
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

6...Black market and Deals

Naruto (in henge): I need test tubes ,microscope , 20 large glass tanks , preserving fluids , 10 glass containers , healing chamber , nutrient solutions, tools used for operation and a few other medical equipments .

shopkeeper : hehehe yes of course sir ,but you need to keep in mind that nothing you buy here is refundable.

Naruto : yes I know, now quick show it to me ,I don't have all day here.

shopkeeper :Sir this is all that you asked for but we don't have nutrient solutions in large amounts , would you like to place an order for that ,we can also negotiate the price.

Naruto : (I began to check all the equipments. They were definitely not new ,most likely stolen from some hospital, but they were in good condition.) Yes I would like to place the order for it and I will purchase these right now .

shopkeeper: That would be 16 million yen sir . Would you like to pay in cash or kind , we even accept valuable metals and jutsu scrolls as payment .

Naruto: I will pay in cash .

Naruto POV

I paid the amount to shopkeeper and sealed all the things in a sealing scroll. After that I moved towards the bounty hunter side . Rather than being a number of stores there was just a single guild like building for it . I went inside and moved towards an attendant at one of the counters.

Naruto: I am here to buy the bodies of kekke genkai user ninjas .

attendant : yes sir we have bodies of yuuki clan of ice release and the body of a member of explosion corps for explosion release .We also have the body of a Kaguya clan member but it lacks the famed bone release kekke genkai .

Naruto: I would like to buy all three of them .

attendant: Very well sir it would be 33 million ryo.

Naruto POV

I paid the attendant and sealed the bodies in three different scrolls . I quickly left the area and returned home and directly went inside the basement. After that I cleared a good portion of it and arranged all my equipment there .

I took out the three bodies and put them in the glass tanks with preservative fluids . I at least need a 2 years before I begin any sort of experiments on my body . I also need large amounts of literature on medical research in this world and a few deals with Orochimaru.

I then left the basement and went to sleep.

Next morning I woke up did basic morning exercise, had my breakfast and then went inside the basement.

After that I sat on the table and took a scroll and began to write important details of my plan and the special events of the future that I can exploit . I decided to write it in Hindi , which I had learned during my school years to keep my knowledge protected from our lovely decoder Kabuto.

'I have decided to take the mangekyo from kakashi and shisui and if fugaku has it then from him as well. I also need three pairs of normal sharingan and 1 pair each of 1 tomoe, 2 tomoe and 3 tomoe sharingan . I will try collect even more of them if possible from the bumper sale called the uchiha massacre, because who doesn't want an extra izanagi and izanami . I will also kidnap two hyugas for the byakugan because killing them would destroy it .

I need hashirama cells which I can get from Orochimaru or from Danzo's arm. I will also have to either attack suigetsu, jugo and kimimaro to get their cell samples or ask Orochimaru for it .

I have planned to make bloodline serum just like the super soldier serum. Using it would make my work a lot easier compared from trying to integrate all the cells in a single body without causing drawback.

I will extract sasuke's chakra, just in case if it is needed for awakening my rinnegan . I also need to find a way to completely remove ashura's chakra from my body .

I decided to take take kakashi 's eye because of kamui and if it is too difficult I would kill him and take it .Shisui would die next year and I don't think I would be able to take his eye with Danzo, root and itachi being there. So I will take it from Danzo before turning rogue . I will also try to deal with obito or sasuke for getting sasuke's original eyes.

I have also decided to leave the village after the chunin exams or after the fight with Urasiki after showing my true prowess against him .

It would be amazing to see their faces when they come to know that not only has the last uchiha left them but also the demon fox they had all taken for granted .'

After all this I took a few scrolls on basic sealing and left to practice it .

After a few hours of practicing , I went to have lunch. Then I henged myself into iruka and bought few training weights and a training katana from the market and returned home .

In the evening I started tree climbing training, it took me a few hours to reach the middle of the tree from trial and error. It was night by then so I decided to have dinner and headed to sleep.

Next morning I woke up and had my breakfast. Then I made a basic routine for myself.

It had waking up in the morning , doing basic exercise , having breakfast, then going to the basement and reading the books on medical ninjutsu and chakra present there , learning and practicing sealing techniques ,having lunch, practicing d level jutsus in backyard, then doing tree climbing and leaf sticking exercise by the evening, doing all possible research on the bodies currently available to me , after that having dinner and then going to sleep.

This routine will mostly be continued till I enter academy.

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.....

PLS comments for future adjustment or if you wish for story to go in a certain direction...