
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

12 Research on bloodline and first sharingan and byakugan

age 10 , low kage level chakra

Naruto POV

A few days have passed since I removed Ashura's chakra from my body after that I had also extracted Indra's chakra from Sasuke's blood which was just above chunin level.

I my research on uchiha and hyuga bloodline has given me substantial results. The sharingan had two different natures of chakra in it . The first was the owner's chakra which was used when the sharingan was activated before taking out the eyes and the second was a very miniscule amount of Indra's chakra bearing his will and curse of hatred. The owner's chakra can be extracted just through seals and after completely removing it the sharingan would turn off and also remove the problem of very high chakra consumption from it , but for removing Indra's chakra from it , outrageous amounts of chakra around high kage level was need to be continuously passed through the eye so that it can forcefully push indra's chakra out . This would remove the curse of hatred from the eye .

However removing indra's chakra from mangekyo sharingan was a completely different story as it needed super kage level of chakra.

Don't get me wrong sharingan still evolves from extreme emotions but after removing indra's chakra , it is not necessary for the sharingan to evolve just from hatred . Having extreme amounts of grief , sorrow or excitement can do the work , it might even possible to evolve it through extreme happiness or love but that's still questionable.

Byakugan on the other hand didn't have such problems with it and the ones I had collected were of top quality as they were from jonins. It just had trace of the original owner's chakra and by removing that the problem of excess chakra consumption would also be removed.

Today I was going to implant my first sharingan. I had reach a decent level of mastery in mystic plam jutsu . I had filled the containment scroll with my chakra and also purchased lenses to cover my eye.

After returning from academy , I went down to my basement and arranged all the equipments , after that I laid down extraction seal and kept a three tomoe sharingan over it and activated it , no reaction happened and after a few moments the sharingan got deactivated . I proceeded to take out the scroll containing my chakra and connected it to the sharingan through a seal . I activated it and huge amount of chakra began to flow through the sharingan , at first it swelled a little , then it got activated and began to shake . This continued till high kage level chakra was used up , then sharingan returned to normal.

After that I removed the sharingan and placed byakugan at its place . I placed an extraction seal on it and activated it . No reaction happened and after sometime the seal stopped after extracting the chakra form the eye .

After both the process ended I made a shadow clone and handed him the byakugan and the sharingan.

I went and sat on the table and ordered the clone to knock me out and implant the sharingan in my right eye and byakugan in my left eye .

The clone went forward and knocked me out and everything turned black.

Clone POV

I took both the eyes from the original and knocked him out . I laid him down on the table and stated the operation.

I kept his eyes open with the instruments and then proceeded to take it out slowly without damaging any nerves . First I removed the right eye and replaced it with the sharingan , then I activated mystic plam jutsu and headed it .

After doing the right eye, I removed the left one and replaced it with byakugan by doing the same process and healed it with mystic plam jutsu.

I took both of his original eyes and kept it in the container for future purposes. I proceeded

to wait for half an hour before waking the original up ad it would give him enough time to completely heal and adapt to the new eyes.

Naruto POV

The clone woke me up after the operation and then dispersed itself . I felt normal , there was no discomfort in my eyes .

I opened my eyes and the notice the difference between a doujutsu and normal eyes without even activating them as the world around me felt more colorful and vivid , I could also see the detail of objects around me more clearly.

I closed my left eye and activated the sharingan.

The world around me felt more colorful, I felt my chakra control increase. I was even able

to see the flapping of a fly's wings .

After that I deactivated my sharingan and byakugan turned on the byakugan and felt my chakra control break through and reach jonin level . I could see almost 360° around me except for the blind spot, and my coverage area was around 8 to 9 km .

Then I proceeded to activate both the eyes at once . Both of their results got mixed with a little deviation . My range ov vision from byakugan decreased to 8 km but I could see all the other things like chakra pathways and tenketsu points clearly and all the abilities of sharingan added on top of it.

After deactivating both the eyes , I wore blue lense to hide them .

I has completed my first project of getting a doujutsu which was more than successful as I got two of them . My future projects heavily depended on seals as the major processes for them were under the abilities of rinnegan which could only be replicated to a lesser extent by seals.

After being done with the transplantation I moved to my next task . I need to make a humongous storage seal as it would contain all my belongings after I defect from the village . I also need to make it on my arm.

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded soon.....