
Naruto system in the DxD world

Muscle pain . . . High fever . . . Close your eyes slowly waiting for the end and seconds later you are inside another body. [The system was installed successfully] [Welcome to the system] [Spin the roulette and let the system get a theme] [Naruto system] Only the character of Haru is my property, the rest of the characters belong to their respective owners, that is, High School DxD or Naruto

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59 Chs

Sin 02: Passing Happiness

Pov Narrator


Inside a large white room, with the soft smell of impregnated baby, several babies quietly lay with their eyes closed, all in their respective cribs in front of a large glass made so that visitors could see their baby.

"There it is, it's Haru" a man's voice echoed down the hallway on the other side of the glass as he pointed his finger at a baby in the second row "My son is there" the man had a big smile filled with emotion as he looked at the baby fixedly.

"He is our son Ziusudra, he is not only your son, keep that in mind" a blonde woman with a voluptuous figure reproached the words of the burly man with red hair.

"Do not be angry Lailah, of course I have in mind that he is our son" said the man who answered the name of Ziusudra with a big smile as he crossed his arms around the waist of the beautiful Lailah making her blush in such a way that she could only covering her face as she let out a small nervous scream.

Anyone who saw the couple could only smile, the stocky man with long red hair with some golden tips had a big smile full of emotion, his appearance showed his strength but also his elegance.

On the other hand who was in the arms of the man was the blonde with a voluptuous but elegant figure, a woman who could only be described as a 'goddess', she was totally embarrassed was covering her face with the palm of both hands while still asking her husband to put it down.

"I suppose they are both still as lively as ever ..." the soft voice caught the couple's attention causing them both to stop their actions and look in the direction the voice was.

"Gorou Hyodo you are the one who should be more active, your personality is too soft, let's rejoice your first son also came into the world .... coincidentally the same day as my son, this can only be fate" said Ziusudra reproaching the lack of energy from the native Japanese short-haired man with glasses, an average office worker if someone requires a simple description.

"I told you dear, if you wanted to talk to Ziusudra you had to do it technically by screaming" said a brown-haired woman with the usual appearance for a Japanese woman, she had a smile on her face, she immediately turned to see the place where the babies "But it is true what Ziusudra said, it seems that it was destiny"

"They were both born on the same day, they were placed in the same room and one on one side of the other," said Lailah, interrupting Mrs. Hyodo's dialogue, both of them had been good friends for some time more specifically since the arrival of Lailah and Ziusudra in Japan. .

"I just hope they can both get along when they grow up," Gorou said, massaging his worried forehead as he looked at the babies inside.

"You don't need to worry, they will be like brothers" Ziusudra had confidence in his son in such a way that he could call it his greatest pride.

Both women could only laugh listening to the small exchange between their husbands, due to how they define the future of their children only a few days after they are born.









They quickly spent six years flying in the blink of an eye, at that time Issei and Haru had become great friends to the point that they could call each other brothers, at school they were always together and on weekends they stayed together either in the Haru's house or Issei's house.

Haru was six years old right now, a skinny boy with red hair and eyes just like his father, pale white complexion just like his mother.

When Issei visited Haru, the two formed a team to fight against Ziusudra as if they were heroes against the great villain with red hair, coming to call him the fallen hero of Mesopotamia due to the relationship of names that both figures had.

The Yoichi family was small but happy, it didn't take much for them to have a good time because of Ziusudra's personality the house was always lively. But that happiness lasted a very short time, it was an ephemeral happiness.

It was during a calm and calm night when a call came to the phone of the Hyodo residence, who took the phone to answer the call was Gorou "Hyodo Residence, say"

"..." Gorou's silence caught the attention of the Hyodo family

"What's wrong honey? Who was on the phone?" asked the lady Hyodo with curiosity but when she saw the serious face of her husband she knew that something really important happened

".... Ziusudra and Lailah" Gorou murmured with a slight tone but with a bitter sadness, Mister Hyodo could only cover her mouth when hearing her husband's words.







Gorou quickly went to the Yoichi family residence, the police were surrounding the place, everything was covered with a yellow tape that prevented the passage.

Without waiting for anything Gorou got out of the car and ran towards the house, he played the tape and kept running, several policemen saw him and continued to stop him but his efforts were useless, Gorou continued without stopping, opening the door with a bang.

"Ugh," Gorou complained, groaning quietly, looking inward, the ground was covered in blood, he knew very well what had happened, Ziusudra and Lailah had lost their lives, that was what the police told him by phone, but at no time did they refer to Haru, he knew that for the couple Haru was the most important thing and for that reason there was the possibility that he still preserved his life, hidden somewhere in the house.

With the slight hope Gorou was standing at the entrance of the Yoichi family's house, the crime scene only to look for the son of his friends, when he stopped at the entrance he was shocked, in front of him was the boy he recognized.

Haru was standing dazzled by the light, covered in blood from his hair to his feet. Garou took steps forward slowly approached to where the boy is, Gorou's legs lost strength forcing Haru to kneel wrapping the boy in his arms while tears of pain flow from his eyes.

"Haru," Gorou muttered concerned that Haru wouldn't let out any words, didn't move in any way, and wouldn't let any tears out.

"Don't worry son, I'm already here, I won't let anything else happen to you" Garou murmured, stroking the boy's hair gently while he lost consciousness slightly.