
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

7...Daily life of a protagonist villain

Around a months has passed since I got my new home . Winter was in its full blow . Entire Konoha was covered in a blanket of snow and mist.

Naruto POV

Today I woke up in the morning and did my exercise inside the house as the backyard was covered in thick snow . After finishing my exercise I had my breakfast and then went to fireplace to light it . I saw that fire wood was almost over ,so I decided to go out and get some from the nearby forest. I took a few kunais a sealing scroll ,wore winter clothes and a muffler and then left the house .

On the way each and every civilian that crossed me either glared at me or looked at me with disgust and hate. There were even some ninjas who were releasing bloodlust at me , bloodlust from genin and chunin was blatantly obvious, however a few jonins also had hate for me which they hid well ,but I was able to feel and pinpoint it due to kagura's mind eye.

I understood their intentions, they wanted revenge for the massacre which they blamed on me , a mere child and an infant at the time of the incident, but i couldn't care less . They all knew that a child was not capable of such things, but these people couldn't accept that .The hatred had created a thick fog on their reasoning and judgment.

These people were beyond salvation. But I wouldn't give up on them I would give them salvation. I would give them the opportunity to offer their lives to me and my great purpose . they would offer their souls to me and I would free them from the bindings of the moral world forever.

I soon reached the forest area . I took out my kunai and coated it with wind nature chakra and chopped of nearly a dozen thin trees . After that I chopped them into small pieces and then sealed them inside the scroll.

While I was returning I crossed by a park , I suddenly heard someone call me , I turned towards the person and saw it was Sakura, she was calling me to return the ball wich was about 2 feet from me , just as I was about to move towards the ball I saw her that her mother almost ran to her , from what I remember she was also a council member, she went towards Sakura ans other children in her group and said something about demon and hokage and dragged Sakura away with her and other children dispersed as well after giving me a disgusted look.

Well I couldn't care less about them so I moved forward and tuned in the direction of my house. What I saw before me surprised me , then it clicked to me that, by the looks of it protagonist halo was working in full force today.

About 50 m away from me there was a lavender haired girl with pure white eyes on the road with three boys surrounding her . Yes you got it right she was the hyuga princess aka Hinata hyuga.

This also made me sure that I still had protagonist halo ,because what are the chances that you leave your home after a month, go out just to get firewood and stay on your path and still get to meet two members of the main cast one after the other .

I personally didn't want to get involved with any of the rest konoha 11 but I decided to help her because a gullible princess would be the best spy to get in hyuga clan.

I began to walk towards her ,the boys noticed me and began calling me demon *these little shits sure have guts* I still maintained my good guy persona and kept a smile on my face , I slowly began to release my chakra pressure on them which caused them to immediately shut up, two of the lackeys looked like they had seen an actual demon and the leader was also shaking . I politely asked them to leave, the leader tried to speak something but before he could utter a single word I increased my chakra pressure on him , he also showed the same expression as his lackeys and then all three of them ran as if their life depended on it.

After that I turned towards Hinata and helped her up.I introduce myself and asked her who she was . There was a slight blush present on her face . After she introduced herself I noticed that her scarf was torn from the previous encounter so I put my muffler around her neck . She had turned beet red by then (hehehehe looks like my plan is working).She was about to say something but I stopped her in between by saying that I needed to leave and we would meet some other time as I had noticed two jonin level chakra closing in on us.

After that I returned home.

Hinata POV

Today I went out of the clan compound after completing my exercise to enjoy the snow. While waking I went quite the distance away from the compound . I was sill engrossed in the scenery when suddenly three boys came near me and began calling me blind and started to make fun of my byakugan. One of them went forward and pushed me . Between all this scuffle my scarf also got torn. By then a Yellow haired boy came near us ,he had a kind look on his face with a small smile adorning him . He came near us and kindly asked the boys to go away ,but when he spoke I got the same feeling I get when I am near the clan elders . One of the boys tried to refute him but the same feeling like that of the elders suddenly increased .The three boys quickly ran away from there.

Then he turned towards me and helped me up . He kindly asked me if I was fine , he introduced himself as Naruto Uzumaki , then he saw that my scarf was torn so he put his muffler around my neck. I began to stutter but still managed to thank him . He said that he had some work left and quickly went away saying that if possible we will meet some other time .

After he went away soon my guards came and took me back home.

Thank you Naruto-kun for helping me . We will surely meet again.

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.....

PLS comments for future adjustment or if you wish for story to go in a certain direction...