
Naruto: The Ghost of the Senju

Sohum_karmaker · Anime & Comics
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Wake up to reality part 2.

Madara pov:

" I accept " replied Madara.

That's all fine and all but can you guys stop all this nonsense and get back to your seats so that we can start with your classes, complained Danzaki sensei.

As for your duel fine you guys can have it during the practical class we were supposed to hold spars today anyways, he replied clearly irritated from all the unnecessary commotion.

A few hours later at the academy training grounds...

Oki guys line up and pick your slots we will start with practical sparing sessions for today. Danzaki sensei said to everyone.

Everyone went and picked their slots for the the spars everyone except us off course, we were supposed to spar after the spars were over today.

The sensei in the mean time seemed to have gone to talk somethings with the other teachers.

"Okay I will immediately send the message to hokage sama" replied the unknown teacher.

First fight Hatake Sakumo vc Ren Hyuga sensei motioned for them to come over.

Okay kids remember to use only taijutsu and non lethal jutsu, the fight is over when the first person gets 3 points or the opponent is knocked out and remember no killing or maiming! Warned sensei.

Common do the sign of confrontation both of you, he instructed to both Sakumo and Ren and with that the first spar started.

The fight went as expected Sakumo knocked Ren out with just move as soon as sensei signaled for them to begin lol 😆 As expected from the future White Fang I thought to myself. The other kids were staring at Sakumo like he was a monster or something, well by that I mean mostly the boys lol 😆 I could see the girls stealing peaks and blushing after looking at him.

The white fang kills more than just Shinobi he is our resident lady killer as well lol 😆 I thought to myself .

The next fight was Tsuna vs Ishin Uchiha.

Sensei , I don't want to fight a girl , he complained looking at Danzaki.

Oi sensei why do I have to fight this weakling?? Tsuna complained as well.

Can't I just fight Hashirama?? Complained further.

Ishin on the battlefield no one will stop and show mercy just because you are a girl or something take this seriously and start with the fight

As soon as the spar started Tsuna flash stepped In front of Ishin in a second and hit with a powerful kick sending him flying and crashing onto a tree nearby.

The poor kid was knocked out cold.

See I told you he is weak complained Tsuna adding further insult to injury.

I could see ticks forming on the forehead of sensei as he internally cursed himself for being forced to teach our class lol 😆



Poor kid he was one step away from having a panick attack hearing HAshirama's name lol 😆

The next Fight was Might Duy vs Ken Sarutobi.

Duy basically beat the living shit out of Ken serves that leech right lol 😆

Need to make a mental note these children from the sarutobi clan are just spamming the Academy with their huge numbers. Can't have them grow too strong I thought to myself.

Then there were multiple fights which were to boring to even notice ..

Finally our turn came!

As I was walking to the arena I noticed something intresting ..

"Howcome you came here Dad?" I asked as Tobirama and his aid Sasuke sarutobi came to the sparing ground along with the AnBUS.