
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Komik
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31 Chs

Ch 5

Naruto and Anko could be seen jumping through the trees on their way to back up team 7 who have requested immediate backup. They had been making good pace to the location which was the bridge builder's house named Tazuna.

"If we keep this pace we can be at the house by the end of the day, Naruto-kun." Anko says to her student who was slightly behind her along with the fox on his neck.

"Okay Anko-sensei I just hope we don't run into any trouble." He says looking around. As If kami heard his wish a single ninja jumps in the duo's way.

"Way to go Naruto-kun, you just had to open your mouth." Anko says, sending Naruto a slight glare who rubs the back of his head.

"Well look what we have here, 2 tree huggers a little too far away from home." Said the missing ninja with a crossed out headband with the leaf symbol. Aoi Rokusho who has the legendary Raijin no ken made by the second hokage and a treasure of the leaf.

"Anko is that you, they let the snake whore out of her cage hahah." He laughs at the anko who is angry at his taunting but not as angry as one Naruto Uzumaki.

"Shut up you traitor, what are you even doing here don't tell me you are working with zabuza." She says while taking out a kunai.

"Yes, he told me to cover his tracks just in case they called back up and boy was he right I just didn't think they would send a snack after us. Why don't you join me and you can be just like your master and maybe even please me your master." He gives her a gaze filled with just lust in his eyes that makes her uneasy. His laughter is put to a halt when he is blasted with so much KI he can barely breathe or stand.

"I think I've heard enough come out of that mouth of yours I think I will shut it forever." He says pulling his moonlight sword out of his sheath. "It has been decided, You are gonna be the first to die by my blade." As he says that Aoi pulls the raijin out to hopeful defend himself but he is still shaking.

"You can't beat me, I am invincible with the raijin on my side." He shouts charging at the blonde.

"Die." Naruto says in a cold tone and swings his sword down and Aoi is split in half and a quarter mile of forest is also destroyed in his attack leaving Anko wide eyed. Naruto walks to Anko and pulls her to him and gives her a kiss full of love and passion that makes her lower area heat up.

"Nobody will touch you, your mine." He says in her ear making her shiver at how possessive he is over her. "O-okay N-naruto-kun." She says still shaken up at what just happened. Naruto goes and picks up the Raijin no ken that is laying next to a wide eyed Aoi who died with terror in his eyes. Naruto then throws up on his body at killing his enemey so brutally.

"Why am I acting like this? He is not my first kill." He says with a shaken up voice.

"It's because when you killed mizuki you really didn't have time to focus on what you did because there was so much going on you didn't even leave the ashes of that other guy." She says with a little laugh at the end. "So cheer up, this is something you're gonna have to get used to.'' she says, giving a kiss to his cheek.

"Yes Naruto-kun don't worry we will be here to help you." The orange fox says on his shoulder nuzzling his face, giving it a little lick. "Yea what that fox just said." Only to freeze when she realized that fox just talked.

"Naruto-kun. I know this fox just talked do you want to tell me about that." She says giving him a smile to sweet smile to be good.

"Oh Anko-chan did I not tell you this is Kasumi-chan the kyuubi." He says with a nervous laugh only to blach when she gets in his face, smile still there.

"You mean to tell me that you have been doing training and walking around with the fox that attacked the village 13 years ago just sitting on your shoulder."




"A-anko-chan can you let me explain. The attack was not her fault she was under a genjutsu so none of that was her fault she is a really nice person although she can be a little bossy at times."

"Yes he is right, I was not myself for a lack of better terms that night I am sorry." The vixen says a little sadly

"Wait, the kyuubi is a woman. Ha take that you sexist pigs." She says, pumping a fist in the air with a grin on her face. "But don't worry about the whole attacking the village thing if you were being controlled then don't worry about it was not your fault."

"Thank you Anko-chan. I will show you what I really look like when we get back to the bridge builder house." The fox says happy

"Woah you have a human form?" Asked Anko with stars in her eyes.

"Yes she does and let me be the first to say she is just beautiful she took my breath away." This makes the fox hide in Naruto's armor from embarrassment.

"Okay we wasted enough time taking that guy's head and we can get his bounty and sword for a bunch of money."

