
Naruto : Sensual Adventures

let's do this shit huh, MC gets transmigrated into the world of Naruto. Now, he fucks arounds and find out how to get strong Expect the unexpected. Tags : Naruto Small Harem Smut R-18 Action Rich MC Advise : hold your undies tight.

Imperial_Writer · Komik
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35 Chs

World Info, Power Levels And More.

MC Description : MC is Almost 18 years old, but unlike his age, he looks fully mature. He is 6 ft 2 inches tall (4-5 inches taller than average ninja)

Has developed a muscular body in short amount of time due to Ninja biology and anime logic. He has black hair which are quite long but not long long. His eyes are a bit grayish, looks like ash in color. Overall quite handsome.

Image for reference (Ignore the sword)

Power levels :

Low Genin

Mid Genin

Elite Genin

Low Chunin

Mid Chunin

Elite chunin

Low Jonin = Special Jonin

Mid Jonin

Elite Jonin = Normal Clan heads

S-Rank = large Clan Heads = Seven Ninja Swordsmen = Akatsuki members

Low Kage = Old Hiruzen, Sage Mode Jiraya, Mangekyo Sharingan users, stronger Akatsuki members like Kisame, Tsunade

Mid Kage = Peak Onoki, Pain, Peak Hanzo of the Salamander.

Elite Kage = Peak Hiruzen, Third Raikage.

Peak Kage = Tobirama Senju

Super Kage = Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha

Skill Levels :

Beginner : Just started learning the technique.

Adept : Has a good grasp of the fundamentals of the technique and can use it normally.

Expert : Has complete grasp of the technique and can use it efficiently

Master : Can use it however the user wants and can manipulate it, like making it bigger, smaller, more powerful, and many more, they can tinker around with it and can incorporate it into different techniques all together. They have completely mastered the use of technique.

Ranks of Jutsus :

E-Rank : Usually learned by Academy students, are introductory jutsus.

D-Rank : Slightly more powerful and versatile use of E-rank jutsus, can be used to kill normal animal (small to medium game)

C-Rank : Can only be learned when one possesses genin level chakra, these are specialised jutsus that can help evade or even damage chunin level ninjas. Learning atleast five is basic requirement for promotion to Chunin. These jutsus can be learned through jonin teacher or through rewards of C rank Missions.

B-Rank : These jutsus are quite devastating, need to have chunin level chakra reserves to use them, can kill chunins easily if it hits them, can cause damage to Jonins. Only way to learn them is through gaining permission from Ninja council of your village or getting it from your clan.

Average chunin can only use these 4-6 times on full chakra.

A-Rank : These jutsus are dedicated Killers, used to fight against Jonin and above level. One needs Jonin level reserves to use these. Can kill Jonins if it hits them directly. Only way of learning them is either getting it from your kage or your clan head. Average Jonin can only use them 3-5 times on full chakra capacity.

S-Rank : These are trump card jutsus, can one shot S-Rank individuals if it hits them directly. If used by jonins, will completely dry them of chakra. S-rank individuals can only use it twice or thrice without facing backlash. These techniques usually have repercussions on the user, hence, are used only when in life or death matters. Only available to extremely meritorious Jonins, Clan heads and thr Hokage.

World Info :

The world almost the same size of earth, but only 50% of the surface is covered with water.

Land is more of less in shape of one continous mass.

There are many inland seas and water bodies large as oceans.

The total majority of the land is divided into 7 large nations or could be said geographic continents.

On the north pole it is the land of the snow while on the south pole it's the land of Iron.

Land of Fire lies in the middle of the mainland, covering a lot of fertile lands and natural resources.

Land of Fire is surrounded by many small nations such as land of Tea, Cotton, Hotsprings, Rain, Tall Grass, Volanoes, deadly forests and many more, these lands act as the primary buffer between land of fire and land of wind, land of Rocks and land of Lightning.

Land of Lightning basically consists of mountains, hundreds of thousands of them, tallest among which is the range of tall mountain, the place where the Kumogakure is hidden.

Thunderclouds, Thunderstorms and Lightning as daily occurrences, altough rich in metal and wood resources, lacks in cultivable land.

Land of Earth, or the Earth Nation, Geography mainly consists of Plateaus and very small mountains.

Land there is mostly rocky, rich is metal resources, but lacks in arable land to cultivate food.

Hosts the Village Hidden in the Rocks.

Land of Wind, Wind Nation. Mostly desert areas with a few cities few and far between natural large water bodies and oasis.

Is home to the Sunagakure.

And the last is the Land of Water.

Calling it the land of islands would be more appropriate, consists of hundreds of thousands of small to big islands.

The main island cluster is thousands of miles of the coast of mainland, makes reaching it extremely difficult, same to navigate out of it towards the mainland.

All lands are home beast known as chakra beasts.

They are animals that have gained the means of getting strong by using chakra.

They are usually mindless beasts untill They originate from a special species of chakra beasts or have gained intelligence through coming in contact with nature chakra.

Altough said to be mindless, these beasts are exceptionally strong and possess crazy Abilities and wold instincts, weakest of them are able to kill of a low chunin easily.

They aren't common but could be seen residing in their natural habitats quite often.

Strongest of these beasts can reach the S rank level in combat power.

And those that have gained power of nature chakra and have got rid of their animalistic side to gain intelligence, usually form a clan that forms a symbiotic relationship with ninjas with use of summoning so that their species continue to prosper.

A/N : This chapter was long due, so here it is, you are open to ask any questions and are entitled to your wrong opinions. Now, Give me them Power stones