
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.8

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" How about we let him spar with Natsuki?"

Natsuki had a happy look on her face. 'Yes!yes!Yes!Yes!'

Naruto could only groan seeing as there was no way out of it.

After his breakfast they all headed out the door to one of the larger training grounds closer to the compound walls. Once they got there Naruto and Natsuki moved toward the center ,about fifteen feet apart from each other, as everybody else moved towards the side.

Minato decided to set the rules for the match, "This will be a straight taijutsu match. There will be no use of ninjutsu or genjutsu under any circumstances. The match will end when I call it or when either one of you are unable to continue. Do you understand?"

They both nodded.

Natsuki took this chance to speak, "Nii-san...I'll use this chance to show you the difference between the two of us. To show you how stron you need to become."

Naruto just scoffed at her arrogance.


Natsuki rushed forward as fast as she could, hoping to end the fight quickly so that she wouldn't have to hurt her 'onii-sama' too much. Naruto used this chance to get into his interceptor fist stance. With her straight-forward approach she pulled her fist back and swung at Naruto who sidestepped, causing her to stumble with the lack of contact. As she lost her balance, he swept Natsuki's legs out from under her causing her to fall back. Naruto followed up with an axe kick to to the gut causing her to cough out some saliva and some of the ground to break in a spider web pattern.

He jumped back as she got off of the ground and wiped the saliva from her mouth. Naruto felt how angry she was through her sensor abilities and how much chakra she was letting run wild.

He steadied himself. Natsuki rushed towards her brother with new found speed and appeared right before him. She sent a backhand towards his head which he ducked under and retaliated with an elbow to the solar plexus, causing her to lose her breathe. Naruto then connected with her chin with a fierce uppercut after which she flew into the air.

Naruto wasn't done yet.

He grabbed her leg as it was in mid-air and threw her into the ground. Hard. He was expecting her to get up or for his father to call the match before things got out of hand, but he was to late. As soon as Naruto turned to look at his father his was hit with a huge wave of malicious killing intent. He looked over to where his sister had landed and saw exactly what he didn't want to.

Natsuki's violet eyes turned red with an black slit through them. Her fangs elongated and her perfectly kept nails had turned into claws. And the worst part of all of this was that there was a crimson cloak of chakra surrounding her body sprouting two fox-like tails. Just then the third tail emerged.

'Fuck me! That was all it took to bring out three tails worth of the Kyuubi's chakra! Has she never taken a few punches before?'

Before Minato of Kushina could even move to suppress the Kyuubi's chakra she disappeared in a flash of pure speed and reappeared right in front of Naruto. He barely even had time to move before she stabbed him right above the eye with one of her claws and dragged it down the length of his face, which sent him stumbling back. She jumped forward grabbing his body. One of her claws wrapped around his right hand with the other grabbing his right calf. The sinister chakra started eating away at his flesh within milliseconds of her touching it.

As quick as Natsuki grabbed him she threw him into the ground, the impact creating a small crater. She rushed towards the middle where he was and haised on of her claws. Her aim was to cut him in half vertically, but Naruto managed to move his body to the left a little causing her to miss and instead slash through almost the entire right side of his body from shoulder to his abdomen.

It was then that chakra chains erupted from the ground, restraining all of her limbs, as Minato appeared in front of her and attached a pre-written seal on her forehead. The Kyuubi's chakra receded and she fell to the ground, unconscious. Then Minato looked down at his son's body and his eyes widened. Naruto's right side of his face was covered in blood with a jagged slash mark through his right eye. The flesh surrounding his hand and calf were completely burned off. And the wound that really worried him was the largest one. The right side of his torso was almost completely severed from the rest of his body.

The time from when Natsuki sprouted her third tail to when her chakra was suppressed was about the span of six seconds.

There were small patches of flames on the injured parts of his body that looked like they were trying to heal him somehow, which made Minato curious, but he looked up and saw his son gushing out of his body and slowly started to drown in it made Minato forget that thought.

He heard Naruto groaned and grabbed him and Natsuki before flashing to the hospital, leaving his wife with a horror stricken face while his other son and daughter emptied their stomachs onto the training ground with the sight of their brother and the amount of blood.

[ Konoha Hospital ]

After seeing the condition that Naruto was in, he was immediately rushed to the emergency room to be operated on by Tsunade. He may not have liked the woman much but she was a damn good doctor. With the condition Naruto was in he should have been unconscious due to the amount of blood loss, but he had been awake for the last three hours. He was was even awake when Minato dropped him off at the front desk and he was taken away on a stretcher while his father went with another nurse to take Natsuki to another hospital room.

'I can't...blame him this time...I suppose. He's...ugh...probably checking to make sure...the seal is still holding up.' Naruto now understood a little bit better why his parents were so focused on his siblings but then his face contorted with rage, 'But...I almost just died, they...ugh...probably already finished checking up on her...the least that they could do is be here for me! Just because I understand doesn't mean that I have to forgive.' With those thoughts he drifted into unconsciousness.