
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Komik
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158 Chs

Chapter no.7

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Uzumaki-Namikaze Compound

Naruto had just woken up from his room in the Uzumaki-Namikaze Compound. It needed to be specified because over the last two and a half years Naruto has spent most of his time at the Uchiha Compound, Sometimes even going as far as eating dinner and staying the night in Satsuki's room. They are not in a intimate relationship in any sense of the word, but over the past few years she had grown rather attached to her 'Naruto-nii' and Naruto had grown to see her as more of a sister than his actual blood related family.

Speaking of family, they had grown even further apart over the last few years. Both Natsuki and Nawaki had both gone into one-tailed states before and lost control of themselves, destroying most of the training ground they were at in the process.

That only resulted in their parents paying even closer attention to them, and not just during training. No, even during family outing when all six of them went into the village everything was always about Nawaki, Natsuki, and Narumi. How they wanted new training equipment or wanted a new toy, or even what flavor ramen they wanted, completely disregarding Naruto's requests or objections. They didn't even know that ramen was one of the blonde's least favorite foods.

Naruto leisurely got out of bed and got dressed, after all it was his day off from training. He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs. Naruto noticed that it was about 9 AM, so his 'family' should be finishing up breakfast and leaving for their morning training.

It was these observations that brought him back to his thoughts on his 'family.'

The first was his father. He almost never had any contact with Minato anymore. Naruto usually left the house early in the morning to 'spend the day at a friend's house' or at least that's what he told his parents when asked. And Minato spent most of the time either training Naruto's siblings or at the Hokage Tower doing his usual duties. Naruto usually saw him at dinner but he usually just talked to Kushina or his other three children how their training went.

His thoughts then drifted to Kushina. The situation with her was pretty much identical to Minato's. Although because of her highly annoying temper, in Naruto's opinion, she often scolded him for being late or for missing dinner. This often ended with her asking Naruto 'why he couldn't be a perfect child like his siblings.' This normally should have left a pain in his chest, but he stopped caring about such childish remarks from them a long time ago.

The next was Nawaki. Now this little cockroach was someone Naruto could say he truly hated. He started off as a sweet little kid, but after years of his parents spoiling him and giving him everything he could ever ask for he believed that he could do no wrong and became spoiled to the core. He believed that he was kami's gift to world. Not to mention his superiority and god complexes. And Tsunade doting on him every chance she got didn't help. Due to this he became lazy and expecting everything to handed to him.

Tsunade completely adored Nawaki and even gave him extra training. This was all because Minato and Kushina decided to name him after her brother who died during the Third Great Shinobi War. Speaking of Tsunade, Naruto had not once even spoken to her.

Next was Narumi. She often bragged about how she was getting training and Naruto wasn't. She believed that she was better than everybody else just because she was a jinchuriki, the foolish girl had no idea how jinchuriki are usually treated. Narumi was a daddy's girl believing that he could do no wrong and that's why she thought of Naruto as the loser of the family, because he was the only one not being trained.

Natsuki was an odd case. She used to be a little brat, but now she just seemed indifferent to him. She had some kind of 'high and mighty holier than thou' personality, which he found annoying, but at certain times he could believe that she cared for him.

"Oh Naruto? You're usually gone by this time."It was this voice that broke him out of his thoughts.

The rest of his family was standing by the door getting ready to go to one of the training fields. It was Kushina who had spoken to him.

Naruto looked at Kushina and then headed towards the refrigetator, "I had nothing to do today so I thought I'd sleep in for a bit."

'He's been awfully cold to us lately. Perhaps if we let him join training today he'll smile a bit.' Kushina thought. "Naruto? Why don't you join us for training today"

The whole room went silent. Everyone had different thoughts.

'Did she really just say that. After two and a half fucking years she asks if I want to join training for the day! Hah what a joke. What's your game Kushina?'

'Why should someone like me have to even share a train ing ground with pathetic trash like him?' were Nawaki's thoughts.

Narumi's hands clenched into fists, 'I thought he was supposed to be some loser who wasn't even supposed to be a shinobi and now you want him to train with us Kaa-chan?'

Natsuki's emotionless face cracked a small smile, 'Onii-sama is finally going to train with us! It has been so long since I've been able to spend time with him! Maybe Kaa-chan and Tou-san will even let me spar with him.'

It was Minato who decided to voice his thoughts, "Are you sure Kushina? I mean Naruto hasn't had much training before and we need to concentrate on the others in case the they lose control of the Kyuubi's chakra."

Kushina had a thoughtful look on her face for a minute, "We should at least let him spar with one of them to show him what he'll be up against when he starts the academy in six months with his siblings."

Naruto gained a tick mark on his forehead. 'You're the ones who refused to teach me anything and forbid me from training until the academy. And besides I have been training. I've even defeated a few chunin from the Uchiha Clan in sparring matches!'

Minato was silent for a few seconds, "Okay. How about we let him spar with Natsuki?"