With that done the trio jumps off back into the trees to get to the location before anything else happens that can stop them from making it to their location.

Tazuna's house

Sasuke and Sakura can be seen outside standing over the makeshift grave they made for their teammate who died in the early run in the group had with Zabuza turns out he was not able to dodge the cleave sword Zabuza had thrown at the death did not seem to affect Sasuke that much but it was a different story for sakura who was crying at his death. There sensei was recovering in a spare room in one of the rooms upstairs in the house.

"Come on sakura, we have to go, we can not be out here forever."

"But Sasuke-kun don't you feel sad about our teammate?" She says with a few tears in his eyes.

"No I don't, this is what happens when you are weak so you better step it up or you could end up just like him." He says uncaring to her

"Would you be sad If I died, Sasuke-kun." She said hopefully

"No." He says walking away leaving the pink haired girl to cry alone

She follows him silently back to the house so they can welcome the team that comes to back them up because they both know they could use any kind of help on this mission because they already lost a fellow ninja and Sakura was starting to take in all she has done since becoming a ninja.

"Maybe Sasuke-kun was correct and I need to start training seriously now and then. Maybe Sasuke-kun will fall in love with me and we can help rebuild his clan." A little blood drops from her nose at the things she is thinking the two will do while inner sakura is shaking her head.

"Why don't you just leave that asshole alone and focus on Naruto-kun? Did you see how handsome he has gotten these past 2 months I could just." She is cut off by Sakura who screams and shakes her head to make her shut up.

"NO! I don't see him like that although I will admit he has gotten really handsome over these past two months, but you've seen how he has been holding hands with that purple haired women he does not want to be with us anymore."

"Yes you are right but you can at least be friends with him and maybe he can help us with our training so that way we can actually make something out of ourselves.

"Yes I will be nicer to him and apologize for all the things I did." She says with a little smile. While Sasuke just eyes her weirdly from all the facial faces she was making, he just shakes it off and gets back to thinking of ways he can have Kakashi-sensei train him.

1 hour later

"Finally, it feels like we have been running forever. I am so tired." The orange tailed fox says waving her front paws in exaggeration.

"What are you complaining about? You didn't even do anything, you were just on my shoulder the whole time." He says with a sweat drop on his head at her antics.

"But I still had to deal with you always jumping from tree to tree. why did you do that instead of just fly us here?" She gave him a questioning gaze.

"Well it kinda slipped my mind I didn't think of it." He said, rubbing the back of his head. Only to be hit by both Anko and Kasumi.

"Naruto-kun sometimes you can be as smart as a nara and then sometimes be dumber than a sack of rocks." Said the snake mistress.

"Come on Kasumi-chan, let's leave him here." Anko said, opening her arms for the fox to jump into.

"W-wait Kasumi-chan how could you leave me out to dry like this." He says with waterfall tears coming out of his eyes.

"Get up you let's just regroup with these fools and get the mission over with. She says dragging him with one of her tails.

"Knock knock." Anko says, hitting the door a couple times.

"Why do you say knock knock while hitting the door?" Naruto said, sweat dropping at her childish antics.

"Because it's fun." came the short reply from Anko.

"Coming." A female voice said from the other side of the door and feet could be heard shuffling to the door

The door cracked open slightly and a woman with long black hair with a dark blue tent and black eyes could be seen peeking her head out.

"Hello, how may I help you." She says with a kind smile trying to ease her nervousness from the two humans and 1 fox on top of the purple-haired lady's head.

"We are team 11 and we are the back up for team 7. My name is Anko Mitarashi and this is my student Naruto Uzumaki." A smack from a paw on her head makes her remember the orange fox on her head. "Oh yeah this is Kasumi-chan, our team mascot." A bite to her ear lets her know she didn't like that comment.

Tsunami can't help but sweat drop at the human and fox butting heads and snots with each other. "Okay thank you for coming to help assist us . It seems they already lost a teammate on the way over here and it seems it has affected the pink-haired girl named Sakura very much."

They all look at her with shock. "Wow I didn't think we would already start losing classmates so fast." He then clenches his fist and grabs Anko's hand. "I'll never let anything happen to her on my watch." Anko, seeing this can't help but smile and thank Kami in her head for a good boyfriend.

