
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 014

"Hinata," a voice called out to her. Hinata turned and was surprised to see Sasuke of all people approaching her.

"Yes," Hinata asked respectfully.

"I have a question I would like to ask you," Sasuke said, "What's so special about Naruto that makes him worth your time and attention?"

"What do you mean," Hinata asked meekly.

"You clearly like to be around him," Sasuke said, "Why do you wish to focus your time on the class clown who constantly gets himself into trouble with everyone?"

Hinata found that situation rather ironic considering what happening their their lunch break.

"Naruto-kun isn't a bad person Sasuke," Hinata defended, "It's just his nature to give people something to laugh at."

"Even if it's at his own expense in terms of his reputation," Sasuke asked skeptically, "He has the lowest grades in class and he hardly pays attention in class. Wouldn't you want to be with someone of a more reputable standing with his peers and grown-ups?"

It was no secret to Hinata that many in Konoha didn't like Naruto for reason she couldn't understand. When she had asked the grown-ups why, the reasons she got from them did everything but give her a legitimate explanation. It was among the reasons why she would choose to ignore those who would tell her to stay away from Naruto like how many of the peers of her age group would.

"Naruto-kun has potential for great things," Hinata said, "He just needs…a chance and for people to believe in him. And Naruto-kun believes in me too. He thinks I'm strong a-and have potential de-despite my weaknesses. And those are the things tha… that keep me going and trying my best to always improve. I'm sure if I believe in his words, I'll see improvements in myself for sure."

"But it's rather hypocritical of the dobe to say all those things to you and yet he made little improvements in himself and his abilities," Sasuke replied.

"Naruto-kun isn't hypocritical," Hinata defended, "The fact that he…keeps trying despite his difficulties makes me believe in…the things he tells me. No one else shows confidence in me, not even members of my…own fa-family. But…Naruto-kun said it himself that…I'm strong and that I'm-"

Hinata blushed as remembering Naruto's words about her:

"You're a pretty girl with beautiful hair as serene and lavender as midnight with lovely eyes as full and illustrious as the brightest of moons."

Sasuke's head tilted as he looked at Hinata questionably when her face turned hot red after she stopped talking for a moment.

What is she thinking about, Sasuke wondered, "Hey Hinata!"

Hinata snapped out of it with the blush slowly dying down off her face.

"Your face turned all red for a moment," Sasuke said, "What were you thinking about?"

"Oh-uh," Hinata stuttered, "Nothing. Anyway, at heart, Naruto-kun is a good person and I know he'll surpass everyone who thinks little of him. That's all I have to say for you to know."

Sasuke's skeptic-looking face changed when he shot a grin at Hinata, but that grin wasn't one of cockiness but rather one of admiration.

"You're different from the other girls in class Hinata," Sasuke complimented.

"How so," Hinata said, "I'm sure there isn't much of a difference."

"There is," Sasuke interjected, "And all the things you said just now proved that. You're not shallow and petty like the rest of those girls. They disgust me. But you're the kind of girl I respect and admire. You stand out from the rest of them."

"Um…Thank you I guess," Hinata replied as she tapped her two fingers together over and over again. Sasuke moved a little closer to Hinata.

"Tomorrow," Sasuke said, "How about you-"


Sasuke and Hinata turned to see Naruto making his over to them.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled and greeted.

"Hinata," Naruto said with a toothy smiled, "I just remembered that I have a "buy one get another large bowl of beef ramen free" coupon from Ichiraku and I wanted to know if you'll join me."

Hinata's face turned just as red as before.

It's almost like he's asking me out on a date, Hinata thought to herself excitedly.

"How about it Hinata," Naruto said, "Will you join me?"

Fighting the feeling to faint, Hinata mustered up her courage and replied, "Ye-Ye-Yes!"

"Sweet," Naruto said as she took the blushing Hinata by the hand and led her away, "Then let's go!"

Sasuke watched as Naruto led Hinata away from him as they started on their way to Ichiraku.

She's truly different from Sakura and the other girls, Sasuke thought, Whatever weakness she says she has I doubt the dobe can offer her any real help other than offering her smooth and soothing words of comfort. What she needs is a strong and confident male figure beside her.

Sasuke turned and walked off in the opposite direction. As he did so, Naruto turned to see Sasuke leaving and walking away from them. Almost as if it was sensed, Sasuke turned back to look straight at Naruto face to face. The Uchiha shot Naruto a smirk before Naruto returned it with a small sneer, as though he was reading Sasuke's thoughts and intentions.

"Is everything O-OK Naruto-kun," Hinata asked with concern seeing the looking on Naruto's face. Turning away from Sasuke, turned back to Hinata.

"I'm OK," Naruto assured, "Just making sure that Sasuke-teme isn't causing us trouble."

"You don't have to worry about him," Hinata now assured, "He was just asking me a few questions about you, that's all."

"As if he doesn't know enough about me," Naruto remarked.

"He doesn't kn-know you…at all," Hinata replied, "Ironically he came asking me the same questions you asked him and the girls around him earlier during lunch period. After hearing me out, he said that I'm different from the other girls in class and that he respects me for that."

"Really now," Naruto remarked skeptically, "The haughty Sasuke who thinks everyone else is beneath him says he respects you? That's surprising considering his selfish undisciplined arrogance."

During their walk, Hinata noticed that Naruto never released his hold on her hand. It almost felt as though she were on a date with him considering that he as treating her out to eat, even if it was ramen at his favorite ramen stand. As she was walking with Naruto, something came to mind.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked, "What was in that paper you were writing in while we were in class? You really seemed to be really into whatever it was you were writing down into that paper. Even after class you looked like you were still working on what you were putting down on that piece of paper. Was it something of importance?"

"Oh…that," Naruto said as he released Hinata's hand and reached into his pocket to retrieve the folded paper. He opened the paper and showed it to Hinata. Her eyes widened upon seeing what it was that Naruto was putting onto that paper.

"Do you like the picture I drew," Naruto asked with a large toothy smile.





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