
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 015

The colored drawing Hinata was looking at was a picture of her as a meadows spring rabbit peacefully grazing on berries on a clear beautiful sunny day with Naruto as a sly and playful fox leaping from the bushes about to pounce on her from behind.

"I think it best describes us," Naruto remarked.

"I have to agree," Hinata giggled, "Can I have this picture?"

"It was meant to be a present for you in the first place Hinata," Naruto said.

"Thank you," Hinata said as she folded the paper back and placed it into her pocket. It would be among the special items from Naruto that she would always treasure.

"I'm happy you like it," Naruto said, "I got more out of it than Iruka-sensei's ever so boring lectures and history lessons."

Naruto went and took Hinata's hand again as they continued on their way to Ichiraku. She smiled feeling Naruto's hand in hers again.

"You're different from the other girls in class Hinata…"

Sasuke's words came back to her mind all of the sudden.

"You're the kind of girl I respect. You stand out from the rest of them…Tomorrow, how about you-"


(Eight Months Later)

Hinata was sitting on a couch in Naruto's apartment. She arrived at his front door not an hour ago after Naruto got through cleaning and making sure everything was spick and span, and putting everything away before her arrival. When she saw how dirty his place was the first time she came by, she helped him clean, sweep and mop his apartment and asked if he would keep it that way especially when she came by. She told him that it would make her feel more comfortable being in his apartment when it was kept clean and smelling fresh. And Naruto, wanting to please his only female friend, made sure to always keep his apartment clean despite the slums his home was located.

Hinata sat on the couch patiently after being invited by Naruto to come by for something he wanted to show her.

"So Naruto-kun," Hinata asked, "What was it you wanted to show me?"

"I'll show you," Naruto said, "But not here."

Before Hinata could reply, Naruto grabbed and scooted her into his arms, carrying her bridal style.

"Naruto-kun!," Hinata said with a heavy blush on her face. With a small whirl of wind Naruto teleported from his apartment with Hinata and into a more isolated section of the forest.

"Shuushin No Jutsu," Naruto grinned, "I finally got the hang of this jutsu. I can execute Shuushin perfectly now."

"That's great Naruto-kun," Hinata congratulated.

"But that's not what I wanted to show you," Naruto said as he set Hinata down on her barefeet since she left her sandals back at his apartment when she took them off at his front door. Naruto too was barefooted and standing on the cool grass and dirt.

"Then what was it," Hinata asked. Grinning, Naruto took a few steps back and removed his black T-shirt, leaving him bare chested in only his pants. This wasn't the first time Hinata seen Naruto without his shirt on since there were occasions Naruto sparred with Hinata secretly without wearing his shirt.

Putting his hands together, Naruto formed a complex hand seal and focused chakra into his body. A few short moments later, Hinata saw intricate glowing seal writings appear all over Naruto's body from the crown on his head to the sole of his feet. At the center of his forehead, shoulders, back, the top of his hands, the center of his chest and the top of his feet each had a spiral design with small complex writings around them.

"What are those seal writings all over your body Naruto-kun," Hinata asked with an amazed and curious expression.

"After three grueling months," Naruto said, "I finally perfected my Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin."

"Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin," Hinata repeated.

"That's right," Naruto confirmed, "They're special seals that increases the gravity force exerted on my body and restrain my chakra reserves as they grow bigger. They're far more advanced and more effective than wearing weights on your body and I can adjust the amount of gravity exerted on me. This also helps to strengthen and increase and control my speed and chakra output."

"That's wonderful Naruto-kun," Hinata cheered, "I'm so happy for you."

Hinata was very well aware of Naruto's awakening knowing seals and other complex jutsus. It was only a few of months ago when Naruto decided to let her in on his unexplainable changes and improvements and how he had been training himself alone to advance in whatever new information awakened inside his mind. Hinata had sworn to secrecy to never reveal what Naruto shared with her. She even went as far as to cut her palm and swear a blood oath in front of him as proof of her promise.

"These seals will require a great deal of getting used to as it restricts my movement with the added effort needed to even lift regular objects," Naruto said, "But in time, my body will adjust with each level difficulty increase."

"How were you able to write those seals on your body," Hinata asked.

"Actually," Naruto explained, "These seals activate and spread all around my body from a central point, in the center of my chest, right in the area where my heart is located. But only a seal master could write and apply the Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin to either oneself or another person."

"I see," Hinata said.

"So," Naruto asked. Hinata looked at him with a confused look, "So what?"

"How about it," Naruto asked.

"How about what," Hinata asked.

"How about I give you these seals," Naruto offered, "It'll be a great asset for you."

"You want to give me the Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin," Hinata asked.

"That's right," Naruto said as the reached into his pants pocket and retrieve an ink bottle and ink brush, "I don't want you slowly getting stronger and faster. With these two seals, your strength, speed and chakra control and reserves will great increase faster than it would have through regular training."

"Do you really believe I can handle such seals," Hinata asked.

"Without a doubt," Naruto smiled, "I want you to have what it takes to advance underneath everyone's nose."

"What do you mean," Hinata asked with a confused expression.

"No one can be aware of your true improvements," Naruto explained, "I want you to act as though you're still a weak disappointment in everyone's eyes."

"But why," Hinata asked with a bit of a saddened tone, "It's hard enough that father thinks more highly of Hanabi than of me as someone with promising potential. Why must I hide whatever improvements I make from him and everyone else?"

"We're training to become ninjas, right," Naruto asked.

"Y-Yes," Hinata nodded.

"And isn't deception one of the major arts ninjas used as one of their primary weapons," Naruto asked.

"It is," Hinata agreed.

"That's why I hide my true abilities from everyone else but you of course," Naruto explained, "I play the part of the goofy, troublemaking prankster and dead last of our class. In all this, Sasuke, having the top grades in everything in our class, is viewed by everyone as the one with the most promising potential to become the strongest of all of us. He draws all the attention away from me."

"But isn't that what we want to aspire to Naruto-kun," Hinata asked, "To become stronger and surpass our limitations? Didn't you say that your dream is to become Hokage?"

"It is," Naruto said, "Among other things. But to reveal our true power and abilities too earlier on in our development and demonstrating in front of everyone what we can truly do like how Sasuke does is dangerous. Keep in mind Hinata-chan that not everyone in Konoha is our friend. We can never know who's an ally or spy until it's too late and by then they might already gained a lot of information on us and our abilities. And through this, they can develop ways to counter us and relay this to whatever enemies we have."

"It almost sounds like you're using Sasuke as your personal decoy," Hinata remarked, "Not that I think you are."





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