
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

11...New Seals and freedom

Naruto POV

It has been three years since the uchiha massacre and it went exactly like the anime. Only sasuke was left alive albeit he took around two days to wake up due to him generously donating his blood to me .

The hyugas did show their anger and dissatisfaction for the attack on the guards but it was soon buried under the rugs as they were just servants or branch members as the hyugas call them.

I have befriended most of the clan kids except one or two . Among them most benificial was shikamaru as he couldn't help but blabber about the important discussions happening in the council meeting and topics discussed among adults to show-off his genius level intellect which he got to know from his father.

Brain of a nara , heh , more like brain of a donkey.

The most juicy information was when he told about someone called jinjuriki occupying 4th hokage's estate.

Apparently my parents owned three houses and a few hectares of land in the village.

One was an old uzumaki compound owned by my mother, a house which belonged to my father and the land which was jointly owned by both of them along which the house I am currently residing in .

The two houses and the plots were already liquidated to accommodate the losses of the kyuubi incident while leaving the third house which was protected by seals that can only be opened by a blood relative and that too not against the will of that person , so the house was left aside and ignored.

Apparently Danzo had got the information that I was occupying the house and raised the issue in the council meeting that the building should be sold so that the money can be used for the benefit of konoha. All of the merchants , most of the civilian council and a few no name clans had agreed to this proposal but the hokage told something to Danzo about jinjuriki knowing his rights and hearing this he backed down saying that he and the two advisors would like to discuss this matter with hokage in private . During the discussion the amount of money my parents had in their accounts which was around 3 billion ryo came up as well . It is also slowly being used for the so called 'betterment of konoha' .

I have also got the basics of gentle fist from Hinata.

My seal making was also coming along well . I have completed the seal which was most important right now , the chakra extraction seal , it is a customized version of the seal that was used by uzumakis on the prisoners to keep on extracting almost all their chakra and let them be with trace amount necessary to be alive . But unlike its predecessor, the seal I developed is able to extract a specific chakra and can also be stopped when needed . I have also created chakra containment seal which is to be developed further to make it hold at least 8 tails level chakra , it was only capable of holding super kage level chakra right now .

Today I was finally going to remove ashura's chakra from my body.

After returning from the academy I went inside the basement and made a shadow clone. I went to each corner of the room and placed a barrier seal over there, then I laid down concealment seals and activated both of them. I handed the chakra extraction and containment seal to the clone and took out container with Sasuke's blood and placed it in center of the room . I had noticed that ashura's chakra acted when I was near sasuke or was thinking about killing or related things , so I had the perfect plan to draw it out.

I sat in front of the container and began to concentrate. I started to repeat in my mind that I will kill Indra over and over. Soon I entered deep meditative state and even began to release bloodlust. Just then it happened, it was as if my mind was rejecting the idea of killing anything at all. I didn't stop and kept going on soon I felt as if someone was saying in my mind 'don't kill' almost trying to hypnotize me. I locked on to the feeling and soon felt ashura's chakra, I began to try to move it but at first it didn't even budge , it felt like it didn't exist , I didn't let go of the feeling and slowly started to guide it towards my right arm .

My clone noticed that a different chakra was being released from my right arm and activated the seals. Ashura's chakra started to get collected in the containment scroll. After half an hour almost mid kage level chakra was collected in it.

After the process was completed I kept the scroll along with sasuke's blood. I felt I was free as if some sort of weight was removed from my shoulders.

I also took notice of some problems in my actions till now . I had started to form actual bond with my so called 'friends' to the extent I was reluctant to use them for my benefit the best example would be me just taking the basics of gentle fist from Hinata rather than getting the entire technique from her . I had also become too trusting of people , after getting my house I never tried to know whether Hiruzen gave me my full inheritance, which he didn't . I also didn't check the anbu he sent to me to give supplies with kagura's mind eye.

I had began to trust them. Such mistakes cannot be repeated. After all trusting someone means relying on them and only weak do that. There is no place for weak in this world. I must become the strongest , no I will become the strongest no matter what.

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded soon.....