
Naruto: Talent exchange system

Yato is an outcast orphan who grow up in Konoha's toxic environment. Despised and bullied by the villagers, Yato's longing for Naruto's world had long since died down, especially after discovering that he had no ninjutsu talent. Knowing the future events and the great ninja war that would change the whole world, Yato almost surrendered to despair. Just as the thoughts of leaving the village and hiding in some corner filled his mind, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [Talent exchange system bound to the host] _________________ 1. The MC won't be op immediately. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over the years. 2. There will be a lot of killing (not at the start, but once the MC gets stronger.) 3. The story will start slow. Quite a few of the initial chapters will be around training, and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Ninja. 4. MC is a careful person, he won't show his full strength or put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart MC 2. MC manipulates the plot and characters to his advantage 3. Movies arcs and a few original ones. if you want to read advanced Chapters, please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Floki_Star Please note that this story was inspired by a Chinese story in mtl with a very bad translation. so, I'm translating and editing a few things, changing the MC choices, adding a few original ark, and giving the MC character growth. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create).

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The next day, Konoha buzzed with tension and urgency. Both the village and the Uchiha clan had mobilized, launching an extensive search for Uchiha Shisui and the elusive rogue ninja.

To the Uchiha clan, Shisui was invaluable. He was not only their insider within Konoha's higher echelons but also one of their top combat forces. His sudden disappearance at such a critical time was alarming, and they were determined to uncover the truth and the perpetrators behind it.

For Konoha, the rogue ninja's presence was a constant source of anxiety. Sarutobi and Danzo had spent a sleepless night, anxiously awaiting news from the Anbu and the Root. By dawn, the elusive enemy had left no trace, vanishing like a ghost.

"He can't just disappear like this; he must still be lurking in Konoha," Danzo said, his face gloomy.

The previous night's losses were unacceptable to Danzo. Not only had the Root suffered heavy casualties, but most of the Sharingan on his right arm and eye were now permanently closed due to Izanagi.

These precious three-tomoe Sharingans were irreplaceable, and their loss infuriated him. "Notify our agents to monitor everyone entering and leaving Konoha. The barrier team must report any movement immediately."

Sarutobi shared Danzo's view. "The village was sealed off when the incident happened. He couldn't have left without triggering the barrier. He's still here."

The Hokage's face, usually kind and calm, was now etched with murderous intent. "I don't care what it takes. Search every corner of Konoha. We need to find him."

Despite the tense atmosphere among the village's top leaders, they kept the situation from civilians to prevent panic. The Anbu and Root conducted their investigations in secrecy, but the village buzzed with rumors and speculations.

Meanwhile, in the underground ninja world, a new bounty had appeared. The target had no name, no origin, and no known appearance. All they had was a photo of him wearing a mask and the characteristics of his ninjutsu.

Despite the scant information, the bounty attracted countless black market killers because the masked ninja's head was worth a staggering 100 million ryo. To put it in perspective, Sarutobi Asuma, the son of the Third Hokage and one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas, had a bounty of 35 million ryo. The bounty on Yato's head was almost three times higher, drawing the attention of black market killers and bounty hunters alike.

However, those with deeper knowledge understood that this was a bounty issued by Konoha itself. The high reward was tempting, but it came with immense risks. The target was a ninja so dangerous that even Konoha couldn't handle him, causing many to think twice before taking on the challenge.


In the Hokage's office, the tension was palpable as Hiruzen met with his advisors and top shinobi.

"We must quickly find him," Hiruzen said firmly. "The presence of this rogue ninja, especially now, poses a significant threat to the village. We cannot allow him to destabilize Konoha."

Homura Mitokado, one of the elders, nodded. "Our first priority should be to secure the village and protect our people. The Uchiha clan must also be monitored closely."

Koharu Utatane added, "We should increase surveillance on the Uchiha compound. Any unusual activity must be reported immediately."


At the Uchiha compound, the clan was in an uproar. Fugaku Uchiha, the clan head, addressed a gathering of the clan's leaders.

"Shisui's disappearance at this crucial juncture is deeply suspicious. We must find him and discover who is behind this," Fugaku announced.

He knew Konoha likely had them under surveillance, especially after the Nine-Tails incident. However, their meetings were limited to a few trusted leaders, so he wasn't worried about their rebellion plans leaking.

Initially, Fugaku had not wanted to rebel, aware that it would mean war not only against Konoha but also could start another Great Ninja war against the other villages that had recovered from the last war. However, as the clan head, he had to appease the needs of his people, especially after the majority had expressed their desire to rebel despite the consequences. They had endured Konoha's harsh treatment for years but could no longer tolerate it.

Looking at the angry, bloodthirsty crowd, Fugaku sighed. Shisui's disappearance at this critical time would force them to halt their plans until they knew what had happened to him.

"We cannot rely on the village's investigation alone," Fugaku continued. "Our own forces will conduct a parallel search. We will leave no stone unturned."


As the day progressed, Konoha's shinobi scoured every inch of the village. Patrols were doubled, and checkpoints were set up at all entry and exit points. The barrier team monitored the perimeter for any signs of disturbance.

