
Naruto: The Ghost of the Senju

Sohum_karmaker · Komik
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15 Chs

Wake up to reality part 3.

Howcome you are here Dad? I asked my father and the current Hokage TOBIRAMA Senju as he entered the training Field along with his best friend and aide Sasuke Sarutobi.

He was followed by his ANBU guard as usual.

Well it's my son's first day at the academy Can't I come and visit you Kid?

Plus I wanted to check on Tsunade he replied cooly.

"Seems like the hokage has a lot of free time on his hand ? Why not pass it on to me then old man,

if you want to go spend time with kids so much??" I joked at my father earning a frown from him and a chuckle from his best friend Sasuke .

He surely is your son Tobirama, Sasuke joked he even has your bratty attitude he further added.

Oh please I was not this arrogant when I was his age father shot back

Yea right you were worse 🤣 Sasuke shot back.


Hey my princess you been good? He asked her.

" The academy sucks ji Chan! Everyone is soo weak... and there are sissy kids who say they want to be hokage " Tsuna complained.

" Want to be Hokage?? Danzaki please tell me that my son hasn't killed those poor children " Tobirama asked Danzaki

Well hokage sama....

Then Danzaki told dad what all happened and the reason why he said the ANBU and requested his presence...

"Intresting , I guess you three are ones who would be sparring against my son, let's do this if you could beat Madara then I would teach, each of you a jutsu according to your liking " Tobirama said to the group of Jiraya Orochimaru and Dan.

" we would be honored, hokage sama!!" Everyone replied back.

"That's not fair Dad they get something for beating me but what do I get for wasting my time on kids?" I complained.

Well if you win then I will teach you my latest justsu what's say kiddo?

You are on! Old man.

I walked to the sparring ground and took my stance.

" Tobi why does it look like the stance of interceptor fist ?? The taijutsu style of the first hokage and Madara Uchiha??" Sasuke asked my father.

" Well probably because my brother has been teaching him for the past few days ever since he chose him as his successor " Tobirama replied.

First match

Jiraya vs Madara senju declared Danzaki sensei.

Ready to loose dick head Jiraya commented as he took his stance as well.

Less talking and more fighting , Shiro hentai , I replied back.

Why you!! Said jiraya with a red face.

Earth style earth boulder jutsu!! And with that Jiraya made the the first move.

Armament haki, I said while using it to cover my right fist as I punched the incoming jutsu.


Dust spread throughout the field as i punched through his jutsu..

Seeing which everyone just stared with open mouth in shock...

Not just the interceptor fist but brute force as well... Intresting Sasuke and Tobirama thought in their minds.

Using the dust as a cover I quickly used one of my most favorite taijutsu,

Konoha senpu!!! I said as I appeared in front of Jiraya and kicked him on the face with such force that he shot out of the areana and crashed on the nearby wall getting knocked out unconscious.

"Winner Madara Senju " Danzaki declared.

Second match Madara Senju vs Orchimaru

This fight was a bit close, both me and Orochimaru were close when it came to speed.

Honestly I was surprised, I didn't think that other than Hashirama or Sakumo anyone could even come close to me in terms of speed.

But then again this was Orochimaru the future sanin who I was fighting and he lived up to the hype.

We were having a real close fight.

Then Orochimaru suddenly stopped and said I give up!


But why??

I am having so much fun?? I complained..

" That's nice to know Madara kun, even I am having a lot of fun, but let's face facts,

First off I am a ninjutsu type Ninja and not a taijutsu Ninja so this is too restricted for my liking, ans secondly I can sense the amount of Chakra that you have, it's like the ocean so even a ninjustu fight won't go in my favor. So I am quitting while I am ahead before I embarrass myself , it's a strategic withdrawal on my side Madara kun " Orochimaru replied with a smile.

Hahah I like you already Orochimaru I said, while giving my hand to him for a hand shake.

Let's be friends Orochimaru I said with a smile. Oi old man teach Orochimaru something cool so that we can have an even better fight next time. I told my father, and Orochimaru incase my dad forgets tell me I ll have Hashirama jichan teach u something instead and this fight is a draw my friend, let's decide who is better when you are stronger bud. I said with a smile.

"Yea let's do that " Orochimaru replied while taking my hand for a handshake.

Third fight

Madara Senju vs Dan Kaito.

This fight was both boring and pathetic to be honest , I basically toyed with the dreamer Dan using my observation haki and my taijutsu to just block all his attacks and made him chase behind me for an hour till fell down and collapsed on the ground.

" Is this all that my dream is worth for???

I couldn't even get you lunch a single attack??

Am I that pathetic!

Is the difference in power that big??

That I don't even register as a threat in your eyes???

Is this is what it means to be Senju!!!

Then what are we supposed to do??

Can't we even dare to have a dream!!!!

How is this even fair!!!!" DAN COMPLAINED with tears falling from his eyes..

"What right do you have to claim such a dream?

Do you have any idea about the amount of blood that had been shed to found this village.

We lost most of our family

Both the senju and the Uchiha have paid the cost of peace and founding this village with our blood!!!

Even I lost my mother when i was not even a year old!!

God dammn it!!

Her last wish for me was to love and protect this village!!

Even my father hardly has anytime for me!!

Leaving only some relatives to take care of us.

We have to deal with enemy assassination attempts every other weak!!

Hence when I see you talk about your dream to become hokage!!

It pissess me off!!!

Someone who has not paid the same price as us has no business even dreaming about being hokage!! As it is blasphemy against all the blood that we have bled.

You talk about being fair!!

Life's not fair deal with it!!

Wake Up to Reality!!!

Nothing ever goes as planned in this ACCURSED WORLD.

The longer you live the more you will realize, that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely PAIN, SUFFERING and FUTILITY.


Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is LIGHT,

there will always be SHADOWS to be found as well.

As long as there is a concept of VICTORS, the VANQUISHED will also exist.

The selfish intent of wanting to preserve PEACE, initiates WARS.

And HATRED is born in order to protect LOVE.


I want to serve the FATE of this WORLD.




I will create such a world...

That's my dream ,

That's the cross that I bear...

And that's why

I am the Hope of Konoha