
Naruto system in the DxD world

Muscle pain . . . High fever . . . Close your eyes slowly waiting for the end and seconds later you are inside another body. [The system was installed successfully] [Welcome to the system] [Spin the roulette and let the system get a theme] [Naruto system] Only the character of Haru is my property, the rest of the characters belong to their respective owners, that is, High School DxD or Naruto

Anon20K · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Sin 03: The dream that changes everything

Pov Haru / Luis

That day I went through the rare process of transmigration something unprecedented happened, at the beginning I lost consciousness in the arms of that man

Then I entered a dark area, there was nothing, it was just me standing, I soon felt a great surprise. It was actually in my real body or, well, in the original my clothing was the usual one.

I still don't fully understand what's going on, I really don't even know how much time elapsed between each event.

Pov Narrator

Inside the dark space and with nothing inside was Luis standing in suspension in the air, with nothing to do Luis began to chatter looking for the person responsible for his reincarnation or his current situation.

"This dying is really problematic, I want some explanation or some manual, even an informative brochure will do."

Luis / Haru was totally upset with his current situation, there was no information for him and nobody appeared at least to welcome him.

"Gizz, I should have waited for him in the place I am currently in. It is an almost unreal space, there is only darkness, I can move anywhere without the need for a platform, I cannot float but if I walk, I can see anywhere, I can even see my feet clearly even though everything is black "Haru said looking around curiously.

"Is there someone around here ?!"

"Can anyone hear me ?!"

"Ehh .... God?"





"We're going to hell, I just need someone to answer me or tell me how to get out of this place, I don't care if I have to live a life again, it can even be fun to be a child again"

"This time I promise to have a wife and not be a bachelor"



"Come on man ... or woman, I don't have all the time in the world to be here, well I really don't know if the concept of time applies here but I still get bored"

Even with all Luis / Haru's complaints, nothing happened, nobody answered anything and nothing changed around him.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Luis shouted furiously trying to fill the space with sound "Come on, come here, damn it!"






"One, two, three, four...




"AHHHG! Damn I already lost count!"

"Come on damn, I want to get out of this place!"

"I'm going to cry if they don't get me out of this place"





"How long have I been in this place?"

"I don't feel sleepy, I don't feel hungry, I can't feel pain either"

Luis was silent in the middle of the darkness without realizing that his body had changed, right now his appearance was that of a child with his red hair.

"I demand an explanation!" Haru exclaimed angrily "eh ?, my voice is sharper" asked Haru touching his neck to notice if something was wrong, then he looked down noting how his body had changed greatly taking a gulp of surprise "when was what happened this? "

"Sigh ..." Haru sighed as he held his head with his right hand, he soon noticed the color of his hair "Red? Great, it's a natural color!" Haru exclaimed surprised to see his changes.

"Now that I think about it, the last thing I remember is losing consciousness in the arms of a man, he did not seem to be the father of this child, instead he seemed more like a distant relative ... perhaps I am only in the consciousness of this child, maybe right now as I lost consciousness the concept of time is different here and out there, even so I would like an explanation at least "

Haru ended up choosing to sit on the floor closing his eyes, but it was at that moment that he had a great surprise, when he opened his eyes again in front of him was a large roulette wheel of several different colors, each color with words and symbols.

Surprised by what happened, Haru slowly approached, noting a sign at the top "The great anime fantasy system roulette version?" Haru read the poster with doubts, but the title was the most surprising, it was a roulette that claimed to be part of a system "is this a joke?"

"Sigh ..." Haru sighed again as he settled his hair "Well, this is better than doing nothing" said Haru approaching the place where the player apparently should be to spin the roulette.

With the action of his hand the roulette began to spin, the terms were censored so that Haru could not understand what they were saying.

Quickly the roulette turned and turned, the tip to decide the winning term went through several sections all with different colors.

Soon the wheel is moving slower starting to stop figuring to stay on the yellow term "yellow, great .... what does the color yellow mean?" Haru's voice seemed animated but with doubts, with so much time in that space he had already got used to speaking alone and did not expect an answer to his questions but coincidentally the term in roulette was released allowing Haru to read it.

"Na-ru-to ... Naruto, Naruto System GAFS" read Haru squinting to distinguish the words correctly "a system based on naruto? .... great, even though I don't understand what it means I have a feeling it doesn't it's nothing bad or good it could be worse "Haru said with a relieved smile as he wiped the sweat off his face.

Soon the roulette colors changed and now it had fewer sections than before, some being larger than the others but with five colors repeated twice.

"Well I guess I should spin again" without waiting any longer, Haru put his hands on the roulette and made quick contact making it spin with speed.

Before long the roulette stopped this time in a small space, thus proving that this was a bigger prize than others. "Lightning element and wind element .... a rare combination if it differs from the world of naruto" Haru presented his annoyance towards the outcome of his luck but he did not allow his temper to beat him and he remained calm

"What's next now?" Haru asked posing his hands on his hips waiting for an answer as the roulette in front of him began to disappear in the dark leaving him alone again.

[Welcome to the great anime fantasy system]

[You got Naruto's world-oriented system variation]

[The system will be installed]


[Chakra installed successfully]


[Store and Inventory (version 7.8.90) added successfully]


[Mental Space Linking (version 3.1) fixed successfully]


[Lightning Element installed successfully]


[Lightning element affinity installed]


[Mission interface (version 15.0.23) added successfully]


[The host's current body has defective ancient magic, the system requires a removal]

[GAFS offers an exchange valued at 200,000 SP]

[Do you accept the exchange or do you want to keep it?]

"Do I have magic in my body?" Haru asked impressed "SP ?, I suppose that some type of currency of the system"

"I don't really understand magic at all, but I think eliminating it would be a waste of talent, is there any risk in maintaining it?" Haru asked cautiously

[Magic and chakra cannot coexist in the same host, both energy repel each other, the talent of the host will be greatly affected, wise decision is required]

[Do you want to keep the magic in the host's body?]

[YES / NO]

"Sigh ...." Haru let out a long breath of exhaustion as he scratched his head in annoyance "that annoyance, I really don't know what to do with this, but if the system recommends it I suppose I can listen, better old acquaintance than new to know, in this case I am familiar in the chakra at least I saw the anime of Naruto "with the previous statement Haru clicked the option 'No'

[Magic was removed from the host's body]

[The system added 200,000 SP in the system wallet]


[The magic of the host has a certain divinity, the blood of the host is pure, the system wants to make an exchange]

[Exchanging the host's bloodline for the Hyuga clan's bloodline]

"This system is quite greedy ..." Haru murmured with a touch of annoyance but seeing the reward, he could no longer doubt his situation and only accepted the proposal.

[The host obtained the Byakugan in both eyes, they can be deactivated to return to the user's natural eyes at any time (requires training)]



[The installation was successfully completed]

[Added a tutorial box in inventory]

[Welcome to the GAFS Naruto Version system]