Meanwhile, the source of all the chaos in Konoha had just woken up from a dream.

As soon as he regained consciousness, Yato sensed something approaching and subconsciously reached out to grab it. His hand closed around something soft and warm. Opening his eyes, he saw a slender little hand.

"Ah, Yato, you're awake!"

"Why are you here?" Yato frowned.

"I... I came to see you. Teacher Guy came to school early to ask for leave for you, saying that you were sick."

The visitor was Hanabi.

When Might Guy woke up early, he found that Yato, who was sleeping next to him, seemed to be in bad condition. Checking with his hand, he found that Yato had a fever. So he ran to the Ninja School to ask for leave for him. He was originally going to stay at home to care for him but was summoned by the Third Hokage. In desperation, he sought out Hanabi for help. She was the only one he could think of who might be called a friend of his rude disciple.

Hanabi, out of worry, skipped classes and left the ninja school directly, leading to the current situation.

"What time is it now?" Yato asked, pulling off the towel on his forehead and struggling to sit up. His condition was not good. His face was pale, and he looked severely weakened. He was barely able to move his hands. This was not only due to the aftereffects of [Potential Explosion] but also from not treating his injuries in time. Fortunately, Might Guy seemed not to have noticed anything unusual and assumed it was just a fever and cold.

"It's afternoon; school should be over soon. You lie down first..." Hanabi answered truthfully. Seeing him stand, she reached out to help him lie down again, but Yato turned back and glared, freezing her hands in mid-air.

His look was so terrifying it made her feel cold all over, as if she was being stared at by a ferocious beast, and might die in the next second.

Riku's small voice beside them spoke up to awaken him, "Yato..."

Yato reacted, then turned his head and said calmly, "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

He had not fully recovered from the chaos of the previous night. His body ached, and his mind was clouded with murderous intent. Fortunately, his usual cold heart had steeled him against such moments; otherwise, he might have lost control entirely to bloodlust.

"You're probably hungry after sleeping for so long. I made soup for you," Hanabi said, finally withdrawing her hand and heading to the kitchen.

Her eyes widened as she walked away, scared by the fierceness in Yato's gaze. Even her strict father had never looked at her with such terrifying intensity. But she quickly shook her head, steeling herself with determination.

"It's been so long; what are you afraid of? Come on, Hanabi, you can do it!" she whispered, wiping the sweat from her brow.

After calming herself, Hanabi returned with a steaming bowl of soup. "Here, eat it while it's hot. I'll feed you."

"No need; I'll do it myself," Yato said, his tone edged with impatience as he stretched his trembling hands.

"I'll feed you," Hanabi insisted, her voice unwavering.

Yato shot her a stern look, hoping to intimidate her into backing down. Instead, Hanabi met his glare with equal resolve, stretching her neck defiantly. Seeing this, Yato relented. He was hungry and weak and had no desire to argue further.

Hanabi took his silence as consent and immediately picked up the spoon, blowing on the soup to cool it before offering it to him with a smile, as if the tense moment had never occurred.

Meanwhile, Riku scampered off his shoulder and dashed into the kitchen. Finding a pot still brimming with food, it glanced around mischievously before indulging in its secret feast.

As Hanabi fed Yato, she chatted about the goings-on at the Ninja Academy. "Sakura and Ino had a big fight over Sasuke today, and Kiba's dog had urinated and made a mess all over Shino."

Yato listened, though his mind was elsewhere, until Hanabi mentioned something that caught his attention.

"It seems all the Konoha Guards were dispatched today. They were arresting and interrogating people; even innocents weren't spared."

"Guards? Do you know why?" Yato asked, and his interest piqued.

"Not sure," Hanabi replied, blowing on another spoonful of soup. "It seems someone is missing."

Missing? Could it be Uchiha Shisui? Yato's eyes narrowed in thought.

The Uchiha clan's confidence in launching a coup relied heavily on Shisui's support. He was not only one of their strongest fighters but also a key strategic asset. His sudden disappearance would undoubtedly alarm the clan.

From what Yato remembered, Shisui, in a bid to prevent civil war, had entrusted his Mangekyo Sharingan to Itachi before ending his own life. This drastic measure was meant to delay conflict, but it was only a temporary solution.

"It's only a temporary solution, after all," Yato sighed softly.

Without Shisui, the Uchiha clan might lose their nerve, much like an army losing its general. However, once they discovered the truth about Shisui's death and its ties to Konoha, their rage would only intensify, making a coup inevitable.

"Huh, did you say something?" Hanabi asked, tilting her head.

"Nothing," Yato dismissed her concern.

"Really? Come on, open your mouth, ah..." Hanabi coaxed, holding the spoon out to him.

Yato sighed but obediently took the next bite.


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Shout-out to my patreons subscribers: Ghost, Bruno Oliveira, Chance C, Mohammed Alshamsi, PathSeeker, CATHERINE YANOVSKY, Dio098, Orion Chung, Insomniologist, HE, Ryan biggins, Bigbowser, terrence L mccall, Drowz, Legorate, Harry, and Michał Wojtulewicz.

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