
Naruto: The Rubber Kunoichi.

The legendary pirate luffy, died and reborn as sakura from the naruto world. See how things will change in the naruto universe, now that sakura is different from her other counterpart.

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The Whiskered Boy.

Throughout different dimensions, there are countless scenarios when a persons life from that world changes differently from the original. Some of these dimensions end in disaster, or makes it even better from the original. That's why i would like to show you one of these worlds that has change sakura's life to a even better one. My name is zack, and i would like to tell you a story of a pink hair girl that took the shinobi world by storm. And her name is sakura haruno, the rubber kunoichi of konoha.

 Some where in the land of fire was a village called konoha. As we go inside the village walls, we could see people coming out of there houses for work early in the morning. But as we go to a particular house in the village, and look through one of the second floor windows. We could see a little girl with pink hair sleeping on her bed wildly, until a wonderful smell hit her nostrils and she set up immediately.

"Food!" She blurted out loud as she then jumped out of bed, and ran out of her room with speed to the dining room table, where she saw her father reading a newspaper when she sat down. "Can't wait to eat, huh?" He asked his daughter, as he stop reading the newspaper and saw her holding spoon and fork in both hands enchanting food on and on like a broken record.

"Yep, I'm hungry and i want to eat now!" She yelled from the top of her lungs. "Well, you don't have to wait even longer. Because i am here to save the day." Her mother said proudly, dragging in plates of food and setting them up on the table. "Eat up, my little food monster." Sakura's mother said, rubbing the top of her daughters head messing her hair up even further.

As she moved her hand off of sakura's messy hair, she then made her way to the seat right next to her little girl and sat down. " So sakura, are you ready for your first day at the ninja academy?" She asked, as sakura then look at her mother with food stuffed in her mouth, until she then swallowed the food down her throat and began to speak.

"I'm sure am mom! I can't wait to do cool and amazing jutsus, and be called the queen of kunoichi's!" Sakura said proudly, as she tried to take her father's plate, only to get slapped on the back of her hand by him. "Well sakura, i'm glad to hear that. That's why after we done eating, we have to get ready to go."

She said, only to have a sweat drop seeing her husband and daughter fighting over a plate of food. After they where done eating breakfast, sakura's mother started to straighten up the dining room table and did the dishes with sakura's help. As they got done sakura's father gave her a hug, and kissed his wife on the lips and walked out of the front door for work today.

When he left the house, sakura and her mother got themselves ready to go out for her first day at the ninja academy. As they got done freshening up for today, sakura and her mother left there house, closing the door behind themselves and then walk towards the academy. When they got closer to the academy building, they saw parents with their children waiting for someone to start the new school year.

As we stopped behind the crowd of adults and children, a old man wearing a hokage robe and hat came in front of the crowd with three hokage guards behind him. When the old man began to say his speech to the kids who would be the next generation of ninjas in the near future. Sakura got bored and almost fell asleep standing up, until she saw a boy sitting on a swing by himself underneath a tree.

Seeing the depressed boy on the swing, sakura then got curious on why he is not with the others in the crowd. So she then decided to go talk to the boy to cure her boredom from this speech. Leaving her mothers side with out her knowing, sakura had then made her way in front of the boy. When her shadow covered the boys form, he then looked up to see who is blocking the sunlight, only to see sakura with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Why are you so sad?" She asked the boy, only to see him turn his head to the side without saying a word to her. Seeing the boy not responding to her, sakura then leaned closer to his face and said in a whisper. "Are you hungry?" When the boy heard what she had said to him, he had then turned to face her with one of his eyebrows rose in confusion.

"What?! I just thought you where in a bad mood, because you may not had eaten anything. So, here you go fella." She said, grabbing one of the boys hands, and handed over one peace of candy to him. "Don't think about giving it back whiskered boy. I have plenty more where that came from." She said, taking out a hand full of candies from her pocket to show him, and then stuff it back in her pants.

"By the way. What's your name whiskered boy?" She asked, as she then waited for him to answer. "N-Naruto... Naruto uzumaki." He stammered out to her. "Naruto? What a cool name. Want to be friends?" She said, as the boy then immediately looked up at the smiling girls face, to only see her hand stretched out in front of him for a handshake.

"What are you waiting for? Don't leave me hanging here?!" Sakura said, as the now known naruto uzumaki then slowly took her hand, and they began to shake up and down. "From today forward. We will be comrades in arms. You got that whiskered boy." She declared with pride in her voice, as naruto then looked at sakura like a guardian angel.

Pulling naruto off the swing by his hand, sakura then started to drag him towards the crowd where her mother was. As the both of them was heading to the group of people, sakura then turn towards narutos surprise face with a big smile, and said proudly to him. "And by the way, my name is sakura haruno, the future queen of kunoichi's! Remember that!"