
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs



"Anko-chan I said I was sorry can you please send you snakes away, you are not even supposed to be moving." Naruto replied wrapped up in snakes to the neck.

"No, You got me all wet and not the good kind you even messed up my favorite trench coat with your stuipd Storm Release circuit." The bandaged cover Anko says waving her hand childishly.

"Anko-chan if you release your snakes I'll take you out on a date to anywhere you like." In an instant all the snakes puff away in smoke and Anko can be seen smiling brightly. "You promise Naruto-kun."

"It's a promise of a lifetime." He says giving her a thumbs up.

"Well tomorrow when I get out of the hospital at 8pm I would like to go somewhere in the red light district where they all worship you even the yakuza." She says with a bright smile still on her face.

"Well do you have a specific place in mind that you would like to go." He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well can you get us into the raging fox? It's a new restaurant that just opened up. Speaking of fox, where is that fox you had during the test." She says looking around for it.

"Oh Her name is Kasumi and she is back at my apartment probably sleeping." He says with a laugh

Naruto apartment

We can see Kasumi in nothing but one of Naruto's big shirts and red socks sliding across the place singing with a makeshift microphone in her hand.

"He lick me like a lollipop."

"He lick me like a lollipop."

"He lick me like a lollipop."

"Shawty want a thug."

*I Don't own the song Lil Wayne does*

Back to Hospital

"Yea she can be really lazy sometimes." He said with a laugh

"But don't worry about that Anko-chan I'll go set everything up and get some more training in O you also have to go to the hokage meeting later so remember that." He then gets up and kisses her on the forehead getting a little blush from her then he goes to the window and flies off.

Anko can only sigh at her situation. "Man, I really think I am starting to fall in Love with plushie-kun."that makes her blush but then she remembers the hokage meeting. "I am going to lose so much face at that place when I tell them how he beat me." She says crying anime tears.

Streets of Konoha

Naruto has just landed from his flight and starts walking to the red light district getting the usual looks of hatred from the older adults while some ninjas give him nods of respect while the kids still stare at him in awe because he can fly while the girls eye him like a piece of meat.

A ball bounces in front of his path and 5 kids come to get it. "Hello kids did you lose this." He says kindly. The kids recognize him and all get stars in their eyes. A brown-haired girl walks up to him and asks. "Hey you're the guy who can fly, can you take us flying please." She says giving him the puppy dog eyes and quivering lips. "Oh man even the kids know this jutsu must look away but I can't." He then drops his head in defeat. "Fine but you need to ask your parents first." He tells them. They run off to their parents and ask.

"Kaa-chan can we go flying with that guy pweasee." The parents look at Naruto with hatred but decide to let it happen for their kids' sake. "Fine, But nothing better happen to our kids or you are gonna get it."Naruto only rolls his eyes at their weak KI. " Nothing will happen to your kids. I am a professional." He says with a grin. The kids run to him with bright smiles.

"Shadow clone jutsu." The blonde proclaimed. 4 shadow clones appear and pick the kids up on his back and then he blast off in the air and the only thing that can be heard are the laughing kids. This leaves everyone looking at the blonde in a new way they think they might have been wrong to him.

It's sunset and naruto can be seen in the red-light district going to the raging fox getting reservations for him and Anko. "N-naruto-sama what can we do for you here." One of the waiters asked bowing along with everyone else.

"I would like a reservation tomorrow night at 8pm for me and Anko mitarashi. Will that be okay." He asked, smiling at the respect he gets from the people. "O-ofcourse Naruto-sama will be all you need today."

"Yes it is." He says and then walks away. "Alright time to get some training done." He then sees 2 people in green spandex with bowls haircuts and bushy eyebrows. "Well these guys look like they need another partner." Without further to do he ran up next to them.


"DO YOU WISH TO BASK IN THE SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH WITH US." the younger one asks while they are all still running.

"What is Youth and springtime." Naruto asked, confused only to be surprised when they both stopped and looked at him in horror.

"Lee this an emergency we must help our fellow comrade understand the joys of youth.

"Yes guy-sensei." the now named lee says with fire in his eyes

"The springtime of youth is when you train to better yourself in any way possible. You put in the effort to accomplish any goal by blood sweat and tears. It's about drive it's about power put in the work and put in the hours." Might guy says with lee writing it all down in a notepad. Naruto then looks in understandment.

