to stop himself from getting blasted back with his staff.

Although now completely useless but Jin realize that beside their special powers, each of the paths of pain is no that special. They don't have any particularly powerful ability to stop a kage-level shinobi like Jiraiya and Jin especially when they are alone and not getting back up by the other paths of the pain.

Jin's next target at this point was none other than Nagato. He wanted to destroy those eyes because those are the reason Kagura was able to come back in the first place.

"Hmm, now when I think about it. Now that both Senju and Uchiha clan are dead, If I ended up destroying these eyes right now then even black Zetsu will not have any way to bring back Kaguya, because there won't be any other pair of Rinnegan." thought Jin.

One of the most problematic things about disturbing the plot is that there is always a possibility that Black Zetsu will try to mess with the future again after the era of Naruto maybe. He did not want to let that happen.

Many will suffer if that happens and thus he needs to make sure that he destroys Black Zetsu.

While thinking about this, Jin saw Jiraiya destroying the animal path with his giant Rasengan. Yup the small-range attacks will not work because this fuckers are sharing their visions.

"Well well, I might really lose if I don't get serious," said Jin so that both Jiraiya and other paths of the pains can listen.

"Destructo Disc," said Jin and send two destructo discs towards the Preta Path. Previously he could not fully absorb one disc and now two were coming towards him.

Deva Path saw this and hurriedly raised his hand towards the attack to use his Shinra Tensei technique but at this time Jin with a burst of speed came near Deva path.

For Nagato, the Deva Path is special because he uses the body of his dead friend Yahiko for making this path of pain. So when it comes to saving the Preta Path and the Deva Path, Nagato will definitely save the latter. Which exactly happened here?

Jin was thrown back with the shinra tensei technique but was not hurt because Nagato activated his technique so quickly that he was not able to put enough power into that attack.

Deva Path after blasting Jin away quickly look towards the Preta Path but it was already too late. Preta Path was completely destroyed by Jin.

Jiraiya at this time was already overwhelming the Human Path. Deva Path then looked towards Jin but there was no one there.

Nagato was a little taken aback. He was sure that he threw Jin that way with his Shinra Tensei technique. "What going on, where is he," thought Pain.

While Nagato was searching Jin with the eyes of his Deva Path. Jin directly appears in front of this real body with his teleportation.

Nagato could not even react to this speed and the next thing which happen made Nagato's heart shank.

Jin directly took out one of the Nagato's Rinnegan.

Konan who was guarding Nagato at this time was shocked as she did not see Jin coming at all and directly took action but Jin was already gone by the time Konon took action and also took away one Rinnegan eye.

Both of the Path of the Pain also got stunned and Jiraiya took advantage of this momentary pause and directly push a big ball Rasengan into the Human Path gut.

Jin have already prepared a container for Rinnegan so he was not worried about losing it and he also store that container on a scroll so he could fight without carrying a freaking Rinnegan in his hands.

Jin then directly appears on top of the knocked-down Human path and destroyed him with his staff.

The reason Jin did not kill Nagato is because he wanted Jiraiya to have that decision while the reason he did not take both of the Rinnegan was because he did not have enough time to do so. He already knew that Konan was there and the moment he will teleport there, he will be attacked by her.

He could take care of her but by that time the rest of the path of the pain will be there, not to mention he is worried about Black Zetsu or Obito coming and taking away the eye in that all chaos.

"Now only one you are left except your main body that is" said Jin looking towards the Deva Path.

For the first time in such a long time, Nagato was feeling angry.


kamidemondcreators' thoughts
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