
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Komik
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113 Chs

Chunin Exams: Second Test 2!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 91: Chunin Exams: Second Test 2!

Jutsu of the day:

<Test Fixing no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


[Continued from Chapter 90]

Inside Training Ground 44



"This is as Mitsu-kun said… The second test is usually about survival. But as we need a Heaven Scroll, we should quickly find a team, check if they have the scroll or not, then we will put them to sleep, grab their scroll and go straight to the tower." I made the plan in one go.

Sasuke-san and Naruto-san simply nodded. They always went with my plans, after knowing Mitsu-kun was teaching me how to lead. They never made any protests.

I was glad they trusted Mitsu-kun and I that much. It brought a smile to my face.

"Okay, first we need a code word to make sure no one impersonates us… Not that they can with My and Sasuke-san's Doujutsus. But still to be safe… I think something simple will do… Any ideas?" I asked them.

"How bout 'Ramen is the food of God'?" Naruto-san interjected cheerfully.

"Sigh… You and Ramen… Think about something more appropriate Dobe…" Sasuke-san only sighed.

I giggled and said, "I think this isn't that bad. It's nice and simple... Let's just go with it."

I could see the reluctance in Sasuke-san's face, but he begrudgingly accepted.

We then started moving towards the center, as I ordered Naruto-san to make 100 Clones and transform them into animals to locate a team.

He did so expertly, and it only took us 10 minutes before we found a team that had the scroll we needed.

Naruto-san then explained, "It's one of the Iwa teams. They are very cautious and moving fast towards... what seems to be another team."

"I say we wait for them to attack the other team, and then we take them out when the opportunity arises." Sasuke-san added his two bits.

"Naruto-san, do you know what team they are going after?" I asked.

Shaking his head, he said, "I only know they are following a team, but I didn't get a good look at them yet. But I will have the information in a minute."

I nodded and said, "Alright! We will go on ahead and wait for them with an ambush. And when the time is right, we will knock them out as fast as we can. I will try to immobilize them with my senbons.

But I will need you as a distraction Naruto-san.

And Sasuke-san, your Genjutsu will come in handy there. Just use it to make me appear elsewhere, hiding my true position. Is that alright?" I asked.

They both nodded.

I smiled and said, "Alright, let's move out!"




"What a drag…" I couldn't help but say as I watched Ino literally manhandling one of the outcasts by herself.

"Hehehe… Thank you for the scroll and being my test subject, outcast-san. Don't worry the paralysis poison will wear off in an hour. Tooodles~" Saying so Ino walked towards us, her nose held high, and triumphed in her strides.

"See boys, this test wasn't so bad…" She declared.

I sighed…

I didn't know if we were too lucky or what… But I smelt something fishy going on.

But seeing no physical proof of it. I couldn't convince my teammates.

But my gut was telling me to wait and not rush to the tower, so I made a proposition.

"Hey Ino, there are probably many rare herbs and poison insects in this forest, right? So how bout we look for them? We might not get another chance. And Choji, remember that big boar earlier? Maybe we can have some nice grilled pork?"

I could see Choji already drooling while Ino glared at me.

"And do tell… Why must we stay in this stinking forest any longer than we need to?" She has gotten sharper…

"Sigh… I just have a bad feeling Ino… I feel like if we rush in, we will face one of the other monsters…" I answered truthfully. No point in lying to the people who watches your back.

"Tsk, fine." Ino simply said.


She agreed?

I looked at her incredulously.

Noticing my gaze, she only smirked, "Well… I am no longer that little girl… I have learned a lot, you know… And I have learned from a certain prince… to trust a Nara's intuitions."

Damn Mitsu… But at least this time this will help. But I was glad that the girl who was practically my sister was finally over her spoiled princess phase.


Did I say that out loud?

"No, but I can read you like a book. I am not SPOILED!" She looked at me menacingly.

I figured it would be best not to look at her, so I simply turned and walked away, ignoring Ino's mad yelling.


[Mitsu's Clone]


"Tsk, that Nara…

And I had such a nice fight planned for them too… He is too smart for his own good…

Welp… At least I know that his intuitions are still sharp.

Well, whatever, I will send the other Iwa team towards Gaara I guess… He himself should be strong enough to beat the crap out of them…" I muttered as I watched the Iwa team moving at a high speed.

I then subtly changed some trees to change their direction, and leaving behind 'subtle' clues for them to find another team.

I then used <Mayfly> to find my next target, as I had a gleeful expression.

"This will be entertaining." I chuckled.




"That idiot!" I muttered.

As I watched Lee rushed at the Silver haired Kumo Genin to block his attack.

"Fret not, my dear Sakura, the beautiful green beast of Konoha is here to your rescue." Lee said trying to act dashing.

But the girl in question only moved away from him, not even saying a simple 'thank you.' for saving her from certain broken ribs.

"Tsk. He isn't one of the 5… So his teammates might be near." The lazy looking Kumo Genin responded.

"This is not favorable for us… We should escape." The red head said as she dodged a kick from Kiba.

"Oh yeah? You think you bastards can escape?" Inuzuka Kiba shouted as he flexed his Katars.

"Tsk." The red head could only click her tongue as readied her tanto.