"Well can I join you on your youthful training? I want to really feel the burn today." The two look in shock before it turns to excitement, and they cry youthful tears. "OF COURSE YOU CAN!" They both shout.

"What is your name my youthful friend?" Guy asked with a thumbs up and sparkling teeth.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"Well Naruto-kun let's get to it by running 100 laps around the village and then 500 push-ups and then 500 sit-ups then climb the hokage monument with boulders on are back then we have a all out spar.

Naruto loses a little color at all the workouts only to be replaced with a grin because he is getting what he wanted.

Hokage tower

All the jonin sensei are in the hokage office waiting for one extra jonin so they can finally start the meeting. While waiting they often saw the trio of Guy, Lee, and Naruto running laps around the village and to everyone's shock he was keeping up with them and that is an achievement in itself because everyone knows how much stamina those two have. They even saw him flying with kids.

"Hokage-sama what is that boy made off not only his he working out with those two but he is flying kids around on his back. I can't even do that with my wind manipulation yeet." Asuma said slack jawed along with the other jonin except the slightly recovered Anko and healthy Kurenai.

"Sorry I was late, hokage-sama. I saw kids flying in the sky and stayed inside because I thought the world was ending." Said the one eyed man.

Only to be shocked when the old kage shot him with heavy KI that sent him on 1 knee and made everyone else nervous. "Listen here kakashi I let your lateness slide for too long now you are a grown man you need to grow up and get your shit together. When I call you I want to hear not whenever you feel like it. Do you understand me?"

"Y-y-yes hokage-sama." the kneeling jonin says. Then the KI vanished "Okay everyone we are here to see who passed and who didn't." The leader of teams 1-6 failed.

"Kakashi leader of team 7. Pass." Everyone is shocked

"Explain." said the old kage in an authoritative voice.

"Well Sasuke Uchiha is worthy of his title rookie of the year." This gains a snort from Anko and Kurenai.

"Anyways he shot a fire ball at me as a cover for Sakura haruno and the civilian ninja to flank me with weapons and try to snach the bells but it didn't work and I tied them up but because they worked together I passed them."

"Okay, that is good next team 8." Said the hokage looking at Kurenai.

"I gave my team a tracking test by telling them to find me. They worked together with Shino's bugs and Kiba's senses along with Hinata's bloodline to find me."

"Okay we have a future tracker team. Next team 10." The hokage looked at his son for his report.

"For my team I just told them they had to keep me still and they used perfect team work to keep me still for the 5 seconds."

"As to be expected those kids are basically siblings."

"Now Anko can you please tell me how you ended up in a hospital and are so injured." Said the hokage already having an idea.

"Well you see I kind of." She mumbled the last part with a blush and looked down.

"Anko, can you speak up? We didn't catch that last part." Said the smiling Kurenai at being able to tease her friend for once.

"I said I got beat up there, Are happy now." The blushing Anko said she couldn't believe what was happening to her thanks to that gaki.

"Anko are you telling me your student sent you to the hospital." said Kakashi with one wide eye.

"You guys didn't see him he found me and started to shoot wind blades along with water blades at me. Then when I though I could get away he used a jutsu called Storm Release circuit on me and 18 beams came from the 3 shadow clones and I was hit in the leg, arm, and shoulder." Said Anko trying to save face.

"But that's not all, when I tried to hit him from his blind spot he made arms of lighting come from his back and then tried to fry me on the spot.

"Wow, This kid is amazing. I see why you put him on a solo team nobody would be able to keep up with him." Said Asuma, a little jealous of the kid.

"Yea I just hope he doesn't end up like another Itachi or we will have to put him down." Said the serious Kakashi. That statement got different reactions from other people. The Jonin that still hates Naruto nodded in agreement, while the ones who like him send glares at the other occupants. While the hokage and Anko, Kurenai, send Ki to all of them, making them quiet.

"Kakashi watch what you say. I'll have you know as much of the things that have happened to him he is still willing to stay loyal to the village that does not deserve him." Said the angry hokage.

"S-sorry." The jonin puts his head down in shame.

"Now anko is there anymore you would like to give on what happened." asked the kage looking back at anko.

"Yes he knocked me out using Water Style water shockwave and it was like a massive wave the size of fully grown trees and he hit me with it and I was tossed around in the water and passed out."

"Wow I should give him the water exercise of the second hokage so he can push his water manipulation even further." Hiruzen thought to himself.

"Well everyone go home this meeting is over. Anko you go get some rest you look like you could use it." The hokage dismissed everyone.

Outside the jonin go their separate ways while some stick together like Anko, Kurenai, Kakashiand Asuma. Who look like they want to ask some questions. "How can I help you?'' Asuma asked Kurenai, looking at the nervous Asuma.

"Well I wanted to know If you want to go out on a date tomorrow." Kurenai was shocked at what he said because she too had feelings for him but the feelings where going away because she had noticed how sometimes he would look at her and it was not how Naruto would look at her with love and playfulness. That made her blush. Asuma sees this though she would say yes but is surprised when she shakes her head no.

"Sorry, Asuma I don't want to go on a date with you I don't see you that way. Said Kurenai giving him a weak smile. Anko pumps her fist slightly.

"Oh okay maybe some other time." He then Body flickers away leaving only Kakashi reading his orange book and the two women who are irritated at this.

"And what do you want." asked Anko, giving him a heated glare.

"Now there is no need to be like that. I just want to know if you can tell me more about your student." He says, giving her an eye smile.

"And why would I give up information on him like that." Anko said getting a little suspicious of the man along with Kurenai.

"Well information is key to a ninja and if you want to know more about him you are gonna have to ask him yourself because i will not be telling you." She says a little hostile.

"Fine." Is all he said then he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Well now that he is gone Nai-chan I am going on a date with Naruto-kun." she says, jumping in the surprised Kurenai's arms.

"W-what a date when." Asked Kurenai with wide eyes.

"Tomorrow, It's gonna be perfect because it's gonna be in the red light district and that place loves him."

"Oh I see I hope you have fun she says trying to walk away to not show Anko how sad she is.

"Look Kurenai just stop fighting it and admit that you like him and then you can also go on a date with him I don't mind sharing with you." Anko says, pulling her back causing Kurenai to blush at what she said.

"R-really you would do that for me." Said the red faced Kurenai.

"Of Course I would write Naruto-kun." Anko said causing Kurenai to turn around to look for her Naruto-kun only to hear the laughing Anko on the ground holding her stomach laughing at her.

"Oh, so you think this is funny well I got something for you." Kurenai says going through hand signs that make Anko take off running with Kurenai chasing her.

Next morning

We can see naruto running morning laps around the village in black ninja sandals and black anbu pants with no shirt causing all the girls he passes to stare at his body that is dripping with sweat. Next to him his his teacher Anko running with him in similar appearance except she has on a black sport bar causing her chest to bounce everytime she runs.

"Okay Anko-sensei we have 50 more laps and that 100 think you can keep up I am going to be moving at jonin speeds now." He says challenging, causing her to smirk at him.

"Naruto-kun I was doing this before you were even walking the question is can you keep up with me." She says and takes off at jonin speeds only becoming a purple blur to those who can't keep up with her only to be passed by a golden blur that sounded like it was laughing.

"GET BACK HERE GAKI!" is what she said before speeding up. They are neck and neck but are joined by others like Might guy with his famous smile and his copy Rock lee with the same smile.


The green duo then pulls ahead of Naruto and Anko who smirk at the challenge before passing the 2. Loser has to do 50 more laps, Naruto says before blasting off laughing.

The green duo gets fire in their eyes and dash off after them, "Naruto-kun my eternal rival I shall not lose." Said Lee with fire

"Way to go Lee lets gooooo!"

The ninja can barely see the people running through the village; only the jonin can see them.

"It's the last lap Anko-sensei hold on and we got this victory,'' said the sweet covered Naruto looking back at the panting Anko. "Don't worry about me, just keep going,'' she says. Barely being able to keep up with her student.

"No we finish this together" he says picking her up and putting her over his shoulder getting a smack to the head. "At least warn me next time you ass." she says to him. This caused the blonde to chuckle.

"And you have a nice ass." he says giving it a smack causing her to blush. "Just run you perv."

In the back might guy picks up Rock lee because he can not keep up anymore. "Lee Naruto-kun is right we finish together he says speeding up and is right next to Naruto now. The two racers are neck and neck and can see the finish line with a small crowd cheering them on.

The two are about to cross the line and time slows down watching the two pass and they are neck and neck. They two pass the line and collapse, breathing hard out of breath. The 2 sit up to look at the other ninja to ask who won.

"It was a tie,'' said one Genma with a senbon in his mouth.

"Good race Guy-sensei. We really bathed in the springtime of youth this morning." said the smiling blonde

"Yes Naruto-kun we will have a rematch.

Naruto then gets up with Anko still on his shoulder and starts to walk off to the house of Anko who had passed out due to how tired she was. "Okay goodbye guys I'll see you around." he says waving his hand.

Later that day

"Okay Anko no need to be nervous it's just you and Naruto-kun going out on a date you two hang out all the time." Said Yuago Uzuki one Anko's closest friends.

"Yea, I can always see you two having a good time around the village." Said Hana Inuzuka, another one of Ankos' closest friends.

"You look fine Anko, that dress suits you perfectly." Said kurenai

Anko can be seen in a purple dress that goes down to her ankles with a high split on her left leg giving her legs room to move and show. It is held up by 2 straps that lay on her shoulders, she has her hair down to her shoulders and hangs over her breast that are visible due to the slit in the chest area.

" Are you sure maybe I should." She is cut off when a knock sounds at her door. All the girls quiet down and they push Anko to the door to open it. When she opens the door they all see Naruto in a white button up with a orange tie and plack slacks along with black dress shoes that Kasumi picked out for him.

"Wow Anko-chan you look beautiful I think I can die in peace now." He said, giving her a warm smile. This makes all the girls blush hard.

"T-thank you N-naruto-kun you look really handsome as well. He grabs her hand and kisses it making her blush more. "Shall we go hime."

"I want her back by 10 mister and keep your hands to yourself." Kurenai says yelling at him only to be ignored when naruto puts his hands on Anko butt causing the girls to giggle at the red face kurenai.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him one day."

"Well do it after I can get a shot at him." Said Hana With a small blush on her face.

The two girls whip their heads to her in surprise. "Hana-chan would you really date him." asked Yugao.

"Yes, I can just sense it coming off him he is alpha male and there is no doubt about it and not like my stupid brother who thinks he is just an alpha and everyone should submit to him." She says a little heated.

On the streets the two turn heads when they walk and they can't help but smile at the shocked faces everyone has at seeing them. When they make it to the restaurant the 2 are escorted 2 the roof where it is just the two of them alone and they conversate and get to know a little bit more about each other while laughing and smiling the whole time while blushing at the teasing the 2 did towards each other.

"Well, Anko-chan this has been a great night and I hope we can do this some other time." He says holding her hand walking up to her house in the forest of death.

"Yes Naruto Kun I've had a really good time tonight but you should take Kurenai-chan she also would like one but won't say it." Anko says with her head on Naruto's shoulder just enjoying being right next to him.

"We are here and just in time before anything bad could have happened to me." They both chuckle at that. The two just look at each other lovingly before gradually getting closer to each other until their lips meet for a kiss and Naruto pulls Anko closer to him while grabbing her by the waste making her gasp and takes advantage by shoving his tongue in her mouth showing who is in control why moving his hands to the slit in her dress giving her nice thighs slow rubs. The two are interrupted when they hear a thud and can see 3 girls on the floor with major nosebleeds.

"Well good night Anko-chan." He says giving her one more kiss goodbye before he turns around and disappears in a water body flicker. Anko sighs happily and turns around and skips to her bedroom with a goofy smile on her face.

When Naruto gets home he can see a tuft of orange hair in his bed sleeping peacefully he strips to just a tank top and boxers and gets in bed next to her and she rolls over on top of him whispering Naruto-kun in her sleep. He kisses her forehead making her smile in her sleep.

"Goodnight, Kasumi-chan." He then falls asleep with a smile on his face.

2 months later

It's been 2 months since Naruto had been put on a team with Anko. Speaking of Anko, she had never been so happy in her life. Even the villagers that would always insult her could not bring her down, her relationship with Naruto had been going perfect. They would train

Together and because of that she had also gotten a little stronger she could not beat Asuma who used to be a guard for the fire daimyo.

Naruto just seemed to get even stronger when he went to go ask for water scrolls from the hokage and the deals he got out of that was just amazing.


"Hey old man, I need you to help me with something." Naruto says to the hokage behind the desk filling out paperwork.

"What would you need my help with Naruto-kun?" Asked the old man with a raised eyebrow at the trench coat wearing blonde.

"I wanted to know if you have any water exercise, I could do so I can become better at water jutsu."

"Well, I do but why would I give it to you who is only a genin?" The hokage said with an amused smirk.

"Oh, so that's how we are gonna play it." Naruto then walks around the office eyeing the old man until he goes over to the picture of Tobirama and eyed it for a second.

"You know, old man I really admire the second he is my favorite hokage. He has done so much he set the village on a good track after the death of the first." If I were a hokage I would like to be just like him but more badass." He says grinning.

"Hey, I know he has some water scrolls let me have those, I would also like to get armor like his. I think It is really badass and it would totally look dope on me."

"Well, I do but what can I get out of this deal If i hand it over."

"Well, I can give you the secret to beating paperwork." As soon as he said that the old hokage was on his knees begging him to tell him.

"Naruto-kun please tell me and I will give you anything." The man shakes Naruto violently.

"Okay okay I would like all his scrolls and armor to be made just like his but take the fur off the collar."

"Deal." The hokage said quickly now tell me how to beat it.

"Okay shadow clones." The blonde said to the wide eyed hokage.

Without further notice Hiruzen walks to the picture of the second and moves the picture and slides some blood onto the safe behind it. He then pulls out everything and seals it into a bigger scroll and hands it to Naruto who is smiling.

"I'll have your armor ready as soon as possible. Now leave me I have paper to finally defeat."

Flashback over

Anko-sensei what do you think the old man needs us for if he sent kitty-chan after us." He asked his sensei who giggled at what he called the cat anbu.

"I don't know but I was gonna give us a c-rank mission today anyways so let's see what he wants."

"That's great, let's go." He says picking her up and flying to the hokage office.

Hokage office

They appear in a pillar of water in front of the hokage who has a serious face.

"Team 11 ready for action." Anko says.

"I have a mission for you guys it is an A-ranked mission to help back up team 7 who have requested backup in wave. They ran into Zabuza and the demon brothers but those 2 have been dealt with by the genin team. But they say Zabuza has another ninja with him and I want you guys to go and help him." He says in a serious tone.

"Yes Lord old man."

"Yes hokage-sama."

The old man can't help but shake his head at Naruto.

Naruto-kun your special order has been finished and It is ready for battle." He said smiling at the blonde throwing a scroll with it inside.

"Alright, I can test it out on this mission as well." He unseals the armor and can't help but grin at it. It blue battle armor similar to that of the second hokage.

"Thank you old man we will leave right away but first Kitty-chan can I get a good luck hug." he says looking up at the ceiling only for a purple haired anbu to drop from it and walk up to him.

"I told you to stop calling me that I am a grown woman not some kitten." She says walking into his open arms. Two had got close over the 2 months and would often have sword duels and she was surprised at how good he was and she recognized his style and instantly wanted to test it but she could never beat him.

"Aww don't be like that kitten you know you're going to miss me." He moved his hands to her ass and grabbed a handful.

"Eep." Was the sound she made and if it were not for the mask everyone would see how red faced she was. She then pulled out her sword and tried to cut him but he grabbed Anko and disappeared while everyone laughed at her.

Gates of Konoha

"All right Naruto-kun you have everything." she said checking her pack.

"Yup, Me and Kasumi-chan are ready to take on this mission." Naruto said in his blue armor with Kasumi around his shoulder making a fur collar.

"Alright let's goooo!" She shouted and jumped off in the forest,. A paw smacked the top of his head.

"Lets go already she is going to leave us behind."

"Okay jeez you're so bossy." He then follows after her jumping next to her through the trees at jonin speeds.