"Kasumi-chan." Naruto calls the vixen using their mind link

"Yes, Naruto-kun?" Replied the vixen with a question tone

"Is it okay if we practice how to use some of your chakra?'' he asked." This catches her off guard because he has never asked for her power since she has been sealed in him.

"Okay Naruto-kun but you really don't need my power, you are already able to beat every ninja in the village. You might only struggle with the old hokage because of all the years of experience he has over you."

Thank you Kasumi-chan you are the best." He says giving her a smile that makes her blush and turn her head. Making him chuckle.

"May we come in now to talk to the others." Said Anko talking to Tsunami.

"Oh yes I am sorry please come in. I was just about to start dinner." She says giving them a warm smile.

"Oh you were about to cook, that is great I was getting really hungry as well with all the running we did to get here." He says rubbing his stomach walking into the house.

"Well great but before that can one of you accompany me to the market I would like some help."

"Don't worry about Tsunami-san it would be my pleasure to accompany such a lovely lady to the market. This makes the mother smile while Anko sends him a wink.

"O-o t-thank you for the compliment." the mother turns red faced at what the handsome blonde said to her.

"What are you doing here dead last? We don't need help from you." Said one duck butt avenger.

Naruto rolls his eyes at the pitiful Uchiha."Clearly you don't remember what I said last time someone called me." And without much more being said Naruto kicks him in the face leaving a imprint of his foot on his face.

"NARUTO-BAKA." But she stops when she remembered what she had said earlier and just walks up to him and gives him a weak punch in his blue armor that barely does anything.

"Umm ouch." He says confused

"We can talk later. I want to ask you something." she says looking at him sadly.

"Okay just wake up your stupid sensei and tell him we made it while I go with the lovely mother over here." Tsunami blushes again and tries to hide her face with her hands.

"Father!, I am leaving for the market with one of the ninjas."

"Okay, be safe and get some for Alcohol." A voice sounded from the backyard.

"Bye mom, be safe." A little boy with a bucket hat on his head says, giving her a small smile. He then looks at Naruto and snorts and runs away.

"S-sorry about my son, he's just having a tough time right now." She says giving Naruto a sad smile.

"Don't sweat it Tsunami lets just go get what you need and then we can eat some food.

"Bye Naruto-kun be safe." waved Anko and the fox together.

Streets Wave

"Wow, how long has this been going on now." Naruto asked Tsunami looking around at all the people on the street in the worst condition possible. It reminded him of how his younger life used to be growing up.

"It's been like this for a little over 2 years now and it's only getting worse thanks to that damn gato." A little angry at how her country was suffering thanks to some idiot.

A tap against Naruto's back pocket and he can see what looks like a little girl running away with his wallet into an alley. "Tsunami someone just stole my wallet. I'll leave a clone with you to make sure you are alright. I will be back."

"O-okay Naruto just don't hurt the children." He then runs off after her into the alley only to stop at what he sees. The black haired girl is giving his money away to kids around her age and telling to go buy some food. She then ran further down and tossed his wallet in the trash and went into what looks like a box under some rubble. He walks over to her to get a better view of the girl.

A short and petite girl with light skin and purple eyes. Her hair is black, with several strands that reach to the bottom of her neck and one bang that goes down the middle of her face to her chin. She hears him and looks up at him with surprise only to shake it off and get in a makeshift fighting style. Naruto can't help but smile at her and think to himself. "Oh yeah she has got a spark in her." But it also makes him a little sad at the fact that a girl only 9 has to fight, which means this is not the first time someone has found her.

"Hello there you remember me you just robbed me and gave all my money away." He says getting on one knee getting eye to eye with the little girl.

"Yes I do and it was for a good cause." she replied without even being feared. Naruto smiles even more at her attitude."Man, I said the same thing when I stole that food and gave it to Panda-chan at the orphanage. I hope she is doing well." He chuckles at her and then sits down much to her confusion.

"I am not going to do anything to you, okay I did the same thing when I was your age." He says giving her a sad smile making her lower her defense a little bit.

"What are you talking about? I am 9 so are you telling me you also used to live on the streets." She says, eyeing him.


"But you have on a leaf headband you must have had a good life in your nice comfortable village that is said to be the strongest." she gives him a glare.

He shakes his head at her. "That's just what they say when people visit and only go to the rich part of the village and they talk about how the will of fire and mighty heroes fought to make the village what it is now."

"Truth is that fire is slowly dying down and being corrupted but that's why I am here to make the village what it used to be when everyone was happy and no one suffered."

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked, sitting down in front of him.

"Because I was once like you, I too had to fight for my life and started stealing and giving what I had to those who needed it. All while getting nothing in return but empty promises." She looks down at his words because It is true.

"B-but I don't do it just to get a thank you; these people need this and I am just simply helping them." He smiles at her.

"What is your name, little girl? He asked, giving her a warm smile that made her feel comforted.

"Rukia." She says with pride sticking her chest out a little bit. Making Naruto laugh at her causing Rukia to pout only to be replaced with a chuckle until she starts to laugh with him. If someone were to see this scene It would look like a father and daughter having a nice time.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki." He grins at her and she does the same.

"Well Rukia-chan, would you come with me and let me help you for a change?" Give her a fatherly smile that makes her feel comfortable again.

"Y-yes." she hesitantly takes his hand hesitantly not wanting this to be a trick. Only to be surprised when he pulls on to his neck and he holds her legs while she has her hand in his hair.

"H-hey what do you think you're doing?'' she says from the top of his head.

"I am going to take you shopping Rukia-chan, we can't have you in those rags forever now can we." This makes the black haired girl surprised at this.

"But I thought I gave all your money away." She is a little sad at the last part.

"Ha I have extra money in a seal I keep on my thumb." He unseals the money much to her shock.

"Naruto, what are seals and how did you do that?"

"Seals are an art that ninjas use to do battle or in my case seal things away you can do a whole bunch of things with seals."

"Wow, are you any good at using seals? She asked in a questioning tone.

"Am I any good? I'll have you know I am a seal master of the highest caliber."

"Cool do you think you can teach me seals?'' she says a little shyly."

Naruto looks up at her and then grins."Of Course I can teach you seals. Do you have good handwriting?" This makes her look down.

"No, I do not know how to write. I can only read."

"Ahh don't worry I'll teach you everything." He gives a warm smile.

"Now what kind of clothes would you like to wear Rukia-chan."

"Umm I would like a Kimono. I've always wanted one of those."

"Well then let's go get you one." He then starts to walk the streets of wave looking for any stores that would have what he is looking for to get Rukia while also giving away some of his foods to the people of wave who need it. They eventually find a store and they go in to see the poor state the store is in.

"Okay Rukia-chan go find something you want and I'll tell you what looks good." She noods and then runs off looking at the clothes.

The storekeeper, a middle aged man, whispers to naruto. "You know sir I think it's really nice what you are doing for that young girl. She is always stealing from gato's men and giving people of wave the food and money and barely taking enough for herself. When she isn't lucky they would beat her up but she would always try to fight back but as a little girl she wasn't able to do much." The man says a little sadly, Naruto clenches his fist at what the man is telling him.

"I'll be damned if I let one of those bastards lay a finger on her." he thinks to himself, making his eyes change from ocean blue to blood red for a second.

"Hey Naruto, what do you think of this one? Does it look good on me?" She is wearing a purple kimono with white snowflakes on it. A Navy blue obi that wraps around her waist along with white slip-on sandals.

"It looks beautiful you little snow princess." Naruto says to her, making her give him a bright smile that makes his eyes a little watery but he shakes it off before anyone notices. He then walks to the cashier and gives him a little extra which makes the man bow his head and thank him.

"Okay Rukia-chan let's get you something to eat." He then picks her up and puts her on his shoulder again.

"What are we gonna eat Naruto?

"Well I am staying here for a mission and this nice lady named Tsunami will be making food for us."

"A mission?"she asks him

"Yup, the leader of my village gave my team a mission to come out here and I will go back home when it's done." He says not noticing her small frown at his last statement.

"Hey, you want to help me catch some more food for Tsunami I can show you a cool trick."

"Yea I do." she says, giving a smile again. Only to be surprised when Naruto jumps on top of the roof and starts to jump from roof to roof. "N-n-naruto this is really bumpy." she gets out flying up and down on Naruto's shoulder.

"Okay how about I fly then." he gives a foxy smile.

"You can't fly, that's impossible." only to be shocked when Naruto takes off in the air making her scream.

Tazuna's house

"Hello everyone I am back." said Tsunami letting everyone know she is back.

"Finally will you get started on dinner now I'm hungary." The old drunk says coming stumbling out of the kitchen.

"Hey where is Naruto." asked the copy cat ninja Kakashi.

"Oh someone stole his wallet and he went after her leaving a clone with me that just poofed in smoke."

"Well I hope he hurries up. It's getting dark outside." Anko says worriedly.

"Ma ma now I'm sure your little boyfriend can take care of himself. He is a big boy." Kakashi saids trying to tease Anko only to have to dodge a snake that came flying at him

Everyone stopped when they could hear screaming and laughter coming from outside and they all went outside even the emo Inari. Only for the family and team 7 to drop their jaws at what they are seeing. It's Naruto flying, doing tricks and laughing at the girl on his back. He then flies down to the ground so they can go inside.

"N-naruto w-why would you do that if you were flying too fast." She then falls face first. Only to get up and chase the laughing blonde around trying to punch his lights out.

"Naruto-kun! The shout of a running Anko and fox coming snap them out of their fun.

"Hello Anko-chan, Kasumi-chan everyone, okay." He says getting a kiss from Anko and a lick from the fox.

"Eww she just put her lips on your Naruto." she says making a yuck face at what they were doing.

"It's called a kiss. You do it to people you love." He says to her with a grin. Everyone else is just watching them in confusion.

"You guys did see him flying around right." A pinkett said. Everyone nodes at that. Sasuke and Inari walk off to be emo to the sadness of the two girls.

Later we can find everyone at the dinner table finishing the dinner of cooked fish and rice thanks to all the fish Naruto caught. Naruto was sitting at the end of the table with Rukia in his lap and Kasumi on his head again. Anko to his left looking at him and Rukia with a blush think about how a good father Naruto would is at the other end of the table looking at naruto with a small smile with Inari next to him who has a scowl. Tsunami across from him who has a look in her eyes at seeing her son. Team 7 is on the other side of the table.

"Okay guys I have some important things to say about our mission." Kakashi says, closing his book looking at everyone. Zabuza is still alive, he did not die like we thought he did and that hunter ninja is helping him and he most likely taking a week to recover like me. Tazuna's family gasps along with team 7.

"Well good thing you guys called us or you would be in real trouble." Naruto says smirking, making sasuke angry."

"We don't need you dead last." Sasuke covers his mouth quickly. He then sees Naruto grinning evilly. "Don't worry dude I can't get you right now." Sasuke sighs until he looks to the left only to be kicked in the face by a shadow clone of Naruto which makes him and the fox start to laugh while everyone else holds in their laughter a little bit.

"Sasuke-kun are you okay?'' Sakura says going over to him to help him only to be pushed away.

"I don't need your help weakling." He walks upstairs. "I am going to bed."

"Well I think we all should go to bed as well." Naruto says picking up Rukia.

"Tsunami-chan, the dinner was great. Is there a place where we can sleep?" She blushes at what he said.

"Y-yes and thank you, allow me to show you where it is."

He follows her along with Anko and the fox which Kakashi eyes with a suspicious gaze wondering if it is what he thinks it is. Naruto places Rukia in the futon and walks away only to stop when she gets up and hugs him saying thank you. Naruto returns her hug with a smile. Naruto then walks out the room only to see anko smiling at him who gives him a smirk.

"You are like a father to that girl and I think she likes it, You do know that we are gonna have to leave this place right?" she tells him. He sighs at this."Yes I do know and I think I will ask to adopt her and come back with us to the leaf." But they don't know Rukia is listening to this and is crying tears of happiness and can't believe this. She then runs out and jumps on Naruto and laughs.

"Yes, I would love to be your daughter Papa." She says still crying which makes Naruto also cry with happiness.

"Okay my Daughter." Anko and Kasumi watch this with smiles on their faces.