"These guys are stronger than we thought… Are they really freaking Rookies?" The blonde Kumo Genin stated. As he again tried to fry the bugs with his lightning, but whenever he tried to make hand seals, a Ninja wire would get in the way.

"There is no place for you to escape. Why? Because I have wire trapped all escape routes." Aburame Shino stated as he sent his bugs to suck more Chakra.

But I could tell that he was being cautious. I could already sense some of his bugs near me.

I didn't bother with it and kept on observing.

"Thick Brows-san? Why are you here?" The Sakura girl asked.

"Of course, your gallant beast is here to protect you." Lee made a nice guy pose as he turned his attention back to the Kumo Genin.

And the battle ensued.

The rookie duo were handling the Kumo Genins pretty well… A bit too well.

'They are around my level…' I frowned at that revelation.

But the pinkette was simply standing behind watching her two teammates battle with Lee.

The battle continued for 10 more minutes before the Red Head, who seemed to be the leader, shouted,

"Enough! You win!"

That stopped the fight, as she lowered her tanto and took out her "Earth" Scroll and threw it in the ground.

"Take it! It's not worth it." She gritted her teeth.

The Inuzuka and Aburame, scrutinized them for a few seconds before they both nodded.

Then the Aburame, took back his insects and unraveled his Ninja wires.

But before the Kumo Nijas could leave, I arrived before them, making them jump in surprise.

Though, before they could draw their weapons again, I asked, "What are your names?"

They glowered at me for a bit before stating.




And then they rushed towards another direction.

I then turned to the others and looked at the scroll, before looking at the rookies.

Inuzuka growled and said, "That scroll is ours."

That made me smirk.

"That means your other scroll is Heaven… We need the Heaven scroll… So let's fight for it!" Saying so, I unleashed my Byakugan and took my stance.

"Eh, Neji! But…" Lee seemed conflicted, so I told him.

"Lee… This is the Chunin exams. If we let our emotions get in our way, we will fail. Do you want that?"

Lee seemed conflicted for a second before turning serious.

He bowed low to the pink haired girl and apologized before jumping near me.

Ten Ten also arrived at that moment, "You guys weren't going to have fun without me, right?"

Seeing our full team, the rookies got into position.

"Lee… Lose the weight… We can't afford to hold back." Saying so, I rushed towards the Aburame. He was a better opponent for me, after all.




I watched as Gaara's sand coffin enclosed the second Iwa Ninja as he screamed in pain.

I grimaced a bit, but knowing my brother's personality, there was nothing I could do about it.

At least the guy Kankuro and I fought got to live…

After killing the Iwa Genin, Gaara looked at the last one, but I interjected.

"Gaara, we got the Earth Scroll. We can go to the tower."

He grunted uncaringly, but then nodded as his sand returned to his gourd.

Looking back at the Iwa Genin in pity, we quickly followed behind Gaara.


3rd July, Year 778

Inside Training Ground 44

[Mitsu's Clone]


3 days passed inside the training ground, and honestly… All those who I wanted to pass already passed and are inside the tower. Only Shikamaru's team is still loitering around, as Shikamaru simply liked being cautious.

Hina and the others made a new record of reaching the Tower in 2 hours and 5 minutes. Which shocked most of the Examiners, but they were happy as well, as the fastest team was from Konoha.

Oh, they even brought a red headed girl with them. Apparently, they 'Saved' her as her teammates died to wild animals… Mhmm! I had nothing to do with that. Umu, umu. Nothing at all.

The second team to pass was Gaara's. They took 4 hours to reach the tower.

Yes, it had nothing to do with me intervening and making them lost… Nope… Nothing at all.

The third team was surprisingly Team Guy. As they beat Team 8. But not without consequences.

An unconcious Neji was carried back by a beaten and almost broken Lee.

There was a new scar on Lee's face, which looked like 3 claw marks…

Ten Ten was the least hurt, but she too looked exhausted.

I was kind of disappointed that Team 8 lost that fight... But well, they did had a fight prior... And also had the Sakura-cap... Sigh... Well, they will make Chunin next time.

Other than them, Choujuro's team passed at the end of the second day.

No other team will pass this test. Well, other than Shikamaru's, unless they have to fight the Iwa team, Hina's team fought, or Team Samui. Hopefully they won't.

Other than that, there is no chance for them to pass…

As… *cough*… I may or may not have hidden all the other scrolls… *cough*.

The 5 outcasts were easily taken out. But for 'some reason' they kept appearing in front of the Kiri team, which lowered the competition by 3 teams. The other 2 met Team 7 and Team 10 respectively.

And Team Samui, no matter how much they searched, couldn't find another team...

I chuckled at the thought of the faces Raikage and Tsuchikage will make when they hear that none of their planted 'Genin' passed the test. It will be humiliating for them...

I mean, Samui's team were Chunin level and was held back due to the war. And Iwa's 2 teams were certified Chunin...

Such a shame.

This will make them give up their pride and 'Request' to be let into Konoha, as they have no other reason to be in the village. No excuses.

This should curb their arrogance a bit.

Thinking that far, I chuckled, as I couldn't wait for the next part of the exams!



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Well see ya all tomorrow!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts