
Naruto: Son of Abyss

Ashriel has been reincarnated into the world of Naruto .As civilizations crumble and new ones rise under the weight of his unseen hand, only the bravest souls dare to confront the whispers of his power. In a world of ninjas and gods, a new force has entered the fray. He is ready to escape his fate and shatter the schemes of gods and demons. To guard him, his faithful servants will lay down their lives. "Uchiha Bob is a thing of the past. Now, it is Otsutsuki Spongebob." - Otsutsuki Bob "For my master and friend, I am Patrick. To his enemies, I am the hellhound ready to drag them to the bottom of hell." - Patrick "Ice and music, what a beautiful combination." - Squidward This Is massive Au with many foreign elements

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4 Chs

Chapter-2 Beachburg

"Ha," a young man rubbed his temples as he woke up.

"Master," a light immediately condensed above Ashriel and hugged him.

"SpongeBob?" said Ashriel, looking at SpongeBob, who resembled his cartoonish counterpart—still a small, yellow sponge.

"What is it, Master?" asked SpongeBob, sensing Ashriel's curiosity.

"You are small."

"Is that so," said SpongeBob, opening his arms as his body buffed up, muscles bulging to an exaggerated degree.

"Crack!" Even the bed groaned under the weight of Bob's immense form.

"Ahhh..." Ashriel started to suffocate as SpongeBob sat on his chest.

"Idiot," yelled someone as he punched SpongeBob down. It was Squidward.

"Master, for your recovery, may I play a tune?" said Squidward, holding up his flute.

"NO!" yelled a pink starfish, aka Patrick, as he grabbed the flute from Squidward, causing a fight.

"Are they really admirals?" Ashriel thought.

It was because Ashriel was their master that they acted so freely. If it were someone else, they would be well-mannered.

"You three, what is the current situation of the sea?" asked Ashriel with a smile.

"Yeah, about that," said SpongeBob.

"The sea clans have become more agitated," continued Patrick.

"We think it's because of Oceanus," finished Squidward.

"Oceanus?" asked Ashriel out loud.

"Yeah, the Titan of the Sea," said SpongeBob seriously, though he looked more comical than serious.

"I see," said Ashriel. "What about the eastern continent?" he asked.

"Master, while you were asleep, I briefly visited the eastern continent. According to the news, the humans just had a war among themselves," said SpongeBob.

"I see.......," said Ashriel.

"Growl." Ashriel's stomach growled, making the tense atmosphere vanish.

"Yeah, you were sleeping for two days, so you must be hungry," said SpongeBob with a smile hj

While walking to the dining room, Ashriel looked outside.

"An entire city inside the sea," thought Ashriel. Even though he had created it, it was still a spectacle to watch. He noticed the large air bubble covering the town, providing a clear, protective dome that kept the city dry and safe.

As they walked through the city, vibrant marine life swam gracefully around the bubble. Various sea creatures, from small fish to majestic whales, moved about, some even stopping to peer curiously at the inhabitants of Beechburg.

Ashriel's admirals followed closely, their unique appearances drawing the attention of the townsfolk, who greeted them with respect and admiration. The bustling streets were filled with vendors selling exotic sea foods, craftsmen creating intricate works from coral and shells, and children playing games that involved swimming and diving.

When they reached the dining room, a large table was set with an array of dishes, showcasing the bounty of the sea. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward took their seats, and Ashriel joined them.

As they began to eat, Ashriel looked around at his admirals. Despite their playful demeanor, he knew they were powerful and loyal. He trusted them with his life.

"SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward," Ashriel said, getting their attention. "We need to prepare for war."

The three nodded in agreement, their expressions turning serious.

"We'll start by gathering intelligence and strengthening our defenses," Ashriel continued. "Patrick, I want you to oversee the training of our soldiers. Squidward, you'll handle fortifications and defensive measures. SpongeBob, you'll be in charge of reconnaissance and gathering information."

"Understood, Master," they replied in unison.

"This is my army, and it is my duty to take care of them," thought Ashriel, determined to double his training.

"Um, SpongeBob, how did you get me to Beechburg?" he asked.

"Master, after the thunder struck you, I immediately rushed over. Seeing that you had been knocked out, I created an air bubble big enough to transport you from land to here," SpongeBob explained.

"Hmm," Ashriel nodded as he ate the octopus stew prepared by Squidward. Wasn't this cannibalism?

"DING DING DING!" A loud alarm went off in Beechburg, causing the residents to panic and rush towards their homes.

"Evacuate, soldiers. We will take care of this," SpongeBob said seriously. The soldiers nodded and moved to carry out the evacuation.

"Sorry, Master, but it seems your breakfast was interrupted," said Patrick with an apologetic look before rushing towards the border of Beechburg.

"After this, I will definitely play a song for you," said Squidward, disappearing with SpongeBob.

Ashriel stood up, his mind already focused on the impending threat. "Let's go," he said to himself, ready to defend Beechburg and its inhabitants.

Chains started to form around Ashriel as he walked toward the barrier.

" I am a king" thought Ashriel, walking in slow motion. Then, with a sudden pop, the giant air bubble covering Beechburg burst.

"Pour," the water started rushing inside rapidly. Within a second, a quarter of Beechburg was already submerged.

"ICE AGE!" A voice resounded through Beechburg as the water began to freeze. Unfortunately, civilians who touched the water also started to freeze.

"Rattle." Ashriel's chains started to dance, destroying the ice that had caught the civilians.

"Now then, let's make a cool entrance," he thought